scholarly journals Management of Carboniferous Rock and Waste Mineral Wool in the Context of Current Polish Legislation

Mineralogia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 48 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 63-69 ◽  
Dorota Tomaszewska-Krojańska ◽  
Jacek Pranagal

Abstract This paper presents the legal aspects of the management of wastes that can be used as sorbents in environmental protection. The legal status of wastes with mineral characteristics - Carboniferous rock and mineral wool from horticulture - is discussed, where it is found that the number of legal acts cause difficulties in the utilisation of such wastes.

Olena Savchuk

Problem setting. The functioning of legal relations of use and environmental protection is currently regulated by a number of regulations of different legal force and direction. All this legislation is aimed at ensuring a safe environment, stopping the negative climate change caused by industry, agriculture, low energy efficiency of buildings, lack of waste management system, as well as reducing carbon sequestration by the ecosystem. The object of research is the legislation that regulates the legal relationship regarding the use and protection of the environment in the field of innovation. The subject of the study is the state of the regulatory framework and legislative regulation of legal relations regarding the use and protection of the environment in the field of innovation. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Legal relations on the use and protection of the environment in the field of innovation have repeatedly attracted the attention of researchers. In particular, A.P. Hetman considered the issues of environmental and legal component of innovative entrepreneurship, G.V. Anisimova studied issues of environmental and legal aspects of regional innovation system, V.L. Bredikhina in the field of research were issues of legal support of environmental safety in the field of implementation innovation policy. Krasnova M.V. considered the introduction of innovative dominants of sustainable development in the environmental legislation of Ukraine. In addition, the scientific literature analyzed the legal basis for the introduction of innovative technologies in agribusiness (Bakai Yu. Yu.); legal support for the introduction of ecologically oriented innovations in Ukraine (Lebedeva T.M.), ecological innovation management in the mechanism of sustainable development (Zadykhailo D.D.). However, the study that would be aimed at analyzing the legal regulation of the use of environmental protection in the field of innovation was not yet, which prompted us to choose this topic of scientific work. Target of research is to identify and make proposals to current legislation in certain areas. The scientific novelty of the study is to make proposals to consolidate amendments to current legislation and proposals for the development of separate documents to regulate the functioning of legal relations of use and environmental protection in the field of innovation. Article’s main body. The normative-legal acts are researched, the scientific specialized literature is analyzed according to the chosen theme of scientific work. The need to amend the current legislation, the importance of developing regulations aimed at applying existing and developing new mechanisms to ensure the use and protection of the environment in the innovation sphere are identified and emphasized. Conclusions and prospects for the development. After analyzing the legal support for the functioning of legal relations of use and environmental protection in the innovation sphere, we came to the conclusion that today there is an urgent need to develop and implement a special legal act that would establish a set of measures to develop innovation in the use and environmental protection. The purpose of such a document, first of all, should be the mechanism of implementation of previously adopted regulations, expanding access to environmental information of the population, including interaction between scientific and educational institutions, the introduction of modern advanced technologies. As already noted during the dissertation, the issue we are considering goes far beyond just environmental legislation, so it should also be noted that the necessary harmonization of legislation between other institutions of law – economic, civil, tax and more. In addition to the above, I would like to emphasize that the Law “On Environmental Protection, acting as the main legislative document in the field of environmental relations does not enshrine issues of innovation, environmental innovation.

Alla Brovdii ◽  

Some aspects of the economic and legal status of a consulting engineer are analyzed, taking into account the specifics of national legislation. Some problems of the legal status of the consulting engineer and the forms of his economic activity are revealed. The introduction of such an entity as a consulting engineer in the modern conditions of construction development is of particular importance due to the need to improve the quality of construction work, the development of competition in this area and the need to change approaches to economic activity in this area. It is established that the concept of consulting engineer is defined in some special regulations, in particular, regulating activities in the field of road construction, but the economic and legal aspects of his business remain unresolved. This significantly affects the effectiveness of the introduction of the institute of consulting engineers in the field of management. The problem of lack of clear definition of the form of conducting economic activity by the specified participant of economic relations is revealed. The necessity of adopting a special normative legal act, namely the Law of Ukraine "On the activities of consulting engineers", in which to regulate general issues of their legal status, features of the organization of its activities, responsibilities, etc is proved. The author's definition of the concept of consulting engineer is proposed, taking into account the need to establish the organizational and legal form of his business, which will ensure proper regulation of relations between him and other participants in construction relations, including contractors and customers. The solution of some problems of the economic and legal status of the consulting engineer under the legislation of Ukraine is offered. The expediency of conducting the activity of a consulting engineer as a self-employed person, or carrying out its activity by creating a legal entity (association of consulting engineers) is substantiated. In addition, in our opinion, an entity that carries out engineering activities and has concluded employment contracts with duly accredited consulting engineers has the right to provide the services of a consulting engineer.

