scholarly journals The experience of teaching using a game based approach: Teachers as learners, collaborators and catalysts

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 565-580 ◽  
Kendall Jarrett ◽  
Richard Light

This study focuses on the analysis of collective meaning associated with secondary physical education teachers’ ( n = 12) experiences of teaching games using a game based approach (GBA). Participants taught in one of two different international contexts, southeast Australia or southeast England, and all had some experience of using a GBA to teach games. A phenomenographic research framework was utilised to uncover the qualitatively finite number of ways that GBA-related teaching was/can be experienced. As guided by use of a phenomenographic analysis framework, three conceptions of awareness were identified that detail the collective meaning associated with participants’ experiences of teaching using a GBA, namely that of a Learner, a Collaborator and/or a Catalyst. An analysis of findings is presented with discussion focusing on what can be learnt from the different ways GBA teaching is experienced and implications for GBA teaching practice.

2008 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-178 ◽  
Weidong Li ◽  
Paul M. Wright ◽  
Paul Bernard Rukavina ◽  
Molly Pickering

The purpose of the current study was to test the validity and reliability of a two-factor model of the Personal and Social Responsibility Questionnaire (PSRQ) and examine the relationships between perceptions of personal and social responsibility and intrinsic motivation in physical education. Participants were 253 middle school students who completed the questionnaires. The results from a confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency suggest the two-factor PSRQ is valid and reliable for assessing students’ perceptions of personal and social responsibility in physical education. The correlational analysis suggests that participants with higher levels of personal and social responsibility were likely to enjoy physical education more. An important implication for teaching practice is that, to encourage all individuals to be intrinsically motivated to participate in physical education, physical education teachers need to empower students with choices and voices, focus them on effort and self-direction in physical education, and create a respectful and caring learning environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 188
Andre Osvaldo Furtado ◽  
Elisandro Schultz Wittizorecki ◽  
Natacha Da Silva Tavares

RESUMOEste estudo busca compreender como os professores de Educação Física atuantes na Rede Estadual de Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul percebem e reagem às políticas educacionais que lhes são demandadas pelos gestores estaduais nas ultimas três gestões do governo estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Neste sentido foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa na perspectiva da etnografia. Como obtenção de informações foram realizadas: observações participantes do cotidiano dos professores de Educação Física, registrada nos diários de campo; entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco professores de Educação Física e análise de documentos. Através da análise foi possível construir unidades de significado que agrupadas resultaram em três categorias analíticas: a indiferença, a resistência e as marcas. Compreendemos que o professorado de Educação Física participante deste estudo atua em dado momento da sua prática pedagógica com indiferença e resistências às políticas educacionais formuladas pelos gestores. É possível pensarmos que a resistência dos professores é potencializada quando eles são convidados a preterir elementos da sua história de vida que estão imbricados na sua prática pedagógica.Palavras-chave: Ensino Médio. Trabalho docente. Políticas Educacionais. Prática Pedagógica. ABSTRACTThis study aims to understand how Physical Education teachers from Rio Grande do Sul public state schools follow and react to educational policies demanded by the local and state authorities from the last three state government management of Rio Grande do Sul. In this context, a research focused on ethnography was conducted. To obtain information, there were performed observations in the daily routine of Physical Education teachers, recorded in the field journal; semi-structured interviews with five Physical Education teachers and data analyses. Because of the analyses, it was possible to build meaning units, which organized, result in three analytical categories: the indifference, the resistance, and the marks. The results suggest that the Physical Education teachers, who participated the study, act in their teaching practice indifferently and resistant to educational policies formulated by the state managers. It suggests that the resistance of the teachers is reinforced when they are led to ignore elements from their own life experience which are interwoven with their teaching practices.Keywords: High School. Teaching. Educational policies. Teaching practices.

