scholarly journals Multiscale Structure and Evolution of Hurricane Earl (2010) during Rapid Intensification

2015 ◽  
Vol 143 (2) ◽  
pp. 536-562 ◽  
Robert F. Rogers ◽  
Paul D. Reasor ◽  
Jun A. Zhang

Abstract The structure and evolution of Hurricane Earl (2010) during its rapid intensification as sampled by aircraft is studied here. Rapid intensification occurs in two stages. During the early stage, covering ~24 h, Earl was a tropical storm experiencing moderate northeasterly shear with an asymmetric distribution of convection, and the symmetric structure was shallow, broad, and diffuse. The upper-level circulation center was significantly displaced from the lower-level circulation at the beginning of this stage. Deep, vigorous convection—termed convective bursts—was located on the east side of the storm and appeared to play a role in positioning the upper-level cyclonic circulation center above the low-level center. By the end of this stage the vortex was aligned and extended over a deep layer, and rapid intensification began. During the late stage, rapid intensification continued as Earl intensified ~20 m s−1 during the next 24 h. The vortex remained aligned in the presence of weaker vertical shear, although azimuthal asymmetries persisted that were characteristic of vortices in shear. Convective bursts concentrated near the radius of maximum winds, with the majority located inside the radius of maximum winds. Each of the two stages described here raises questions about the role of convective- and vortex-scale processes in rapid intensification. During the early stage, the focus is on the role of convective bursts and their associated mesoscale convective system on vortex alignment and the onset of rapid intensification. During the late stage, the focus is on the processes that explain the observed radial distribution of convective bursts that peak inside the radius of maximum winds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 147 (12) ◽  
pp. 4567-4588 ◽  
Dragana Zovko-Rajak ◽  
Todd P. Lane ◽  
Robert D. Sharman ◽  
Stanley B. Trier

Abstract An observed turbulence encounter that occurred outside a mesoscale convective system over the central United States on 3 June 2005 is investigated using observations and high-resolution numerical modeling. Here, the mechanisms associated with the observed moderate-to-severe turbulence during the evolution of this convective system are examined. Comparison between aircraft-observed eddy dissipation rate data with satellite and radar shows that a majority of turbulence reports are located on the south side and outside of a nocturnal mesoscale convective system (MCS), relatively large distances from the active convective regions. Simulations show that divergent storm-induced upper-level outflow reduces the environmental flow on the south side of the MCS, while on the north and northwest side it enhances the environmental flow. This upper-level storm outflow enhances the vertical shear near the flight levels and contributes to mesoscale reductions in Richardson number to values that support turbulence. In addition to the role of the MCS-induced outflow, high-resolution simulations (1.1-km horizontal grid spacing) show that turbulence is largely associated with a large-amplitude gravity wave generated by the convective system, which propagates away from it. As the wave propagates in the region with enhanced vertical shear caused by the storm-induced upper-level outflow, it amplifies, overturns, and breaks down into turbulence. The location of the simulated turbulence relative to the storm agrees with the observations and the analysis herein provides insight into the key processes underlying this event.

2021 ◽  
pp. 074823372110394
Yujing Zhang ◽  
Shuai Huang ◽  
Shiyi Tan ◽  
Mingke Chen ◽  
Shang Yang ◽  

Occupational exposure to silica dust is related to pulmonary inflammation and silicosis. Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) could aggravate apoptosis in alveolar macrophages (AMs) of human silicosis through autophagy, yet how the reduction of autophagy attenuated LPS-induced lung injury and the related mechanisms need to be investigated. In the study, we aim to understand the role of 3-methyladenine (3-MA), an inhibitor of autophagy, in LPS-mediated inflammatory responses and fibrosis. We collected AMs from observers/silicosis patients. The results showed that LPS induced NF-κB-related pulmonary inflammation in observers and silicosis patients, as confirmed by an increase in the expression of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and p65, which could be inhibited by 3-MA treatment. In mice models, at the early stage (7d) of silicosis, but not the late (28d) stage, blocking autophagy reversed the increased levels of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and p65 caused by LPS. Mechanism study revealed that LPS triggered the expression of LC3 II, p62, and cleaved caspase-3 at the early stage exposed to silica, which could be restored by 3-MA, while there was no difference in the expression of LAMP1 either at the early or late stage of silicosis in different groups. Similarly, 3-MA treatment did not prevent fibrosis characterized by destroyed alveoli, collagen deposition, and increased expression of α-SMA and Col-1 induced by LPS at the late stage of silicosis. The results suggested that 3-MA has a role in the protection of lung injury at the early stage of silicosis and provided an experimental basis for preventive strategies of pulmonary inflammation and silicosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 148 (5) ◽  
pp. 2009-2032 ◽  
Andrew T. Hazelton ◽  
Xuejin Zhang ◽  
Sundararaman Gopalakrishnan ◽  
William Ramstrom ◽  
Frank Marks ◽  