Екатерина Викторовна Глебова

Актуальность темы научной статьи обусловлена тем, что каждый гражданин Российской Федерации независимо от его социального статуса обладает правом на образование. Однако отдельные категории граждан, в частности, осужденные лица, не могут воспользоваться данным правом по причине наличия у них особого юридического статуса. Беспрепятственный доступ осужденных к образовательному процессу оказывает положительное влияние на социальную безопасность и защищенность каждого отдельного гражданина, так как от уровня их образованности напрямую зависит степень их исправления. В данный момент на территории нашей страны наблюдается большая вовлеченность всех слоев населения (включая осужденных) в сферу образовательных услуг как на возмездной, так и на безвозмездной основах. Профессиональное образование и профессиональное обучение как очень важный и необходимый элемент в отечественной пенитенциарной системе регулируется различными источниками права, относящимися и к системе уголовно-исполнительного законодательства, и к системе образовательного законодательства РФ. Целями правового регулирования отношений в сфере образования являются установление государственных гарантий, механизмов реализации прав и свобод человека в указанной сфере, а также защита прав и интересов участников отношений в сфере образования. Problem statement of the scientific article is due to the fact that every citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of his social status has the right to education. However, some categories of citizens cannot exercise this right due to their special legal status, in particular, we will talk about convicted persons. Unimpeded access of this category of citizens to the educational process has a positive impact on the social safety and security of each individual, since the level of education of convicted persons directly affects the degree of their correction. At the moment on the territory of our country there is a great involvement of all segments of the population (including convicts) to the sphere of educational services free or for a fee. Vocational education and training as a very important and necessary element in the domestic penitentiary system is regulated by various sources of law relating to both the system of penal legislation and the system of educational legislation of the Russian Federation. The objectives of legal regulation of relations in the field of education are the establishment of state guarantees, mechanisms for the implementation of human rights and freedoms in education, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of participants of relations in the educational field.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 02071 ◽  
Ruben Kazaryan

Problems of accounting and reporting of net assets and the procedure of their formation taking into account the specifics of the economic and legal status of property of a non-commercial autonomous institution are some of the most controversial in the accounting for entities of the public sector. The study focuses on justification of accounting rules for net assets of public sector entities. The methods used in the study are as follows: comparison, synthesis, analysis, logical approach, and system approach. The article examines legal aspects and specifics of recognition of assets of public sector entities in accordance with IPSAS standards (International Public Sector Accounting Standards are a set of accounting standards issued by IPSASB (Council for International Financial Reporting Standards for Public Sector Organizations) used by state-owned enterprises worldwide in preparation of financial statements as of the 31st of August, 2015. The most crucial factor in the modeling of key performance indicators of the system-target approach to estimation of the sustainability level of net assets on the basis of IPSAS is a multicriterial evaluation of the basic management strategy for quality system elements used in operational and strategic planning projects operations in high-rise construction. We offer an alternative evaluation of assets due to be returned to the right holder (the state controller) in the event of liquidation of a public sector entity.

Нодиржон Хайриев ◽  
Nodirzhon Khayriev

This article studies historical-legal aspects of such issues as organization and development of criminal procedure in Ancient Rome, types of criminal procedure in this state, peculiarities of criminal procedure organization on the basis of the Laws of the twelve tables, legal status of officials, reviewing cases, as well as issues of guaranteeing fairness of the courts, specific to the ancient roman legal and institutional framework. Based on the historical development of the state and law, the author presents a different classification of the development stages of Ancient Rome and history of the Roman (Civil) Law. The author pays special attention to studying procedural law aspects, in particular, to the issues of particular characteristics of criminal procedure and judicial examination, evidence law, procedure of instituting court proceedings, hearings of cases in courts and adoption of relevant court decisions. The author conducts thorough analysis of the main stages of a criminal process, which, as the author assumes, consist of two parts — bringing of a suit, evaluation of evidence and documents, checking the accuser’s requirements, as well as reviewing claims under the lawsuit and submitted evidence, judicial examination.

