scholarly journals Resiliensi Anak yang Berkonflik Dengan Hukum: Refleksi Implementasi UU. No.11 Tahun 2012 Mengenai Proses Diversi

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-221
Nailatin Fauziyah

Settlement of child criminal cases using the restorative justice approach and diversion in accordance with Law No. 11 of 2012 is an important breakthrough in the development of criminal law processes in Indonesia. At the conceptual level, the implementation of the process takes into consideration the fulfillment of children's rights and has a concern for the child's future. To achieve the future the child must have the resilience to deal with difficult situations throughout his life journey. Likewise, children who are in conflict with the law, on the other hand they are perpetrators of crime and on the other hand they are victims of the surrounding social system. The results of this study indicate that Children in conflict with the law (ABH) who are resilient tend to get support from various parties so that they can get through difficult situations and face the future with confidence, but conversely with ABH who are not resilient. The results of this study are important notes to reflect back the implementation of Law No.11/2012 on restorative justice and diversion, because the diversion process undertaken by ABH does not differentiate their resilience levels. It is the strength of the protective factor that affects the differences in the resilience of ABH who undergo legal proceedings through diversion.

Boyce Alvhan Clifford ◽  
Barda Nawawi Arief

Restorative Justice is a settlement of criminal cases involving perpetrators, victims, families of perpetrators / victims, and other concerned parties to jointly seek a fair settlement by emphasizing restoration back to its original state, rather than retaliation. Restorative Justice actually has a strategic position as a means of defending the rights of children in conflict with the law. But the constraint is how Restorative Justice can not run efficiently if applied not in the right way. The aim of this research is to find out the synchronization / harmonization of Restorative Justice idea formulation in various laws of child in Indonesia, both current (ius constitutum) and in the future (ius constituendum). By using the Normative Juridical method in a broad sense, this research is not only limited to looking logically / systematically in the whole set of norms but also includes the philosophical, sociological, historical, and comparative background of the implementation of the idea of ??restorative justice itself. The study shows that the idea of ??Restorative Justice has been implemented in the provisions of the laws and regulations of children in Indonesia, but still shows that the application has not been maximized. In the hope of implementing Restorative Justice idea in the future, RKUHP is formulated to meet the shortcomings contained in the provisions relating to Restorative Justice ideas in the present. Restorative Justice merupakan penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana dengan melibatkan pelaku, korban, keluarga pelaku/korban, dan pihak lain yang terkait untuk bersama-sama mencari penyelesaian yang adil dengan menekankan pemulihan kembali pada keadaan semula, dan bukan pembalasan. Restorative Justice sebenarnya memiliki posisi yang strategis sebagai suatu sarana dalam mempertahankan hak-hak anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum. Namun yang menjadi kendala adalah bagaimana Restorative Justice itu tidak dapat berjalan secara efisien bila diterapkan bukan dengan cara yang benar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sinkronisasi/harmonisasi formulasi ide Restorative Justice di berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan anak di Indonesia, baik yang berlaku sekarang ini (ius constitutum) maupun di masa mendatang (ius constituendum). Dengan menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif dalam arti luas, penelitian ini tidak hanya sebatas melihat secara logis sistematis dalam keseluruhan perangkat norma melainkan juga mencakup latar belakang filosofis, sosiologis, historis, komparatif, dari implementasi ide restorative justice itu sendiri. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa ide Restorative Justice telah terimplementasi dalam ketentuan Peraturan perundang-undangan anak di Indonesia, namun masih menunjukkan penerapan yang belum maksimal. Menjadi harapan atas penerapan ide Restorative Justice dimasa mendatang maka RKUHP diformulasikan untuk memenuhi kekurangan-kekurangan yang terdapat dalam ketentuan-ketentuan terkait ide Restorative Justice yang ada pada masa kini.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Mulyadi Alrianto Tadjuddin ◽  
Yuldiana Zesa Azis

rime can occur anywhere and anytime and can be done by anyone. Both adults, young people and even children. Even though the crimes committed by children and adults are the same, however different forms of treatment need to be taken. Especially for children in Papua with all kinds of limitations and shortcomings they have. For this reason, special treatment or special treatment is needed for children in conflict with the law. This study aims to hope that in the future the form of handling restorative justice will be put forward in dealing with criminal cases committed by children. So that children in conflict with the law are better protected by this form of handling. Keyword: Protection; Original Papuan Children; Restorative Justice

