Communicating allyship according to college students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

2021 ◽  
pp. 026540752110617
Jennifer A. Kam ◽  
Monica Cornejo ◽  
Roselia Mendez Murillo ◽  
Tamara D. Afifi

Given the stress that college students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) experience and their minoritized status, some colleges have offered allyship training that informs campus personnel of the unique experiences of DACA and DACA-ineligible students. Although such trainings are promising, limited research has explored what actions communicate allyship to undocumented college students, including those with DACA. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 40 DACA college students and identified six themes: (a) allyship as an action-oriented, lifelong learning process, (b) allyship through supportive communication, (c) allyship without judgment or abnormal treatment, (d) visible allyship through the creation of safe spaces, (e) allyship as advocacy, and (f) allyship without self-promotion. Academics and activists have conceptualized and critiqued allyship. Nevertheless, this study extends past work by considering how DACA college students view the communication of allyship, which is important if allyship is to be encouraged or challenged in higher education and elsewhere.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-370
Sufirmansyah Sufirmansyah

This article examines the actualization of andragogical learning strategies for higher education in disruption era. Disruption era as an effect of globalization demands optimal integrity of an individual so that they can live their lives well. College students as adult learners are expected to be able to interpret and work around so that the learning they do can run effectively for their future. The library research qualitative approach is chosen in order to compile various relevant references related to andragogical learning strategies in a holistic manner. Based on studies from several references, it can be concluded that andragogy is very relevant to the needs of college students as adult learners. Desire to learn, ability to learn, means to learn, and need to learn become the consideration of the relevance of the concept of andragogy to the needs of college students. On the other hand, the principle of andragogy is also very synergistic with the development of learning independence from a learner. The development of a very rapid disruption era led to changes in learning patterns, from teacher centered to student centered. The andragogical learning process must consider the learner's needs and some aspects of individuality as uniqueness and potential that must be developed. The assumptions that underlie andagoogical learning strategies in tertiary institutions are that students must understand their learning orientation, have a responsible self-concept, learn their life experiences, realize their readiness to learn, learn in concrete, and strengthen their intrinsic motivation. The actualization of andragogical learning strategies can be maximized by studying the learning process contextually, increasing participation in learning, and utilizing the advancement of science and technology. The internet must be optimized as a learning aid so that college students can understand the current conditions of the environment that they will face in the real world. Thus, the demands of the disruption era can be overcome through the actualization of andragogical learning strategies. تبحث هذه المقالة في تفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية للتعليم العالي في عصر الاضطراب. إن عصر الاضطراب كأثر للعولمة يتطلب سلامة مثالية للفرد حتى يتمكنوا من عيش حياتهم بشكل جيد. من المتوقع أن يتمكن الطلاب والمتعلمون فى الجامعة من التأويل والعمل حتى يتمكنوا