Advancements in Legal Education in India: Challenges and Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Research

2020 ◽  
pp. 232200582094669
K. Rajashree ◽  
Chetan Singai ◽  
Shimreichon Awungshi Shimray

Social, economic and political changes have brought new challenges and divergent views to twenty-first-century legal education. Law is an expression of the social idea, and more creative solutions evolve from interdisciplinary collaborations. The resolution by legal luminaries to elevate legal research to a high standing, on par with other disciplines, is yet to find a foothold even after the introduction of reforms to legal education in the past two decades. This article makes an attempt to explore the emerging interdisciplinary trends, with the innumerable challenges that require exploration, identification, analysis and quality enhancement while conducting legal research in order to strike a fine balance between teaching and research, as they supplement each other. Law is a mechanism for ushering in social change, and the fact that it can never be studied in isolation demands the convergence and divergence of multiple disciplines. Yet, the traditional conceptualization of legal research is largely confined to the judicial process and the exclusion of social process. Keeping in mind the benefits of interdisciplinary association of law with other areas/disciplines and of research being a continuum, the article emphasizes law’s collaboration with other disciplines. The article accentuates the role of law schools to undertake and encourage interdisciplinary legal scholarship to diversify the learning experiences of students in conjunction with other disciplines. Learning through such experiences enables students to find solutions beyond the strict academic discipline of law and at the same time offers ample opportunities for them to explore a wide array of possibilities that interface with legal profession but transcend courtroom practice. A comparative analysis of two educational institutions imparting legal education, taken as cases in point, is performed for the present study.

Libri ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (4) ◽  
pp. 345-359
Vicki Lawal ◽  
Peter G Underwood ◽  
Christine Stilwell

Abstract This article examines the effect of the adoption of social media in legal practice in Nigeria. It discusses some of the major challenges that have recently been experienced in the use of legal information in Nigeria within the context of the social media revolution, particularly with respect to ethics. A survey method was employed and data was collected through self-administered questionnaires to the study population comprising practicing lawyers located in various law firms in Nigeria. Outcomes from the study provide preliminary evidence on the nature of the application of social media in legal practice and the prospects for its inclusion as an important aspect of legal research in the legal education system in Nigeria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Hannah Prisca

Perancangan Kampanye Rescue and Adopt Melalui Webtoon “Four Little Feet” untuk Let’s Adopt Indonesia merupakan bentuk upaya meningkatkan awareness target audience bahwa setiap anjing dan kucing memiliki hak yang sama untuk mendapatkan kesempatan hidup yang layak. Juga meningkatkan awareness mengenai pentingnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan rescue dan adopsi. Hal ini dikarenakan komunitas penyelamat hewan sudah memberikan kontribusi dalam menolong hewan-hewan yang terluka, dan terlantar namun jumlahnya masih belum cukup jika dilihat hewan-hewan yang terlantar masih banyak hidup di jalan. Yang menjadi tantangan bagi komunitas ini adalah human resources serta inisiatif masyarakat dalam kegiatan rescue dan adopsi sehingga diharapkan dengan meningkatnya inisiatif, akan mendorong lebih banyaknya hewan tertolong dan pulih, hingga teradopsi.Perancangan materi desain kampanye ini memiliki target audience berusia 16-31tahun yang mulai dan sudah menginjak dewasa dan lebih bertanggungjawab. Materi kampanye yaitu Webtoon, e-poster,dan Line Sticker. Dalam perancangan karya visual kampanye sosial ini, digunakan Sistem Perancangan Kampanye oleh Yongki Safanayong, dimana langkah-langkah pembuatannya meliputi latar belakang fakta, identifikasi masalah, analisis situasi, analisis tantangan dan peluang, strategi kampanye, komponen kampanye/pemilihan media, visualisasi, dan produksi.   Rescue and Adopt Campaign Design Through "Four Little Feet" Webtoon for Let's Adopt Indonesia is a way of raising awareness of the target audience that every dog ​​and cat have the same right to get a decent living opportunity. It also raises awareness about the importance of community participation in rescue and adoption activities. The reason is that animal rescue communities have contributed to helping wounded, abandoned animals but the numbers are still insufficient there are still many abandoned animals living on the streets. The challenge for this community is human resources as well as community initiatives in rescue and adoption activities so hopefully with increased initiative, more animals have the oppotunity to be rescued and recovered, until adopted. The design of this campaign design material has a target audience aged 16-31 years who started and have grown up and be more responsible. Campaign materials are Webtoon, e-poster, and Line Sticker. In designing the visual work of this social campaign. The social campaign design materials were adopted from the System Design Campaign by Yongki Safanayong, which measures manufacturing background, including facts, problem identification, analysis of the situation, analysis of challenges and opportunities, campaign strategy, components of the campaign / media selection, visualization, and production.    

