symbolic violence
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2022 ◽  
pp. 003802292110631
Abdul Aziz

This study explores historic class-based obstacles in the dispensation of secular pedagogy in the Bengal region with the objective of presenting a better understating of the present pedagogical positioning of the British Bangladeshi diaspora of Tower Hamlets. This study charts the visitation of symbolic violence in the historical development of pedagogy under colonial rule and continues into the East Pakistan period. Through the application of Pierre Bourdieu’s primary thinking tools the discussion asserts Muslim Bengalis were educationally marginalised by both colonialists and local elites in the realisation of human capital consumption.

Syahril M Yusuf

The new virus is now known as the corona virus. Corona virus is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. A disease due to viral infection is called COVID-19. The majority of cases there is a corona virus in Wuhan, China. In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the corona virus as a pandemic. Pandemic COVID-19 becomes much discussed worldwide. This study aims to look at the impact of social phenomenon with the presence of the corona virus through various media; both print and electronic that led to symbolic violence. The results showed that the symbolic violence is present in a variety of ways with specific objectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-225
Joanna Helios

The aim of this article is to reflect on education and the school system in the context of authoritarianism and symbolic violence. The subject reflection is based on two mental trails. The first shows that culture justifies symbolic violence at school. The second, however, treats symbolic violence in education as a manifestation of the school’s activity as a total institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 377-399
Sukma Ari Ragil Putri ◽  
Ahmad Fahrudin

Abstract: Social distancing are a form of policy that made by the government in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This method, that was made by Indonesian government has implications for the method of working in the pandemic era, namely working from home. The application of social distancing then causes an increase in household activities that increase women's responsibilities in parenting and household work. Through the concept of symbolic violence, this article tries to explain the impact of social distancing restrictions on working women. This article finds that symbolic violence occurs through habitus that shapes women's mindsets so that they feel that caregiving and household work are women's responsibilities. This article also finds various gender inequalities that are increasingly visible with the social distancing restrictions that implemented by Indonesian governement.   Keywords: Gender; pandemic; symbolic violence Abstrak: Pembatasan jarak sosial menjadi salah satu kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk mencegah persebaran COVID-19. Metode ini dijalankan di Indonesia yang berimplikasi pada metode bekerja era pandemi yaitu work from home atau bekerja dari rumah. Penerapan social distancing kemudian menyebabkan bertambahkan kegiatan rumah tangga yang memperbesar tanggung jawab perempuan dalam kerja pengasuhan dan kerja rumah tangga. Melalui konsep kekerasan simbolik artikel ini mencoba memaparkan dampak dari pembatasan jarak sosial pada perempuan bekerja. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa kekerasan simbolik terjadi melalui habitus yang menyusun pola pikir perempuan sehingga merasa kerja pengasuhan dan kerja rumah tangga merupakan tanggung jawab perempuan. Artikel ini juga menemukan berbagai ketimpangan gender yang semakin terlihat dengan adanya pembatasan jarak sosial yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Gender; kekerasan simbolik; pandemi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Bergita P. Pricelia Lejo

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kerentanan perempuan terhadap Kekerasan Gender Berbasis Online (KGBO) di dalam ruang digital. Studi ini menggunakan konsep kapitalisme pengawasan/surveillance capitalism dan symbolic violence sebagai dasar untuk memahami logika ekonomi dan juga kekerasan yang berlangsung dalam ruang digital. Ruang digital sebagai alat ekonomi tidak hanya menghasilkan “behavioral surplus” sebagai material baru tetapi juga menjadi ruang bagi terbentuknya “dominant habitus” tentang siapa itu perempuan dan bagaimana seharusnya perempuan merepresentasikan dirinya. Dominant habitus yang senantiasa direproduksi mampu menciptakan kebutuhan ekonomi bagi perempuan melalui komodifikasi dan bahkan eksploitasi terhadap tubuh perempuan yang terepresentasi dalam teks gambar, dan video di dalam platform digital. Melalui proses-proses ini, perempuan mengalami kekerasan simbolik yang terus-menerus direproduksi dalam dominant habitus. Dengan demikian, bekerjanya surveillance capitalism dan menguatnya dominant habitus di dalamnya menjadi kondisi yang membuka ruang bagi berlangsungya KGBO terhadap perempuan. Dengan menggunakan perspektif kritis dalam memandang KGBO tulisan ini hendak mendalami proses-proses yang mengkondisikan kerentanan perempuan di dalam ranah digital. Pemahaman akan hal-hal tersebut menjadi basis penting untuk memikirkan secara tepat posisi perempuan di dalam ruang digital yang saat ini secara luas diterima sebagai condition sine qua non yang di dalamnya berbagai bentuk relasi berlangsung. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini memberikan pijakan dasar untuk mendorong dan merumuskan beberapa agenda perubahan. === This paper aims to analyze women's vulnerability to Online-Based Gender Violence (KGBO) in the digital platform. This study uses the concept of surveillance capitalism and symbolic violence as a basis for understanding the economic logic and violence that takes place in today's digital platform. Digital platform as an economic tool not only produces a "behavioral surplus" as a new material, but also becomes a space for the formation of a "dominant habitus"; who is women are and how women should represent themselves. Dominant habitus which is always reproduced is able to create economic needs for women through commodification and even exploitation of women's bodies which are represented in text, images and videos on digital platforms. Throughout these processes, mostly women suffer from symbolic violence which persistently reproduced by the dominant habitus. It obviously reflects the vulnerability of woman as the victim of KGBO. By using a critical perspective in looking at KGBO, this paper intends to explore the process that put women’s vulnerability in the digital arena. Understanding of these matters becomes an important basis for thinking about the exact position of women in the digital space which is currently widely accepted as a condition sine qua non in which various forms of relations take place. Thus, this paper provides a basic basis for encouraging and formulating several agendas for change.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1321103X2110564
Roger Mantie

In this Perspectives article, the author grapples with the personal challenges of attempting to do ethical and high-quality research in the post world of the maturing 21st century. Among the challenges addressed are matters of purported relevance of research, equity research conducted by nonmembers of equity-seeking groups, the impact of rankings and metrics, peer review, and the relationship between good intentions and symbolic violence.

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-124
Gediminas Lesutis

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