2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Laelatul Istiqomah

Various problems of Early childhood Education (ECD) in Indonesia is about the opportunity the acquisition of early childhood education have been uneven and is still concentrated in urban areas, lack of teachers and teaching staff in terms of quantity and quality, and there are still many learning-oriented on the wishes of the parents rather than on the needs of the child. Depart from the real conditions of the early childhood education, to lead the realization of educational system as a social institution is strong and authoritative, the government has issued the three pillars of government policy in early childhood education in the Strategic plan of the Ministry of National Education from 2009 to 2014, and now the government has fine-tune these policies in the Strategic Framework Ministry of Education and Culture of the 2014-2019 strategic plan (Strategic plan update)

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Andri Hadiansyah ◽  
Fidesrinur Fidesrinur ◽  
Masni Erika Firmiana

<p><em>Abstrak</em> – <strong>Ketentuan tentang </strong><strong>Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) </strong><strong>sudah diatur dalam pasal </strong><strong>28 Undang-Undang</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 tahun 2003</strong><strong> tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. </strong><strong>Pada dasarnya banyak cara yang telah dilakukan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan untuk memperluas akses layanan PAUD bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat, antara lain (1) bantuan pendirian/rintisan satuan PAUD baru, (2) bantuan pembangunan/penyediaan fasilitas PAUD, dan (</strong><strong>3</strong><strong>) penambahan satuan layanan PAUD yang sudah berjalan s</strong><strong>e</strong><strong>perti TK/KB/TPA/SPS. Namun tentunya pemerintah tidak bisa bergerak sendiri, karena itu banyak lembaga atau yayasan lain yang ikut serta dalam upaya ini, salah satunya Yayasan</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Asih Foundation (YAF). Lembaga ini sudah berhasil memberdayakan masyarakat dalam hal pendirian dan pembinaan lembaga PAUD di seluruh Indonesia, termasuk di Jabotabek. Riset ini akan mendeskripsikan tentang strategi pemberdayaan yang diterapkan oleh Yayasan Asih Foundation. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan subjek 3 sekolah di Jabotabek. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan observasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan msyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan Asih Foundation berada di level messo. Lembaga PAUD dapat merasakan perubahan dan manfaat dari pembinaan yang diberikan oleh YAF meski pembinaan yang utama hanya berlangsung selama 2 tahun. PAUD binaan ini dapat mengembangkan diri</strong></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Kata Kunci</em></strong> – <em>Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pembangunan Masyarakat, Pengembangan Masyarakat</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Abstract</em> - <strong>The regulation on Early Childhood Education has been regulated in Article 28 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 on National Education system. Basically, many ways have been done by the Ministry of Education and Culture to expand access to early childhood education services for all levels of society, among others (1) support the establishment/ stub new Early Childhood Education unit, (2) help construction/provision of EDC facilities, (3) and the addition of early childhood services units such as TK / KB / TPA / SPS. But of course the government cannot move alone, therefore many institutions or other foundations that participate in this effort, one of the Asih Foundation. This institution has succeeded in empowering the community in terms of establishment and development of Early Childhood Education institutions across Indonesia, including in Jabotabek. This research is will described about strategy empowerment apllied by Asih Fondation. The research method used is qualitative, with the subject of 3 schools in Jabotabek.. Data collection techniques are interviews and observations. The results show that community empowerment conducted by Yayasan Asih Foundation is at the messo level. Early Childhood Education institutions can feel the changes and benefits of coaching provided by Asih Fondation even though the main coaching takes only 2 years. Early Childhood Education under supervisor of it can be developing themselves.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong> - <em>Early Childhood Education, Community Development, Community Empowerment</em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-87
Asep Hidayat