Abstract The FV3GFS is the current operational Global Forecast System (GFS) at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), which combines a finite-volume cubed sphere dynamical core (FV3) and GFS physics. In this study, FV3GFS is used to gain understanding of rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (TCs) in shear. The analysis demonstrates the importance of TC structure in a complex system like Hurricane Michael, which intensified to a category 5 hurricane over the Gulf of Mexico despite over 20 kt (10 m s−1) of vertical wind shear. Michael’s RI is examined using a global-nest FV3GFS ensemble with the nest at 3-km resolution. The ensemble shows a range of peak intensities from 77 to 159 kt (40–82 m s−1). Precipitation symmetry, vortex tilt, moisture, and other aspects of Michael’s evolution are compared through composites of stronger and weaker members. The 850–200-hPa vertical shear is 22 kt (11 m s−1) in the mean of both strong and weak members during the early stage. Tilt and moisture are two distinguishing factors between strong and weak members. The relationship between vortex tilt and humidification is complex, and other studies have shown both are important for sheared intensification. Here, it is shown that tilt reduction leads to upshear humidification and is thus a driving factor for intensification. A stronger initial vortex and early evolution of the vortex also appear to be the key to members that are able to resist the sheared environment.

2009 ◽  
Vol 137 (6) ◽  
pp. 1972-1990 ◽  
Stanley B. Trier ◽  
Robert D. Sharman

Abstract Widespread moderate turbulence was recorded on three specially equipped commercial airline flights over northern Kansas near the northern edge of the extensive cirrus anvil of a nocturnal mesoscale convective system (MCS) on 17 June 2005. A noteworthy aspect of the turbulence was its location several hundred kilometers from the active deep convection (i.e., large reflectivity) regions of the MCS. Herein, the MCS life cycle and the turbulence environment in its upper-level outflow are studied using Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) analyses and cloud-permitting simulations with the Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF). It is demonstrated that strong vertical shear beneath the MCS outflow jet is critical to providing an environment that could support dynamic (e.g., shearing type) instabilities conducive to turbulence. Comparison of a control simulation to one in which the temperature tendency due to latent heating was eliminated indicates that strong vertical shear and corresponding reductions in the local Richardson number (Ri) to ∼0.25 at the northern edge of the anvil were almost entirely a consequence of the MCS-induced westerly outflow jet. The large vertical shear is found to decrease Ri both directly, and by contributing to reductions in static stability near the northern anvil edge through differential advection of (equivalent) potential temperature gradients, which are in turn influenced by adiabatic cooling associated with the mesoscale updraft located upstream within the anvil. On the south side of the MCS, the vertical shear associated with easterly outflow was significantly offset by environmental westerly shear, which resulted in larger Ri and less widespread model turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) than at the northern anvil edge.

2013 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-162 ◽  
Hua Chen ◽  
Da-Lin Zhang

