scholarly journals Kajian Karakteristik Sedimen Dasar di Perairan Sungailiat untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat, Kab. Bangka

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-122
Reno Arief Rachman ◽  
Mardi Wibowo ◽  
Edwin Adi Wiguna ◽  
Sapto Nugroho ◽  
Madyani Madyani ◽  

Tingkat sedimentasi di muara S. Jelitik sangat tinggi sehingga ketika air laut surut, kapal-kapal tidak dapat keluar masuk ke Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Sungailiat. Untuk menangani masalah tersebut, pemerintah secara periodik melakukan pengerukan yang berbiaya tinggi. Oleh karena itu, Pemprov Bangka Belitung merencanakan membangun infrastruktur pengendali sedimen. Dalam perencanaan infrastruktur pengendali sedimen diperlukan data-data karakteristik sedimen dasar. Saat ini kajian khusus karateristik sedimen dasar di kawasan ini masih belum ada. [A1] Oleh karena itu dilakukan kajian ini dengan tujuan mengetahui pola sebaran karakteristik sedimen dasar seperti berat jenis, tekstur sedimen, ukuran d50 butir sedimen dan analisis stastik sedimen dasar. Karakteristik ini sangat penting untuk kajian sedimentasi selanjutnya terutama sebagai data masukan perhitungan kecepatan sedimentasi baik secara analitik maupun dengan pemodelan numerik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah survei lapangan, pengambilan sampel sedimen dasar, analisis laboratorium dan analisis statistik sedimen. Berdasarkan kajian ini sedimen dasar di perairan Sungailiat ini didominasi oleh pasir sedikit campuran kerikil dengan nilai d50 berkisar antar 1-1,5 mm dan terpilah buruk. Kondisi sedimen dasar berupa pasir mempunyai daya dukung yang baik untuk pengembangan pelabuhan.Sedimentation in the S Jelitik estuary is very high, so when the tide is low, the ships traffic at the Sungailiat Fisheries Port is disturbed. So far, dredging has been done to solve this problem, which requires high costs. To overcome this, the Provincial Government of Bangka Belitung plans to build a sediment control infrastructure. In planning the sediment control infrastructure, sea bottom sediment characteristics data are needed. Currently, there is no specific study of se bottom sediment characteristics in this area. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of knowing the distribution pattern of seabottom sediment characteristics such as density, sediment texture, d50 grain size and analysis of the basic sediment statistics. This characteristic is very important for further sedimentation studies, especially as input data for calculating the sedimentation velocity both analytically and by numerical modeling. The methods used in this study are field surveys, sediment sampling, laboratory analysis and sediment statistical analysis. Based on this study, the seabottom sediment in Sungailiat waters is dominated by sand, a little mixture of gravel, with d50 values ranging from 1-1.5 mm and poorly segregated. The seabottom sediment in the form of sand have good capacity for port development.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Yuliastuti Yuliastuti ◽  
Heni Susiati ◽  
Yarianto Sugeng Budi Susilo

ABSTRAK KONDISI GEOMORFOLOGI DAN KARAKTERISTIK SEDIMEN DASAR LAUT DI WILAYAH PESISIR PERAIRAN SEBAGIN UNTUK EVALUASI TAPAK PLTN DI BANGKA SELATAN. Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai kondisi geomorfologi dan karakteristik sedimen dasar laut di wilayah perairan sebagian, Bangka Selatan. Informasi geomorfologi dasar laut sangat berguna dalam hal interpretasi struktur-struktur geologi yang berada di dasar laut. Sedangkan informasi karakteristik sedimen dasar laut bermanfaat untuk memberikan gambaran perlapisan batuan dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kestabilan tapak PLTN terkait aspek kegempaan dan penentuan posisi water intake. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi geomorfologi dan karakterisasi sedimen dasar laut di perairan Sebagin, Bangka Selatan. Metodologi yang dipakai untuk mengevaluasi kondisi geomorfologi dasar laut adalah Multi Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) dan Single Beam Echo Sounder (SBES). Sedangkan untuk karakterisasi sedimen dasar laut dilakukan dengan pengukuran seismik refleksi resolusi tinggi menggunakan sub bottom profiling (SBP) dan uji sampel sedimen di daerah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian merupakan perairan dangkal dengan kedalaman 1- 59 m. Profil geomorfologi dasar laut daerah penelitian cenderung tidak beraturan dan berdasarkan interpretasi seismik tidak ditemukan adanya patahan. Hasil analisis sedimen dasar laut menunjukkan bahwa, distribusi lumpur mendominasi daerah perairan calon tapak PLTN. Kata Kunci : geomorfologi, tapak PLTN, sedimen, sub bottom profile.   ABSTRACT GEOMORPHOLOGICAL CONDITION AND SEA BOTTOM SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF SEBAGIN COAST FOR NPP SITE EVALUATION IN SOUTH BANGKA. Study on geomorphological condition and sea bottom sediment in the coastal area of Sebagin, South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Province has been performed. Geomorphological of the seabed was valuable to identify geological structures that exist on the seabed layers. Whereas, sediments seabed characteristics was useful to provide portrait of seabed layer due to the stability of NPP site concerning the seismic aspect and the determination of water intake position. The objective of the study was to evaluate geomorphological condition and sea bed sediment characteristics in the South Bangka sea. Methodology used for evaluating geomorphological of the sea bed were Multi Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) and Single Beam Echo Sounder (SBES). While for sea bottom sediment characteristics, SBP together with sediment sample analysis were used. The result of the study showed that the study area was a shallow water sea with a depth range of 1-59 m. Geomorphological profile of the sea bed tend to be irregular and based on the seismic interpretation, there were no fault exists. Result analysis on the sea bottom sediment showed that clay distribution dominated the study area. Keywords: geomorphology, NPP site, sediment, sub bottom profile.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-132
Triyanti Nurhidayah ◽  
Lilik Maslukah ◽  
Sri Yulina Wulandari ◽  
Kurnia Kurnia