Madalena Tirano Bive ◽  
Pedro Antonio Pessula

ResumoA presente pesquisa analisou as concepções de professores e professoras de Educação Física sobre as relações entre meninas e meninos, a partir de seus discursos e práticas pedagógicas cotidianas. Foram entrevistados/as cinco professores/as que lecionam Educação Física no 3º ciclo do Ensino Primário e observadas 10 aulas nas escolas da cidade Tete, Moçambique. Para análise dos dados recorremos à descrição dos acontecimentos que ocorreram durante as aulas no que diz respeito ao tema lecionado, à distribuição e organização dos/as alunos/as para as atividades da aula. Observamos ações fortemente marcadas pela ausência de atividades de grupos entre meninos e meninas, priorizando uma concepção de gênero associada a características biológicas, assim como, discrepância entre prática e discurso.Palavras-chave: Prática Docente. Relações de Gênero. Educação Física.Perceptions of gender relations in Mozambique’s schools: discourse and practiceAbstractThe present research analyzed the concepts of physical education teachers about the relationships between girls and boys, based on their everyday pedagogical discourses and practices. We interviewed five teachers who taught Physical Education in the 3rd cycle of Primary School and observed 10 classes in the schools of Tete, Mozambique. For the analysis of the data, we used the description of the events that occurred during the lessons regarding the theme taught, the distribution and organization of the students for the class activities. It was observed the absence of activities between boys and girls, a conception of gender associated with biological characteristics and discrepancy between practice and discourse.Keywords: Teaching Practice. Gender Relations. Physical Education.Percepciones sobre las relaciones de género en escuelas de Mozambique: teoría y prácticaResumenLa presente investigación analizó las concepciones de los profesores e de las profesoras de Educación Física sobre las relaciones entre niñas y niños, a partir de sus discursos y prácticas pedagógicas cotidianas. Se entrevistó a cinco profesores que enseñan Educación Física en el 3º ciclo de la Enseñanza Primaria y observadas diez clases  en las escuelas de la ciudad de Tete, Mozambique. Para el análisis de los datos recurrimos a la descripción de los acontecimientos que ocurrieron durante las clases en lo que se refiere al tema leído, a la distribución y organización de los alumnos a las actividades de la clase. Observamos acciones fuertemente marcadas por la ausencia de actividades de grupos entre niños y niñas, priorizando una concepción de género asociada a características biológicas, así como, discrepancia entre práctica y discurso.Palabras clave: Práctica Docente. Relaciones de Género. Educación Física.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Åge Lauritzen ◽  
Reidun Nerhus Fretland ◽  
Joar Fossøy ◽  
Petter Erik Leirhaug

Fair play som omgrep fekk ein styrka posisjon i revidert læreplan i kroppsøving frå august 2012. Det forsterka fokuset på fair play i kroppsøving er allereie drøfta i fleire artiklar, men det føreligg lite forsking med empiri frå norsk skule om korleis fair play blir oppfatta og arbeidd med i faget. Målet i denne artikkelen er å undersøke lærarar si oppfatning av fair play som omgrep i kroppsøving, korleis dei praktiserer fair play i undervisinga og om tydeleggjeringa i læreplanen har medført endring i deira undervising. Metoden for datainnsamling er fokusgruppeintervju med totalt 19 lærarar som underviser i kroppsøving på 5.–7. årssteg. Det kjem fram at lærarane i praktisk arbeid med elevane sjeldan nyttar omgrepet fair play direkte, men at meiningsinnhaldet dei legg i fair play er sentralt i både kroppsøvingsundervisinga og deira profesjonelle yrkesutøving i eit allmenndannande perspektiv. Dei har i liten grad endra praksis som følgje av tydeleggjeringa av fair play, og fleire lærarar uttrykker at dei ikkje nyttar læreplanen i kroppsøving. Dette vert sett på som ei utfordring dersom fair play skal stå fram som planlagd erfaring og læringsutbytte for alle elevar i kroppsøving.Nøkkelord: fair play, kroppsøvingslærarar, undervisingspraksis, kroppsøvings-didaktikkPerceptions and pedagogical practice of fair play in physical educationAbstractIn Norway, the concept of fair play was strengthened in the 2012 revised curriculum for physical education. Although several articles already have discussed possible consequences of this, few empirical studies have been conducted about how fair play is perceived and enacted in the Norwegian school context. This article aims to examine teachers’ understanding of fair play in physical education, how they put fair play into practice in teaching, and to what extent the revised curriculum has led to changes in teachers’ practices. The research method involved focus groups with a total of 19 teachers who teach physical education in grades 5–7 (age 10–12 years). It appears that the teachers rarely use the term “fair play” directly in their work with pupils, and they do not express a change of practice after the strengthened focus in the curriculum. However, the teachers expressed that the values and understanding of fair play were central to both physical education teaching and their pro¬fessional practice in a more general educational perspective. Several teachers expressed that they did not use the written National curriculum for physical education. This, the article argues, will be a challenge if fair play is to become a planned learning experience and outcome for all pupils.Keywords: fair play, physical education teachers, teaching practice, physical education pedagogy

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 373-379
Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez ◽  
Oswaldo Ceballos Gurrola ◽  
Jorge Isabel Zamarripa Rivera ◽  
Rosa Elena Medina Rodríguez ◽  
Walter Ho ◽  

