Direct downward continuation from topography using explicit wavefield extrapolation

Geophysics ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. S105-S112 ◽  
Saleh M. Al-Saleh ◽  
Gary F. Margrave ◽  
Sam H. Gray

Downward-continuation migration algorithms are powerful tools for imaging complicated subsurface structures. However, they usually assume that extrapolation proceeds from a flat surface, whereas most land surveys are acquired over irregular surfaces. Our method downward continues data directly from topography using a recursive space-frequency explicit wavefield-extrapolation method. The algorithm typically handles strong lateral velocity variations by using the velocity value at each spatial position to build the wavefield extrapolator in which the depth step usually is kept fixed. To accommodate topographic variations, we build space-frequency wavefield extrapolators with laterally variable depth steps (LVDS). At each spatial location, the difference between topography and extrapolation depth is used to determine the depth step. We use the velocity and topographic values at each spatial lateral position to build extrapolators. The LVDS approach does not add more data nor does it require preprocessing prior to extrapolation. We implemented the LVDS method and applied it to a source profile prestack migration technique. We also implemented the previously developed zero-velocity layer approach to use for comparison. For both algorithms, we modeled the acoustic source as an approximate free-space Green’s function, not as a simple extrapolated spatial impulse. Tests on a synthetic data set modeled from rough topography and comparisons with the zero-velocity layer approach confirm the method’s effectiveness in imaging shallow and deep structures beneath rugged topography.

Geophysics ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 71 (5) ◽  
pp. U67-U76 ◽  
Robert J. Ferguson

The possibility of improving regularization/datuming of seismic data is investigated by treating wavefield extrapolation as an inversion problem. Weighted, damped least squares is then used to produce the regularized/datumed wavefield. Regularization/datuming is extremely costly because of computing the Hessian, so an efficient approximation is introduced. Approximation is achieved by computing a limited number of diagonals in the operators involved. Real and synthetic data examples demonstrate the utility of this approach. For synthetic data, regularization/datuming is demonstrated for large extrapolation distances using a highly irregular recording array. Without approximation, regularization/datuming returns a regularized wavefield with reduced operator artifacts when compared to a nonregularizing method such as generalized phase shift plus interpolation (PSPI). Approximate regularization/datuming returns a regularized wavefield for approximately two orders of magnitude less in cost; but it is dip limited, though in a controllable way, compared to the full method. The Foothills structural data set, a freely available data set from the Rocky Mountains of Canada, demonstrates application to real data. The data have highly irregular sampling along the shot coordinate, and they suffer from significant near-surface effects. Approximate regularization/datuming returns common receiver data that are superior in appearance compared to conventional datuming.

Geophysics ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. WCA199-WCA209 ◽  
Guojian Shan ◽  
Robert Clapp ◽  
Biondo Biondi

We have extended isotropic plane-wave migration in tilted coordinates to 3D anisotropic media and applied it on a Gulf of Mexico data set. Recorded surface data are transformed to plane-wave data by slant-stack processing in inline and crossline directions. The source plane wave and its corresponding slant-stacked data are extrapolated into the subsurface within a tilted coordinate system whose direction depends on the propagation direction of the plane wave. Images are generated by crosscorrelating these two wavefields. The shot sampling is sparse in the crossline direction, and the source generated by slant stacking is not really a plane-wave source but a phase-encoded source. We have discovered that phase-encoded source migration in tilted coordinates can image steep reflectors, using 2D synthetic data set examples. The field data example shows that 3D plane-wave migration in tilted coordinates can image steeply dipping salt flanks and faults, even though the one-way wave-equation operator is used for wavefield extrapolation.

2018 ◽  
Sean McInerney ◽  
Elliot J Carr ◽  
Matthew J Simpson

AbstractIn this work we consider a recent experimental data set describing heat conduction in living porcine tissues. Understanding this novel data set is important because porcine skin is similar to human skin. Improving our understanding of heat conduction in living skin is relevant to understanding burn injuries, which are common, painful and can require prolonged and expensive treatment. A key feature of skin is that it is layered, with different thermal properties in different layers. Since the experimental data set involves heat conduction in thin living tissues of anesthetised animals, an important experimental constraint is that the temperature within the living tissue is measured at one spatial location within the layered structure. Our aim is to determine whether this data is sufficient to reliably infer the heat conduction parameters in layered skin, and we use a simplified two-layer mathematical model of heat conduction to mimic the generation of experimental data. Using synthetic data generated at one location in the two-layer mathematical model, we explore whether it is possible to infer values of the thermal diffusivity in both layers. After this initial exploration, we then examine how our ability to infer the thermal diffusivities changes when we vary the location at which the experimental data is recorded, as well as considering the situation where we are able to monitor the temperature at two locations within the layered structure. Overall, we find that our ability to parameterise a model of heterogeneous heat conduction with limited experimental data is very sensitive to the location where data is collected. Our modelling results provide guidance about optimal experimental design that could be used to guide future experimental studies.NomenclatureA brief description of all variables used in the document are given in Table 1.Table 1:Variable nomenclature and description.