2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-94 ◽  
Mikhail Antonov

The present review analyzes the key ideas of Justice Gadzhiev and Judge Posner on legal methodology and tasks in legal education. These ideas are considered in the context of two recent books by these authors. Both books appeared in 2016 and both question certain principal dimensions of pragmatism in the law, to which both Gadzhiev and Posner are subscribed. This review essay examines the links between the respective ideas of these two authors on methods of legal research, on judicial process and on teaching law, in addition to providing an overview of the intellectual culture of the us and Russian legal orders.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 321 ◽  
Shuvro Prosun Sarker

<p>The 1960s and 1970s were an important time in the history of legal education in India, when the legal aid movement and various legal aid committees’ reports started to draw attention to the importance of experiential learning, or learning on the job, in legal education. The main aim of involving law students in the national legal aid movement was to make them feel more responsible for the considerable part of the Indian population who, because of their socio-economic status, couldn’t access justice. The history of how India’s clinical programs were introduced has a lot in common with the history of clinical programs in other parts of the world. There was a desire to create a pool of lawyers, who would serve as soldiers in the fight for social justice for underprivileged groups in the country.</p><p>While some prestigious universities started their clinical programs in the 1970s, most of the regulators of legal education took a long time to include clinical papers in the curriculum. In 1997 the Bar Council of India introduced four practical papers in the curriculum. The spirit of public service, and the widespread poverty in a country, has always been central to the push for clinical programs everywhere. But in India, the legal aid committees’ and other statutory bodies’ reports calling for clinical programs to support social justice, were always ignored. The National Knowledge Commission’s working group on legal education specifically mentioned the need to introduce students to issues relating to poverty, social change and social exclusion, through clinical legal education.</p><p>After the introductory section, the second section discusses the introduction of clinical programs with their roots in the search for social justice in the United States and India. The third section discusses the continuous deliberation by various bodies, commissions and committees about the need to introduce clinical programs with a social justice perspective in India. The fourth section discusses the social justice-based clinical programs in China and South Africa. This section tries to highlight some of the clinical models focused on serving underprivileged groups, that have been introduced and implemented in these two countries and which ~ after local modifications ~ could serve as a template for programs in Indian law schools. The fifth section tries to search for clinical models best suited to India with reference to clinical programs in China and South Africa. Several examples of clinical activities in a few Indian law schools have been highlighted in this chapter to explain these models’ effectiveness and suitability for Indian circumstances. The sixth section sets out some suggestions for law schools and stakeholders of legal education in India as to how to further the country’s social justice mission of clinical legal education.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 37 ◽  
Orlando Aragón Andrade

El 2 de noviembre de 2011 la Sala Superior del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación emitió una resolución a favor del municipio indígena de Cherán en la que por primera vez en la historia del Estado mexicano reconoció el derecho de un municipio indígena para elegir a una autoridad municipal conformada de acuerdo a sus “usos y costumbres”. Esta sentencia que ha sido considerada paradigmática en materia de derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas en realidad fue el corolario de un extraordinario proceso social que trastocó la escena política de Michoacán en plena coyuntura electoral. En este trabajo reflexiono a partir de mi experiencia como abogado de la comunidad de Cherán en el proceso judicial citado y como participante de este proceso los alcances y los límites del uso del derecho en los movimientos sociales de los pueblos indígenas de México.palabras clave: Cherán, derechos humanos, “usos y costumbres” y uso críticodel derecho.---LAW IN UPRISING: The counter-hegemonic use of law in the Purepecha movement of CheranOn November 2nd, 2011, the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation in México, issued a resolution in favor of the indigenous town of Cherán. For the first time in México’s history, the state recognized an indigenous municipality’s right to elect a municipal authority formed according to their “uses and customs”. This judgment, which has been considered paradigmatic for indigenous peoples’ human rights, was actually the culmination of a remarkable social process that disrupted Michoacán’s political scene, while in full electoral conjuncture. Parting from my experience as a lawyer of the community of Cherán in said judicial process, and as a participant of it, I reflect in this paper on the scope and the limits of the use of law by the social movements of México’s indigenous peoples.keywords: Cherán, human rights, “customary”, and law’s critical use.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-139
Elise Poillot

This paper compares the context of clinical legal education in the us and in continental Europe. It aims to understand whether and to which extent the American clinical legal model can be implemented in continental Europe. It argues that because of the different social and legal environments, this model needs to be adapted to the European context with particular regard to the social justice dimension of legal clinics. It also argues that given the importance granted by the civil law tradition to the teaching of legal science, legal clinics should not be disconnected from legal research, but on the contrary, be framed in order to favour it. It ended by presenting an attempt to implement this approach by describing the functioning of the Consumer Law Clinic of the University of Luxembourg, which was specifically designed to achieve this goal.

Shenique S. Thomas ◽  
Johnna Christian

This chapter draws from a qualitative study of incarcerated men to investigate the social processes and interactions between both correctional authorities and family members that inform their sense of belonging and legitimacy. It reveals that prison visitation rooms present a complex environment in which incarcerated men have access to discreet periods of visibility and relevance to their family members and the broader community. There are, however, several precarious aspects to these processes. The family members who are central to enhancing men’s visibility and legitimacy are primarily women from economically disadvantaged, racial, and ethnic minority groups, resulting in their own marginalization, which is compounded within prison spaces. By illuminating both the challenges and opportunities of familial connections, this chapter informs a social justice framework for understanding the experiences of both incarcerated men and their family members.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (s2) ◽  
Alexander Bergs

Abstract This paper focuses on the micro-analysis of historical data, which allows us to investigate language use across the lifetime of individual speakers. Certain concepts, such as social network analysis or communities of practice, put individual speakers and their social embeddedness and dynamicity at the center of attention. This means that intra-speaker variation can be described and analyzed in quite some detail in certain historical data sets. The paper presents some exemplary empirical analyses of the diachronic linguistic behavior of individual speakers/writers in fifteenth to seventeenth century England. It discusses the social factors that influence this behavior, with an emphasis on the methodological and theoretical challenges and opportunities when investigating intra-speaker variation and change.

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