scholarly journals Virtual laboratories as strategy for teaching improvement in Math Sciences and Engineering in Bolivia

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-196
Francisco Javier Triveno Vargas ◽  
Hugo Siles Alvarado

STEM education is a strategy based on four disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), integrated in an innovative interdisciplinary approach. Although, the concept of STEM education is more relevant today, the discussion of a teaching model with special attention in the four subjects aforementioned began in the early 2000s. Taking into account this context, the strategy presented in this paper has been disseminated in Bolivia’s main universities for the last five years. A country that has not yet managed to associate basic disciplines such as calculus, matrix algebra, and/or differential equations to solve problems of an applicative nature, that is, to establish the link between theory and practice. To establish the connection, it is necessary to deduce differential equations associated with practical problems; solve these equations with numerical methods, appeal to the simulation concept to later introduce programming languages like Python/VPython to build virtual laboratories. The classical problem addressed for this purpose is the satellite of two degrees of freedom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-62
Francisco Vargas

The vertiginous technological advancement has made necessary the use of computersoftware that contributes to the improvement of teaching in math sciences and engineering.It is in this context that the last five years the strategy presented in this article has been disseminatedin the main universities of Bolivia, a country where the schools have not yet been ableto offer basic disciplines such as calculus, matrix algebra, physics and/or differential equationsto solve problems considering applicative aspects. To establish this connection, it is necessaryto deduce differential equations associated with practical problems, solve these equationswith different numerical algorithms, and establish the concept of simulation to later introducelanguages like Python/VPython free of license to elaborate Virtual Laboratories that allow obtainingthe solutions in two and three dimensions. The classical problems addressed for thispurpose are the satellite of two degrees of freedom and the inverted pendulum.

Ryan G. Zonnefeld ◽  
Valorie L. Zonnefeld

Innovative teacher preparation programs for STEM education are essential for meeting the goal of ensuring that secondary school students receive instruction from a certified teacher. This exploratory workshop examines the role that interdisciplinary STEM and mathematics programs can have to increase the number of certified teachers prepared to teach STEM classes from an interdisciplinary approach.

2015 ◽  
pp. 997-1019
Reginald A. Blake ◽  
Janet Liou-Mark

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines have traditionally been woefully unsuccessful in attracting, retaining, and graduating acceptable numbers of Underrepresented Minorities (URMs). A new paradigm of STEM practices is needed to address this vexing problem. This chapter highlights a novel interdisciplinary approach to STEM education. Instead of being siloed and mired in their respective STEM disciplines, students integrate real world, inquiry-based learning that is underpinned by a strong foundation in mathematics and a myriad of other pillars of STEM activities. These activities include Peer-Assisted Learning Workshops, Mentoring Programs, Undergraduate Research Experiences, STEM Exposure Trips, Conference Participation, and Peer Leadership. This strategy enhances STEM education among URMs by purposefully connecting and integrating knowledge and skills from across the STEM disciplines to solve real-world problems, by synthesizing and transferring knowledge across disciplinary boundaries, and by building critical thinking skills in a manner that is relevant to their experiences and yet transformative.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Muhammad Alif Mohammad Latif ◽  
Mohd Ezad Hafidz Hafidzuddin ◽  
Marina Mohd Top@Mohd Tah ◽  
Norihan Md Arifin

The main challenge in the development of scientific education in Malaysia is the lack of interest in science among students. One of the reasons for this discrepancy lies in the fact that these fields often require laboratory exercises to provide effective skill acquisition and hands-on experience. Physical experiments increase the costs due to their required equipment, space, and maintenance staff. A virtual laboratory can provide a cost-efficient way to organize high-quality laboratory work for many students. It is a damage resistance laboratory, thus opening the possibility to learn from mistakes. In Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, virtual laboratories can offer effective scientific exploration at a low cost. The objective of this research is to develop a platform for open-source virtual laboratories for STEM education inside and outside of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). The virtual laboratory initiative is known as “AsperLabs”. This web-based interface offers several open-source virtual experiments for three subjects including physics, chemistry, and biology. Asperlabs have been utilized at Foundation level in UPM and STEM programs at local secondary schools. It has received positive feedback from students on both levels and will be included in the course materials for Foundation Program at UPM in the near future.

Susan Malone Back ◽  
Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer ◽  
Kellilynn M. Frias

The authors describe the application of transdisciplinary theory and practice to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education at the undergraduate level. The modular approach which makes use of student collaboration within and across disciplines and input from outside experts holds promise for preparing students to address society's “wicked” problems – those with interconnected causes and for which a solution often causes additional problems. Transdisciplinary theory and practice are described and their application to STEM education is proposed along with a model of measuring transdisciplinary skills. Recommendations are proposed for future research on cross-cultural/cross disciplinary models, pedagogy, measuring student collaboration, determining effective partnership models and institutional supports, and the potential role of the social sciences in contributing to research on transdisciplinary practice and education.

