Elena V. Medelyan ◽  
Yamuna Kachru

The central role of English in cross-cultural communication worldwide has made it a unique site for understanding diversity in systems of discourse pragmatics. In contact situations, these differences can help to refine theoretical models, such as the question of how universal speech acts or properties of facework and politeness are. They can also have significant real-world implications in the form of cross-cultural (mis-) communication in globalized contexts. This chapter reviews a selection of examples of speech acts and politeness in World Englishes contexts that use theoretical models to account for variation, but in some instances also challenge elements of such models. The discussion also includes a consideration of variation in surface form as well as variation in discourse other than conversational speech, such as written genres.

Babel ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-94 ◽  
Maria C. Choy

Abstract Mass communication has become a daily feature of our technological civilisation. This is as true of cross-cultural or intercultural encounters as it is of intra-cultural communication, and mass media have facilitated effective international information flow. Bilingual editing becomes an important medium of mass communication. The effectiveness of such communication rests upon the grammatical, lexical, sociolinguistic, socio-cultural, discourse and strategic competence of participants (editors, writers, translators and readers). It rests upon their ability to use creatively and to respond sensitively to language. In this dynamic process of communication, a bilingual editor not only plays the role of translator but also acts as a mediator; as Hatim and Mason (1990:223) suggest, s/he "has not only a bilingual ability but also a bi-cultural vision". In view of the diversity of usage of bilingual editing in the media, this research delves into the bilingual editing of magazines in Hong Kong. The study focuses on translation only from English and Chinese, or vice versa. Inasmuch as there is very little academic attention to bilingual editing and its nature, processes and techniques, or to the role of translation in bilingual editing, it is believed that this research will help facilitate cross-cultural communication between Westerners and Chinese. Résumé Dans notre civilisation, marquée par le seau de la technologie, la communication de masse relève du quotidien. Cette remarque est valable tant en ce qui concerne les rencontres interculturelles que la communication intraculturelle. De plus, la communication de masse favorise l'échange efficace des informations à l'échelon international. Les publications bilingues sont devenues un important support de la communication de masse. L'efficacité de cette communication repose sur le discours grammatical, lexical, socio-linguistique, socio-culturel et sur la compétence stratégique de ceux qui y participent (rédacteurs, écrivains, traducteurs et lecteurs). Elle repose sur leur faculté d'utiliser le langage avec créativité et d'y réagir avec sensibilité. Dans ce processus de communication dynamique, le rédacteur bilingue joue non seulement le rôle de traducteur mais aussi de médiateur, comme le suggèrent Hatim et Mason (1990:223): il ou elle "dispose non seulement d'une capacité de bilinguisme mais aussi d'une vision biculturelle". Au vu de la diversité d'emploi de la rédaction bilingue dans les médias, cette recherche fouille dans l'univers de l'édition de magazines bilingues à Hong Kong. L'étude se concentre uniquement sur la traduction de l'anglais et du chinois et vice-versa. Dans la mesure où dans les milieux académiques, on attache très peu d'importance à l'édition bilingue, à sa nature, à ses processus et techniques, ou au rôle de la traduction dans le monde de l'édition bilingue, l'auteur estime que cette recherche facilitera la communication interculturelle entre les Occidentaux et les Chinois.

10.12737/363 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-8 ◽  
Силантьева ◽  
Margarita Silanteva

The article addresses the main principles and methods of linguistic and cultural approach to reconstructing communicative stereotypes. The author shows the role of philosophical comparative studies in building a conceptual model of communicative stereotype, which makes it possible to define the content of cultural analysis in cross-cultural communication. The article proves the necessity to test their relevance in reference to historical facts in international relations. Studying the concept of ‘a border of constructive dialogues’, the author develops the idea further, introducing the term ‘a zone of transfer to irreversible destructiveness’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 54
Yahui Cui

