PREMIERE : Journal of Islamic Elementary Education
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Published By Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (IAINU) Tuban

2745-908x, 2685-9475

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-102
Yeni Nora Fridayanti

This study aims to determine the effect of online learning on the learning outcomes of elementary school students. The research method is carried out through library research by collecting data information related to relevant matters from various sources such as journals, articles, news, books. The criteria for selecting documents, namely that there is a discussion of online learning and the learning outcomes obtained during online learning in elementary schools. The results showed that online learning had an influence on student learning outcomes. This is caused by internal and external factors from students. Elementary school age students are at the concrete operational stage where they are able to do logical reasoning for things that are concrete in nature, while for things that are abstract in nature they are still unable to do it. Students have certain characteristics so they need time to adapt to be able to adjust to online learning. The learning outcomes obtained by students depend on how students respond to the online learning that is being carried out. The role of teachers and parents is very important for the success of students in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Nurhaningtyas Agustin

Learning of reading provides students with the knowledge and ability to master reading techniques, and capture the reading content well and be able to write it correctly. Reading activities become part of human life in everyday life, through reading activities we can find knowledge, and open insights.This study aims to describe students' reading ability with the application of fast-reading smart books that have previously been developed in previous research. The method in this study is a quantitative approach with a type of experimental research that uses pre test post test design. The subjects in this study were grade 1 students of SD Islam Terpadu Asslafiyyah Pambon Tuban with a total of 7 students. The results of the student's research were completed with KKM ≥70 with a percentage of student completion obtained by 100%. After the calculation of The Normality Gain Test explained that the improvement of learning outcomes obtained an increase in the high category with the number of 5 students, and moderate 2 students. Psychomotor observations gained an average of 94. So it can be said that the use of Smart Book Quick Read that has been in grade 1 of SD Islam Terpadu Assalafiyyah Pambon Tuban can improve the cognitive and psychomotor learning outcomes of students

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-77
Ninik Hidayati ◽  
Ika Wulandari

Education outside the family, does not mean relinquishing the responsibility of parents in the world of education, this is done by parents due to the limited knowledge possessed by parents. But there are things that become cloudy in the process of children's learning activities carried out online. Based on the background of the problem, this researcher is expected to provide answers to the formulation of the problem described: 1) What is the role of parents in supporting the learning activities of junior high school children at home during the covid-19 pandemic in Kumpulrejo Village, Parengan District, Tuban Regency. 2) What are the inhibiting and supporting factors for junior high school children's learning activities at home during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kumpulrejo Village, Parengan District, Tuban Regency. The purpose of this study was 1) To determine the role of parents in supporting learning activities for junior high school children at home during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kumpulrejo Village, Parengan District, Tuban Regency. 2) to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors for junior high school children's learning activities at home during the covid-19 pandemic in Kumpulrejo Village, Parengan District, Tuban Regency This study used a qualitative descriptive research method which took place in the village of Kumpulrejo. The process of collecting research data using the methods of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing or data verification (conclusion drawing/verification). The results of this study can be concluded that the role of parents in supporting the learning activities of junior high school children at home during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kumpulrejo Village, Parengan District, Tuban Regency is very important for their children. Children will be more enthusiastic about online learning which is done at home with the role of parents providing motivation and enthusiasm for children, parents as facilitators, parents supervising children in learning. The role of parents in the learning process at home has been carried out well. Although there were obstacles with the existence of civid-19 this research also went smoothly.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-33
Nurlaili Dina Hafni

To upgrade learning achievement in Social Studies (IPS), the authors use the media with picture cards (Draw Card), the authors choose picture cards because these media are common media and easy to understand by students. This media also has the aim of attracting students' attention, clarifying the material, illustrating facts or information that will be quickly understood if illustrated with pictures. In addition, drawing card media (Draw Card) can be made easily and used according to the creativity of educators based on the material to be delivered.After observing and evaluating, the progress of students in the study of Increasing Learning Achievement in Social Studies  (IPS) Using Picture Card Media (Draw Card) in class VI students of SDN Tasikmadu 02 Palang District, Tuban Regency. It can be concluded as follows (1) The application of illustrated card media (Draw Card) can be carried out properly and structured by researchers, implementation activities are carried out through pre-cycle activities, then cycle I and continues in cycle II. (2) Student achievement continues to show a significant increase compared to before using the media, student achievement tends to be low, namely 0 or no students who complete the minimum completeness criteria that have been set. It can be seen that the social studies learning achievement of 18 students, there are 18 students or 100% who get a complete score (T) and 0 students or 0% of students get an incomplete score (TT). His class average is 90. (3) Social Studies (IPS) learning achievement by using drawing card media (Draw Card) has increased which can be seen from the average value and classical completeness presentation, the pre-cycle value shows an average of 53.89% with the percentage of students who complete 0%. After the implementation of the picture card media in the first cycle, the formative test results reached 70% with the percentage of students who completed 9 and students who did not complete 9, in the second cycle an average increase of 90% and has reached the indicator of success of classical completeness, namely at least 85% of the total number of students. This shows that the use of picture card media (Draw Card) can improve Social Studies learning achievement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-93
Akhmad Aji Pradana

