scholarly journals Nilai Responsif Gender dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-198
Rizka Eliyana Maslihah

The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has been appearing in Arabic language teaching materials, but it needs more. So, in the next, gender discrimination will not be found in the Arabic language teaching material of Islamic Elementary School (MI). ملخص أصبحت الإشاعة عن استجابة الجنس بحثا مرحوبا فى مجال المعارف. وحصد البحوث فى تكافؤ الرجال والنساء الموافقة والمعارضة من قبل الاجتماعية. حيث أن الاختلاف فى بنية الاجتماعية سيؤدي إلى الاختلاف فى ضوء العقليات. وكتبت هذه المقالة للكشف عن التصور الشامل للنتائج  من استجابة الجنس فى مادة تعليم اللغة العربية. حيث اشتملت المادة فى استخدام المفردات المذكّر والمؤنث. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، وجد تكافؤ الدرجة دون النمطية وثانوية النساء فى المجتمع. وكتبت هذه المقالة بمدخل البحث المكتبي للتحليل عن استخدام المفردات المذكّر والمؤنث بالتكافؤ، دون النمطية وثانوية النساء فى الكتب المدرسي للفصل الرابع إلى السادس لمستوى المدرسة الإبتدائية. وحصلت الكاتبة على النتيجة كما يلي: ظهرت التركيز من النتائج لاستجابة الجنس فى مادة تعليم اللغة العربية جيّدة، ولكن يحتاج التركيز إلى التقوية، للوصول إلى عدم تمييز الجنس فى مادة اللغة العربية لـهذا المستوى. الكلمات الرئيسية: النتيجة، استجابة الجنس، مادة التعليم، تمييز الجنس

Marcela Jabbaz Churba

AbstractThis study aims to analyse the legal decision-making process in the Community of Valencia (Spain) regarding contentious divorces particularly with respect to parental authority (patria potestas), custody and visiting arrangements for children, and the opinions of mothers and fathers on the impact these judicial measures have had on their lives. It also considers the biases in these decisions produced by privileging the rights of the adults over those of the children. Three particular moments are studied: (1) the situation before the break-up, focusing on the invisible gender gap in care; (2) the judicial process, where we observe the impact of hidden gender-based violence and gender stereotypes; and (3) the situation post-decision, showing how any existing violence continues after divorce, by means of parental authority. The concept of ‘motherhood under threat’ is placed at the centre of these issues, where children’s voices are given the least attention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 78 (4) ◽  
pp. 325-334
Marina Della Rocca ◽  
Dorothy Louise Zinn

In recent years, so-called honor-based violence has become a major issue for the operators of the women's shelters in South Tyrol (Northern Italy) that support women who have suffered from domestic violence. The antiviolence operators who work in the women's shelters generally relate this form of violence to the experiences of young migrant-origin women. In this article, we discuss the operators' definitions of honor-based violence, which present a variety of dichotomous categories that reveal a process of othering and evoke the lexicon of the international conventions on gender discrimination and gender-based violence. Indeed, some traces of an essentialist understanding of culture are still recognizable in this lexicon, most of all in the relationship of culture with the concept of honor. We conclude by identifying possible ways to overcome the risk of essentialization in the antiviolence operators' practices, suggesting how to redefine them by incorporating the migrant-origin women's perspectives and stressing the significance of this study for a wider understanding of the women's empowerment in the advocacy work of the women's shelters.

Alexandra Columban ◽  
Mihail Buse ◽  
Cornelia Macarie

Academia is one of the main hubs for promoting gender equality and non-discrimination, yet very few programs in Romania actively tackle the topic. An assessment of students’ perceptions is thus necessary in order to identify the level of awareness around gender issues and potential barriers hindering an inclusive academic environment. The present exploratory study aims to fill this gap by providing information on four dimensions of gender equality: attitudes towards gender equality, prevalence of gender stereotypes, gender-based violence and sexual harassment, and gender-based discrimination. The questionnaire was applied online and offline between October 2018 and March 2019 to 275 students enrolled in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies at BabeșBolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. The study found that students had a rather high awareness about gender issues in general and held favorable views towards gender equality and its enforcement. However, female students were more prone to stereotype, claiming more traits for themselves, and were more likely than their male counterparts to experience sexual harassment and discrimination regarding professional promotion. A series of implications for practitioners and recommendations are also discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Iwan Pranata