من التعلم بفعالية من أجل مستقبلهم. يتم اختيار نهج نوعية البحث المكتبية من أجل تجميع مختلف المراجع ذات الصلة المتعلقة باستراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية andragogical بطريقة شاملة. استنادًا إلى دراسات من عدة مراجع ، يمكن استنتاج أن الاندروجرافية وثيقة الصلة باحتياجات الطلاب كمتعلمين بالغين. الرغبة في التعلم ، والقدرة على التعلم ، ووسائل التعلم ، والحاجة إلى التعلم تصبح النظر في أهمية مفهوم الاندروجرافية andragogy لاحتياجات الطلاب. من ناحية أخرى ، فإن مبدأ الاندروجرافية هو أيضا تآزري للغاية مع تطوير استقلالية التعلم من المتعلم. أدى تطور عصر سريع للغاية من الاضطراب إلى تغييرات في أنماط التعلم ، من المعلم الذي يركز على الطلاب. يجب أن تؤخذ عملية التعلم الاندروجرافية بعين الاعتبار عن احتياجات المتعلم وبعض جوانب الفردية كالتفرد والإمكانات التي يجب تطويرها. إن الافتراضات التي تكمن وراء استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية في مؤسسات التعليم العالي هي أن الطلاب يجب أن يفهموا توجههم التعلمي ، وأن يكون لديهم مفهوم ذاتي عن المسؤول ، وأن يتعلموا خبرات حياتهم ، وأن يدركوا استعدادهم للتعلم ، والتعلم بشكل ملموس ، وتعزيز دافعهم الداخلي. يمكن تعظيم الاستفادة من استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية من خلال دراسة عملية التعلم في السياق ، وزيادة المشاركة في التعلم ، والاستفادة من تقدم العلوم والتكنولوجيا. يجب تحسين الإنترنت كمساعدات تعليمية حتى يتمكن الطلاب من فهم الظروف الحالية للبيئة التي سيواجهونها في العالم الحقيقي. وبالتالي ، يمكن التغلب على متطلبات عصر الاضطراب من خلال تفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية. Artikel ini mengkaji aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis bagi pendidikan tinggi di era disrupsi. Era disrupsi sebagai efek globalisasi menuntut integritas optimal dari seorang individu agar mereka dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan baik. Mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dewasa diharapkan mampu memaknai sekaligus menyiasati agar pembelajaran yang mereka lakukan dapat berjalan secara efektif demi masa depan mereka. Pendekatan kualitatif berjenis library research dipilih dalam rangka merangkai berbagai referensi yang relevan terkait dengan strategi pembelajaran andragogis secara holistik. Berdasarkan kajian dari beberapa referensi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa andragogi sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dewasa. Desire to learn, ability to learn, means to learn, serta need to learn menjadi pertimbangan relevansi konsep andragogi dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa. Di sisi lain, prinsip andragogi juga sangat sinergis dengan pengembangan kemandirian belajar dari seorang pembelajar. Perkembangan era disrupsi yang sangat pesat mendorong perubahan pola pembelajaran, dari teacher centered menju student centered. Proses pembelajaran andragogis harus mempertimbangkan kebutuhan pembelajar serta beberapa aspek individualitasnya sebagai keunikan dan potensi yang harus dikembangkan. Asumsi yang mendasari strategi pembelajaran andragoogis di perguruan tinggi diantaranaya yaitu mahasiswa harus memahami orientasi belajarnya, memiliki konsep diri yang bertanggung jawab, mempelajari pengalaman hidupnya, menyadari kesiapan belajarnya, belajar secara konkret, serta menguatkan motivasi intrinsiknya. Adapun aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis dapat dimaksimalkan dengan cara mengkaji proses pembelajaran secara kontekstual, meningkatkan partisipasi dalam pembelajaran, serta memanfaatkan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Internet harus dioptimalkan sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran agar mahasiswa dapat memahami kondisi terkini dari lingkungan yang ia akan hadapi di dunia nyata. Dengan demikian, tuntutan era disrupsi dapat diatasi melalui aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis.

