scholarly journals Short communication: An overview of the trematodes fauna of pool frog Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) in the Volga Basin, Russia: 1. Adult stages

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 256-262

Abstract. Chikhlyaev IV, Ruchin AB, Fayzulin AI. 2018. Short communication: An overview of the trematodes fauna of pool frog Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) in the Volga Basin, Russia: 1. Adult stages. Nusantara Bioscience 10: 256-262.  The paper presents data on fauna of trematodes of a pool frog Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) from 13 regions of the Volga basin (Russia). It consolidates data from different authors over the past 80 years, supplemented by our own research results. There are authentically known findings of 19 trematodes species at an adult stage of development. Three species of trematodes make the basis of helminth fauna: Pneumonoeces variegatus, Opisthioglyphe ranae and Diplodiscus subclavatus. By all species of helminths the following data are provided: taxonomic position, localization, area of detection, biology, definitive hosts, geographic distribution and the degree host-specificity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-111

Abstract. Chikhlyaev IV, Ruchin AB, Fayzulin AI. 2019. Short communication: An overview of the trematodes fauna of the pool frog Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) in the Volga Basin, Russia: 2. Larval stages. Nusantara Bioscience 11: 106-111. This paper presents data on the trematodes fauna of the pool frog Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) from 13 regions of the Volga Basin. It consolidates data from different authors over the past 30 years, supplemented by our own research results. There are authentically known findings of 10 trematodes species at the larval stage of development. The species Codonocephalus urniger (Rudolphi, 1819), mtc., Neodiplostomum spathoides Dubois, 1937, mtc. and Pharyngostomum cordatum (Diesing, 1850), mtc. have been observed for the first time in the given host on the territory of Russia and Volga basin. For each species of trematodes, there is the following information is included: taxonomic position, localization, area of detection, biology, definitive hosts, geographic distribution and degree of host-specificity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
Igor Chikhlyaev ◽  
Alexander Ruchin

AbstractIn this paper we considered information on the helminth fauna of the European common brown frog (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) from 10 regions of the Volga basin. This study includes consolidated data of different authors over the last 30 years, supplemented by the results of our own research. There are reliably known finds of 29 species of helminths: Monogenea — 1, Trematoda — 21, Nematoda — 7. Trematodes Gorgodera asiatica Pigulevsky, 1945, Paralepoderma cloacicola (Luhe, 1909), mtc. and nematodes Icosiella neglecta (Diesing, 1851) were observed for the first time in a given host on the territory of Russia and the Volga Basin. Six species of worms make the basis of helminth fauna: nematodes Rhabdias bufonis, Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Neoxysomatium brevicaudatum and Cosmocerca ornata, trematode Haplometra cylindracea and monogenea Polystoma integerrimum. These six species are the most common and widespread parasites of the brown frog. For each species of helminths there is the following information included: taxonomic position, localization, area of detection, biology, definitive hosts, geographic distribution, the degree of host-specificity.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Igor V. Chikhlyaev ◽  
Alexander B. Ruchin

This is the first review of the helminth fauna of the moor frog Rana arvalis Nilsson, 1842 from the Volga river basin (Russia). The article summarizes the authors’ and literature data on the helminthic fauna of this species. The method of complete helminthological dissection was used. Thirthy-eight helminth species were recorded from three classes: Cestoda (1), Trematoda (28), and Chromadorea (9). Nine helminth species are new to the moor frog in Russia: trematodes Gorgodera varsoviensis Sinitzin, 1905, Strigea falconis Szidat, 1928, larvae, Neodiplostomum spathoides Dubois, 1937, larvae, Tylodelphys excavata (Rudolphi, 1803), larvae, Pharyngostomum cordatum (Diesing, 1850), larvae, Astiotrema monticelli Stossich, 1904, larvae and Encyclometra colubrimurorum (Rudolphi, 1819), larvae, nematodes Strongyloides spiralis Grabda-Kazubska, 1978 and Icosiella neglecta (Diesing, 1851). The cestode Spirometra erinacei (Rudolphi, 1918), larvae were observed of this amphibian species in the Volga basin for the first time. The nematodes Rhabdias bufonis, Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Cosmocerca ornata and the trematode Haplometra cylindracea form the core of the helminth fauna of the moor frog. Information on species of helminths includes systematic position, localization, areas of detection, type and scheme of life cycle, geographical distribution, and degree of specificity to host amphibians.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026858092110053
Koichi Hiraoka