Language is one of communication tools between people to other people. In education activity, it's known that Arabic language is taught in some institutions and Islamic colleges only for understanding books written in Arabic scripts. In its development history until now, Arabic language has been a curriculum at several schools and colleges as a subject that helps to understand texts with Arabic language. It also works as a medium, knowledge, and insight developed in this recent era. This research aims to explain the borders of Arabic language teaching in an Islamic elementary school, and one of these schools is Islamic elementary school Al-Azhar Cairo Palembang which uses that language so their students can be noble man, and have high technology understanding. This school also use Al-Azhar’s noble curriculum and apply it to make class’s atmosphere more interesting and positive for learning Arabic language and increase students’ tendency to Arabic language learning as well as their motivation and confidence. The data collected in this research was taken from direct face to face interview with the teachers and students. Some of factors which cause Arabic language learning difficult are not coming from Arabic language itself (Arabic language system as internal factors), but also from its physiological factors (like; tendency, motivations, and the absent of confidence), as well as cultural and sociological factors. Thus, there’s necessity to use such a proper curriculum and method for learning Arabic language based on students’ psychological factors. Also, it’s because of the system of Arabic language teaching is not sure. The conclusion of this paper based on those different problems shows that it’s a necessity to prepare an educational curriculum, good teachers’ effectiveness, suitable teaching method and interesting language based environment to face and answer some Arabic language teaching’s challenges especially for non-native Arabic speaker.

Temida ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-201
Sanja Copic ◽  
Bejan Saciri

In 2019 the Victimology Society of Serbia conducted the survey aimed at assessing the attitudes of professionals who work in state institutions, independent state agencies and civil society organizations in Serbia about gender equality and genderbased violence, and collecting data on their experiences and challenges in dealing with gender-based violence victims, especially Roma women and women in rural areas. The survey was a part of the broader project aimed to contribute to policy and practice changes to ensure the recognition of harmful gender stereotypes and gender discrimination and to ensure suppression and timely response in cases of gender- based violence. It was a part of the program ?Ending Violence against Women in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey: Implementing Norms, Changing Minds?, implemented by the UN Women and funded by the European Commission. The survey was conducted on a sample of 199 respondents from the police, courts, prosecutors? offices, social welfare centres, independent institutions and civil society organizations, in 21 local communities in Serbia. The survey findings suggested that in general practitioners involved in the survey do not have negative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence. However, when looking at some individual statements on the scales of attitudes on gender equality and gender-based violence, as well as answers to additional questions regarding the role of women and men at home, one can still conclude that traditional (gender) stereotypes are present in respondents of both sexes. The survey results also revealed a lack of knowledge about gender-based violence, which can result in the victim not being recognized, blaming the victim, failing to provide necessary assistance, support and protection, leading to re-victimization and secondary victimization. On average, male respondents have more conservative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence than women. Older respondents, and consequently respondents with longer working experience, have more negative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence than younger respondents. Respondents working in the judiciary, police and prosecution have more negative attitudes towards gender equality and gender-based violence than respondents from independent state bodies, centres for social work and civil society organizations. Attitudes on gender equality proved to be a strong predictor of attitudes about different forms of gender-based violence. Therefore, it is necessary to work further on raising awareness and strengthening capacities of practitioners in state institutions and civil society organizations on issues related to gender equality and gender-based violence, as well as on raising public awareness, including (potential) victims of gender inequality and gender-based violence, so that citizens can recognize their own or victimization of others and seek help and protect their rights.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-133 ◽  
Myriam Vuckovic ◽  
Annette Altvater ◽  
Linda Helgesson Sekei ◽  
Kristina Kloss

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the causes, forms, extent, and consequences of sexual harassment and sexual violence at public sector workplaces in Tanzania. Design/methodology/approach A total of 1,593 civil servants participated in the survey, which was conducted in the Mtwara Region of Tanzania. The quantitative data were complemented with the results from eight focus group discussions. Findings The study revealed that 21 percent of women and 12 percent of men had experienced sexual harassment personally. Overall, rural-based public servants had less knowledge of relevant policies, and experienced more sexual harassment than their urban colleagues. The majority of perpetrators were identified as men in senior positions; the majority of victims were recognized to be young female employees. Frequently reported behaviors included sexual bribery with regard to resource allocation, promotions, allowances, and other benefits. Practical implications Despite the existence of conducive legal and policy frameworks aimed at protecting employees from sexual harassment and violence, their implementation and effects were found to be limited. Only half of the study population was aware of the existing regulations. The study found that the majority of public servants who had knowledge on the issue had learned about sexual harassment in the context of an HIV/AIDS workplace program. This finding indicates that well-designed workplace interventions can play an important role in creating awareness, addressing gender stereotypes, and informing employees about their personal rights and responsibilities. Originality/value Sexual harassment and gender-based violence at the workplace has never been studied before in Tanzania. The study provides practical recommendations for future preventive interventions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. p131
Nabukeera Madinah (PhD)

