scholarly journals К истории новогрудской редакции Пролога (на материале списков сентябрьского полугодия)

2011 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-126
Марина Владимировна Чистякова

Marina ChistiakovaOn the history of the Navahrudak edition of the Simple Synaxarion (on the basis of copies for the September haft of the year) The article is devoted to the analysis of the structure of the Navahrudak edition of the Simple Synaxarion on the basis of two manuscript synaxaria for the September half of the ecclesiastical year: Russian State Library, Museum collection, no. 4102, first quarter of the 16th century, and the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, F 19–95, 1512. Their comparison revealed a number of common features (certain additional instructive stories, the Vita of the Three Vilnius Martyrs, the cycle of 10 stories about the Kievan Caves monks) which allow us to assume, that the two manuscripts represent the Navahrudak edition, but this is true only for their main part from 1st September till 3rd February. In the concluding part, from 4th February onward, the manuscript F 19–95 represents the expanded edition of the Simple Synaxarion, while the codex Mus. 4102 combines the same version with the short edition of the Simple Synaxarion. Apparently, a defective copy of the Navahrudak edition has been used while compiling the two manu­scripts.

Semen M. Iakerson

Hebrew incunabula amount to a rather modest, in terms of number, group of around 150 editions that were printed within the period from the late 60s of the 15th century to January 1, 1501 in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Turkey. Despite such a small number of Hebrew incunabula, the role they played in the history of the formation of European printing cannot be overlooked. Even less possible is to overestimate the importance of Hebrew incunabula for understanding Jewish spiritual life as it evolved in Europe during the Renaissance.Russian depositories house 43 editions of Hebrew incunabula, in 113 copies and fragments. The latter are distributed as following: the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences — 67 items stored; the Russian State Library — 38 items; the National Library of Russia — 7 items; the Jewish Religious Community of Saint Petersburg — 1 item. The majority of these books came in public depositories at the late 19th — first half of the 20th century from private collections of St. Petersburg collectors: Moses Friedland (1826—1899), Daniel Chwolson (1819—1911) and David Günzburg (1857—1910). This article looks into the circumstances of how exactly these incunabula were acquired by the depositories. For the first time there are analysed publications of Russian scholars that either include descriptions of Hebrew incunabula (inventories, catalogues, lists) or related to various aspects of Hebrew incunabula studies. The article presents the first annotated bibliography of all domestic publications that are in any way connected with Hebrew incunabula, covering the period from 1893 (the first publication) to the present. In private collections, there was paid special attention to the formation of incunabula collections. It was expressed in the allocation of incunabula as a separate group of books in printed catalogues and the publication of research works on incunabula studies, which belonged to the pen of collectors themselves and haven’t lost their scientific relevance today.

Semen M. Iakerson

Hebrew incunabula amount to a rather modest, in terms of number, group of around 150 editions that were printed within the period from the late 60s of the 15th century to January 1, 1501 in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Turkey. Despite such a small number of Hebrew incunabula, the role they played in the history of the formation of European printing cannot be overlooked. Even less possible is to overestimate the importance of Hebrew incunabula for understanding Jewish spiritual life as it evolved in Europe during the Renaissance.Russian depositories house 43 editions of Hebrew incunabula, in 113 copies and fragments. The latter are distributed as following: the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences — 67 items stored; the Russian State Library — 38 items; the National Library of Russia — 7 items; the Jewish Religious Community of Saint Petersburg — 1 item. The majority of these books came in public depositories at the late 19th — first half of the 20th century from private collections of St. Petersburg collectors: Moses Friedland (1826—1899), Daniel Chwolson (1819—1911) and David Günzburg (1857—1910). This article looks into the circumstances of how exactly these incunabula were acquired by the depositories. For the first time there are analysed publications of Russian scholars that either include descriptions of Hebrew incunabula (inventories, catalogues, lists) or related to various aspects of Hebrew incunabula studies. The article presents the first annotated bibliography of all domestic publications that are in any way connected with Hebrew incunabula, covering the period from 1893 (the first publication) to the present. In private collections, there was paid special attention to the formation of incunabula collections. It was expressed in the allocation of incunabula as a separate group of books in printed catalogues and the publication of research works on incunabula studies, which belonged to the pen of collectors themselves and haven’t lost their scientific relevance today.