The rapid development of science , knowledge , technology and information systems make the impact positive and negative impact on education world. An effort to reduce the negative effect of technology appliance on education is by applying character-based education on the Elementary school students. As part of the Elementary School curriculum, a lesson called Physical Education indirectly have focus to develop the character of overall. In order to optimize the character of students through physical education, required several studies about strategy in developing character of students learning through it. Thus, this articles aims to discuss: character based education, physical education as part of character education, strategy of developing the students character through physical education learning. This article using library research as research type. In this research, researchers collected data from various sources contained on news and articles from online journal. The selected criteria of the articles used in this research which have relevant discussion of character-based education, physical education as part of character education, strategy of developing the students character through physical education learning. The conclusions can be described is: 1. The students character shaping through character based education can be optimized on Elementary School Level but keep paying attention on some priciples including: Universal moral values; holistic; integrated; participatory; local wisdom; the XXI century skills; fair and inclusive; suitable with students development; and measurable. 2. The character shaping of Elementary School students can be optimized by physical education through continuous process, correct learning methods, and suitable technic and strategy. 3. The character shaping of Elementary School students through physical education can be doing with inclusive strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Irma Fauziah

Pada proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (SD) atau Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), pemahaman tentang perkembangan intelektual anak usia dasar penting untuk menjadi acuan dalam rangka mendidik dan mengajar. Kegiatan belajar mengajar akan maksimal apabila materi ajar yang disampaikan dapat dipahami oleh anak. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi ketika tingkat kesukaran materi sesuai dengan taraf kemampuan berfikir anak. Maka pengetahuan tentang perkembangan kemampuan berpikir atau perkembangan intelektual peserta didik usia dasar merupakan hal yang harus dikaji. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perkembangan intelektual peserta didik usia dasar yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dan praktisi pendidikan sebagai pedoman dalam mendesain pembelajaran yang efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian pustaka/literature. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu buku, jurnal, artikel, dan karya ilmiah lainnya yang relevan. Data dikumpulkan untuk kemudian dilakukan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa kemampuan intelektual adalah kemampuan untuk memperoleh berbagai informasi, berpikir abstrak, menalar, serta bertindak secara efisien dan efektif . adapun perkembangan intelektual dipengaruhi oleh dua factor utama yaitu hereditas/keturunan dan lingkungan, Dalam proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan, penting untuk mempertimbangkan perkembangan intelektual peserta didik pada masing-masing tingkat sebagai dasar dalam merancang pembelajaran. Hal ini mengingat bahawa proses pembelajaran dapat berlangsung secara maksimal serta penyerapan materi oleh peserta didik akan maksimal  apabila materi, media, strategi, model dan metode pembelajaran yang digunakan sesuai dengan kemampuan inteletual peserta didik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Vita Fitriatul Ulya ◽  
Zulfatun Anisah

ABSTRACT The character of integrity is one of the main character values ​​in the Movement for Strengthening Character Education launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2016. The character values ​​in question include religious, nationalist, mutual cooperation, independence and integrity. These character values ​​need to be instilled from childhood. Likewise, the character of integrity can be formed through formal education in elementary schools, one of which is through literacy programs. Elementary school level children have the characteristics of high curiosity and understand concrete things better than abstract. So that the literacy program that is applied must be interesting and fun. The literacy program has developed dynamically, which was initially only defined as the ability to read and write, then developed with the ability to think critically and speak spoken language. One form of literacy in schools is through the School Literacy Movement. One form of literacy at school is through the habit of reading books other than textbooks for 15 minutes before the lesson begins. Books that contain exemplary stories can shape children's morals. In addition, the provision of training from the teacher can train children's honesty. Giving assignments also trains children's responsibilities. It is hoped that through the literacy program, children's integrity character is formed, including honesty, love for the truth, loyalty, moral commitment, anti-corruption, justice, responsibility, example, respecting individual differences.   Keywords: Formation, integrity character values, and school literacy movement