  El propósito del estudio fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas y estructura factorial del Cuestionario de Educación Física de Calidad traducido y adaptado al español y contexto mexicano. Se presenta un estudio cuantitativo con un diseño instrumental. Participaron 763 docentes de Educación Física de México con rango de edad 19 a 71 años (M = 37.89 ± 11.18); donde el 31.7% son mujeres y 68.3% hombres. El 59.4% trabajan en escuelas que pertenecen al sistema federal, el 33.9% al sistema estatal y el 6.7% trabajan en escuelas particulares. Se realizó la traducción y adaptación al español y contexto mexicano de la encuesta de Educación Física de Calidad compuesta por 50 ítems que se responden sobre una escala que va desde 0 “no alcanzado totalmente” y 10 “completamente alcanzado”. Se efectuó el análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) utilizando la matriz de correlaciones Kaiser-Meyer Olkin KMO (.97) y prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett (χ² x2= 30645.936 y gl = 990) obteniendo seis factores y la reducción a 46 ítems. El análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) mostró una buena consistencia interna y correlaciones de inter factor (χ² /gl = 2.98, NNFI = .98, CFI = .98 y RMSEA = .07), así como al dividirlo por género, nivel y sistema educativo. El instrumento muestra buenas propiedades psicométricas para valorar la Educación Física de Calidad desde la perspectiva de la práctica docente en el contexto mexicano. Por sus características podría utilizarse en otros países de habla hispana ya que su redacción, terminología y contenidos se adaptan al contexto.  Abstract. The purpose of the study was to examine the psychometric properties and factor structure of the quality Physical Education scale from the perspective of teaching practice, translated and adapted to the Spanish and Mexican context. A quantitative study with an instrumental design is presented. The participants were 763 Physical Education teachers from Mexico with an age range of 19 to 71 years old (M = 37.89 ± 11.18); where 31.7% were women and 68.3% men. 59.4% work in schools that belong to the federal system, 33.9% to the state system and 6.7% work in private schools. The translation and adaptation to Spanish and the Mexican context of the Quality Physical Education survey was carried out. It is composed of 50 items that are answered on a scale that goes from 0 "not totally achieved" to 10 "completely achieved". It was carried out the exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) using the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin KMO correlation matrix (.97) and Bartlett's sphericity test (χ² x2= 30645.936 y gl = 990) obtaining six factors and the reduction to 46 items. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed good internal consistency and inter-factor correlations (χ2/gl = 2.98, NNFI = .98, CFI = .98 and RMSEA = .07), as well as when divided by gender, level and educational system. The instrument shows good psychometric properties to evaluate Quality Physical Education from the perspective of teaching practice in the Mexican context. Due to its characteristics, it could be used in other Spanish-speaking countries since its writing, terminology and contents are adapted to the context.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 236-241
Maria Rosario Romero Martín

La formación universitaria está siendo objeto de múltiples transformaciones. Ello ha conllevado la proliferación de acciones de innovación educativa promovidas desde distintos estamentos o por la propia iniciativa del profesorado. La Formación Inicial del Profesorado de Educación Física no es ajena a estos cambios. El trabajo que presentamos pretende analizar las percepciones de los estudiantes del Grado de CC de la Actividad Física y el Deporte sobre una buena práctica (BP) de evaluación formativa en Expresión Corporal, y conocer si los egresados aplican sus aprendizajes cuando se incorporan a la práctica profesional docente. Para ello se ha aplicado un cuestionario sobre las percepciones de los estudiantes en relación a la buena práctica y se han realizado entrevistas semiestructuradas con egresados. Los resultados de los dos cursos analizados indican una alta aceptación de la experiencia por parte de los alumnos. La consideran innovadora, destacando las valoraciones sobre las ayudas recibidas por el profesorado y por los compañeros; igualmente aparecen aspectos que orientan a los profesores para mejorar la experiencia, como la introducción de evaluaciones entre pares o el estudio de la dificultad de las tareas a realizar. Del análisis de la transferencia se observa que los exalumnos reconocen los aprendizajes derivados de estos tipos de experiencias y que aplican en sus contextos docentes, en mayor o menor medida, versiones de las mismas atribuyendo a la práctica docente buena parte de sus aprendizajes.Abstract. Higher education is undergoing multiple transformations. This has involved the proliferation of educational innovation actions promoted by various institutions or teachers’ initiatives. Physical education early undergraduate training of future physical education teachers is not immune to these changes. Our study aims to know the perceptions of students and graduates on good practice of formative assessment in body language. Moreover, we were interested in determining if the students incorporated this learning when they were on teaching practice. The results suggest that this proposal of good practice was highly valued from the students. The students considered the experience innovative; the students highlight the values of academic support of teachers and peers; likewise some aspects emerge that help teachers to improve the experience, such as introducing students to peer review, or exploring difficulty in tasks. Transfer analysis shows that graduates recognize the learning derived from these kinds of experiences and apply in their learning environments versions of them to a greater or lesser extent, while attributing much of their learning to teaching practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 885-902
Tim Fletcher ◽  
Déirdre Ní Chróinín ◽  
Mary O’Sullivan ◽  
Stephanie Beni

The purpose of this research was to examine pre-service teachers’ articulation of their learning through the development of a shared professional language of teaching practice focused on meaningful physical education. Qualitative data gathered from 90 pre-service teachers over four years in Canada and Ireland were analysed. Framed by a didactical research framework, pre-service teachers used elements of the shared language to articulate why they would promote meaningful experiences in physical education, what the features of meaningful experiences tend to consist of, and how they would use particular strategies to promote meaningful experiences. This research demonstrates how a shared language that reflects a coherent approach in physical education teacher education can support pre-service teachers to access, interpret, and articulate their learning about teaching in ways that support meaningful experiences for pupils.

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