Geophysics ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. S91-S97 ◽  
Yongwang Ma ◽  
Gary F. Margrave

Wavefield extrapolation in depth, a vital component of wave-equation depth migration, is accomplished by repeatedly applying a mathematical operator that propagates the wavefield across a single depth step, thus creating a depth marching scheme. The phase-shift method of wavefield extrapolation is fast and stable; however, it can be cumbersome to adapt to lateral velocity variations. We address the extension of phase-shift extrapolation to lateral velocity variations by using a spatial Gabor transform instead of the normal Fourier transform. The Gabor transform, also known as the windowed Fourier transform, is applied to the lateral spatial coordinates as a windowed discrete Fourier transform where the entire set of windows is required to sum to unity. Within each window, a split-step Fourier phase shift is applied. The most novel element of our algorithm is an adaptive partitioning scheme that relates window width to lateral velocity gradient such that the estimated spatial positioning error is bounded below a threshold. The spatial positioning error is estimated by comparing the Gabor method to its mathematical limit, called the locally homogeneous approximation — a frequency-wavenumber-dependent phase shift that changes according to the local velocity at each position. The assumption of local homogeneity means this position-error estimate may not hold strictly for large scattering angles in strongly heterogeneous media. The performance of our algorithm is illustrated with imaging results from prestack depth migration of the Marmousi data set. With respect to a comparable space-frequency domain imaging method, the proposed method improves images while requiring roughly 50% more computing time.

Geophysics ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 73 (5) ◽  
pp. S185-S194 ◽  
Guojian Shan ◽  
Biondo Biondi

We have developed a plane-wave migration method that efficiently images steeply dipping reflectors using one-way wavefield extrapolation. The recorded surface data are converted to plane-wave source data by slant stacking. The data set corresponding to each plane-wave source is migrated independently in a tilted coordinate system, with the extrapolation direction determined by the initial propagation direction of the plane wave at the surface. Waves illuminating steeply dipping reflectors, such as overturned waves and waves traveling nearly horizontally, are extrapolated accurately in an appropriate tilted coordinate system because the extrapolation direction is close to the propagation directions for these waves. Two-dimensional impulse responses and synthetic data examples demonstrate that plane-wave migration in tilted coordinates generates high-quality images of steeply dipping reflectors, particularly rugose salt tops and steep salt flanks.

Geophysics ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. S209-S217 ◽  
Paul Sava ◽  
Sergey Fomel

Seismic imaging based on single-scattering approximation is in the analysis of the match between the source and receiver wavefields at every image location. Wavefields at depth are functions of space and time and are reconstructed from surface data either by integral methods (Kirchhoff migration) or by differential methods (reverse-time or wavefield extrapolation migration). Different methods can be used to analyze wavefield matching, of which crosscorrelation is a popular option. Implementation of a simple imaging condition requires time crosscorrelation of source and receiver wavefields, followed by extraction of the zero time lag. A generalized imaging condition operates by crosscorrelation in both space and time, followed by image extraction at zero time lag. Images at different spatial crosscorrelation lags are indicators of imaging accuracy and are also used for image-angle decomposition. In this paper, we introduce an alternative prestack imaging condition in which we preserve multiple lags of the time crosscorrelation. Prestack images are described as functions of time shifts as opposed to space shifts between source and receiver wavefields. This imaging condition is applicable to migration by Kirchhoff, wavefield extrapolation, or reverse-time techniques. The transformation allows construction of common-image gathers presented as functions of either time shift or reflection angle at every location in space. Inaccurate migration velocity is revealed by angle-domain common-image gathers with nonflat events. Computational experiments using a synthetic data set from a complex salt model demonstrate the main features of the method.