Alexander Y. Samarin

The article considers the unpublished heritage of D.D Shamray (1886—1971), book historian, bibliologist, library scientist and bibliographer, employee of the Imperial Public Library (State Public Library named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, now — The National Library of Russia, NLR), connected with his idea of doctoral thesis on the period of free printing in Russia (1783—1796) in the beginning of 1950s. Archival materials on this topic are stored in the Department of manuscripts of the Russian State Library (RSL) and the Department of archival documents of the NLR. The plan of dissertation “Free Printing Houses of the Eighteenth Century (1783—1796)” and the unpublished work “The New Printing House of the Academy of Sciences, 1758—1783” reveal the idea of D.D. Shamray. These materials show that the scientist intended to pay special attention to the study of social, cultural, political prerequisites for the emergence of “free printing”, including the repertoire of manuscript books of the 18th century, and to highlight the practice of private orders in state printing plants as a prehistory of free printing. D.D. Shamray planned to create “Book chronicle of free printing houses”, understanding it as the compilation of complete bibliography of published products prepared in private printing houses during the period of “free printing”. D.D. Shamray widely used archival sources, mainly the documents of the Archive of the Academy of Sciences (now — St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences), citing some of them in their entirety. However, the scientist did not reach the level of wide generalization and as a result, most of his texts on this topic remained unpublished. The study of materials on the unrealized plan of D.D. Shamray testifies to the important historiographical significance of the unpublished works for the complete understanding of the history of the scientific process in the field of domestic book studies and the history of book.

Nataliya V. Makhotina ◽  
Elena B. Artemyeva ◽  

The issue of the creative heritage of writers of the Russian abroad has been studied by many domestic and foreign scientists, but the problem of their works existence in the library special collections is not studied enough. The work objective is to present the specificity of acquisition of major Russian (Soviet) library with publications of authors-immigrants, to reveal general and specific principles of collection formation and preservation inherent for special depositories based on the analysis of documents storing in the Center for Contemporary Documentation, the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI). The methodological basis is a set of principles and approaches of historical, cultural and bibliologic nature. After the October Revolution a large number of creative intelligentsia left Russia (philosophers, writers, artists). The first wave of Russian emigration that began in 1918 was a mass and lengthy process. Among the famous writers there emigrated: I. Bunin, I. Shmelev, A. Averchenko, K. Balmont, Z. Gippius, B. Zaitsev, A. Kuprin, A. Remizov, I. Severyanin, A. Tolstoy, Teffi, Sasha Chrernyi, M. Tsvetaeva, M. Aldanov, G. Adamovich, G. Ivanov, V. Khodasevich. At the end of the World War II, the second wave of emigration began, which was no longer as mass as the first. Most of the writers and poets emigrated to Germany and the United States. The most famous among the representatives of the second wave are poets: I. Elagin, D. Klenovski, V. Yurasov, V. Morshen, V. Chinnov. The third wave of emigration started in “Khrushchev ottepel” time. A. Solzhenitsyn’s works were prohibited for publication, сriminal cases were brought against Y. Daniel and A. Sinyavsky, I. Brodsky was convicted for slothfulness, exiled to remote places. Later, V. Aksenov, V. Voinovich, V. Maksimov and others were forced to leave the USSR. Writes-emigrants stayed a great number of works created and published off the frames of Soviet census, which allow preserving historical facts for future generations The literature of the Russian emigration has always occupied a significant place in the libraries' stocks of special storage. The Russian abroad literature divides into three periods corresponding to three waves in the history of Russian emigration: 1918 – early 1940s – the first wave; mid 1940– 1950s – the second wave; late 1960s – early 1980s – the third wave. The collection of literature of the Russian Diaspora of the Russian State Library contains works of the authors of all waves of emigration. In total, over 700 thousand of documents are stored here. In the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, works of Russian writers and scientists published after 1917 are stores in the reading room of the Russian Diaspora collection. There are significant collections in the Russian National Library – white guard newspapers and journals of the Civil war, literature of foreign centers of the Russian emigration of the 1920–1930s, as well as some works of writers of the emigration first wave. These specific library departments formed and preserved a huge literature collection of the Russian Diaspora of the XX century. Thanks to them, scientists, researchers and intellectuals had the opportunity to get acquainted with the literature of emigrant writers.

