A Web-Based Medical Appointment Scheduling with SMS Alert Notification System

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 28-38
Bassey Ele ◽  
Odey, J. A. ◽  
Frank, N. E. ◽  
Ekinya, I. M.

Lengthy waiting times for registering and booking an appointment to see a doctor is challenging in Nigeria, particularly in government hospitals. Also, missed healthcare appointments are the main cause of preventable incompetence that affects a patient’s wellbeing and medication results, as there is no machinery to notice patients when appointments are deferred or canceled. To address these issues, a web-based medical appointment scheduling system with SMS alert notification using the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) as a case study is proposed.  This study adopted the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology in the development of the system. MySQL was used to design the database for this study and the proposed system was implemented using PHP programming language. A web-based medical appointment scheduling with an SMS alert notification system was developed and implemented in this study. The developed system will improve appointment scheduling in hospitals to simplify patients' and doctors’ tasks and eliminate missed appointments with the help of the reminder component. In the upcoming, the system can be developed to direct appointment applications to another hospital where doctors with similar medical proficiency are working. Furthermore, the provision of automated SMS alerts as notifications as the appointed day draws near or reaches is a fundamental characteristic of the developed system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (05) ◽  
pp. 24612-24620
Emmanuel Nwabueze Ekwonwune ◽  
Duru Ngozi A. ◽  
Uka Kanayo K.

This paper is aimed at designing a dynamic web – based Contract Bidding Information System that will be used to register details online to enable bidding for advertised contracts. It was motivated by the growing recognition of the need to modify bidding operation previously done manually. The Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) was used to develop a contract bidding system. A web – based application will be developed to enable bidders register and submit their biddings online.

Aderibigbe Ayodeji Azeez ◽  
Aminat Ajibola

In recent times due to the ever-increasing fast pace of life the number of missed appointments in medical institutions in Nigeria has caused problems, hence the need for a web based healthcare platform to intervene and provide seamless care for patients. Medical appointment scheduling, as the starting point of most non-urgent health care services, is undergoing major developments to support active involvement of patients. Medical appointment scheduling system lies at the intersection of providing efficiency and timely access to health services. By using the Internet as a medium, patients are given more freedom in decision making about their preferences for the appointments and have improved access. In this work a Web-based appointment scheduling system is designed to meet the needs under the current health care environment. The security of patients has been taken under consideration, QR code is been used as the e-authentication technique to protect patients’ and hospital information from unauthorized individuals. The system was developed using PHP, QR code authentication technique, VScode environment, apache and MySQL. This is to ensure that the application is robust, cheap, secured and is able to run on different platforms. The system provides the platform to facilitate the booking and management of patients’ appointment bookings. Patients can also view their appointment reports and progress. The system also provides healthcare workers an easy secured access to manage patients’ appointments, medical records and to generate relevant reports.

Desi Maya Kristin ◽  
Yuliana Lisanti

This information system is used as a solution that can help to meet the requirements of the couples. The research methods are data collection, analysis and design. Data collection method implemented by surveys including interviews with 58 clients, 15 vendors, and 12 WO (Wedding Organizer) and by literature study that includes books and journal related. Object oriented is used as the method for system analysis and design. The result is a web based information system that connects vendors and clients in one online place. The web based application can be used to book the reception hall, catering food for guests, entertainments, bridal, car loan, prewed and receptions photos. The benefits of the web based applications are user can costumize or choose the packages, check the price information and get reports related to Wedding Organizer Order Management business process. The results of the qualitative interviews to 58 clients who already used the applications is the client get shorter time compare to clients who manage their own wedding reception.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-23
Sigit Setiyanto ◽  
Wing Wahyu Winarno ◽  
Armadyah Amborowati