2019 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM defined as the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into a new cross-disciplinary subject in schools. The concept of integrating subjects in Indonesian schools, generally is not new and has not been very successful in the past. Some people consider STEM as an opportunity while others view it as having problems. Irma Rahma Suwarma is science educator and researcher that consider STEM as an opportunity. Irma Rahma Suwarma researched implementation STEM education in Japan and Indonesia as her graduate thesis at Science and Technology Educational Division Department of Information Science and Technology Shizuoka University on autumn 2014. Her thesis entitled “Research on Theory and Practice STEM Education Implementation in Japan and Indonesia using Multiple Intelligences Approach” is one of her work on STEM. Before and after published her graduate thesis, Irma Rahma Suwarma has involved the study of STEM, as an author, educator, academic advisor, and seminar speaker. This article examines what it has been and continues work from Irma Rahma Suwarma in the science education. Our exploration uses qualitative methods of narrative approaches in the form of biographical studies. Participants as data sources were selected using a purposive sampling technique which was collected based on retrospective interview and naturalistic observation. Data's validity, reliability, and objectivity checked by using external audit techniques. As UNESCO believes that having more female in STEM fields is desirable because it would help bring about sustainable development, this article explores the powerful of female’s personal style in developing a form of social influence based on her forms of capital as well as address the positive and negative consequences that may follow while implement and research STEM in teaching classroom.

Malchykova D.S. ◽  
Molikevych R.S. ◽  
Saf’yanyk I.S.

The article characterizes the main aspects of STEM-education: the development of critical thinking, integrated learning, active communication of all participants in the learning process, non-standard and innovative approaches and directions of STEM-education development. Its active introduction in teaching natural sciences and mathematics of secondary schools, especially the use of STEM-technologies in teaching. A well-organized, good STEM lesson is, first of all, a coordinated and motivated learning process, where each activity is of special interest and is accessible and understandable for students. To develop this type of training, the teacher must first think in a non-standardized and comprehensive way, experiment and usually constantly improve themselves to achieve the desired result. When designing a quality lesson in STEM format, special attention should be paid to the peculiarities of its creation and organization, namely: all students should form a single joint mechanism of interaction and be actively involved in the productive solution of real situations or problems; it is advisable to invite students to develop their own demonstration models or prototypes; in order to achieve the set goal and produce a truly high-quality innovative product, it is important to work effectively in a team that will work as a single coordinated mechanism, where each of the participants has a task. Following the path of innovative development, the teacher first of all diversifies his pedagogical approach to the presentation of educational material and expands the possibilities of its perception and assimilation by students.Innovative integrated approach to teaching is one of the ways that combines both STEM elements and non-standard forms of presenting information to students. Educational sites, simulation simulators, modern virtual laboratories such as: “VirtuLab”, laboratory – “GoogleSites”, online laboratories “GoLab / Graasp” and interesting, interactive, worksheets: “Liveworksheets” are highly effective in conducting STEM-classes. allowing students to conduct virtual exciting and cognitive experiments in physics, geography, chemistry, biology, ecology and other subjects, in three-dimensional and two-dimensional spaces. STEM-educational space is multidisciplinary, competence-oriented and provides the formation of a unique set of cognitive and social skills, in particular: the ability to identify, pose and solve problems, interact with others in different social and cognitive situations, critically evaluate events and phenomena, motivate and move common goal, etc.Key words: STEM-education, STEM-training, STEM-competencies, STEM-lesson, STEM-games. Стаття характеризує основні аспекти STEM-освіти: розвиток критичного мислення, інтегро-ваного навчання, активного спілкування всіх учасників освітнього процесу, нестандартних та інноваційних підходів та напрямків розвитку природничо-математичної освіти. Активне впровадження STEM-технологій у навчанні перш за все забезпечує злагоджений та мотивований про-цес навчання, де кожна діяльність викликає особливий інтерес та є доступною та зрозумілою для учнів. Щоб забезпечувати такий тип навчання, викладач повинен спочатку мислити нестандартизовано і всебічно, експериментувати і, як правило, постійно вдосконалюватись для досягнення бажаного результату. При розробці якісного уроку у форматі STEM особливу увагу слід звернути на особливості його створення та організації, а саме: усі учні повинні формувати єдиний спільний механізм взаємодії та брати активну участь у продуктивному вирішенні реальних ситуацій чи про-блем; доцільно запросити студентів розробити власні демонстраційні моделі чи прототипи; для досягнення поставленої мети та виробництва справді якісного інноваційного продукту важливо ефективно працювати в команді, яка працюватиме як єдиний злагоджений механізм, де кожен із учасників має своє завдання. Рухаючись шляхом інноваційного розвитку, учитель насамперед урізноманітнює свій педагогічний підхід до викладу навчального матеріалу та розширює можливості його сприйняття та засвоєння учнями. Інноваційний інтегрований підхід до навчання - один із способів, що поєднує як елементи STEM, так і нестандартні форми подання інформації учням. Навчальні сайти, імітаційні тренажери, сучасні віртуальні лабораторії, такі як: «VirtuLab», лабораторія –«GoogleSites», онлайн-лабораторії «GoLab / Graasp» та цікаві, інтерактивні робочі аркуші («Liveworksheets») дуже ефективні у проведенні STEM-класів. Вони дозволяють учням проводити віртуальні захоплюючі та когнітивні експерименти з фізики, географії, хімії, біології, екології та інших предметів, у тривимірних та двовимірних просторах. STEM-освітній простір мультидисциплінарний, орієнтований на компетентністний підхід і забезпечує формування унікального набору когнітивних та соціальних навичок, зокрема: здатність виявляти, ставити та вирішувати проблеми, взаємодіяти з іншими в різних соціальних і пізнавальних ситуаціях, кри-тично оцінювати події і явища, мотивувати та рухатися до спільної мети тощо.Ключові слова: STEM-освіта, STEM-навчання, STEM-компетентності, STEM-урок, STEM-ігри.