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-40
Fahruddin Ali Sabri

One method of legal istinbâth agreed upon by the ushul fiqh scholars is al-qiyâs. In al-qiyâs was appeared some serious problems dealing with the search for al-'illat. Al-'illat as one of the obligation of al-qiyâs occupies the most important position, so that the method of al-qiyâs can be applied in the future correctly, and will give legal decision correctly. In searching for al-'illat, the ushul fiqh scholars use logic of linguistic typically in the search for truth, the other hand they also must be able to impulse, imagination, and creativity in decide on a case, and they are no longer so glued rigidly to the al-qath'iyyah al-dalâlah. One way to look for al-'illat is al-manâth, which divided into three parts, namely tanqîh al-manâth, tahqîq al-manâth, and takhrîj al-manâth. Searching for the truth of qiyâs method stresses on logical translation that sometimes mix with intuition, imagination and creativity. Therefore, qiyâs can go down to the law problems related to the people’s attitude deeper. While al-manath is one of the methods to look for al-illat where the ulama ushul fiqh draw their intuition, imagination, and creations to solve some problems, and they are not too stiff to qath’î theoremsCopyright (c) 2015 by Al-Ihkam. All right reserved DOI : 10.19105/al-ihkam.v10i1.587 

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Boyce Alvhan Clifford ◽  
Barda Nawawi Arief

<p><em>Restorative Justice </em>merupakan penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana dengan melibatkan pelaku, korban, keluarga pelaku/korban, dan pihak lain yang terkait untuk bersama-sama mencari penyelesaian yang adil dengan menekankan pemulihan kembali pada keadaan semula, dan bukan pembalasan. <em>Restorative Justice</em> sebenarnya memiliki posisi yang strategis sebagai suatu sarana dalam mempertahankan hak-hak anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum. Namun yang menjadi kendala adalah bagaimana <em>Restorative Justice</em> itu tidak dapat berjalan secara efisien bila diterapkan bukan dengan cara yang benar. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk  mengetahui sinkronisasi/harmonisasi formulasi ide Restorative Justice di berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan anak di Indonesia, baik yang berlaku sekarang ini (<em>ius constitutum</em>) maupun di masa mendatang (<em>ius constituendum</em>). Dengan menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif dalam arti luas, penelitian ini tidak hanya sebatas melihat secara logis/ sistematis dalam keseluruhan perangkat norma melainkan juga mencakup latar belakang filosofis, sosiologis, historis, komparatif, dari implementasi ide <em>restorative justice </em>itu sendiri. Tidak sebatas implementasi dalam formulasi ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan saja, bagaimana ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut dilaksanakan dalam masyarakat juga perlu diperhatikan dalam mencapai suatu keadilan restoratif bagi anak.</p><p><em>Restorative Justice is a settlement of criminal cases involving perpetrators, victims, families of perpetrators / victims, and other concerned parties to jointly seek a fair settlement by emphasizing restoration back to its original state, rather than retaliation. Restorative Justice actually has a strategic position as a means of defending the rights of children in conflict with the law. But the constraint is how Restorative Justice can not run efficiently </em><em>if</em><em> applied not in the right way. The aim of this research is to find out the synchronization / harmonization of Restorative Justice idea formulation in various laws of child in Indonesia, both current (ius constitutum) and in the future (ius constituendum). By using the Normative Juridical method in a broad sense, this research is not only limited to looking logically / systematically in the whole set of norms but also includes the philosophical, sociological, historical, and comparative background of the implementation of the idea of restorative justice itself. Not only the implementation of the formulation of the provisions of legislation only, how the provisions are implemented in the community also need to be considered in achieving a restorative justice for children.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Boyce Alvhan Clifford ◽  
Barda Nawawi Arief

