Information and Educational System of Supporting Learners� Self-Development in the Course of Extracurricular Activities in Terms of Implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-37
������ ◽  
N. Ivanov ◽  
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Irina Ivanova

The authors present their insights on the structure and substantive content of the unified information and educational system, which is a software product named �Information and Educational System to Support Self-Development�, which has been approbated in terms of implementing the scientific project supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities and the Government of the Kaluga region at the premises of rural schools of the Kaluga region (The project �14-16-40007 a (r)). The unified information system maintenance is aimed to facilitate the work of teachers at different stages of methodological and psycho-pedagogical support of learners self-development in the course of extracurricular activities, to help with performance analysis, to provide maximum automation of the testing process in order to eliminate the human factor, which can distort the results analyzing process, and also to provide convenience of making recommendations on how to work with learners. Among the structural components of the software are: the analytical system, which includes students� self-development monitoring unit editor; accounting and analysis system, represented by the student�s individual profile; statistical processing block with results presentation and development of psychological and pedagogical recommendations; the block for analyzing the learners� self-development dynamics, etc. The system allows to maintain an individual profile for each learner; to run diagnostics of learners� self-development; to process and store diagnostics outcomes; to develop psychological and pedagogical recommendations and routes of individual self-development for each student; to plan individual educational path for each learner dependent on testing outcomes, interviews with the parents and the learner himself and recommendations of psychologists and educators. The system is capable to maintain both the results records of a single learner within different time domains and statistical analyses of group results, to sort and analyze results against the required criteria. The said system can be used widely in educational practices of extracurricular activities in the context of mastering the standards of primary general education. The paper can be of interest for supplementary education teachers, for primary school teachers, psychologists, as well as teaching staff of educational institutions responsible for monitoring learners� self-development in the course of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

10.12737/1111 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 26-32
Пономарева ◽  
E. Ponomareva

To Russian education’s numerous innovations a one more — global — is added since 2011. This is the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as FSES) of primary general education, main general education, secondary (complete) general education. To that block of administrative problems which were solved already by the teacher, will be added ensuring of development of universal educational actions, i.e. ability to study, personality’s capability to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active assignment of new social experience. It is an actual and new task will reflect onto all elements of educational system, its subsystems, as well as in processes, which are proceeding in the educational system. The teacher should look for new techniques, technologies, models of educational activity organization. All this will be discussed in the paper.

10.12737/4341 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 0-0
������� ◽  
Ekaterina Evplova

In the article the urgency of introduction of the Federal state educational standard (GEF) basic General education, are the main characteristics of this new generation standard: the emphasis in education; inter-personal, meta (cognitive, communicative, regulatory universal learning activities) and substantive results. An attempt is made to analyze the shortcomings of the old format of education and the benefits of the standard of the second generation, and also lists the problems of implementation of this standard in basic school and possible ways of their solution. Problems and ways of their solution identified by the method Edward de Bono´s "Six thinking hats. Information for this article are collected in the process of cooperation with educational institutions of the city, other educational and research institutions, conferences on the subject, at courses of improvement of qualification and professional retraining of teaching staff and heads of educational institutions, during the meetings urban professional associations of teachers and specialists, and other

10.12737/7337 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 43-45
Рыдзе ◽  
Oxana Rydze

The article offers provisions of the Federal state educational standard of the primary general education, Sanitary and epidemiologic norms and regulations, and Approximate main educational program of elementary school that regulate educational process in first classes of elementary school. The author comprehensively explains requirements of the state documents and possible cases of its abuse by teaching staff that lead to inadmissible increase in study load and violation of educational mode.

2021 ◽  
Vladimirovna Svetlana ◽  
Gennad'evna Ol'ga

The teaching and methodological manual presents theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of the system-activity approach in obtaining secondary general education, materials for conducting classes and self-study within the module "System-activity approach as a methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education" under the program "Achieving meta-subject educational results of students by means of teaching academic subjects". For teachers and trainees of the advanced training system, senior teaching staff and teachers interested in the implementation of the system-activity approach in educational activities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-51
Татьяна Ивановна Киселёва

