scholarly journals Transforming a home refrigerator into a BOD prototype for statice vernalization

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 575-588
Paola Ana Buffon ◽  
Natalia Teixeira Schwab ◽  
Nereu Augusto Streck ◽  
Lilian Osmari Uhlmann ◽  
Elton Ferreira Lima ◽  

Abstract Vernalization, natural or artificial, is a physiological requirement of some plants to meet the need for low temperatures for its complete development to occur. The objective of this article is to describe a protocol of transforming a domestic refrigerator into a BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) prototype aimed at vernalizing propagating materials statice crop. The first step is to install a temperature controller to maintain a constant temperature inside the refrigerator (10 °C). Thinking of seedling vernalization, it is still necessary to install a system of lights inside the refrigerator. The control of the time that the lights remain on inside the prototype is carried out by installing a Timer adjusted so that the lights remained on, uninterruptedly, for 10 hours. To test the effective ness of the prototype, an on-farm experiment was carried out with the statice (Limonium sinuatum L.) crop at 5 locations in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The seedlings were vernalized at an internal temperature of 10 °C and photoperiod of 10 hours for 3 weeks. The duration of this experiment was 8 months and at the end of this observed that statice plants were correctly vernalized because the plants emitted flower stems and showed satisfactory development throughout the growing cycle. Therefore, that the adaptation of a domestic refrigerator as a BOD economically viable and easy mounting prototype is possible. Being an excellent alternative to small producers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-52 ◽  
Fernanda Ramos ◽  
Luiza P. Portella ◽  
Fernando de S. Rodrigues ◽  
Caroline Z. Reginato ◽  
Alfredo S. Cezar ◽  

ABSTRACT: Given the numerous reports of anthelminthic resistance of sheep nematodes to different anthelmintic compounds, this study aimed to evaluate the resistance status of gastrointestinal nematodes from naturally infected sheep to monepantel in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Four farms that present extensive raising system and absence of anthelmintic treatment for 60 days were selected for the study. Lambs that present counts of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) ≥200 (sensitivity of 50 EPG) one day (D-1) before the treatment were select for the study and randomly separated into two groups, a control group and an experimental group treated with monepantel. Feces were collected 9 days after the treatment (D+9) for EPG counts and fecal culture. The monepantel was 100% effective only on 2. The efficacy found on farm 1, 3, and 4 were 2.82%, 25.8%, and 78.4%, respectably. There were no viable larvae post-treatment at farm 2, but the genera Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, and Strongyloides were resistant to it at the other farms. This study shows the presence of parasites resistant to the treatment with monepantel, pointing to the importance of monitoring its efficacy in sheep flocks of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 38
Gustavo Alves da Silva Bezerra ◽  
Eduardo Dornelles Silveira ◽  
Diones De vargas Dutra ◽  
Paulo Ademar Avelar Ferreira ◽  
Vinicius Maran

Currently, liming and fertilizing recommendations for crops in the main regions of Brazil is made using the knowledge generated by researchers and summarized in liming and fertilizing manuals. This requires professionals to refer to these manuals for recommendations, which are often made manually. In this context, the AgroFert system was created to be an automated liming and fertilizing recommendation tool, assisting professionals and small producers in monitoring crop-related information. The system acts on the recommendation of correctives and fertilizers for the states of Rio Grande do Sul / Santa Catariana and Paraná for the main grain crops and to evaluate the evolution of the chemical characteristics of the soil. This work presents a multiplatform mobile application, which integrated with AgroFert system, allows users to make recommendations in the field, without the need for constant connection with the application server to make recommendations.