<p><em>Restorative Justice </em>merupakan penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana dengan melibatkan pelaku, korban, keluarga pelaku/korban, dan pihak lain yang terkait untuk bersama-sama mencari penyelesaian yang adil dengan menekankan pemulihan kembali pada keadaan semula, dan bukan pembalasan. <em>Restorative Justice</em> sebenarnya memiliki posisi yang strategis sebagai suatu sarana dalam mempertahankan hak-hak anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum. Namun yang menjadi kendala adalah bagaimana <em>Restorative Justice</em> itu tidak dapat berjalan secara efisien bila diterapkan bukan dengan cara yang benar. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk  mengetahui sinkronisasi/harmonisasi formulasi ide Restorative Justice di berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan anak di Indonesia, baik yang berlaku sekarang ini (<em>ius constitutum</em>) maupun di masa mendatang (<em>ius constituendum</em>). Dengan menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif dalam arti luas, penelitian ini tidak hanya sebatas melihat secara logis/ sistematis dalam keseluruhan perangkat norma melainkan juga mencakup latar belakang filosofis, sosiologis, historis, komparatif, dari implementasi ide <em>restorative justice </em>itu sendiri. Tidak sebatas implementasi dalam formulasi ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan saja, bagaimana ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut dilaksanakan dalam masyarakat juga perlu diperhatikan dalam mencapai suatu keadilan restoratif bagi anak.</p><p><em>Restorative Justice is a settlement of criminal cases involving perpetrators, victims, families of perpetrators / victims, and other concerned parties to jointly seek a fair settlement by emphasizing restoration back to its original state, rather than retaliation. Restorative Justice actually has a strategic position as a means of defending the rights of children in conflict with the law. But the constraint is how Restorative Justice can not run efficiently </em><em>if</em><em> applied not in the right way. The aim of this research is to find out the synchronization / harmonization of Restorative Justice idea formulation in various laws of child in Indonesia, both current (ius constitutum) and in the future (ius constituendum). By using the Normative Juridical method in a broad sense, this research is not only limited to looking logically / systematically in the whole set of norms but also includes the philosophical, sociological, historical, and comparative background of the implementation of the idea of restorative justice itself. Not only the implementation of the formulation of the provisions of legislation only, how the provisions are implemented in the community also need to be considered in achieving a restorative justice for children.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 809
Chandro Panjaitan ◽  
Firman Wijaya

Cases of vigilante action are committed by a group of persons are not justified in the law. Those are cases which is unlawful, immoral, irresponsible and does not have an attitude that respects the law.Vigilante cases should have been reported to the authorities and the perpetrator should be punished in accordance to the existing law and regulations. There is no apparent regulations regarding the act of vigilante, instead there are some articles in Indonesian’s Criminal Code which can be used against the perpetrators. In this case Article 170 and 351 of Indonesian’s Criminal Code somehow has been used to deal with vigilante cases. It is important to learn what are the factors of the vigilante case in PondokAren, Tangerang which will be the main research in this thesis and also the prevention that should be done in order to avoid the same incident in the future. The research data shows that the factors behind perpetrators being vigilante is based on emotional factors, the lack of trust in the law and situation factor. On the other hand to prevent further case in the future the authorities need to improve their work from several aspects. Thus, creating a positive opinion on public.