Reginald A. Blake ◽  
Janet Liou-Mark

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines have traditionally been woefully unsuccessful in attracting, retaining, and graduating acceptable numbers of Underrepresented Minorities (URMs). A new paradigm of STEM practices is needed to address this vexing problem. This chapter highlights a novel interdisciplinary approach to STEM education. Instead of being siloed and mired in their respective STEM disciplines, students integrate real world, inquiry-based learning that is underpinned by a strong foundation in mathematics and a myriad of other pillars of STEM activities. These activities include Peer-Assisted Learning Workshops, Mentoring Programs, Undergraduate Research Experiences, STEM Exposure Trips, Conference Participation, and Peer Leadership. This strategy enhances STEM education among URMs by purposefully connecting and integrating knowledge and skills from across the STEM disciplines to solve real-world problems, by synthesizing and transferring knowledge across disciplinary boundaries, and by building critical thinking skills in a manner that is relevant to their experiences and yet transformative.

2019 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM defined as the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into a new cross-disciplinary subject in schools. The concept of integrating subjects in Indonesian schools, generally is not new and has not been very successful in the past. Some people consider STEM as an opportunity while others view it as having problems. Irma Rahma Suwarma is science educator and researcher that consider STEM as an opportunity. Irma Rahma Suwarma is a physics educator and STEM educator at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI; Indonesia Education University). Born in Bandung, Indonesia on May 3, 1981, she received philosophiae doctor (Ph.D.) degree from Shizuoka Daigaku (静岡大学; Shizuoka University), Japan. Irma Rahma Suwarma studied physics at Universitas Pasundan (Unpas; Pasundan University). She left institution at November 10, 2003 after earned Sarjana Sains (S.Si.; equivalent to a Bachelor of Arts in physics). She went to UPI to pursue a graduate study in physics education untill gained Magister Pendidikan (M.Pd.; equi (equivalent to a Master of Arts in physics education) on16 Februari 2007. After her graduate work at UPI, Irma Rahma Suwarma hold lectureships since autumn 2008 until now. But, at 2011, Irma went to Shizuoka University. Irma Rahma Suwarma researched implementation STEM education in Japan and Indonesia as her graduate thesis at Science and Technology Educational Division Department of Information Science and Technology Shizuoka University on autumn 2014. Her thesis entitled “Research on Theory and Practice STEM Education Implementation in Japan and Indonesia using Multiple Intelligences Approach” is one of her work on STEM. Before and after published her graduate thesis, Irma Rahma Suwarma has involved the study of STEM, as an author, educator, academic advisor, and seminar speaker. This work examines what it has been and continues work from Irma Rahma Suwarma in the science education. Our exploration uses qualitative methods of narrative approaches in the form of biographical studies. Participants as data sources were selected using a purposive sampling technique which was collected based on retrospective interview and naturalistic observation. Data's validity, reliability, and objectivity checked by using external audit techniques. As UNESCO believes that having more female in STEM fields is desirable because it would help bring about sustainable development, this article explores the powerful of female’s personal style in developing a form of social influence based on her forms of capital as well as address the positive and negative consequences that may follow while implement and research STEM in teaching classroom.

2010 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Mark Franko

This is an autobiographical account of the intellectual and artistic influences on the work of Mark Franko. It touches on his professional dance career with the Paul Sanasardo Dance Company and his choreographic career with his own company NovAntiqua, his graduate education at Columbia University, and the development of an interdisciplinary approach to theory and practice that blends the activities of the dance scholar with those of the dancer-choreographer.

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