asymmetric distribution
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Ye Yuan ◽  
Changyong Gao ◽  
zhexu Wang ◽  
Jianming Fan ◽  
Haofei Zhou ◽  

We report an enzyme-powered upconversion-nanoparticles-functionalized Janus micromotor, prepared by immobilizing uricase asymmetrically onto the surface of silicon particles, to actively and rapidly detect uric acid. The asymmetric distribution of uricase...


The effect of asymmetric lateral linking groups on the electronic transport is investigated in the biphenyl molecule-based device with gold electrodes with the framework of density functional theory and nonequilibrium Green’s function. The asymmetric lateral linking groups reduce the currents of molecular junctions, and result in the reverse rectifying behavior. The devices with asymmetric lateral linking groups –SH and –SCH3 have maximum rectifying ratios, while the asymmetric lateral linking group –SH and –NH2 cause minimum rectifying ratios. The calculated results suggest that the asymmetric lateral linking group induces the reduced coupling between molecule and right electrode, asymmetric distribution of frontier molecular orbital and asymmetric evolution of the molecular orbital eigenenergies, accounting for the rectifying behavior.

Matteo Faganello ◽  
Manuela Sisti ◽  
Francesco Califano ◽  
Benoit Lavraud

Abstract A 3D two-fluid simulation, using plasma parameters as measured by MMS on September 8th 2015, shows the nonlinear development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the Earth’s magnetopause. It shows an extremely rich dynamics, including the development of a complex magnetic topology, vortex merging and secondary instabilities. Vortex induced and mid-latitude magnetic reconnection coexist and produce an asymmetric distribution of magnetic reconnection events. Off-equator reconnection exhibits a predominance of events in the southern hemisphere during the early nonlinear phase, as observed by satellites at the dayside magnetopause. The late nonlinear phase shows the development of vortex pairing for all latitudes while secondary Kelvin-Helmholtz instability develops only in the northern hemisphere leading to an enhancement of the occurrence of off-equator reconnection there. Since vortices move tailward while evolving, this suggests that reconnection events in the northern hemisphere should dominate at the nightside magnetopause.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2409
Manuel Ramírez-Sánchez ◽  
Isabel Prieto ◽  
Ana Belén Segarra ◽  
Inmaculada Banegas ◽  
Magdalena Martínez-Cañamero ◽  

Despite the ancestral evidence of an asymmetry in motor predominance, going through the inspiring discoveries of Broca and Wernicke on the localization of language processing, continuing with the subsequent noise coinciding with the study of brain function in commissurotomized patients—and the subsequent avalanche of data on the asymmetric distribution of multiple types of neurotransmitters in physiological and pathological conditions—even today, the functional significance of brain asymmetry is still unknown. Currently, multiple evidence suggests that functional asymmetries must have a neurochemical substrate and that brain asymmetry is not a static concept but rather a dynamic one, with intra- and inter-hemispheric interactions between its various processes, and that it is modifiable depending on changing endogenous and environmental conditions. Furthermore, based on the concept of neurovisceral integration in the overall functioning of an organism, some evidence has emerged suggesting that this integration could be organized asymmetrically, using the autonomic nervous system as a bidirectional communication pathway, whose performance would also be asymmetric. However, the functional significance of this distribution, as well as the evolutionary advantage of an asymmetric nervous organization, is still unknown.

Development ◽  
2021 ◽  
Man-chun Ting ◽  
D'Juan T. Farmer ◽  
Camilla S. Teng ◽  
Jinzhi He ◽  
Yang Chai ◽  

A major feature of Saethre-Chotzen syndrome is coronal craniosynostosis, the fusion of the frontal and parietal bones at the coronal suture. It is caused by heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in either of the basic HLH transcription factors TWIST1 and TCF12. While compound heterozygous Tcf12; Twist1 mice display severe coronal synostosis, the individual role of Tcf12 had remained unexplored. Here we show that Tcf12 controls several key processes in calvarial development, including the rate of frontal and parietal bone growth, and the boundary between sutural and osteogenic cells. Genetic analysis supports an embryonic requirement for Tcf12 in suture formation, as combined deletion of Tcf12 in embryonic neural crest and mesoderm, but not in postnatal suture mesenchyme, disrupts the coronal suture. We also detect asymmetric distribution of mesenchymal cells on opposing sides of the wild-type frontal and parietal bones, which prefigures later bone overlap at the sutures. In Tcf12 mutants, reduced asymmetry is associated with bones meeting end-on-end, possibly contributing to synostosis. Our results support embryonic requirements of Tcf12 in proper formation of the overlapping coronal suture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 52-54
Hristiana Georgieva ◽  
Rossen Nedialkov