2010 ◽  
Vol 51 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 215-224
Alexander Carpenter

This paper explores Arnold Schoenberg’s curious ambivalence towards Haydn. Schoenberg recognized Haydn as an important figure in the German serious music tradition, but never closely examined or clearly articulated Haydn’s influence and import on his own musical style and ethos, as he did with many other major composers. This paper argues that Schoenberg failed to explicitly recognize Haydn as a major influence because he saw Haydn as he saw himself, namely as a somewhat ungainly, paradoxical figure, with one foot in the past and one in the future. In his voluminous writings on music, Haydn is mentioned by Schoenberg far less frequently than Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven, and his music appears rarely as examples in Schoenberg’s theoretical texts. When Schoenberg does talk about Haydn’s music, he invokes — with tacit negativity — its accessibility, counterpoising it with more recondite music, such as Beethoven’s, or his own. On the other hand, Schoenberg also praises Haydn for his complex, irregular phrasing and harmonic exploration. Haydn thus appears in Schoenberg’s writings as a figure invested with ambivalence: a key member of the First Viennese triumvirate, but at the same time he is curiously phantasmal, and is accorded a peripheral place in Schoenberg’s version of the canon and his own musical genealogy.

Zoran Vrucinic

The future of medicine belongs to immunology and alergology. I tried to not be too wide in description, but on the other hand to mention the most important concepts of alergology to make access to these diseases more understandable, logical and more useful for our patients, that without complex pathophysiology and mechanism of immune reaction,we gain some basic insight into immunological principles. The name allergy to medicine was introduced by Pirquet in 1906, and is of Greek origin (allos-other + ergon-act; different reaction), essentially representing the reaction of an organism to a substance that has already been in contact with it, and manifested as a specific response thatmanifests as either a heightened reaction, a hypersensitivity, or as a reduced reaction immunity. Synonyms for hypersensitivity are: altered reactivity, reaction, hypersensitivity. The word sensitization comes from the Latin (sensibilitas, atis, f.), which means sensibility,sensitivity, and has retained that meaning in medical vocabulary, while in immunology and allergology this term implies the creation of hypersensitivity to an antigen. Antigen comes from the Greek words, anti-anti + genos-genus, the opposite, anti-substance substance that causes the body to produce antibodies.

Nimer Sultany

This chapter analyzes concrete Egyptian and Tunisian cases that showcase the interplay between continuity and rupture. These cases illustrate the lack of a systemic relation between law and revolution. On the one hand, the judiciary that interprets and applies the law is part of the very social and political conflicts it is supposed to resolve. On the other hand, the law is incoherent and there are often resources within the legal materials to play it both ways. Thus, the different forces at work use both continuity and rupture to advance their positions. Furthermore, legitimacy discourse mediates the contradictions between law and revolution in the experience of different legal and political actors. This mediation serves an ideological role because it presupposes a binary dichotomy between continuity and rupture, papers over law’s incoherence by reducing it to a singular voice, and reduces revolution to an event rather than a process.

Matthias Albani

The monotheistic confession in Isa 40–48 is best understood against the historical context of Israel’s political and religious crisis situation in the final years of Neo-Babylonian rule. According to Deutero-Isaiah, Yhwh is unique and incomparable because he alone truly predicts the “future” (Isa 41:22–29)—currently the triumph of Cyrus—which will lead to Israel’s liberation from Babylonian captivity (Isa 45). This prediction is directed against the Babylonian deities’ claim to possess the power of destiny and the future, predominantly against Bel-Marduk, to whom both Nabonidus and his opponents appeal in their various political assertions regarding Cyrus. According to the Babylonian conviction, Bel-Marduk has the universal divine power, who, on the one hand, directs the course of the stars and thus determines the astral omens and, on the other hand, directs the course of history (cf. Cyrus Cylinder). As an antithesis, however, Deutero-Isaiah proclaims Yhwh as the sovereign divine creator and leader of the courses of the stars in heaven as well as the course of history on earth (Isa 45:12–13). Moreover, the conflict between Nabonidus and the Marduk priesthood over the question of the highest divine power (Sîn versus Marduk) may have had a kind of “catalytic” function in Deutero-Isaiah’s formulation of the monotheistic confession.

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