AbstractEducation obtained at an early age greatly affects the development of children both psychomotordevelopment of the brain, and child behavior and achievement when entering adulthood, especially thereach the future of the nation as the next generation must be equipped with education and cultivation ofhumanity values and personality and karaktek. Equity of early childhood education in various regions isnot evenly distributed there are only a few places for rural areas this is caused by the level of knowledgeand insight parents who do not understand and the environment that affect. While for urban areas,especially people, the importance of early education because the level of understanding and intellectual isso high, it is a motivation for the government to commit to early childhood education so important tomeet the needs of the community for education, policies that support this education has been issued basiclaw for the organizer, among others, the Decree of the Minister of Education, the Law on Education andthe regional level by the Decree of the Head of Region. Government dalah this course can facilitate bothbuilding facilities and play facilities for children's games in the room and outdoor games.AbstrakPendidikan yang diperoleh pada usia dini sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan anak baik psikomotorikperkembangan otak, dan perilaku anak serta prestasi anak ketika memasuki usia dewasa terutamajangkauan ke depan bangsa sebagai generasi penerus. Hal ini tentunya harus dibekali dengan pendidikandan penanaman nilai-nilai kemanusian serta kepribadian dan karaktek. Pemerataan pendidikan anak usiadini di berbagai daerah memang belum merata hanya ada beberapa tempat saja untuk daerah pedesaan halini diakibatkan oleh tingkat pengetahuan dan wawasan orangtua yang kurang paham dan lingkungan yangmempengaruhi. Sementara untuk daerah perkotaan khususnya masyarakat merasakan pentingnyapendidikan usia dini karena tingkat pemahaman dan intelektual sudah begitu tinggi. Hal ini merupakanmotivasi bagi pemerintah untuk berkomitmen terhadap pendidikan usia dini begitu penting untukmemenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan pendidikan, kebijakan yang mendukung terhadap pendidikan initelah dikeluarkan dasar hukum bagi penyelenggaraanya antara lain keputusan Menteri pendidikan,Undang-undang tentang pendidikan dan tingkat daerah dengan Surat Keputusan Kepala Daerah.Pemerintah dalam hal ini tentunya dapat memfasilitasi baik sarana bangunan maupun sarana bermain bagiana, alat permainan dalam ruangan maupun alat permainan diluar ruangan.Kata kunci: Kebijakan, pendidikan, anak usia dini

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-186
Sithulisiwe Bhebhe ◽  
Ntokozo Vilakati

Education services are meant for developing the cognitive capacities of all individuals, though this may vary with individuals given their variable genetic make-up. Early childhood education is one way in which children are developed for the future. This study sought to establish how early childhood education services were valued, made available and accessible to children in a developing country. Open-ended interviews and observations were the instruments used for data collection. Thematic analysis was the data analysis method used in this study. The findings of the study revealed that there were benefits in preschool education and that those learners who missed early childhood education were slow and took long to grasp concepts. The study also found that in the Kingdom of Eswatini not all children of early childhood going age go to school due to limited finances, poverty and sicknesses. The study concluded that privately-owned early childhood development centres are expensive and most parents could not afford the fees. The study recommended that the ministry should consider ECE and start funding preschool education and also provide a documented curriculum to ensure that children who attended preschool get the required skill as expected. The Ministry of Education needs to provide for ECE if they have to achieve their goal of providing equal and quality education to all Eswatini children. The ministry should be prepared to build more preschools, to at least see each primary school having a preschool owned by the government linked to it

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 797-815
NURHASANAH R Nurhasanah R ◽  

Abstract. The existence of early childhood education institutions in Indonesia has received special attention from the government as the initial foundation to build reliable human resources. But in its journey, the institution was confronted with quite a number of serious problems such as: First, the level of teacher education where only 23.06 percent had a bachelor degree, while according to the National Education Standards, PAUD teachers should have both formal and non-formal minimum S.1 PAUD, Psychology, or Education. Second, the problem of the quality of PAUD institution programs. Third, there is still one third of children aged 3-6 years who have not received PAUD services. Fourth, family involvement that is not in line with PAUD institutions. Fifth, PAUD learning which is supposed to be 80 percent building attitudes, is currently focusing on learning to read and write in an academic nuance. Sixth, problems with education investment.Seventh, nutrition problems and eighth, namely the status of non-formal PAUD teachers who have not been considered as teachers. Seeing so many problems in the management of PAUD institutions, a management approach is needed to deal with these problems. Recommended alternative problem solving is school-based management. This paper only expresses in outline to attract the interest of managers of early childhood education institutions to learn more about the implementation of school-based management.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-27
Mukamana Claudete ◽  
Dr. Mukamazimpaka Marie Claire ◽  