Tatiana A. Dolgodrova

The author considers the publications of the “Formula of Concord” (lat. Formula Concordiae), one of the principal symbolic books of Lutheranism. For the first time the article reveals part of the collections of the Russian State Library (RSL), containing within the displaced cultural values ten editions of the “Formula of Concord” in German, the first of them (Dresden, 1580, Shtekel and Berg Printers) is presented in four copies. The article traces the entire history of the monument, which is equal by dogmatic significance to the “Augsburg Confession” — the earliest exposition of the doctrinal statements of Lutheranism. “Book of Concord” was supposed to stop the strife between Orthodox Gnesiolutherans and Pro-Calvinist Melanchthonists that arose after Luther’s death, when his friend and associate Philip Melanchthon, inclined to Calvinism, became the head of Lutherans. In matters of faith, he showed pliability, which provoked conflicts. Jacob Andreae became the author of the concise version of Concordia. Martin Chemnitz took over the editorship of the article “On Free Will”, and David Khitreus, who was involved in the issues of Communion, joined the work. The first version of the “Formula of Concord” was completed in the summer of 1576 in the city of Torgau, where Elector Augustus of Saxony convened the theological Convention. After receiving comments and minor amendments, the document was solemnly signed in Berg on May 29, 1577.The author analyses the composition of the book. The original version in 12 articles was written in German, and then translated into Latin by Lucas Osiander. However, the desire to unite all Lutheran churches under the auspices of the new symbol did not succeed — the “Formula of Concord” received Church’s recognition only in the electorates of Saxony and some other areas.The study of all ten copies of “Concordia” from the RSL leads to the conclusion that this almost complete collection of all published editions of “Formula of Concord” gives a largely comprehensive view of them: demonstrates borrowings, imitations of the first edition (Dresden, 1580), as well as features and innovations of individual publications. Some of them are unique, for example, the personal copy of the Saxon elector Augustus or the illuminated copy belonged to the Dukes of Saxony. The article may be of interest to art historians, book historians, source researchers and museum workers.

Andrey S. Usachev

The article tells about the collection of manuscript books of collector and Old Believer P. Ovchinnikov (1843—1912), now stored in the Manuscript Research Department of the Russian State Library. The special attention is paid to early history of the collection: to features of work of the collector with manuscripts, and also to their use by other researchers. The research is based on the data of various sources — notes on books, memoirs of contemporaries about P. Ovchinnikov, the unpublished documents.

Margarita Y. Dvorkina

The article is devoted to the memory of Lyudmila Mikhailovna Koval (October 17, 1933 – February 15, 2020), historian, Head of the History sector of the Russian State Library (RSL) and the Museum of Library history. The author presents brief biographical information about L.M. Koval, the author of more than 350 scientific and popular scientific works in Russian and in 9 foreign languages. She published 29 books in Publishing houses “Nauka”, “Kniga”, “Letniy Sad”, ”Pashkov Dom”, most of the works are dedicated to the Library. Special place in the work of L.M. Koval is given to the Great Patriotic War theme. The article considers the works devoted to the activities of Library staff during the War period. L.M. Koval paid much attention to the study of activities of the Library’s Directors. She prepared books and articles about the Directors of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums and Library from the end of the 19th century and almost to the end of the 20th century: N.V. Isakov, D.S. Levshin, V.A. Dashkov, M.A. Venevitinov, I.V. Tsvetaev, V.D. Golitsyn, A.K. Vinogradov, V.I. Nevsky, N.M. Sikorsky. The author notes contribution of L.M. Koval to the study of the Library’s history. Specialists in the history of librarianship widely use bibliography of L.M. Koval in their research. The list of sources contains the main works of L.M. Koval, and the Appendix includes reviews of publications by L.M. Koval and the works about her.

Svetlana Y. Khvostova

On the Opening of the Department of the Russian State Library in Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow, as well as about the history of the Library of Schneerson family, which had become the center of the collection.

Valeriy Ljubin ◽  

The review analyzes the approaches of the well-known Russian historian A.V. Shubin to the coverage of the typology of revolutions and the features and chronology of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War of 1918-1922. Alexander Vladlenovich Shubin is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at Russian State University for the Humanities, author of more than 20 monographs and about 200 scientific publications on the problems of Soviet history and history of leftist ideas and movements.

Alexander Y. Samarin

The article presents the analysis of the new book of the famous bibliophile, researcher and populariser of rare books and bibliophilism, the Chairman of the National Union of Bibliophiles M.V. Seslavinsky about the history of creation, specific aspects of publishing and art design of the famous bibliophilic edition “Cantata” by A.A. Sidorov (Moscow, 1921). Comic verses of the future famous bibliologist and art critic, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR became the text for the first edition of the Russian society of the friends of books (1920—1929), the largest Association of booklovers of the 1920s. Two small runs totalled only 20 copies. The study is based primarily on the copies of “Cantata” preserved in the state collections (the Russian State Library, the State Tretyakov Gallery) and private collections, including the M.V. Seslavinsky’s one. The discovery of new documents on the history of the publication allowed restoring the list of owners of the autographed copies. Using the copy-by-copy method, the researcher succeeded in describing the numerous design options of the rarity of bibliophile publishing. The use of art-historical methods allowed to finally establish that the prototype for the image on the engraving “Bibliophile in 1920” (artist N.B. Baklanov, engraver I.N. Pavlov) was A.N. Benoit, the famous painter. The author introduces into circulation the handwritten poetic epistles of A.A. Sidorov to the owners of the autographed copies and other unique materials about preparation for printing, distribution and provenance of “Cantata”. In general, it can be concluded that M.V. Seslavinsky’s approaches to the analysis of “Cantata” can become basic in the study of bibliophile book as a special cultural phenomenon and trend in book publishing.

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