Richard Morfopoulos ◽  
Catherine Tyrie

This chapter examines social entrepreneurship as a lifelong learning opportunity. It considers how people engage in, and learn from, social entrepreneurship as children, college students, mature adults, and seniors. Social entrepreneurship can start as early as childhood. The chapter examines how the field of social entrepreneurship developed and it’s link to corporate social responsibility. Social entrepreneurship is described as a learning process. Programs and methods for learning and supporting social entrepreneurship are described for people at different life stages. The chapter demonstrates that engagement in social entrepreneurship activities in one’s community or with one’s corporate colleagues can be a key to lifelong satisfaction and learning while repairing the world, locally or globally.

Akrum Helfaya ◽  
James O'Neill

This article describes how assessment and feedback represent two key factors that affect students' learning. Using e-assessment with prompt e-feedback reduces the gap between present and desired performance and is considered to be a reflexive and dynamic system in dealing with the new generation of digital natives. Action research was used to investigate students' perception of using computer-based assessment (CBA) and/or computer-based feedback (CBF) in teaching and learning process. Both semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted with 44 UG students to assess their perceptions of using CBA and CBF. Findings show that students are generally agreed on the use of and benefits of CBA and/or CBF in teaching accounting and non-accounting modules. For example, these results reveal that many participants valued working online compared to traditional assessment and appreciated the instant feedback they received. Additionally, technology can provide an avenue for assessment and personalised and comprehensive prompt feedback that diverse and digital students need in the 21st Century Higher Education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Bhawana Shrestha

This paper explores the perspective of college students regarding emotional intelligence in higher education. A great number of changes in the education system globally has developed new expectations for teachers. These days, teachers are not just the authority in a classroom but a mentor. Thus, emotions play a significant role in the teaching and learning process. This paper argues that mastery in subject matter does not make the best teacher in the eyes of students, rather emotional intelligence does. Emotional intelligence is neither the opposite of intelligence nor just the battle between mind and heart but it is the unique intersection of both. Quantitative research was done with 201 college students from different educational backgrounds. The data was analyzed with the theoretical modality influenced by Daniel Goleman's ‘Emotional Intelligence' method. The first part of the research explores what aspects of teacher’s students associate with being the best, and the second portion explores what behaviors the students want in their teachers in general. This research helps to identify emotional intelligence, a new domain introduced in the teaching and learning process, as significant, even from the student's perspective. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, higher education, teaching-learning, perspectives

Muhammad Amir Saeed

Learner autonomy is considered as one of the most important factors contributing to lifelong learning for language learners studying at university. This is primarily because learners were likely to feel motivated and engaged when they were given the freedom to take charge of their learning. Higher Education in Oman has been relatively a recent phenomenon that was introduced three decades before. Ministry of Higher Education in Oman emphasis developing lifelong learning and self-study skills in learners studying at a higher educational institution in Oman. Most of the learners studying at higher educational institutions were taught by the native Arab speakers in schools, and they were mostly dependent on their teachers for the completion of different academic tasks in schools. Learner autonomy is now not desired but the obligatory aspect of learning under the current unprecedented circumstances where learners were required to take control of their learning, complete their tasks, assignments and projects on their own and where teacher intervention is minimal due to ‘remote teaching’ situation. The prevalent situation where technology has now taken the pivotal role in shaping the 21st century teaching and learning process, it is high need for the EFL learners studying at tertiary level at the university should be autonomous and critical thinkers who can control of their learning process and aware of the necessities of learning. Therefore, considering the learners’ spoon-feeding learning attitude at school and fast-changing learning requirement, the researcher aimed at identifying learners’ understanding and perceptions to achieve autonomy in learning in an EFL Context. This study also aims at finding out learners’ belief on the role of peers, teachers and social media in achieving autonomy in learning. By using mixed method approach, the researcher designed a 35-items Likert scale questionnaire and semi-structured interview questions to record the perceptions of 135 EFL learners studying at tertiary level in a private university in Oman. The results of the current study revealed that students were aware of the concept of learner autonomy and they believe that teacher’s scaffolding, peer intervention and use of social media platforms can not only help them to foster autonomy in them but also to gain confidence, motivation, self-esteem, sense of responsibility and self-determination in an EFL language learning environment. The implications of this research will assist the EFL teachers and the administration to consider EFL learners learning needs and learners’ self-efficacy and attitude towards their own learning.

Zigrīda Krīgere

The focus of this paper is the analysis and research of the biographical factors that have influenced the longevity of the voice of opera soloist Karlis Zarins. The following materials have been used: singer biographies, partially structured interviews with K. Zarins and the doctor Dins Sumerags, internet resources, researches regarding factors influencing the voice, materials of vocal methodic, the personal stage experience and the observations from pedagogical practice of the author. It is concluded that the phenomenon of vocal longevity on stage relates to singers whose qualities of voice keep the characteristics of young and thriving voice – the freshness of timbre and endurance in an unusually long period of time, which considerably exceeds the statistical measurements of the average vocal ageing. The longevity of K. Zarins relates to four aspects: congenial physical and musical talents, the influence of social and natural surroundings, the creation of vocal competence during the studies and lifelong learning in professional, artistic and pedagogical areas. In this research, the components influencing K. Zarins phenomenon are observed.