Geophysics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 85 (3) ◽  
pp. S169-S183
Hanming Chen ◽  
Hui Zhou ◽  
Ying Rao

Reverse time migration with [Formula: see text] compensation ([Formula: see text]-RTM) is an effective approach to enhance the resolution of seismic images because it retrieves the amplitude loss and phase distortion induced by the viscosity of media. According to the crosscorrelation imaging condition, [Formula: see text]-RTM requires compensation for the amplitude loss in the propagation paths of source and receiver wavefields, which can be realized by solving an amplitude-boosted wave equation. However, the amplitude-boosted simulations suffer from numerical instability due to the amplification of high-frequency noise. We have developed a robust stabilization strategy for [Formula: see text]-RTM by incorporating a time-variant filter into the amplitude-boosted wavefield extrapolation step. We modify the Fourier spectrum of the operator that controls the amplitude compensation to be time variant, and we add to the spectrum a stabilization factor. Doing so, we integrate the time-variant filter into the viscoacoustic wave propagator implicitly, and we avoid any explicit filtering operation in [Formula: see text]-RTM. We verify the robustness of this stabilized [Formula: see text]-RTM with two synthetic data examples. We also apply this technique to a field data set to demonstrate the imaging improvements compared to an acoustic RTM and a more traditional [Formula: see text]-RTM method.

1984 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 2245-2255
Gary L. Pavlis

Abstract Comparing residuals from two earthquakes is difficult because earthquake locations interact with differences in three variables: (1) the spatial location of the source; (2) the set of stations that record each earthquake; and (3) the precision of individual arrival time measurements. Effective comparisons can be made by looking only at the components the residuals from two different earthquakes have in common. This is done with an operator that projects the residual vector for each event onto a subspace defined by the intersection of two linear manifolds related to the matrices of partial derivatives used to locate each earthquake. If one assumes the measurement error process is Gaussian, then under a null hypothesis of no differences in the travel-time anomalies between the two earthquakes, the sum of the squared differences in the projected residuals, has a chi-squared distribution with m∩ degrees of freedom, where m∩ is the dimension of the subspace of intersection. This is a the basis for a formal statistical test used to discriminate such anomalies. Examples using synthetic data demonstrate the projection operator does work as predicted, but is limited to some extent by complications due to nonlinearity. The method is also applied to data from three earthquake swarms recorded by the Coso seismic network, in east-central California. These calculations reveal detectable differences in travel-time anomalies associated with these clusters of earthquakes. Apparently, significant lateral velocity variations exist at Coso over scales ≈ 2 km.

Raul E. Avelar ◽  
Karen Dixon ◽  
Boniphace Kutela ◽  
Sam Klump ◽  
Beth Wemple ◽  

The calibration of safety performance functions (SPFs) is a mechanism included in the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) to adjust SPFs in the HSM for use in intended jurisdictions. Critically, the quality of the calibration procedure must be assessed before using the calibrated SPFs. Multiple resources to aid practitioners in calibrating SPFs have been developed in the years following the publication of the HSM 1st edition. Similarly, the literature suggests multiple ways to assess the goodness-of-fit (GOF) of a calibrated SPF to a data set from a given jurisdiction. This paper uses the calibration results of multiple intersection SPFs to a large Mississippi safety database to examine the relations between multiple GOF metrics. The goal is to develop a sensible single index that leverages the joint information from multiple GOF metrics to assess overall quality of calibration. A factor analysis applied to the calibration results revealed three underlying factors explaining 76% of the variability in the data. From these results, the authors developed an index and performed a sensitivity analysis. The key metrics were found to be, in descending order: the deviation of the cumulative residual (CURE) plot from the 95% confidence area, the mean absolute deviation, the modified R-squared, and the value of the calibration factor. This paper also presents comparisons between the index and alternative scoring strategies, as well as an effort to verify the results using synthetic data. The developed index is recommended to comprehensively assess the quality of the calibrated intersection SPFs.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Elahe Jamalinia ◽  
Faraz S. Tehrani ◽  
Susan C. Steele-Dunne ◽  
Philip J. Vardon

Climatic conditions and vegetation cover influence water flux in a dike, and potentially the dike stability. A comprehensive numerical simulation is computationally too expensive to be used for the near real-time analysis of a dike network. Therefore, this study investigates a random forest (RF) regressor to build a data-driven surrogate for a numerical model to forecast the temporal macro-stability of dikes. To that end, daily inputs and outputs of a ten-year coupled numerical simulation of an idealised dike (2009–2019) are used to create a synthetic data set, comprising features that can be observed from a dike surface, with the calculated factor of safety (FoS) as the target variable. The data set before 2018 is split into training and testing sets to build and train the RF. The predicted FoS is strongly correlated with the numerical FoS for data that belong to the test set (before 2018). However, the trained model shows lower performance for data in the evaluation set (after 2018) if further surface cracking occurs. This proof-of-concept shows that a data-driven surrogate can be used to determine dike stability for conditions similar to the training data, which could be used to identify vulnerable locations in a dike network for further examination.

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