This manuscript analyzed Gender disparities in Uganda including asset ownership and employment as well as Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and their persistence in Uganda. The study used a descriptive design with secondary data obtained from Uganda Bureau of Statistics-UBOS (2019). The study established that women are going through a lot of physical and sexual violence, and few of them are owning assets in spite of the efforts made by Government of Uganda and development partners. The study recommended need to increase on awareness in order to fight gender discrimination within the Uganda.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Fashi Hatul Lisaniyah ◽  
Ummidlatus Salamah

This study aims to describe Arabic language learning media era 4.0 from conceptual and actual aspects and focuses on media learning Arabic language specifically elementary school (Junior hight school). The approach of this study is (library research) by discussing literatures that discuss arabic language learning media. Conclusion of this study is innovation of learning, especially in Arabic language lessons, is something important and must be owned or done by arabic teachers. This is because learning will be more enjoyable and meaningful for students. With kahoot and socrative media, it is expected to encourage students to be more enthusiastic and happy to learn Arabic. As a teacher who interacts with students every day, it is not wrong to constantly innovate in learning. Entering this 4.0 era, teachers are required to keep trying to find, explore and find breakthroughs, approaches, methods and learning media is one of the supporting new media that will be fresh and enlightening. This article describes the media of Arabic language learning for the basic level, covering the learning media of Kahoot and Socrative. The more creative and innovative a teacher is in using learning media will make it easier to deliver Arabic lessons, the easier it is for students to receive Arabic lessons. This is a major factor in the success of MI-level Arabic lessons.

polemica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 026-041
Laís Landes Monteiro ◽  
Alexandra Gouvêa Vianna

Resumo: Propondo uma crítica ao discurso da pornografia como forma de libertação sexual, o presente estudo busca evidenciar, a partir de uma perspectiva psicanalítica, o papel da pornografia mainstream na construção de desejos, discursos e subjetividades. Para tanto, buscou-se analisar, por meio de revisão de literatura, o sexismo, a dominação masculina nessa indústria pornográfica e a consequente produção de estereótipos de gênero e padrões de comportamentos opressores. Visando entender também a relação de causalidade entre esse tipo de pornografia e violência de gênero, foram observadas pesquisas estatísticas que correlacionam o consumo de pornografia e comportamentos sexuais violentos. O presente artigo expõe os impactos subjetivos da pornografia mainstream por meio de seus discursos implícitos e, portanto, compreende-a como mais uma das formas de violência física e simbólica contra a mulher.Palavras-chave: Pornografia. Sexualidade. Subjetividade. Violência de gênero.Abstract: Proposing to criticize the pornographic speech as a form of sexual liberation, the present study aims to highlight, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the role of mainstream pornography in the construction of desires, discourses and subjectivities. To this end, we sought to analyze, through literature review, the sexism, the male domination in this pornographic industry and the consequent production of gender stereotypes and patterns of oppressive behaviors. In order to also understand the causality between this kind of pornography and gender-based violence, data and statistical research correlating the consumption of pornography and violent sexual behavior were investigated. This article exposes the subjective impacts of mainstream pornography through its implicit discourses and, therefore, understands pornography as a form of physical and symbolic violence against women.Keywords: Pornography. Sexuality. Subjectivity. Gender Violence.

Monia Azzalini

This paper examines how news media play a crucial role in tolerating gender-based violence by constantly reinforcing ‘subtle’ gender stereotypes. After presenting the institutional background in which media, gender stereotypes and gender-based violence have been studied over the last 30 years, subtle gender stereotypes are defined as those stereotypes that are less evident than the obvious ones and are not usually correlated to gender violence. Nevertheless, they can be detected in the underrepresentation and misrepresentation of women in the news, as measured by the GMMP (Global Media Monitoring Project), which is the longest and most extensive study on the representation of women in news media.

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