Camila C. Becker ◽  
Nereu A. Streck ◽  
Natalia T. Schwab ◽  
Lilian O. Uhlmann ◽  
Regina Tomiozzo ◽  

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to develop a climate risk zoning for damage to gladiolus due to low and high temperature under climate change scenarios projected by the end of the century in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The PhenoGlad model was used in this study to determine the recommended periods for planting gladiolus throughout the year across the Rio Grande do Sul State. The model was run for daily planting dates (from 01 January to 31 December), for different gladiolus developmental cycles (Early, Intermediate I, Intermediate II and Late). The climate change scenarios were from CMIP5: RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, representing optimistic, intermediate and pessimistic scenarios of greenhouse gases emission, respectively. Planting dates were considered recommended when crop damage, due to high or low temperatures, occurred in less than 10% of the years. Warmer regions like Uruguaiana and Iraí have the shortest recommended time for planting throughout the year in the three climate change scenarios. Plantings between August and December are predicted to be the most affected and are not recommended because of the higher chance of damage from high temperatures. Colder regions like Bom Jesus will be favored in climate change scenarios since there will be an extended recommended period for planting in the seasons of the year that currently suffer damage by low temperatures. To meet demands of gladiolus during the hottest period of the year, it will be necessary to develop techniques to reduce damage from high temperatures in the crop, such as more tolerant cultivars or the use of shading screens on the crop.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 312 ◽  
Tamara Esteves de Oliveira ◽  
David Santos Freitas

This research aims to verify the municipalities where it might be interesting to invest in a local beef production in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), southern Brazil. The data analyzed combine the cattle units slaughtered and the estimated beef consumption in each municipality. These indicators were used to identify the capacity of each location to meet the local beef demand. This data were associated to the map of RS by the Quantum GIS 1.8 Lisboa software. The most prominent regions were located at the western frontier, at the southeast Campanha, and at the northeast mountain region of the State. The cattle units slaughtered produced at the municipalities of Aceguá, Pedras Altas, Machadinho, São Valentim, Quatro Irmãos and Sagrada Família is very high, surpassing the municipality’s capacity to absorb it. On the other hand, many municipalities have sufficient productions or little surplus to attend the local beef demand, such as Alegrete, in which a local beef production might benefit a higher number of small producers, but other municipalities also seem to have potential for assisting familiar farmers with this strategy such as Dom Pedrito, Bagé, Santa Maria and Pelotas.

Agrometeoros ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Laura Pigatto Schaparini ◽  
Denise Cybis Fontana ◽  
Genei Antonio Dalmago ◽  
Grazieli Rodigheri ◽  
José Maurício Cunha Fernandes ◽  

A soja é uma leguminosa de ciclo anual e de grande importância econômica no Rio Grande do Sul. Para essa cultura, estresses provocados por deficiência hídrica são responsáveis pela instabilidade no rendimento e na produção de grãos. Uma das formas de monitorar a deficiência hídrica é por meio do sensoriamento remoto, o qual vem sendo amplamente utilizado na agricultura, muito frequentemente como índices de vegetação (IVs). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o padrão temporal dos índices NDVI e EVI para três safras de soja, com condições hídricas distintas, de forma a possibilitar a avaliação da relação entre IVs e as condições hídricas para a cultura. A área do experimento On Farm foi localizada no município de Carazinho – RS. Na lavoura foi instalada uma estação meteorológica para medição de variáveis ambientais. Foi calculado o balanço hídrico diário para cada safra levando em consideração a evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc). Os IVs foram extraídos da plataforma Satveg. Além da análise gráfica, realizou-se análise de correlação entre os IVs e a ETc da soja. Tanto o NDVI quanto o EVI apresentaram forte relação com o desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas, variando de forma semelhante ao longo do ciclo da soja. Ambos os índices tiverm o mesmo padrão de oscilações dos perfis nos períodos de deficiência hídrica. O NDVI e o EVI podem ser utilizados para avaliação da condição hídrica da cultura da soja.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Cássio Rodrigo Dias Gomes ◽  
Éverton Hansen