Perpustakaan merupakan tempat yang banyak digunakan mahasiswa untukmencari informasi didalam memecahkan suatu masalah yang ditemui pada prosespembelajaran. Pemanfaatan teknologi aplikasi berbasis android sangat membantuperpustakaan dalam memberikan pelayanan sirkulasi perpustakaan yang cepat,akurat, real time dan up to date. Metode yang digunakan untuk rancang bangunprototype perancangan sistem informasi sirkulasi perpustakaan berbasis mobilemenggunakan metode waterfall dan menggunakan pendekatan Structured SystemsAnalysis and Design Method (SSADM).Algoritma yang digunakan pada proses pencarian pustaka melalui teksmenggunakan algoritma boyer moore sehingga proses pencarian data akan menjadilebih cepat. Pengujian dilakukan dalam rangka melakukan verifikasi dan validasiperangkat lunak. Proses verifikasi dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian white boxsedangkan proses validasi dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian black box.Pengujian usabilitydigunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kegunaan dari sebuahaplikasi dan merupakan kunci keberhasilan sebuah produk dengan syaratpenerimaan pengguna. Pengujian usability pada penelitian ini mencakup 4 aspekutama learnability, flexibility, effectiveness, dan attitude.Penelitian yang dilakukan mampu menghasilkan perancangan sisteminformasi perpustakaan berbasis mobileandroid menggunakan metode waterfalldengan pendekatan Structured System Analysis and Design Method (SSADM). Fituryang ada pada sistem sangat memudahkan user dalam mendapatkan berbagaiinformasi mengenai pelayanan perpustakaan.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ayu Rizki Ananda ◽  
Gigih Forda Nama ◽  
Mardiana Mardiana

Abstrak - Pemerintahan Kota Metro merupakan kota administratif yang memiliki kondisi dan potensi yang cukup besar serta ditunjang dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Kota Metro tumbuh dengan pesat sebagai pusat pendidikan, kebudayaan dan pusat pemerintahan maka dengan potensi tersebut Kota Metro ditingkatkan menjadi Kotamadya Metro. Untuk dapat mewujudkan hal tersebut Kota Metro diharuskan untuk dapat mengikuti perkembangan zaman khususnya pada bidang teknologi informasi. Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Metro membuat website pemerintahan Kota Metro untuk memberikan informasi terkait dengan pemerintah daerah Kota Metro. Meskipun demikian website pemerintahan Kota Metro masih perlu pembaharuan dalam informasi, maka diperlukan pembaharuan pada layanan publik Kota Metro berupa sistem informasi geografis dan interaksi langsung terhadap admin dengan masyarakat atau live chat. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode SSADM (Structured System Analysis and Design Method). Metode SSADM adalah metode pendekatan sistem untuk menganalisis dan mendesain sebuah sistem informasi, dimana konsep ini digunakan untuk menentukan data, proses, serta informasi yang dihasilkan dari sistem yang dibangun. Terdapat 2 tahap pengujian yaitu presentasi dan blackbox testing yaitu data pendidikan dan data kesehatan. Hasil dari pengembangan sistem menghasilkan prototype sistem layanan publik Kota Metro berupa sistem informasi geografis dan live chat yang berfungsi untuk berinteraksi secara langsung dengan admin.Kata kunci : Website, Metode SSADM, Pemerintah Kota Metro, Sistem Informasi Geografis

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 293-302
Arthur William ◽  
Rendy Christian ◽  
Riyandi Riyandi ◽  
Putra Edi Mujahid

Boarding house is a service that offers a room or a place to live in with a certain amount of payment for a certain period (generally payments per month). Currently, most boarding houses available in Medan still use a manual system to manually record transactions between homestay residents and boarding owners. The application of this manual system often faces various problems, such as the absence of a notification system regarding payment due dates to residents, the difficulty of making complaints to owners and residents cannot find out whether their complaints have been known and responded to by the owner or not, boarding owners must check their records to find out residents which ones have not paid off, so it often takes a long time to obtain the information. To further support the performance of this marketplace, a recommendation feature will be added to the marketplace application. The method that can be used is the Social Trust Path method. The Social Trust Path method is a method of calculating the value of the confidence level of something depending on the level of trust of the user who gives the statement. The tools used to perform analysis and design are use case diagrams. This website is built using PHP coding and MySQL database. The result of this research is a web-based boarding house recommendation application that can be used to provide boarding place information for users.

