Weed Management in Fresh Market Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) with Phenmedipham and Cycloate

2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-107 ◽  
Ran N. Lati ◽  
John S. Rachuy ◽  
Steven A. Fennimore

Fresh market spinach has limited herbicides available and weed management in this crop is dependent on hand-weeding. Phenmedipham is a POST herbicide registered for use on spinach grown for processing or for seed, but not fresh market spinach. This study evaluates the potential use of phenmedipham alone and in combination with cycloate for weed control in fresh spinach production. Greenhouse and field studies were conducted in 2013 using two spinach varieties known to have low and high tolerance to phenmedipham. The greenhouse studies showed that phenmedipham at 270 and 550 g ai ha−1 was safe to spinach when applied at the four-leaf stage for the low- and high-tolerance varieties, respectively. Phenmedipham was evaluated alone (550 g ha−1) and applied to the four-leaf stage in two varieties. Subsequently, a second experiment evaluated cycloate (1,700 g ha−1) followed by (fb) phenmedipham at several rates (90, 180, and 270 g ha−1). Phenmedipham alone (550 g ha−1) did not result in crop injury when applied to four-leaf spinach; however, the weed control was not better than cycloate alone. When applied as a sequential treatment following cycloate, all phenmedipham rates were safe to spinach and significantly improved weed control compared to cycloate alone. Cycloate fb phenmedipham at 270 g ha−1 provided 87% weed control relative to cycloate alone. This level of weed control was similar to the cycloate plus hand-weeding treatment, which provided 98% control. Results here show that cycloate fb phenmedipham improves weed control compared to cycloate alone, and has the potential to reduce hand-weeding costs in the fresh spinach production.

2004 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 1018-1022 ◽  
Joyce Tredaway Ducar ◽  
John W. Wilcut ◽  
John S. Richburg

Field studies were conducted in 1992 and 1993 to evaluate imazapic alone and in postemergence (POST) mixtures with atrazine or bentazon for weed control in imidazolinone-resistant corn treated with carbofuran. Nicosulfuron and nicosulfuron plus atrazine also were evaluated. Imazapic at 36 and 72 g ai/ha controlled large crabgrass 85 and 92%, respectively, which was equivalent to control obtained with nicosulfuron plus atrazine. Imazapic at the higher rate controlled large crabgrass better than nicosulfuron alone. Imazapic at 36 and 72 g/ha controlled Texas panicum 88 and 99%, respectively, and at the higher rate control was equivalent to that obtained with nicosulfuron alone or in mixture with atrazine. Imazapic plus bentazon POST controlled Texas panicum less than imazapic at the lower rate applied alone. Redroot pigweed was controlled 100% with all herbicide treatments. Imazapic at either rate alone or in tank mixture with bentazon or atrazine controlled prickly sida >99%, which was superior to control obtained with nicosulfuron or nicosulfuron plus atrazine. Smallflower, entireleaf, ivyleaf, pitted, and tall morningglories were controlled 96% or greater with all herbicide treatments except nicosulfuron alone. Sicklepod control was >88% with all imazapic treatments, whereas control from nicosulfuron alone was 72%. Corn yields were improved by the addition of POST herbicides with no differences among POST herbicide treatments.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 464-471 ◽  
Ran N. Lati ◽  
Beiquan Mou ◽  
John S. Rachuy ◽  
Steven A. Fennimore