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-98
Agus Fathoni Prasetyo ◽  
Dewi Tsalis Nur Habibati

This study aims to explain the effect of dance extracurricular activities on the development of students' kinesthetic intelligence. The theories used as a foundation in the implementation of this research include the theory of kinesthetic intelligence, extracurricular notions and the theory of dance learning. This research is expected to provide answers to the formulation of the problem: (1) how is the process of extracurricular dance activities at MI An Nur Astana Jenu Tuban? (2) How is the kinesthetic intelligence of the students at MI An Nur Astana Jenu Tuban? (3) is there any influence of extracurricular dance activities on the development of kinesthetic intelligence of students at MI An Nur Astana Jenu Tuban? Referring to the formulation of the problem, the research objectives to be achieved are as follows: (1) To determine the extracurricular activities of dance at MI An Nur Astana Jenu Tuban. (2) To determine the kinesthetic intelligence of students at MI An Nur Astana Jenu Tuban. (3) To determine whether or not there is an effect of extracurricular dance activities on the kinesthetic intelligence of students at MI An Nur Astana Jenu Tuban. This study used a survey method with a quantitative approach through descriptive correlational analysis techniques and regression using parametic statistics. From the research results, it can be concluded that the extracurricular activities of dance have an influence on students' kinesthetic intelligence. The result of the calculation of the product moment correlation variable X and variable Y reached a value of 0.554. This result is greater than the r table, which is 0.468, so that the hypothesis can be concluded by the researcher "There is an effect of extracurricular dance activities on students' kinesthetic intelligence at MI An Nur Astana Jenu Tuban".

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-84
Midya Yuli Amreta ◽  
Ahmad Farid Utsman

Learning contextual on IPA is learning of nature science who insists on the links between matter learning of surely clear. This study attempts to described and analyze learning model contextual IPA in SDN sumurjalak 2 plumpang, described and analyze outdoor learning in SDN sumurjalak 2 plumpang , and described and analyze learning model contextual IPA through outdoor learning in SDN sumurjalak 2 plumpang .This study adopted qualitative approaches that uses the design cases. The data collection was done through technique interview, observation, and documentation. Technique data analysis covering reduction data, presentation of data, and the withdrawal of conclusion. Informants in this research among others Headmaster, teachers, and school tuition. The results of research has done shown that: ( 1 ) learning science using contextual learning model it can enhance understanding drafts participants students.In learning use contextual teachers capable of mengondisikan students by stressing towards the process of full involvement students to own mengkostruksikan matter learned and connecting with the real life causing students to can use them in their lives.( 2 ) outdoor approach learning is an alternative to science suitable learning adventure and observation directly in the real environment around with link science, environment, and the technology.( 3 ) contextual learning model in learning science capable of learning constructive provides science and give meaningful study results for learners.Students can find arrange their own that they can be meaningful and unforgetable. Students get easier to understand the content of learning, they also have higher critical thinking and creative on question and answer session in learning science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-46
Nurlaili Dina Hafni

This research works for two reasons; first, academically, variative method will be highly effective and efficient in teaching quality. Meanwhile if this does not develop well, it is an obstacle for the achievement of learning objectives, the achievement of critical thinking skills. Second, based on the first observation, it was found that there are some social studies teacher who teach the student by speech method, asking-answer question, and giving works. It will not develop student critical thinking based on what FRISCO stated. The research purpose is to identify and analyze the learning method of social studies teacher in MIN Rejoso to developing student critical thinking skills. It is field research with qualitative approach. The data is collected by interview, observation, and document analysis. The data analysing technicque uses “discourses analysis”. The research found is the method used by social studies teacher in MIN Rejoso Peterongan Jombang can not develop the student critical thinking skills. The causes is there are some teacher‟s view that social studies is similar with rote and stories. The paradigm that may admit the teacher is everything, teachers is lazy to design critical learning due to lot of other works that must finished, and limited facilities.

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