virtual laboratories
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Jose María Abril

Lead-210 from natural atmospheric fallout is widely used in multidisciplinary studies to date recent sediments. Some of the 210Pb-based dating models can produce historical records of sediment accumulation rates (SAR) and initial activity concentrations ( ). The former have been profusely used to track past changes in the sedimentary conditions. Both physical magnitudes are differently affected by model errors (those arising for the partial or null accomplishment of some model assumptions). This work is aimed at assessing the effects on SAR and of model errors in the CRS, CS, PLUM and TERESA dating models, due to random variability in 210Pb fluxes, which is a usual sedimentary condition. Synthetic cores are used as virtual laboratories for this goal. Independently of the model choice, SARs are largely affected by model errors, resulting in some large and spurious deviations from the true values. This questions their general use for tracking past environmental changes. are less sensitive to model errors and their trends of change with time may reflect real changes in sedimentary conditions, as it is shown with some real cores from varved sediments.

Marc Lancer Santos ◽  
Maricar Prudente

The development of technologies had transformed the way we deliver our instruction to the students. Many researchers and teachers alike are advocating for the integration of technology into their instruction as it provides promising results. One key aspect as to which technology can be of great help is through virtual laboratory activities. This meta-analysis offered information on the effectiveness of using virtual laboratory activities to student achievement. Results of the meta-analysis revealed a medium effect size (g = 0.587) towards the use of virtual laboratories. The subject area and level of study were used as subgrouping to further explore the effectiveness of conducting virtual laboratories.

Ram Kumar

Abstract: Laboratories are integral part of the curriculum. With the advancement of technologies especially information and communication technology there is a pace for the designing and development of virtual labs. There are different types of online labs which are accessible through digital devices over internet. Virtual labs based upon 3D simulations are very close to the traditional or physical laboratories. Due to interactivity, such labs can give a pre-lab hand-on practice of experiments in a safe, secure and self pace environment. Purpose of the study is to investigate advantages and disadvantages of the virtual labs with the emphasis on their limitations. Keywords: Virtual Labs, 3D labs, Interactive Labs, e-learning, distance learning, remote labs

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (SpecialIssue) ◽  
pp. 331-339
Natalia Ravista ◽  
Sutarno Sutarno ◽  
Harlita Harlita

This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of guided inquiry-based e-modules accompanied by virtual laboratories on digestive system materials to empower critical thinking skills. The type of research used is research and development (R&D), by applying the Borg and Gall development model consisting of 10 steps and grouped in four stages including: preliminary study stage, development, testing, and deployment. This study is limited to e-modules validity and practicality testing. The instruments used are the validity and practicality questionnaires. The assessment of the results of the validity and practicality questionnaire is interpreted with the likert scale. Based on the analysis of the data obtained the following results: 1) Test validity by material experts, learning device experts, media experts, and education practitioners obtained a value in a row that is, 85.30%, 95.40%, 88.30%, and 93.20% with very good category, 2) Practicality tests by small-scale student groups, large-scale student groups, and biology teachers from 3 schools obtained consecutive grades, i.e., 87.60%, 89.50%, and 90.00% with very good category. Based on the validity and practicality tests, it can be concluded that the e-modules developed are valid and practical to use

Jian‐Long Ni ◽  
Jing‐Rong Li ◽  
De‐Jian Xu ◽  
Yong‐Peng Yu ◽  
Qing‐Hui Wang

Knowledge ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Victor Perez-Puyana ◽  
Mercedes Jiménez-Rosado ◽  
Alberto Romero

Virtual tools are frequently used in education. Among them, the use of virtual laboratories could be an interesting alternative to strengthen the practical concepts of the students, especially in the current paradigm in which the presence of students is often not possible. For this reason, the aim of this study was to analyse the use of different digital tools for the improvement of the teaching process during the COVID-19 pandemic period. To this end, a comparison of the application of different digital alternatives was carried out, evaluating the differences found with previous teaching courses. The results indicate that, although students welcome these activities, they cannot replace face-to-face practices, being considered as a complementary activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-51
Zainab S. Attarbashi ◽  
Aisha Hassan Abdalla Hashim ◽  
Mustafa Ali Abuzaraida ◽  
Othman Omran Khalifa ◽  
Manar Mustafa