The effective provision of basic education in Rwanda increases the competition level among graduates which promotionally improves the socio-economic transformation of communities. The purpose of this study therefore was to establish the effect of early childhood education on socio-economic transformation of communities in Nyamasheke district in Rwanda. The target population was 368 respondents that provided the sample size of 192 got using Yamane formula. Interview guide and questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. Correlation research design was also employed. The study findings revealed there is 31% of accessibility of ECE able to affect the level of socio-economic transformation of communities as indicated by the R square = .310 and the remaining 69% of socio-economic transformation of communities can be affected by other factors. However, it was found that, there is a statistically significant moderate relationship between accessibility ECE and socio-economic transformation of communities (P=.000 and r = .555). The study recommended the ministry of education which represents the government in the sector of Education should provide the adequate infrastructures of ECE schools in Nyamasheke district to improve and make easy accessibility of ECE in the area thus also increase the literacy level. The non-governmental organizations should invest more in ECE of Nyamasheke district in order to develop youth who are competent and able to compete at the labour market. Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Socio-economic transformation, Communities

2021 ◽  
Emma Buchanan

<p>This thesis aims to problematise and denaturalise the current dominant, empowerment infused early childhood education (ece) assessment discourse in Aoteaora New Zealand through a Foucauldian discourse analysis. It addresses a two-part question: How is contemporary ece assessment constructed in New Zealand, and, what is effected by this construction? Texts about contemporary ece assessment in New Zealand written by local ece scholars and practitioners as well as narrative assessment examples drawn from the Ministry of Education (2004) Kei Tua o te Pae, Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars resource provide data for the analysis. The analysis is conducted in procedurally specified as well as open, associative, and playful modes. Contemporary ece assessment in New Zealand is found to be constructed as a new, post-developmental, morally desirable and secular salvation practice that is underpinned by principles of social justice, plurality and diversity. However, a consideration of key discursive truth-objects and their mobilisation within narrative assessments suggests that ece assessment may be implementing a boundless and normalising regime for the government of selves and others, and producing significant regulatory effects for children, teachers and whānau/ family. It is argued that ece assessment, as a technology of government, works to construct self responsible, self optimising, and permanently performing child-subjects. Such norms for self government map closely onto those that are promoted within neoliberal governmentalities. Ece assessment can therefore, at least in part, be understood as both a technique and effect of neoliberal rationalities of government. The ongoing status and dominant construction of ece assessment as an empowering, socially just practice is seen to be problematic. It stifles debate about early childhood spaces, and it is implicated in the constraint of multiple possibilities for the government of selves and others.</p>

2021 ◽  
Emma Buchanan

<p>This thesis aims to problematise and denaturalise the current dominant, empowerment infused early childhood education (ece) assessment discourse in Aoteaora New Zealand through a Foucauldian discourse analysis. It addresses a two-part question: How is contemporary ece assessment constructed in New Zealand, and, what is effected by this construction? Texts about contemporary ece assessment in New Zealand written by local ece scholars and practitioners as well as narrative assessment examples drawn from the Ministry of Education (2004) Kei Tua o te Pae, Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars resource provide data for the analysis. The analysis is conducted in procedurally specified as well as open, associative, and playful modes. Contemporary ece assessment in New Zealand is found to be constructed as a new, post-developmental, morally desirable and secular salvation practice that is underpinned by principles of social justice, plurality and diversity. However, a consideration of key discursive truth-objects and their mobilisation within narrative assessments suggests that ece assessment may be implementing a boundless and normalising regime for the government of selves and others, and producing significant regulatory effects for children, teachers and whānau/ family. It is argued that ece assessment, as a technology of government, works to construct self responsible, self optimising, and permanently performing child-subjects. Such norms for self government map closely onto those that are promoted within neoliberal governmentalities. Ece assessment can therefore, at least in part, be understood as both a technique and effect of neoliberal rationalities of government. The ongoing status and dominant construction of ece assessment as an empowering, socially just practice is seen to be problematic. It stifles debate about early childhood spaces, and it is implicated in the constraint of multiple possibilities for the government of selves and others.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-11
Sue Allingham