Abstract Previous studies have focused mostly on the roles of environmental factors in the rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (TCs) because of the lack of high-resolution data in inner-core regions. In this study, the RI of TCs is examined by analyzing the relationship between an upper-level warm core, convective bursts (CBs), sea surface temperature (SST), and surface pressure falls from 72-h cloud-permitting predictions of Hurricane Wilma (2005) with the finest grid size of 1 km. Results show that both the upper-level inertial stability increases and static stability decreases sharply 2–3 h prior to RI, and that the formation of an upper-level warm core, from the subsidence of stratospheric air associated with the detrainment of CBs, coincides with the onset of RI. It is found that the development of CBs precedes RI, but most subsidence warming radiates away by gravity waves and storm-relative flows. In contrast, many fewer CBs occur during RI, but more subsidence warming contributes to the balanced upper-level cyclonic circulation in the warm-core (as intense as 20°C) region. Furthermore, considerable CB activity can still take place in the outer eyewall as the storm weakens during its eyewall replacement. A sensitivity simulation, in which SSTs are reduced by 1°C, shows pronounced reductions in the upper-level warm-core intensity and CB activity. It is concluded that significant CB activity in the inner-core regions is an important ingredient in generating the upper-level warm core that is hydrostatically more efficient for the RI of TCs, given all of the other favorable environmental conditions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 148 (1) ◽  
pp. 289-311 ◽  
Adam Varble ◽  
Hugh Morrison ◽  
Edward Zipser

Abstract Simulations of a squall line observed on 20 May 2011 during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) using 750- and 250-m horizontal grid spacing are performed. The higher-resolution simulation has less upshear-tilted deep convection and a more elevated rear inflow jet than the coarser-resolution simulation in better agreement with radar observations. A stronger cold pool eventually develops in the 250-m run; however, the more elevated rear inflow counteracts the cold pool circulation to produce more upright convective cores relative to the 750-m run. The differing structure in the 750-m run produces excessive midlevel front-to-rear detrainment, reinforcing excessive latent cooling and rear inflow descent at the rear of the stratiform region in a positive feedback. The contrasting mesoscale circulations are connected to early stage deep convective draft differences in the two simulations. Convective downdraft condensate mass, latent cooling, and downward motion all increase with downdraft area similarly in both simulations. However, the 750-m run has a relatively greater number of wide and fewer narrow downdrafts than the 250-m run averaged to the same 750-m grid, a consequence of downdrafts being under-resolved in the 750-m run. Under-resolved downdrafts in the 750-m run are associated with under-resolved updrafts and transport mid–upper-level zonal momentum downward to low levels too efficiently in the early stage deep convection. These results imply that under-resolved convective drafts in simulations may vertically transport air too efficiently and too far vertically, potentially biasing buoyancy and momentum distributions that impact mesoscale convective system evolution.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-27 ◽  
Yung-Hao Wong ◽  
Chia-Chou Wu ◽  
Chih-Lung Lin ◽  
Ting-Shou Chen ◽  
Tzu-Hao Chang ◽  

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major liver tumor (~80%), besides hepatoblastomas, angiosarcomas, and cholangiocarcinomas. In this study, we used a systems biology approach to construct protein-protein interaction networks (PPINs) for early-stage and late-stage liver cancer. By comparing the networks of these two stages, we found that the two networks showed some common mechanisms and some significantly different mechanisms. To obtain differential network structures between cancer and noncancer PPINs, we constructed cancer PPIN and noncancer PPIN network structures for the two stages of liver cancer by systems biology method using NGS data from cancer cells and adjacent noncancer cells. Using carcinogenesis relevance values (CRVs), we identified 43 and 80 significant proteins and their PPINs (network markers) for early-stage and late-stage liver cancer. To investigate the evolution of network biomarkers in the carcinogenesis process, a primary pathway analysis showed that common pathways of the early and late stages were those related to ordinary cancer mechanisms. A pathway specific to the early stage was the mismatch repair pathway, while pathways specific to the late stage were the spliceosome pathway, lysine degradation pathway, and progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation pathway. This study provides a new direction for cancer-targeted therapies at different stages.

2015 ◽  
Vol 143 (6) ◽  
pp. 2207-2223 ◽  
Gabriel Susca-Lopata ◽  
Jonathan Zawislak ◽  
Edward J. Zipser ◽  
Robert F. Rogers