Online learning has gained substantial traction since the popularization of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) over the last decade. After the dawn of the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning has become an indispensable mode of modern-day education. All educational institutions around the world are now compelled to switch to online classes as a physically safer and more flexible option for teaching and learning during the pandemic. Although many studies have examined the effectiveness of this online T&L mode, almost no attention has been paid to the use of virtual laboratories, which are an important means of teaching practical skills and complicated theories for science and engineering subjects. Like other online methods that have their particular advantages and disadvantages, the utility of virtual laboratories is detracted by the fact that they lack some of the qualities present in the actual experiments seen in traditional learning classrooms. In particular, virtual labs are not as effective as authentic lab experiments in developing soft skills that are typically acquired from students’ teamwork activities, in addition to lacking the ability to assess the various levels of knowledge acquisition, content mastery and student attention in class. Hence, the aim of this paper is to address these issues about the utility and drawbacks of virtual labs in achieving the long-term goals and learning outcomes of STEM education. In addressing these issues, the paper highlights the varying technologies, such as gaming and virtual reality, used by different educational institutions as substitutes for physical engineering laboratories. The final section of the paper discusses some of the ethical issues related to online learning for science and engineering subjects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-294
Mohamad Arif ◽  
Rudi Hartono ◽  
Satti Wagistina ◽  
Dicky Arinta

ABSTRAKLaboratorium geografi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Malang di masa pandemi covid-19 tidak bisa beroperasi seperti hari normal biasa, karena mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk belajar dari rumah.  Berdasarkan surat edaran rektor Universitas Negeri Malang Nomor 17.12.70/UN32.IlSEl2020 tentang penyelenggaraan pembelajaran pada semester genap tahun akademik 2020-2021 di masa pandetni Covid-19. Laboratorium virtual bisa menjadi solusi praktikum kuliah lapangan di tengah wabah pandemi covid-19. Salah satu teknologi modern yang dapat digunakan untuk di implementasikan pada kasus ini adalah melalui video virtual 360/virtual reality yang mengacu pada konsep dimana semua objek seakan dapat dijelajahi seperti dunia aslinya. Video virtual 360 derajat menjadi solusi pengganti kuliah lapangan karena dapat memperlihatkan teknik pengukuran di lapangan dengan kondisi yang nyata. Tujuan uji coba adalah untuk uji efektifitas pengembangan laboratorium virtual video 360 derajat. Metodologi penelitian model Dick & Carrey, dengan di sederhanakan menjadi tujuh prosedur pengembangan. Subjek uji coba adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Geografi FIS UM.. Dan ditinjau dari rata rata total validasi ahli media dan materi video virtual 360 berbasis multimedia interaktif dinilai hasil validasi ahli desain diperoleh nilai kevalidan mencapai 78,5% hal tersebut masuk dalam kriteria  (71% - 85%) dan masuk dalam kriteria valid dan layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran di kelas tidak perlu revisi.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Laboratorium Virtual, Video Virtual 360 derajatABSTRACTThe geography laboratory of the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang during the COVID-19 pandemic cannot operate as normal, because students are required to study from home. Based on the circular letter of the Chancellor of the State University of Malang Number 17.12.70/UN32.IlSEl2020 regarding the implementation of learning in the even semester of the 2020-2021 academic year during the Covid-19 pandetni period. Virtual laboratories can be a practical solution for field lectures in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the modern technologies that can be used to implement in this case is through virtual video 360/virtual reality which refers to the concept where all objects can be explored like the real world. 360-degree virtual video is a solution to replace field lectures because it can show measurement techniques in the field with real conditions. The purpose of the trial is to test the effectiveness of developing a 360-degree video virtual laboratory. The research methodology of the Dick & Carrey model is simplified into seven development procedures. The test subjects were students of the Department of Geography, FIS UM. And in terms of the average total validation of media experts and interactive multimedia-based 360 virtual video materials, the validation results of design experts obtained a validity value of 78.5%, it was included in the criteria (71% - 85%) and is included in the valid criteria and is suitable for use in classroom learning, no revision is needed.Keywords: Development, Virtual Lab, 360 degree Virtual Video

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (8) ◽  
pp. 582-584
Anton Filanovich ◽  
Alexander Povzner

2021 ◽  
Vol 2096 (1) ◽  
pp. 012035
A Arkhipov ◽  
N Prokudina ◽  
K Patutin

Abstract An urgent task in the training of personnel of industrial enterprises is the development of the required amount of practical skills. In the context of a pandemic, restrictive measures, as well as the high cost and danger of conducting training on real equipment, virtual laboratories are becoming one of the most promising training tools. The virtual laboratory includes a visualization system (many 3D objects, animations and effects), as well as software components, databases, modules for logging and assessing the quality of exercise performance. Within the framework of this work, the task of developing a visualization system for virtual laboratories is considered. A structural diagram of the visualization system is proposed, illustrating all the necessary elements for creating virtual stands, an implementation algorithm is drawn up. The software implementation is described on the example of a laboratory setup for performing the Reynolds experiments.

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