2013 ◽  
Vol 759 ◽  
pp. 11-17
E. Cuesta ◽  
F. Sánchez-Lasheras ◽  
B.J. Álvarez ◽  
D. González-Madruga

The interest of the present work is focused on the improvement of the students learning process through the use of a Wiki-like platform. In our research The Wiki was intended as a mean in order to make easier the learning project. During the academic year 2011/2012 the Area of Manufacturing Engineering of the University of Oviedo was involved in a project which aim was the creation of a Wiki. Nowadays this software is used as auxiliary material for other subjects that are given by the Manufacturing Engineering Area in those new Engineering degrees that have been created in order to adapt the studies to the requirement of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). According to the results obtained by the students, it can be stated that the higher the mark of the students Wiki the better his/her mark in the exam is.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Evangelina Hernández

Se presenta una sistematización de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la residencia médica de Anestesiología en uno de los hospitales universitarios avalada por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. Se analizaron documentos relacionados a la educación superior en postgrado, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a los implicados en el proceso de formación. Se finaliza el trabajo interpretando los resultados como una fuente de información y de argumentación para debatir en cuanto a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las residencias médicas, tomando como caso la de anestesiología. Se hace énfasis en la importancia de aplicar los reglamentos del nivel de postgrado y afianzar los aspectos pedagógicos, para el logro de los objetivos concretos de un profesional competente de la salud en esta área.AbstractThis article reports on a systematic organization of the teaching and learning process in the Anesthesiology medical residency certified by the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra at a university hospital. Documents related to Higher Education at the graduate level were analyzed and semi-structured interviews to the medical residents were conducted. The results highlight the importance to apply the regulations at the graduate level as well as the need to enhance the pedagogical aspects, in order to achieve the specific objectives of a proficient health professional. Finally, it is expected that these results could be used as a source of information and argumentation for future debate over the teaching and learning process at medical residencies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-52
Katalin Godó ◽  
Tímea Ceglédi ◽  
Andrea Kiss

Colleges for Advanced Studies (CASs) are the oldest institutionalized talent development initiatives of higher education in Hungary (since 1895). The Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education initiated the creation of a national network of denominational Roma CASs. In a CAS, students live in a dormitory, build a strong community, get scholarships and support from tutors and mentors. Important elements of Roma CASs are the following: religious education, social responsibility for society, and Roma identity empowerment (Godó et al., 2019; Kardos, 2013; Charta, 2011). In this study, we examined alumni (ex-university students) of a Roma CAS in Debrecen. Among other things, we were interested in how they relate to the mentoring process, how they feel about it, and how mentoring is perceived in their own lives. We are also interested in what types of mentors are mentioned and whether there is any form of mentoring in their current activities. Method of our research: qualitative interview analysis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2018 with 17 alumni selected by snowball method. According to our results, the former students named 2 types of mentors who were next to them: layman and professional mentors, or they themselves can be typed as mentors on the basis of the following: layman mentors (layman persons involved in mentoring activities) and professional mentors. We consider it important to emphasize the role of the pastor in a Reformed institution, who has also been promoted to the professional mentoring category. In addition, our goal is to investigate the characteristics of networking patterns that emerge around specialist college students.

Akrum Helfaya ◽  
James O'Neill

This article describes how assessment and feedback represent two key factors that affect students' learning. Using e-assessment with prompt e-feedback reduces the gap between present and desired performance and is considered to be a reflexive and dynamic system in dealing with the new generation of digital natives. Action research was used to investigate students' perception of using computer-based assessment (CBA) and/or computer-based feedback (CBF) in teaching and learning process. Both semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted with 44 UG students to assess their perceptions of using CBA and CBF. Findings show that students are generally agreed on the use of and benefits of CBA and/or CBF in teaching accounting and non-accounting modules. For example, these results reveal that many participants valued working online compared to traditional assessment and appreciated the instant feedback they received. Additionally, technology can provide an avenue for assessment and personalised and comprehensive prompt feedback that diverse and digital students need in the 21st Century Higher Education.

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