Abstract An investigation into the possible causes of the rapid intensification (RI) of Hurricane Earl (2010) is carried out using a combination of global analyses, aircraft Doppler radar data, and observations from passive microwave satellites and a long-range lightning network. Results point to an important series of events leading to, and just after, the onset of RI, all of which occur despite moderate (7–12 m s−1) vertical wind shear present. Beginning with an initially vertically misaligned vortex, observations indicate that asymmetric deep convection, initially left of shear but not distinctly up- or downshear, rotates into more decisively upshear regions. Following this convective rotation, the vortex becomes aligned and precipitation symmetry increases. The potential contributions to intensification from each of these structural changes are discussed. The radial distribution of intense convection relative to the radius of maximum wind (RMW; determined from Doppler wind retrievals) is estimated from microwave and lightning data. Results indicate that intense convection is preferentially located within the upper-level (8 km) RMW during RI, lending further support to the notion that intense convection within the RMW promotes tropical cyclone intensification. The distribution relative to the low-level RMW is more ambiguous, with intense convection preferentially located just outside of the low-level RMW at times when the upper-level RMW is much greater than the low-level RMW.

2003 ◽  
Vol 94 (3) ◽  
pp. 1204-1212 ◽  
Barbara E. Taylor ◽  
Michael B. Harris ◽  
E. Lee Coates ◽  
Matthew J. Gdovin ◽  
J. C. Leiter

Central CO2 chemoreception and the role of carbonic anhydrase were assessed in brain stems from Rana catesbeiana tadpoles and frogs. Buccal and lung rhythms were recorded from cranial nerve VII and spinal nerve II during normocapnia and hypercapnia before and after treatment with 25 μM acetazolamide. The lung response to acetazolamide mimicked the hypercapnic response in early-stage and midstage metamorphic tadpoles and frogs. In late-stage tadpoles, acetazolamide actually inhibited hypercapnic responses. Acetazolamide and hypercapnia decreased the buccal frequency but had no effect on the buccal duty cycle. Carbonic anhydrase activity was present in the brain stem in every developmental stage. Thus more frequent lung ventilation and concomitantly less frequent buccal ventilation comprised the hypercapnic response, but the response to acetazolamide was not consistent during metamorphosis. Therefore, acetazolamide is not a useful tool for central CO2 chemoreceptor studies in this species. The reversal of the effect of acetazolamide in late-stage metamorphosis may reflect reorganization of central chemosensory processes during the final transition from aquatic to aerial respiration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7_suppl3) ◽  
pp. 2325967121S0016
Prem Kumar Thirunagari ◽  
Nancy Phu ◽  
David Tramutolo ◽  
Hector Rieiro ◽  
Tanya Polec ◽  

Background: Oculomotor and visual processing deficits occur commonly after brain injury in young athletes. A subset of these concussed athletes do experience prolonged recoveries or PPCS with ongoing oculomotor deficits and visual symptoms. There have been limited studies conducted to determine the significance of oculomotor tracking (OMT) testing in the pediatric population, and even less investigating the role of microsaccades. Hence, investigations on microsaccades(MS), physiological adjustive micro eye movements critical in visual processing and central/peripheral visual integration, may provide insight on the role of visual dysfunction in PPCS course, prognosis, and management. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify possible MS rate trends and differences between early and late stage PPCS pediatric patients. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 41 pediatric patients with PPCS or symptoms greater than one month from injury. Data was collected from 7/1/2018 to 12/1/2019 and the age group ranged from 8 to 21 years. For each participant, using the OMT device we measured the number of saccades generated, the size and speed of the microsaccades, the area covered and the ratio of vertical-to-horizontal direction component of the fixational eye movements, using a 250 Hz video-eye tracker mounted inside a HTC Vive VR headset. Participants were instructed to fixate on a central dot for 140 seconds, in 20-second intervals. Patients were classified into early or late stages of PPCS (early stage: 1-6 months; late stage: >6 months) to compare MS rate between stages. Exclusion criteria included history of visual disorders, learning disorders, seizure disorder, or intracranial hemorrhage. Results: 27 patients were in the early stage while 14 patients were in the late stage. The early stage group had a mean MS rate of 125 beats/min while the late stage group had a mean MS rate of 116 beats/min. A two sample t-test assuming no difference between early and late stage patients resulted in a p value of 0.51. Conclusion: There is a potential trend in declining MS numbers with progressive PPCS stage. Although the t-test didn’t show statistical significance, this could be due to the small sample size of our study. Future studies are needed to validate this initial finding and to identify the significance of microsaccade patterns in concussion prognosis and management. [Figure: see text]

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