Pantai Marunda terletak di Teluk Jakarta dan berdekatan dengan muara Sungai Tiram. Kegiatan antropogenik di sekitar Pantai Marunda sangat tinggi, sehingga dapat menyumbang limbah yang mengandung logam berat Pb, Zn dan Cr. Limbah logam berat yang terakumulasi dalam perairan, akan  mengendap dalam sedimen dan seiring berjalannya waktu akan mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui konsentrasi Pb, Zn, dan Cr berdasarkan kedalaman vertikal, hubungannya dengan karbon organik total (KOT) dan ukuran butir sedimen di Pantai Marunda. Sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan polietylen sediment core dan dipisahkan berdasarkan kedalamannya (1-3 cm, 4-6 cm, dan 7-9 cm). Logam berat dalam sedimen dianalisis menggunakan metode destruksi asam dan diukur nilai absorbansinya menggunakan AAS, karbon organik total menggunakan metode loss of ignition (LOI) dan analisa tekstur sedimen dengan metode pengayakan dilanjutkan pemipetan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi rerata logam berat Pb, Zn, Cr secara berurutan pada lapisan atas sebesar 5,14; 107,19; dan 12,79 ppm, lapisan tengah sebesar 4,41; 100,20; 12,28  ppm serta lapisan bawah sebesar 4,8; 101,30; 14,10 ppm. Logam berat Zn dan Cr berkorelasi positif kuat terhadap KOT dan persentase lumpur, sedangkan terhadap Pb berkorelasi negatif. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa distribusi logam berat Pb, Zn dan Cr secara vertikal menunjukkan konsentrasi tinggi pada lapisan permukaan yaitu pada kedalaman sedimen 1-3 cm dan keberadaanya ditentukan oleh konsesntrasi  KOT dan fraksi sedimen jenis lumpur. The Marunda Beach is located on the Jakarta Bay and adjacent to the mouth of the Tiram River. Anthropogenic activity around Marunda Beach is very high, so it can contribute the heavy metals such as Pb, Zn and Cr. The heavy metal will accumulate in the sediment and over time will be increase. The purpose of this study was to determine the vertical distribution of Pb, Zn, Cr, and their relationship to total organic carbon (TOC) and the grain size. Sediment samples were taken using polyethylene cores and this sample separated based on their depth (1-3 cm, 4-6 cm, and 7-9 cm). The heavy metals were analyzed using acid destruction and absorbance values were measured using AAS, TOC using the loss of ignition (LOI) and sediment texture with a sifting method, followed by pipetting. The results showed that the average concentration of Pb, Zn, Cr in the upper layer was 5.14; 107.19; 12.79 ppm, in the middle layer of 4.41; 100.20; 12.28 ppm and in the lower layer 4.8; 101.30; 14.10 ppm, respectively. Zn and Cr are strongly positively correlated to TOC and mud, and vice versa, the relationship to Pb is negative. The results of this study found that the vertical distribution of Pb, Zn and Cr was high in the surface layer (1-3 cm) and their presence was determined by TOC concentration and mud fraction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Ignatius Adiwidjaja

Transportasi dan angkutan umum merupakan suatu persoalan yang selalu dihadapi oleh pemerintah di berbagai daerah di tanah air ini, terutama daerah yang memiliki suasana kota yang yang ramai karena  padatnya penduduk serta tingginya intensitas masyarakatnya diikuti dengan tidak sesuainya jumlah moda transportasi umum serta belum seimbangnya luas ruas jalan antar kota dalam propinsi yang  mempunyai struktur serta aktifitas penduduk sudah tergolong sagat tinggi. Regulasi kebijakan pemerintah propinsi Jawa Timur yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur No. 27 Tahun 2016. Dinas perhubungan sebagai implementor, melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat, serta menyediakan sarana sebagai pendukung dalam system transportasi di Jawa Timur. Dalam penelitian ini kami menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan gambaran (deskripsi) mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan apa yang diteliti. Kualitatif sendiri merupakan wujud kata-kata dari pada deretan angka-angka. Pendekatan metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai pemecahan masalah dengan menggambarkan atau melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian, baik perilaku individu, kelompok masyarakat, lembaga-lembaga dan lain-lain sebagainya.Kata kunci : Implementasi, Pelayanan PublikABSTRACT. Public transportation and transportation is a problem that is always faced by the government in various regions in this country, especially areas that have a bustling city atmosphere due to overcrowding and high intensity of the community followed by mismatching the number of modes of public transportation and the imbalance of the size of roads inter-city in the province which has a structure and activity of the population is already classified as very high. East Java provincial government policy regulations contained in East Java Governor Regulation No. 27 of 2016. Transportation Agency as an implementor, conducts socialization to the community, and provides facilities as a support in the transportation system in East Java. In this study we used a qualitative method that produced a description (description) of matters relating to what was studied. Qualitative itself is a form of words rather than a row of numbers. Descriptive method approach can be interpreted as problem solving by describing or describing the state of the subject or object of research, both the behavior of individuals, community groups, institutions and so forth.Keywords: Implementation, Public Services