Fresh market spinach has one primary herbicide, cycloate, which does not control all weeds. Previous studies demonstrated that cycloate PRE followed by (fb) phenmedipham at the four-leaf spinach stage is a safe and effective treatment. However, this treatment is not useful for the main growing season of fresh spinach due to its short crop cycle and the 21-d preharvest interval requirement of phenmedipham. This study evaluates the potential to use the combination of cycloate PRE fb phenmedipham on two-leaf spinach. Greenhouse and field studies were conducted in 2014 using three spinach varieties with low (‘Nordic' and ‘Sardinia') and high (‘Regal') tolerance to phenmedipham. Greenhouse studies revealed that phenmedipham at 90 g ai ha−1was safe to Regal when applied at the two-leaf stage. Sardinia was more susceptible to phenmedipham injury under high (310 W m−2) light conditions than low (258 W m−2) light conditions. Impact of time of day on phenmedipham safety was evaluated in the field: day-long exposure to high light intensity following morning applications vs. evening applications fb exposure to low light intensity. Injury estimations taken 3 d after treatment (DAT) were lower for evening than for morning applications. Nonetheless, injury 11 DAT and spinach yield evaluations found no differences between morning and evening applications. Subsequently, cycloate (1,700 g ha−1) PRE fb phenmedipham (90 and 180 g ha−1) applied in the evening at the two-leaf stage was evaluated. A reference treatment was cycloate PRE fb phenmedipham (270 g ha−1) at the four-leaf stage. Treatments with cycloate fb two-leaf phenmedipham at 90 and 180 g ha−1were safe to spinach and improved weed control compared to cycloate alone. Cycloate fb 180 g ha−1phenmedipham at the two-leaf stage reduced weed biomass by 88% compared to cycloate alone. This level of weed control was similar to the reference treatment. Results here show that phenmedipham applied at the two-leaf stage is safe to fresh market spinach and it has the potential to be used during most of the fresh spinach growing season.

Arvind Verma ◽  
Roshan Choudhary

A Field experiment was conducted at Agronomy instructional Farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur (Rajasthan) during 2016-17 to find out the impact of new generation herbicides in green gram.  The results revealed that all growth and yield characters of blackgram were significantly affected by distinct weed control practices. A similar trend was also observed in weed parameters. Higher seed yield (13.8 qha-1) and higher weed control efficiency (88.97%) were recorded under application of acifluorfen sodium + clodinafop propargyl (370 g a.i. ha-1) at 3-4 leaf stage and which comparable with pre-emergence application of pyroxasulfone +pendimethalin (TM) 127.5+1000 g a.i/ha, imazethapyr+ quizalofop (TM) use at 70 + 60 g a.i/ha at 3-4 leaf stage, imazethapyr 70 g a.i/ha 3-4 leaf stage, imazethapyr + imazamox (RM) use at 70 g a.i/ha at 3-4 leaf stage, pendimethalin fb quizalofop 1000 + 60 at pre-emergence & 3- 4 leaf stage, imazethapyr + pendimethalin (RM) 1000 g a.i/ha as pre-emergence, propaquizfop 75 g a.i/ha at 3-4 leaf stage, weedy check and two hand weeding twice at 20 & 40 DAS. They also recorded improvement in yields and net returns by 65.22% over weedy check. These herbicide ready-mixes may be a promising weed management strategy for the green gram grown in the Southern Rajasthan.

Weed Science ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 601-607 ◽  
John W. Wilcut ◽  
John S. Richburg ◽  
E. Ford Eastin ◽  
Gerald R. Wiley ◽  
F. Robert Walls ◽  

Field studies conducted at six locations in Georgia and one location in Virginia evaluated imazethapyr and imazethapyr mixtures for weed control, crop tolerance, and peanut yield. Imazethapyr applied early postemergence controlled bristly starbur, coffee senna, common cocklebur,Ipomoeaspecies, jimsonweed, prickly sida, and smallflower morningglory at least 91% and controlled yellow and purple nutsedge 88 and 98%, respectively. Paraquat plus bentazon applied early postemergence did not control the aforementioned weeds as well as imazethapyr or imazethapyr mixtures. Paraquat applied with imazethapyr reduced bristly starbur control 15% compared to imazethapyr alone but did not influence control of the other species. Imazethapyr control of bristly starbur was not improved by the addition of bentazon. Sicklepod control was less than 24% with imazethapyr and was at least 58% with imazethapyr plus paraquat Imazethapyr plus paraquat controlled sicklepod better than paraquat plus bentazon at three of the four locations evaluated. Imazethapyr did not control Florida beggarweed, while imazethapyr plus paraquat controlled at least 53%. Peanut injury was minimal 30 d after application for all treatments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Marcelo L. Moretti