В статье рассматривается внеурочная деятельность как средство развития познавательных интересов младших школьников. Автор сравнивает такие понятия как «внеурочная» деятельность, «внеучебная» деятельность и «внеклассная» работа. В соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования (Приказ Министерства просвещения РФ от 31 мая 2021 г. № 286 “Об утверждении федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования”) (далее ФГОС НОО - 21), образовательная организация должна создать условия для максимально полного обеспечения образовательных потребностей и интересов обучающихся. При этом наличие у обучающихся познавательного интереса считается важным критерием эффективности достижения результатов освоения учебных предметов, курсов и внеурочной деятельности. Внеурочная деятельность в составе основной образовательной программы начального общего образования является важным средством по развитию познавательного интереса школьников. Под познавательным интересом младших школьников в нашем исследовании понимаем направленность личности на процесс познания, которая характеризуется положительным эмоционально-ценностным отношением к процессу или предмету познания, проявляется в интеллектуально-творческой деятельности, благотворно влияет на развитие одарённости, на воспитание инициативности и самостоятельности, но в силу особенностей возраста отличается неустойчивостью и динамичностью. Особая роль в развитии познавательных интересов младших школьников отводится внеурочной деятельности. При этом значения «внеклассная», «внеурочная» и «внеучебная» деятельность в последнее время часто отождествляют. Постараемся разобраться в отличиях данных понятий и уточним определение «внеурочная деятельность». The article examines the possibilities, methods and conditions of organizing extracurricular activities as a means of developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren. The author considers the difference between such concepts as "extracurricular", "extracurricular" activity, "extracurricular" work. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2021 No. 286 "On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general Education") (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard NOO - 21), an educational organization must create conditions for the fullest possible provision of educational needs and interests of students. At the same time, the presence of cognitive interest in students is considered an important criterion for the effectiveness of achieving the results of mastering academic subjects, courses and extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities as part of the basic educational program of primary general education are an important means of developing the cognitive interest of schoolchildren. Under the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren in our study, we understand the orientation of the personality to the process of cognition, which is characterized by a positive emotional and value attitude to the process or subject of cognition, manifests itself in intellectual and creative activity, has a beneficial effect on the development of giftedness, on the education of initiative and independence, but due to the peculiarities of age, it is unstable and dynamic. Extracurricular activities play a special role in the development of cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren. At the same time, the meanings of "extracurricular", "extracurricular" and "extracurricular" activities have often been identified recently. We will try to understand the differences between these concepts and clarify the definition of "extracurricular activities".

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-59
��������� ◽  
M. Mukhidinov

The implementation of the introduction of the federal state educational standard radically changes the perception of the goals and priorities of general education and focuses on achieving new educational outcomes, which leads to the need to improve the structural and functional components of the educational system and the appropriate adjustments in the content of components of teacher´s professional activity. In this aspect, the article examines the development of technologic, psychological and pedagogical components of professional work of IT-teacher.

10.12737/7838 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27 ◽  
Стручаева ◽  
Tamara Struchaeva

The paper highlights the experience in realizing the local history module “Belgorod Studies” within the “World Around Us” course in the 1st–4th grades in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (FGOS NOO). The program of extracurricular activities for primary school classes, based on the local history material, is characterized in detail.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-37
������� ◽  
Irina Ivanova

Due to the modernization of education system, one of the most important task of educational organizations is to assist in the process of human selfactualization and self-development. According to the Federal state brand-new educational standard , to the �Law on Education in Russia�, and to the national educational initiative �Our new school�, the emphasis in educational practice is gradually shifts towards support for the formation of the personality of the individual, of his capacity for self-realization. As one of the conditions that can provide self-development of students in modern-term educational practice supports extracurricular activities, which today has a special role in the development and education of the younger generation. According to information on launch of FSES of primary education, extracurricular activities should be understood as educational activities carried out in the forms of non-class-lesson, and aimed at achieving the expected results of development of the basic educational program of primary education. The article presents the author´s vision of constructing models, that is to support self-development of students in extracurricular activities in the development of the FSES of primary general education in rural schools. The model is based on the principles of flexibility, variability, individualization, creative interaction of all participants of the educational process, and is to pay attention on individual characteristics of students and accept the regional features of educational environment of rural schools. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structural components of the model, the conditions of its realization in educational practice. The structural model consists of three units: methodical, informational and psycho-pedagogical, their implementation relies are based on the adequate mechanisms for psychological and pedagogical support of students (active basis of claims for recognition of motifs in the hierarchical subordination ,domination of moral norms , the motive of self-acceptance and the desire for self-development, prevention and correction of negative psychological formations. An important aspect of the model is to provide the author´s technology-monitoring measurements of the results of its operations on each structural unit (methodical, psychological and pedagogical, informational). The proposed model of self-support of students in extracurricular activities in the development of the FSES of primary general education in rural schools, can be widely used in the regional educational practice in the context of the organization of extracurricular activities of younger students. Currently testing model is performed on the basis of rural schools of Yukhnovskiy area of the Kaluga region. The study is conducted with the financial support of the Government of RHF and the Kaluga region, the project �14-16-40007 a (r).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-37
O. Oleynik

The article reveals the experience of using the project activities of younger schoolchildren in the process of forming their informed literacy when learning the Russian language. Examples of projects are described in which various language problems are solved. A course “Extracurricular activities”, created by the author taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education and the Russian language program for extracurricular activities, is offered. The course content includes a variety of didactic word games, game exercises that stimulate students’ interest in the Russian language, develop their imagination and creative abilities.

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