No Brasil, apenas uma pequena parcela do esgoto gerado pelas cidades é devidamente tratado em estações de tratamento de efluentes . O uso de soluções individuais (fossa séptica e sumidouro) é empregado em parte do esgoto gerado, e aproximadamente um terço do esgoto doméstico não possui coleta, tampouco tratamento. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido no município de Dois Irmãos, no Rio Grande do Sul. O município avaliado encontra-se em crescimento, com a implantação prevista de novos condomínios residenciais. Desta forma, o uso de estações compactas para o tratamento de efluentes líquidos foi avaliado, verificando sua eficiência e viabilidade econômica, em comparação com a tecnologia de fossa séptica e filtro anaeróbio coletivos, convencionalmente utilizada pelo município (estação de tratamento convencional). O trabalho mostra de forma comparativa, os custos de implantação, operação e manutenção, além de trazer as informações sobre a eficiência dos sistemas de tratamento de efluentes, quais sejam estação de tratamento compacta e estação de tratamento convencional. A questão mais relevante quando se compara os dois sistemas é a diferença no custo de implantação, onde o sistema compacto analisado seria até 81,22% mais econômico do que o convencional. Além da questão econômica, a eficiência do sistema compacto mostra-se superior ao sistema convencional. A estação compacta apresentou 97,97% de remoção de demanda bioquímica de oxigênio, enquanto a estação convencional removeu 77,67% do mesmo parâmetro. Palavras-chave: Estação de Tratamento de Efluente. ETE Compacta. ETE Convencional.ABSTRACTIn Brazil, only a small portion of the sewage generated by the cities is properly treated in wastewater treatment plants. The use of individual solutions (septic tank and sump) is used in part of the generated sewage, and approximately one-third of the domestic sewage has no collection or treatment. The present study was developed in the city of Dois Irmãos, Rio Grande do Sul. The evaluated municipality is growing, with the expected implementation of new residential condominiums. Thus, the use of compact stations for the treatment of liquid effluents was evaluated, verifying their efficiency and economic viability, in comparison with the technology of collective septic tank and anaerobic filter, conventionally used by the municipality (conventional treatment station). The work compares the implementation, operation and maintenance costs, as well as information on the efficiency of wastewater treatment systems (compact treatment plant and conventional treatment plant). The most relevant issue when comparing the two systems is the difference in deployment cost, where the compact system analyzed would be up to 81.22% more economical than the conventional one. Besides the economic issue, the efficiency of the compact system is superior to the conventional system. The compact station showed 97.97% of biochemical oxygen demand removal, while the conventional station removed 77.67% of the same parameter.Keywords: Effluent Treatment Station. Compact STE. Conventional STE.

Karen Leandra ávila da Silva ◽  
Marcelo Félix Alonso ◽  
Sabrina Feltes de Moura ◽  
Túlio Felipe Verdi Filho

Resumo O monitoramento contínuo da qualidade do ar local é extremamente importante para a gestão ambiental de uma cidade, mas nem sempre viável pelo alto custo dos equipamentos. Por conta disso, investe-se muito na utilização da modelagem numérica no estudo da qualidade do ar, que é altamente dependente de inventários de emissões dos poluentes e seus precursores. Nesse contexto o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo da dispersão do monóxido de carbono (CO) na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizando o sistema de modelagem numérica CCATT-BRAMS, com ênfase nas fontes veiculares. Foram analisados dois períodos - janeiro de 2009 e janeiro de 2016 - utilizando-se as informações dos inventários de gases precursores elaborados pela FEPAM para os anos base de 2009 e 2013, respectivamente, distribuídos espacialmente com o auxílio do pré-processador de emissões PREP-CHEM-SRC utilizado pelo CCATT-BRAMS. No geral, as simulações representaram coerentemente os dados observados pela rede de monitoramento, com RMSE abaixo de 0,3 na maioria das estações avaliadas. Análises de sensibilidade também revelaram que, para o período avaliado, aproximadamente 40% da concentração de CO sobre a cidade de Porto Alegre foi devido ao transporte de larga escala, proveniente das cidades localizadas ao norte, dentro da Região Metropolitana.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Lindawati Lindawati

Sebuah Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) digunakan untuk mengevaluasi peranan Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) biosensor dalam proses optimasi proses pengolahan nutrien karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BOD biosensor dapat dipergunakan untuk penentuan karbon organik, sehingga reduksi siklus SBR dapat dilakukan dan efisiensi proses meningkat. Pola konsumsi karbon organik ditemukan dengan adanya ‘tanda diam’ pada fase anoksik/ anaerobik, di mana dari tanda ini, fase aerobik dapat segera dimulai. Reduksi durasi siklus SBR dari 8 jam menjadi 4 jam meningkatkan efiesiensi pengolahan C, N dan P yang meningkat pula (hampir dua kali lebih tinggi).

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