Abstract Italian ryegrass has become a problematic weed in hazelnut orchards of Oregon because of the presence of herbicide-resistant populations. Resistant and multiple-resistant Italian ryegrass populations are now the predominant biotypes in Oregon; there is no information on which herbicides effectively control Italian ryegrass in hazelnut orchards. Six field studies were conducted in commercial orchards to evaluate Italian ryegrass control with POST herbicides. Treatments included flazasulfuron, glufosinate, glyphosate, paraquat, rimsulfuron, and sethoxydim applied alone or in selected mixtures during early spring when plants were in the vegetative stage. Treatment efficacy was dependent on the experimental site. The observed range of weed control 28 d after treatment was 13 to 76 % for glyphosate, 1 to 72% for paraquat, 58 to 88% for glufosinate, 16 to 97 % for flazasulfuron, 8 to 94% for rimsulfuron, and 25 to 91% for sethoxydim. Herbicides in mixtures improved control of Italian ryegrass compared to single active ingredients based on contrast analysis. Herbicides in mixture increased control by 27% compared to glyphosate, 18% to rimsulfuron, 15% to flazasulfuron, 19% to sethoxydim, and 12% compared to glufosinate when averaged across all sites, but mixture not always improved ground coverage of biomass reduction. This complex site-specific response highlights the importance of record-keeping for efficient herbicide use. Glufosinate is an effective option to manage Italian ryegrass. However, the glufosinate-resistant biotypes documented in Oregon may jeopardize this practice. Non-chemical weed control options are needed for sustainable weed management in hazelnuts.

1998 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 522-526 ◽  
Theodore M. Webster ◽  
John Cardina ◽  
Mark M. Loux

The objectives of this study were to determine how the timing of weed management treatments in winter wheat stubble affects weed control the following season and to determine if spring herbicide rates in corn can be reduced with appropriately timed stubble management practices. Field studies were conducted at two sites in Ohio between 1993 and 1995. Wheat stubble treatments consisted of glyphosate (0.84 kg ae/ha) plus 2,4-D (0.48 kg ae/ha) applied in July, August, or September, or at all three timings, and a nontreated control. In the following season, spring herbicide treatments consisted of a full rate of atrazine (1.7 kg ai/ha) plus alachlor (2.8 kg ai/ha) preemergence, a half rate of these herbicides, or no spring herbicide treatment. Across all locations, a postharvest treatment of glyphosate plus 2,4-D followed by alachlor plus atrazine at half or full rates in the spring controlled all broadleaf weeds, except giant ragweed, at least 88%. Giant foxtail control at three locations was at least 83% when a postharvest glyphosate plus 2,4-D treatment was followed by spring applications of alachlor plus atrazine at half or full rates. Weed control in treatments without alachlor plus atrazine was variable, although broadleaf control from July and August glyphosate plus 2,4-D applications was greater than from September applications. Where alachlor and atrazine were not applied, August was generally the best timing of herbicide applications to wheat stubble for reducing weed populations the following season.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 539-543
Aradhana Bali ◽  
B. R. Bazaya ◽  
Sandeep Rawal