Oryx ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 436-438
Lei Cai ◽  
Guiliang Zhang ◽  
Jianying Xiang ◽  
Zhiling Dao ◽  
Weibang Sun

AbstractThe rare and threatened fern Christensenia aesculifolia of South-east Asia is listed in China as a second-ranked plant for national protection and is also categorized as one of 62 plant species with extremely small populations by the Yunnan provincial government. Field investigations during 2014–2017 failed to relocate one previously known population, and revealed that the single known extant population of C. aesculifolia contains only 10 individual plants. The most urgent conservation requirement for this species is to conserve the threatened habitat of the remnant population. Further field surveys and research are also required for an improved understanding of the species’ status.

1988 ◽  
Vol 20 (6-7) ◽  
pp. 277-286 ◽  
Takeshi Horie

A feasibility study of seawater improvement projects in selected bays where seawater is highly polluted by organic substances is being conducted. The study includes field surveys in these bays of, for example, seawater quality, sediment characteristics, sediment release rate, sediment settling rate, organism growth rates, and biological activity. Numerical analysis of the situation is also being conducted, using a set of mathematical models. A water quality prediction model was formulated on the basis of phosphorus cycling between seawater, phytoplankton, and sediment. The results of the simulation predicted that the effect of seawater quality improvement would be unexpectedly small, because of dilution due to advection and dispersion by seawater circulation. However, in the field, ecological conditions seem to be significantly improved, given that the number of benthic species and the populations of these species increase on treated sediment, even though the improvement of water quality is less than expected. Based on these results, the author discusses the role of the numerical model and gives examples of its application in predicting the environmental improvement due to seawater quality improvement.

Hydrology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Mebrahtom G. Kebedew ◽  
Seifu A. Tilahun ◽  
Fasikaw A. Zimale ◽  
Tammo S. Steenhuis

Sediment concentration of rivers in developing countries has been increasing greatly over the last 50 years due to the conversion of forest to continuously cultivated land with the increasing population. Few studies have addressed its effect on sedimentation and water quality of the lakes by analyzing bottom sediment characteristics. In this study, the objective was to investigate the spatial distribution (and their interrelationships) of the bottom sediment characteristics in the largest lake in Ethiopia, Lake Tana where water hyacinths have been spreading rapidly during the last decade. Sediment samples were collected from the lake bottom at 60 locations and analyzed for texture, organic matter, total nitrogen, and available phosphorus. Bottom sediment samples had a median of 75% clay, 13% silt, and 9% sand. Clay was greatest in the northwestern part and smallest in the areas near the major rivers entering or exiting the lake. Clay percentage and lake depth were strongly correlated. The mean organic matter content of bottom sediment was 16 g kg−1, total nitrogen 0.8 g kg−1, and Olsen available phosphorus 19 mg kg−1. Phosphorus concentrations peaked where water hyacinths were found in the northeastern part of the lake. This study will serve as a baseline for future water quality and sedimentation changes in Lake Tana. In particular, it might aid in explaining the spread of the water hyacinths.

2007 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 1-30 ◽  
Troy A. Blodgett ◽  
Bryan L. Isacks

Abstract The northeastern edge of the Bolivian Eastern Cordillera is an example of a tectonically active plateau margin where orographically enhanced precipitation facilitates very high rates of erosion. The topography of the steepest part of the margin exhibits the classic signature of high erosion rates consisting of high-relief V-shaped valleys where landsliding is the dominant process of hillslope erosion and bedrock rivers are incising into the landscape. The authors mapped landslide scars on multitemporal aerial photographs to estimate hillslope erosion rates. Field surveys of landslide scars are used to calibrate a landslide volume versus area relationship. The mapped area of landsliding, in combination with an estimate of the time for landslide scars to revegetate, leads to an erosion rate estimate. The estimated revegetation time, 10–35 yr, is based on analysis of multitemporal aerial photographs and tree rings. About 4%–6% of two watersheds in the region considered were affected by landslides over the last 10–35 yr. This result implies an erosion rate of 9 ± 5 mm yr−1 assuming that 90% of a single landslide reaches the river on average. Classified Landsat Thematic Mapper images show that landslides are occurring at approximately the same rate all across an approximately 40-km-wide swath within the high-relief zones of the cordillera.

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