This article reviews the research trends in welfare sociology (sociological studies on social security and welfare), one of the many subfields of active research in sociology in Japan. For this purpose, several research streams formed from the 1970s to the 2000s are described, and some of the most important research results produced within these in the past two decades are introduced. In the latter part of this article, a broad overview of the research trends in Japanese welfare sociology is attempted by focusing on the contents of the journal published by the Japan Welfare Sociology Association (JWSA).

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 319
Fatimah Zuhrah

<p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Baiknya pondasi sebuah rumah tangga secara tidak langsung berpengaruh terhadap jatuh bangunnya sebuah negara, dan sebaliknya rusaknya pondasi sebuah keluarga berpengaruh terhadap merosot dan berkembangnya sebuah negara. Beberapa tahun belakangan ini jumlah permintaan gugat cerai istri terhadap suami mengalami peningkatan terutama dari isteri yang berkarir. Penelitian ini melihat permasalahan yang dibangun dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis untuk melihat dan memahami faktor perceraian wanita muslimah berkarir di kota Medan berdasarkan fenomena, fakta dan data yang peneliti temui di lapangan. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian didapat bahwa untuk menegakkan konsep ideal sebuah keluarga sangat sulit untuk dilakukan pada masa sekarang. Kondisi perkawinan sekarang sangat berbeda dengan masa dahulu dalam pemaknaan relasi suami isteri. Dahulu pernikahan memiliki posisi sangat sakral, pernikahan dianggap sebagai ibadah, sehingga orang takut untuk bercerai, karena cerai dianggap aib dan dosa.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <strong>Women Prosecute: A Study of Divorce in Careered-Muslim Women in Medan City</strong>. The good foundation of a household indirectly affects the rise and fall of a country, and vice versa, the damage to a family’s foundation affects the decline and development of a country. In the last decade, the number of divorce petition against husbands has increased, especially from careered-wives. This paper attempts to study the problems using a phenomenological qualitative approach to thoroughly comprehend the factors of divorce of careered-Muslim women in Medan city based on the phenomena, facts and data that researchers encountered in the field. This study finds that to enforce the ideal concept of a family is not an easy task to do at present. The current condition and perception of marital tie within the society is very different from the past. At the early stage of development of human history, marriage were regarded as inherent in religious observance, and thus, people were reluctant to divorce since it was a disgrace and sin.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> gender, feminisme, cerai, wanita karir, Muslimah</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 261 ◽  
pp. 04020
Yang Liu ◽  
DongJie Liu ◽  
JiaXing Zhao ◽  
Xin Lu

The research on cold fusion phenomenon has been in the past 30 years. Based on the research results of the predecessors, this article comprehensively describes the research results of the predecessors on the cold fusion phenomenon, and discusses it theoretically and experimentally. From the perspective of thermodynamics, this paper proposes to charge the palladium wire with hydrogen at low temperature to increase the frequency of abnormal heat generation, and gives a calculation formula for the hydrogen charging rate of the palladium wire. At the same time, a theoretical solution model for the isotope effect on the abnormal heat release phenomenon is proposed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-243
Deana Jovanovic

The main question the article discusses is how and why feminism can reflect upon multiple differences in Serbia through the idea of solidarity in the discourse of facing the past. The article pays attention to the connection between feminist practices and theories, solidarity, and the idea about moral responsibility. The article opens discussion about (feminist) solidarity seen as a strategic notion and points out to the politics of exclusion/inclusion of multiple Others. Attention is devoted to gender categories and construction of differences, as well as to the potential possibility and the importance of reflecting upon solidarity with gender diversities. The latter are briefly depicted through research results of analysis of women?s memory narratives - nurses and antiwar activists - whose subjectivities, experiences and gender positions, in their interaction, influenced construction of their narratives, differences, but also their relationship with the past.