The K-silicate-sericitic alteration is one of the well-preserved hydrothermal alterations at the Elatsite porphyry-copper gold deposit (PCGD). It is observed in all lithological varieties, but shows asymmetric distribution of the secondary products. The alteration is genetically related with the occurrence of the K-silicate and Na-Ca-K-silicate alteration. The K-silicate-sericitic alteration has simple mineral content which includes mainly chlorite and sericite. The temperature of formation of the alteration is estimated between 250–268 °C.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ido Caspy ◽  
Tom Schwartz ◽  
Vinzenz Bayro-Kaiser ◽  
Mariia Fadeeva ◽  
Amit Kessel ◽  

AbstractWater molecules play a pivotal functional role in photosynthesis, primarily as the substrate for Photosystem II (PSII). However, their importance and contribution to Photosystem I (PSI) activity remains obscure. Using a high-resolution cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) PSI structure from a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii temperature-sensitive photoautotrophic PSII mutant (TSP4), a conserved network of water molecules - dating back to cyanobacteria - was uncovered, mainly in the vicinity of the electron transport chain (ETC). The high-resolution structure illustrated that the water molecules served as a ligand in every chlorophyll that was missing a fifth magnesium coordination in the PSI core and in the light-harvesting complexes (LHC). The asymmetric distribution of the water molecules near the ETC branches modulated their electrostatic landscape, distinctly in the space between the quinones and FX. The data also disclosed the first observation of eukaryotic PSI oligomerisation through a low-resolution PSI dimer that was comprised of PSI-10LHC and PSI-8LHC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. L23
Yi-Han Wang ◽  
Barry McKernan ◽  
Saavik Ford ◽  
Rosalba Perna ◽  
Nathan W. C. Leigh ◽  

Abstract The disks of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) may be important sites of binary black hole (BBH) mergers. Here we show via numerical experiments with the high-accuracy, high-precision code SpaceHub that broken symmetry in dynamical encounters in AGN disks can lead to asymmetry between prograde and retrograde BBH mergers. The direction of the hardening asymmetry depends on the initial binary semimajor axis. Under the assumption that the spin of the BHs becomes aligned with the angular momentum of the disk on a short timescale compared with the encounter timescale, an asymmetric distribution of mass-weighted projected spin χ eff is predicted in LIGO–Virgo detections of BBH mergers from AGN disks. In particular, this model predicts that positive χ eff BBH mergers are most likely for encounters with massive tertiaries in migration traps at radial distances ≳500–600 gravitational radii.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 186
P. Hoeflich ◽  
C. Ashall ◽  
S. Bose ◽  
E. Baron ◽  
M. D. Stritzinger ◽  

Abstract We present and analyze a near-infrared (NIR) spectrum of the underluminous Type Ia supernova SN 2020qxp/ASASSN-20jq obtained with NIRES at the Keck Observatory, 191 days after B-band maximum. The spectrum is dominated by a number of broad emission features, including the [Fe ii] at 1.644 μm, which is highly asymmetric with a tilted top and a peak redshifted by ≈2000 km s−1. In comparison with 2D non-LTE synthetic spectra computed from 3D simulations of off-center delayed-detonation Chandrasekhar-mass (M ch) white dwarf (WD) models, we find good agreement between the observed lines and the synthetic profiles, and are able to unravel the structure of the progenitor’s envelope. We find that the size and tilt of the [Fe ii] 1.644 μm profile (in velocity space) is an effective way to determine the location of an off-center delayed-detonation transition (DDT) and the viewing angle, and it requires a WD with a high central density of ∼4 × 109 g cm−3. We also tentatively identify a stable Ni feature around 1.9 μm characterized by a “pot-belly” profile that is slightly offset with respect to the kinematic center. In the case of SN 2020qxp/ASASSN-20jq, we estimate that the location of the DDT is ∼0.3M WD off center, which gives rise to an asymmetric distribution of the underlying ejecta. We also demonstrate that low-luminosity and high-density WD SN Ia progenitors exhibit a very strong overlap of Ca and 56Ni in physical space. This results in the formation of a prevalent [Ca ii] 0.73 μm emission feature that is sensitive to asymmetry effects. Our findings are discussed within the context of alternative scenarios, including off-center C/O detonations in He-triggered sub-M Ch WDs and the direct collision of two WDs. Snapshot programs with Gemini/Keck/Very Large Telescope (VLT)/ELT-class instruments and our spectropolarimetry program are complementary to mid-IR spectra by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

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