Muhammad Samsudin ◽  
Muhdar Abdurahman ◽  
Muksin Hi Abdullah

Abstrak:Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk merancang sistem informasi pengajuan kredit berbasis Web pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Sejahtera Baru Kota Ternate. Penilitian dilakukan pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Sejahtera Baru Kota Ternate, Metode Pengumpulan Data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara dengan melakukan Analisa sistem dan merancang sistem dengan Model Berbasis Object, Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman HTML, CSS, MySQL, dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan memudahkan Pimpinan dalam pengambilan keputusan dengan proses monitoring hasil pengajuan kredit serta mempermudah nasabah dalam melakukan pengajuan kredit pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Sejahtera Baru Kota Ternate pada WebsiteKata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Kredit Nasabah, WebsiteAbstract: The purpose of this research is to design information systems Web-based credit submission on Cooperative Loan Sejahtera Baru Ternate City, Doing research on Cooperative Loan Sejahtera Baru Ternate City, Data collection methods used are observation and interviews with system analysis and design of systems with Model-based Object, The system is built using programming languages HTML, CSS, MySQL. The existence of this system is expected to ease the leadership in the decision making process of monitoring results with the submission of a credit as well as simplify the customer in doing the filing of Credit Cooperative Loan Sejahtera Baru Ternate City on the WebsiteKeywords: Information System, Customer Credit, Website

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Zainul Efendy ◽  
Ilham Eka Putra ◽  
Rangga Saputra

Andalas University is the oldest university outside Java Island, and is the fourth oldest university in Indonesia. The University of Andalas also has assets and facilities such as buildings, land, equipment, campus buses and official vehicles managed by the administration acnd general 2 fields under the leadership of the Vice Rector 2, the assets and facilities available at the university andalas are also leased to people who want to rent or use existing facilities. Payment transactions and report recaps are still done manually this makes managers in recording transaction data becomes difficult. The status of pay by the lessee is difficult to track if the leader requests the report results. Therefore we need an information system to manage rental transaction and facilities at university andalas, that is information system that can recap asset, tenant and payment data. The research method used is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) research, in SDLC development process consisting of system planning, system analysis, system design, and system implementation. With this information system is expected both parties' transactions can be easily and mutually beneficial and the storage can also supervise transactions that exist wherever they are

2013 ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yuni Sugiarti Yuni Sugiarti

Absrtak: Tulisan ini merupakan kajian dalam menindaklanjuti saran dari hasil penelitian penulis, tentang perlunya perancangan dan pengembangan model prototipe Sistem Informasi Jabatan Fungsional Dosen berbasis web. Implementasi jabatan fungsional tersebut untuk memudahkan dalam menghitung angka kredit, memudahkan pemasukan dan pencarian data sehingga dapat menghasilkan informasi yang akurat, tepat, dan relevan. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma siklus hidup pengembangan sistem, meliputi tahapan pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka; analisis dan perancangan sistem dengan star Unified Modeling Language (UML), relasi antar file, struktur file, struktur program, rancangan masukan, rancangan luaran, dan struktur menu dengan menggunakan pemograman PHP & database Mysql. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu adanya prototipe sistem jabatan fungsional yang dapat dimanfaatkan para dosen dalam memproses pengusulan dan perhitungan angka kredit secara mudah, cepat, dan efektif. Oleh karena itu perguruan tinggi (negeri/swasta) perlu mendorong pengembangan dan pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi tersebut. Begitu pula para dosen perlu membiasakan pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi berbasisweb dalam memudahkan mengimplementasikan jabatan fungsional dosen. Kata kunci : Dosen, Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi, Jabatan Fungsional Dosen.Abstract: This paper is a study to follow up the recommendation from the result of the writer’s research, which was about the importance of design and development of information system prototype of web based lecturer functional job. The implementation of functional job will facilitate the calculation of credit rate, ease the data entry and searching to bring about accurate, appropriate and relevant information. This research used life cyclus paradigm of system development which include data collection phase via observation, interview and literature study; system analysis and design using star Unified Modeling Language (UML), interrelation among files, file structure, program structure, input design, output design, and menu structure using PHP and database Mysql. This study resulted that there is a prototype of functional job system which can be used by lecturers to proceed the proposal and calculation of credit rate easily, fast, and effectively. That is why colleges (public/private ones) need to encourage the develepment and utilization of such information system. Similarly, lecturers need to familiarize the utilization of web based information system in order to facilitate the implementation of lecturer functional job. Keywords: Lecturer, College Tridarma, Lecturer Functional Job

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