A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2011 at Research Farm, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Chatha, Jammu to evaluate the effect of weed management prac-tices on yield and nutrient uptake of soybean utilizing different resource management strategies. The lowest weed density and dry matter of weeds was recorded with hand weeding at 15 and 35 days after sowing (DAS) which was equally effective as imazethapyr @ 75 g ha -1 (PoE) fb hoeing at 35 DAS and quizalofop-ethyl @ 40 g ha-1 (PoE) fb hoeing at 35 DAS. All weed control treatments had significant effect on yield and nutrient up-take of soybean. Among the different weed control treatments, lowest N, P and K uptake by weeds were recorded in hand-weeding (15 and 35 DAS) which was statistically at par with imazethapyr @ 75 g ha -1 fb hoeing at 35 DAS. The maximum uptake by seed and straw were recorded in weed free which was statistically at par with twice hand weeding at 15 and 35 DAS, imazethapyr @ 75 g ha-1 fb hoeing at 35 DAS and quizalofop-ethyl @ 40 g ha-1 fb hoeing at 35 DAS. The highest seed and straw yield of soybean was harvested with hand-weeding (15 and 35 DAS) followed by imazethapyr @ 75 g ha -1 fb hoeing at 35 DAS. For the first time, soybean crop has been introduced in Jammu region for research purpose. Weed management varies with agro-climatic conditions. The study would be helpful to understand weed menace in this particular climatic condition of Jammu and to manage them combinedly and efficiently.

Weed Science ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-99 ◽  
Martin M. Williams ◽  
Rick A. Boydston

Weed management systems in carrot are limited in part by a lack of fundamental understanding of crop–weed interactions. Irrigated field studies were conducted to quantify the effect of volunteer potato density and duration of interference on carrot yield and to determine relationships among weed density, duration of weed growth, and volunteer potato tuber production. A season-long volunteer potato density of 0.06 plants m−2produced from 150 to 230 g tubers m−2and resulted in an estimated 5% crop yield loss. At two volunteer potato plants m−2, the same level of crop loss was estimated with a duration of interference of 430 growing degree days (GDD), a time at which the weed had already produced 130 g tubers m−2. Volunteer potato height at the time of weed removal predicted carrot yield loss (R2= 0.77) and may be useful for timing of management strategies such as hand weeding. Functional relationships describing carrot–volunteer potato interactions provide simple information that is useful for developing weed management recommendations for carrot, a crop that relies on multiple tactics for managing weeds, and rotational crops that are negatively affected by persistence of volunteer potato.

Weed Science ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-352 ◽  
Glenn R. Wehtje ◽  
John W. Wilcut ◽  
John A. Mcguire

Mixtures of chlorimuron and 2,4-DB were additive with respect to crop injury and were either additive or slightly antagonistic with respect to weed control in greenhouse experiments. Absorption and translocation of14C following application of14C-chlorimuron and14C-2,4-DB were not affected by the presence of the other unlabeled herbicide, except in Florida beggarweed and peanut where 2,4-DB affected distribution of14C-chlorimuron in the treated leaf. In field studies, maximum efficacy was obtained with mixtures of chlorimuron plus 2,4-DB applied 7 or 9 wk after planting. Florida beggarweed control was greatest with chlorimuron or chlorimuron mixtures while the addition of 2,4-DB to chlorimuron improved morningglory and sicklepod control. At 9 and 11 wk after planting, addition of 2,4-DB to chlorimuron controlled Florida beggarweed better than chlorimuron alone. Peanut yields were increased by the addition of 2,4-DB at later applications.

1994 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-678 ◽  
David A. Wall

Field studies were undertaken in 1992 and 1993 to investigate the control of wild oat and green foxtail in flax with reduced rates of fluazifop-P and clethodim applied as tank-mixtures. Fluazifop-P plus clethodim at 50 + 18 g ai/ha controlled wild oat and green foxtail and was as effective as full rates of either herbicide applied alone. These rates represent a 20% reduction in total amount of active ingredient required to control wild oat and green foxtail. Application of fluazifop-P, and/or clethodim prior to the 3- to 4-leaf stage failed to control late emerging grass weeds. Application of graminicide mixtures at or after the 3- to 4-leaf stage controlled late emerging grass weeds and did not affect flax yield. When applied late, fluazifop-P at 175 g/ha tended to reduce flax yield, although weed control was acceptable and no foliar injury was observed following treatment. The efficacy of graminicide mixtures was reduced by addition of bromoxynil plus MCPA to the spray mix.

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