It is vital to reflect on our practice and provision and adapt appropriately, but this also requires the government to do the same. Dr Sue Allingham questions why there isn't joined-up thinking about what is important across the sector, including how early childhood education should work.

2021 ◽  
Sofia-Loredana Tudor

Early child development is related to early education, health, nutrition, and psychosocial development; therefore, the holistic concept of early approach combines elements from the area of stimulation of the child, health, nutrition, speech therapy, psychological counselling, physical development support, etc. The need for the development of integrated early education services and their extension to the area of 0-3 years are priorities of the European strategies assumed through a complex of educational policy measures, having as a priority the development of quality early education services for the benefit of all prerequisites for lowering the schooling rate (Strategy for early childhood education, Strategy for parental education, Strategy for reducing early school leaving in Romania, Study on the evaluation of public policies in the field of early childhood education - Saber Early Childhood). In this context of the development of early childhood education, numerous inequalities are identified in the implementation of European and national strategies and programs in the development of early childhood education services, supported by economic, political, social factors, etc. In order to make them compatible at European level, we consider it necessary to support training and development programs for staff providing educational services in early childhood education institutions. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge the opinion of the bodies with attributions in the pre-kindergarten and preschool education in Romania, as well as of the civil society and public opinion, as a prerequisite for identifying school policy measures and developing programs for training the teaching staff so as to be able to provide educational services in early childhood education (representatives responsible for early childhood education in school inspectorates and Houses of the Teaching Staff, teaching staff in preschool educational institutions, representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, representatives of the Social Assistance Directorate, managers of nursery schools, representatives of NGOs and other categories of organizations with experience in the field, parents and interested representatives of the civil society and public opinion). The present study is a qualitative research based on the focus-group method, but also a quantitative research by using the questionnaire-based survey, being carried out on a representative sample of 100 persons (2 focus-group of 25 persons, respectively 50 persons involved in the survey-based questionnaire). The conclusions of this study highlight the need to restructure the system of early childhood education in Romania through interventions at the legislative level and ensure a unitary system of policy and intervention in early childhood education. Also, we believe it is imperative to reorganize the training system of the human resource, by developing complementary competences of the teaching staff, adapted to the training needs of the early childhood population, ensuring a valuable inclusive and integrated intervention.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-88
Wenny Hulukati, Maryam Rahim, Yusuf Djafar

Local language is one of the characteristics as well as a cultural richness of an area that needsto be preserved existence. In Gorontalo, some teenagers are not confident in their local languages, andchildren who are unable to communicate with Gorontalo language even in very simple contexts, especiallypeople in urban areas. Learning local languages of Gorontalo at the level of Early Childhood Education isconsidered to be one solution, considering the early age is a potential moment to develop various potentials,including the potential for language. Conditions encountered in early childhood education institutions showthat learning / language activities in Gorontalo are not structured, resulting in the development of Gorontalolanguage ability in children is very low. For that reason, learning language of Gorontalo in early childhoodneeds to be organized in a systematic and structured based on clear guidelines. These guidelines include:(a) learning programs that are appropriate to the characteristics of early childhood development, (b) learningmaterials appropriate to the characteristics of early childhood development, and (c) evaluation guidelinesthat can clearly measure the development of local language skills in children aged early. Keywords: learning, local language of Gorontalo, early childhood

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