1993 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 7636-7644 ◽  
G Stamatoyannopoulos ◽  
B Josephson ◽  
J W Zhang ◽  
Q Li

We report results showing that several gamma gene promoter elements participate in the developmental control of gamma-globin genes. Four gamma gene constructs with 5' truncated at -141, -201, -382, and -730 of the A gamma gene promoter linked to a micro locus control region (microLCR) cassette were used for production of transgenic mice and analysis of gamma gene expression during development. Mice carrying a microLCR -141 A gamma construct displayed downregulation of gamma gene expression in the adult stage of development, indicating that the proximal promoter contains elements participating in gamma gene silencing. Mice carrying a microLCR -201 A gamma or a microLCR -382 A gamma construct displayed high gamma gene expression in the fetal stage of development and complete loss of gamma gene downregulation in the adult stage, suggesting that the -141 to -201 gamma gene sequence contains elements which upregulate gamma gene expression and are dominant over the negative element 3' to -141. Extension of the promoter to -730 resulted in reappearance of gamma gene downregulation, suggesting that the -382 to -730 sequences contain an adult-stage-specific silencer. gamma gene expression in the microLCR -201 A gamma and the microLCR -382 A gamma transgenic mice was copy number dependent. All the microLCR -730 A gamma transgenic mice expressed gamma mRNA; however, gamma gene expression was copy number independent, indicating that levels of gamma gene expression were modulated by the surrounding chromatin. Our results suggest that multiple elements participate in gamma gene silencing. The findings in the microLCR-201 A gamma and microLCR -382 A gamma transgenic mice are interpreted to indicate that the LCR interacts not only with the minimal gamma gene promoter but also with sequences of the upstream promoter. We postulate that gamma gene downregulation is achieved when the interaction between LCR and the upstream promoter is disturbed by the silencer located in the -382 to -730 region. We propose that gamma gene silencing is achieved by the combined effect of negative elements located 3' to -141, the negative element located between -382 and -730, and the competition by the beta gene promoter during the adult stage of development.

Bothalia ◽  
1983 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-213 ◽  
G. E. Gibbs Russell

Alloteropsis semialata (R. Br.) Hitchc. sensu Chippindall (1955) and Clayton (in press) is the only known grass species in which elements with both non-Kranz and Kranz leaf blade anatomy, and therefore with C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways are included. In the past, two taxa had been recognized, but the characters used to separate them were found to be unreliable, so they were united. However, study of voucher specimens for anatomical and physiological work has shown that C3 and C4 taxa may be separated on the basis of morphological characters that differ from those considered in the past. Therefore, two taxa are again recognized, this time at the rank of subspecies, and the name  Alloteropsis semialata subsp. eckloniana (Nees) Gibbs Russell  stat. nov. is published.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-86
Renato Spicciarelli

Brahmaea (Acanthobrahmaea) europaea Hartig, 1963, is an Italian endemic species exhibiting a very restricted geographic distribution (Basilicata and Campania regions, Grotticelle di Monticchio Nature Reserve and neighbouring areas), and developing as larvae on a few Oleaceae (Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa, Ligustrum vulgare and Phyllirea latifolia). From spring 2015 to spring 2017 a series of bioethological observations on the moth were conducted, as well as surveys aimed to study the distribution of its host plants in the habitats of SAC “Grotticelle di Monticchio”. In this short communication a prolonged diapause of B. europaea chrysalis kept in the laboratory is documented. In spring 2018, four successfully adult eclosions occurred from two years old pupae, a case never previously reported in literature records for this rare and threatened taxon.

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