Ivan Omelko

The article deals with historical and legal aspects of the normative regulation of the forms of activity of the representative bodies of local self-government and their members on the Ukrainian lands, which were part of Austria-Hungary and pre-revolutionary Russia. It is shown that during the 60-90s of the XIX century, there was an accumulation of experience in the normative consolidation of the legal status and organization of the work of local representative bodies, the formation of the main forms of their activity. Attention is drawn to the fact that in both empires the adoption of liberal legislation on local self-government led to the activation of local rule-making. The content of national and local acts regulating the forms of activity of representative bodies of the late XIX – early XX centuries is analyzed. In its modern form, local government developed in the nineteenth century. as a result of the victory of liberal-democratic reforms in the world's leading states. Therefore, consideration of the evolution of legal regulation of the forms of activity of deputies of domestic local representative bodies should begin in the 1860s, when in Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire, which at that time included Ukrainian lands, local government began almost simultaneously. The period of functioning of representative bodies of local self-government in the Ukrainian lands as a part of Austria-Hungary and pre-revolutionary Russia (1862-1917) should be considered as the first stage of evolution of forms of activity of deputies of local councils in modern Ukraine. This was the stage of initiating the normative consolidation and practice of implementing the forms of activity of the deputy corps of domestic representative bodies of local self-government.

2013 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
Carlo Casini ◽  
Marina Casini

Dopo vivacissisimi dibattiti e diverse decisioni giudiziarie, il Parlamento irlandese ha approvato nel luglio 2013 la legge sull’aborto Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act (2013) che però non ha fatto cessare le discussioni né sopito le inquietudini. Il contributo, supportato da un’ampia documentazione, si muove contemporaneamente su tre piani: vengono esaminati i profili giuridici (costituzionali, referendari, legislativi e giurisprudenziali) della storia dell’aborto in Irlanda, evidenziando gli aspetti che rendono peculiare la vicenda irlandese rispetto a quella degli altri Paesi europei; affronta la questione dello statuto giuridico dell’embrione umano nell’ordinamento irlandese sia nell’ambito dell’aborto, sia in quello della fecondazione artificiale (diffusa nella prassi e legittimata dalla giurisprudenza); offre interpretazioni e prospettive concrete per tutelare la vita umana sin dal momento della fecondazione in un contesto che, invece, tende a sottrarre la protezione nei primi 14 giorni di vita dell’embrione umano. One of us, l’iniziativa dei cittadini europei, promossa sulla base del Trattato di Lisbona, si presenta come una straordinaria occasione per svolgere un ruolo di contenimento delle possibili derive negative della legge recentemente approvata e per mantenere nella società la consapevolezza che la dignità umana è uguale per tutti gli esseri umani, così tutti, sin dal concepimento, sono titolari del diritto alla vita. I cittadini irlandesi potrebbero confermare con la vastità delle adesioni a “Uno di noi” la stessa volontà manifestata nei referendum del 1983, del 1997 e del 2002: “lo Stato riconosce il diritto alla vita del bambino che deve nascere”. ---------- After several lively debates and judicial decisions, the Irish parliament passed a law on abortion in July 2013 Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act (2013) which, however, has not put an end to the discussion or calmed anxieties. The contribution, supported by extensive documentation, moves simultaneously on three levels: 1. examining the legal aspects (constitutional, referendums, legislation and judicial decisions) of abortion’s history in Ireland highlighting those that make that history unique compared to other European countries; 2. dealing with the question of the legal status of the human embryo into the Irish legal system regarding both abortion, and artificial insemination (widely practiced and legitimized by law); 3. offers interpretations and concrete prospects for protecting human life from the moment of fertilization in a context which, however, tends to deprive human life of protection in the first 14 days of life. One of us, the European citizens’ initiative, promoted on the basis of the Treaty of Lisbon, is presented as an extraordinary opportunity to play a role in limiting the possible negative tendencies of the law recently passed and to maintain awareness in society that human dignity is the same for all human beings. So everyone, from conception, is entitled to the right to life. In particular, One of us gives Irish citizens the great chance to confirm the same desire expressed in the referenda of 1983, 1992 and 2002 – “The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn child” – by signing in great numbers the “One of Us” citizen’s initiative.

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