scholarly journals Seasonal variation of the cold intermediate water in the Southwestern Black Sea and its interaction with the Sea of Marmara during the period of 1996-1998

2000 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 31 ◽  
H. YUCE ◽  

Seasonal variations of the cold intermediate water (CIW) in the southwestern Black Sea and its entrance into the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus) within the upper layer flow have been studied by using monthly oceanographic data sets collected in 1996-1998 period. In addition, the advection of the CIW via Strait Of Istanbul to the Sea of Marmara has been investigated.The CIW is a permanent and characteristic water mass of the Black Sea, markedly observed in the northwestern Black Sea. It is transported with the Rim Current along the boundary of the basin. The average temperature of the CIW is about 6o C. The 8oC isotherms defines its upper and lower boundaries. The upper boundary of CIW rises up to the 20 m depth in the shelf and coastal upwelling regions with a thickness of 40 m. On the other hand, the depth of the upper boundary may decrease down to 40 m with a thickness of 120 m in the anticyclonic regions.The CIW, located between 30 and 65m depths, was observed from April to September at the northern approaches of the Strait of Istanbul in the Black Sea. However, the CIW, within the Black Sea's upper layer flow, does not enter into the strait in the beginning (April, May) and at the end (September) of this period. The CIW between 20 and 50m water depths was observed in the northern entrance of the strait in summer (June, July and August) and it was carried into the strait by the southbound surface current. Its temperature increases southwards along the strait, due to the mixing with the warmer surface and bottom layers. This increment ranges between 2 and 4oC depending on the rate of mixing. The physically altered waters enter the Sea of Marmara with temperature of 11-14oC.In the Sea of Marmara, a residual cold intermediate layer (CIL) is observed in summer, it is just placed on top of the halocline. The average temperature of the upper layer increases from spring to autumn. In some months, however, there is a decrement in the average temperature of the upper layer. The altered CIW waters entering the Sea of Marmara may be responsible for this cooling.

2002 ◽  
Vol 46 (8) ◽  
pp. 59-66 ◽  
E. Okuş ◽  
A. Aslan-Yilmaz ◽  
A. Yüksek ◽  
S. Taş ◽  
V. Tüfekçi

As part of a five years monitoring project “Water Quality Monitoring of the Strait of Istanbul”, February-December 1999 nutrient dynamics of the Black Sea-the Sea of Marmara transect are studied to evaluate the effect of discharges given by deep disposals. Through a one-year study, upper layer nutrient concentrations were generally under the effect of northwestern-shelf Black Sea originated waters. This effect was strictly observed in July, when the upper layer flow was the thickest. On the other hand, partly in November but especially in December the northwestern-shelf Black Sea originated water flow was a minimum resulting in similar concentrations in both layers. Nutrient fluctuations also affected the chlorophyll a and POC concentrations as parameters of productivity. The nutrient concentrations decreased with the effect of spring bloom and highest chlorophyll a values were detected in November at Strait stations that did not match to the Sea of Marmara values. This fact represents the time-scale difference between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. On the contrary, high nutrient concentrations in the lower layer (especially inorganic phosphate), and therefore low N:P ratios reflect the effect of deep discharge. Vertical mixing caused by meteorological conditions of the shallow station (M3) under the effect of surface discharges resulted in homogenous distribution of nutrients. Nutrient concentrations of the stations affected by deep discharge showed that the two-layer stratification of the system did not permit the discharge mix to the upper layer.

Check List ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1646 ◽  
F. Tiralongo ◽  
R. Baldacconi

Microlipophrys adriaticus (Steindachner & Kolombatovic, 1883) is an endemic blenny of the Mediterranean Sea. It is also known from the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. However, unlike other species of combtooth blennies, M. adriaticus is a fish with a limited distribution in Adriatic Sea, especially in the north, where it can be common. We report here the first record of this species from the waters of the Ionian Sea.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5060 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-64

The present paper deals with the diversity of nephtyid polychaetes (Nephtyidae) from the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Three species belonging to two genera (Micronephthys and Nephtys) were found in the Black Sea (coast of Turkey) and six species belonging to three genera (Inermonephtys, Micronephthys and Nephtys) were found in the Sea of Marmara. The material includes two species new to science, Inermonephtys turcica n. sp. and Nephtys sinopensis n. sp., and a species record (Nephtys kersivalensis McIntosh, 1908) new to the Sea of Marmara’s marine fauna. Nephtys sinopensis n. sp. is mainly characterized by having 1–4 geniculate chaetae in the postacicular position of the parapodia; digitiform antennae, palps, and ventral cirri at chaetiger 1 with swollen tips; small and cirriform branchiae present from chaetiger 4 to the end of the body; poorly developed parapodial prechaetal lamellae in median and posterior chaetigers and long ventral cirri along the body. Inermonephtys turcica n. sp. is mainly characterized by having cushion-like palps with digitiform tips; well developed neuropodial postchaetal lamellae; barred chaetae in preacicular position of the anterior and median parapodia; and branchiae first appearing between chaetiger 3 and 13 (depending on body size).  

Mehmet Özturk ◽  
Cihan Sahin ◽  
Yalcin Yuksel

Ocean currents represent a potentially notable, currently untapped, reservoir of energy. The regions with strong current velocities such as narrow straits connecting two water bodies exhibit high current energy (power) potential especially where the water depths are relatively shallow (EECA, 2009). The Bosphorus, connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, is a typical narrow sea strait that generally exhibits a two-layered flow pattern: the upper layer current flows south towards the Sea of Marmara while the underlying current flows in opposite direction towards the Black Sea (Yüksel et al., 2008). The predominant mechanisms for the upper and lower layer flows are the higher water level of the Black Sea and the denser water of the Sea of Marmara, respectively.

2002 ◽  
Vol 46 (8) ◽  
pp. 37-44 ◽  
A. Uysal ◽  
A. Yüksek ◽  
E. Okuş ◽  
N. Yilmaz

Spatial and temporal distribution of benthic communities around the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus) and the effect of lower layer discharge on these communities have been evaluated during studies between FebruaryÐDecember 1999. Mytilus galloprovincialis was the dominant species with fasies at the Black Sea station that is not affected by the strait lower layer current system. On the other hand, another Black Sea station, influenced by the strait lower layer currents, has a similar biota to the strait stations. Species richness and diversity is highest in the strait than other areas. The dominant species is Maera grossimana. However, the station located at the Black Sea exit of the strait has a different biota, and various groups/species appeared to be dominant. Melinna palmata is the dominant species at the Sea of Marmara during the study period. Low dissolved oxygen values of lower layer and soft substratum of sediment resulted in wide distribution of Melinna palmata, adapted to these conditions. The closer stations to the strait in the Sea of Marmara have higher diversity as a result of hydrodynamic processes. On the other hand, coastal stations with low currents and inputs have lower index values, showing the negative effect of discharges and pollution.

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