Chinesische Grammatik is a book about Chinese grammar compiled by Hans Georg von der Gabelentz, in the 19th century. It is also a textbook for teaching Chinese as a second language. Among them, “weft” is a comprehensive system, which contains his pragmatic thought beyond the times. The study of appellations not only shows Hans Georg von der Gabelentz’s pragmatic thought, but also reflects his idea that the cultivation of learners’ language ability should be the overall goal in Chinese teaching and the role of culture in cross-cultural communication. And the advanced educational concept of learning to use.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 00003
Elena Aleksandrova ◽  
Elena Kokanova

The article presents the overview of the ways in which cross-cultural communication was carried out during the lend-lease supplies via the Arctic convoys. It reflects on the importance of non-professional translation and cross-cultural mediation in such spheres as medicine, hospitality, transport, customs, etc. The skills of a professional translator are viewed in contrast to those necessary for successful linguistic mediation. The authors emphasise the role of international seamen's clubs in the establishment of contacts between the represantatives of different nationalites. Much of the information provided in the article has never been published before as it was obtained in the state archives of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, some of which have been open for research in recent years. A number of documents concerning details of cross-cultural mediation during the period of the Arctic convoys were lost or destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, so some information can be obtained only from the participants of the events of that period who are not numerous nowadays.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 419
Nia Kurniati Syam ◽  
Arifin Syatibi ◽  
Moh Jibral Imperial Day

This article is one of the research having the plurality of cultural ethnic andreligion background. The religion identity is an important dimension for all societies.The goal of the article is to analyze the role of interpersonal communication in a familywith different religion, analyze the meaning of symbols in an interaction within thefamily with different religion, analyze the supporting and restricting communicationfactors in a family with different religion. Several perspectives were used as theoreticalframewaork, i.e Phenomenology, and Cross Cultural Communication. This reseachemployed in-depth interview and observation as data collecting technique.The role ofinterpersonal communication in a family with different religion cannot be separated frominitiation, experiment, intensification, integrity, bond and the role of communicationeffectiveness such as supportiveness, empathy, objectiveness and equality. The meaningof communication symbols in a family with different religion is due to language, rituals,national days, food, and dress. The supporting factors are respect each other, protect,tolerance, cooperation, and mutual cooperation. Whereas the restricting factors ofinterpersonal communication in a family with different religion, are avoiding the dialogueabout faith, freedom, and religion education for children.

Andrew Targowski

This chapter defines a framework for the crosscultural communication process, including efficiency and cost. The framework provides some directions for dialogue among civilizations, which is one of the main routes toward creation of the universal civilization. A developed architectural design of the cross-cultural communication process is based on a universal system approach that not only considers the complexities of the various cultural hierarchies and their corresponding communication climates, but also compares and quantifies the cultural-specific attributes with the intention of increasing efficiency levels in crosscultural communication. The attributes for two selected cultures (Western-West and Egyptian) are estimated in a normative way using expert opinions, measuring on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 as the best value. Quantifying cultural richness (R), cultural efficiency (?), modified cultural differences (DMC, and cultural ability (B) reflects how a given culture’s strength can overcome cultural differences and enhance its competitive advantage (V). Two components of the culture factor cost, explicit (CE) and implicit (CI), are defined, examined and quantified for the purposes not only of controlling the cost of doing business across cultures, but also to determine the amount of investment needed to overcome cultural differences in a global economy. In this new millennium, global organizations will increasingly focus on the critical value of the cross-cultural communication process, its efficiency, its competence, its cost of doing business. In order to successfully communicate crossculturally, knowledge and understanding of such cultural factors as values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors should be acquired. Because culture is a powerful force that strongly influences communication behavior, culture and communication are inseparably linked. Worldwide, in the last 20 years, countries have experienced a phenomenal growth in international trade and foreign direct investment. Similarly, they have discovered the importance of crosscultural communication. As a result, practitioners and scholars are paying attention to the fact that cultural dimensions influence management practices (Hofstede, 1980; Child, 1981; Triandis, 1982; Adler, 1983; Laurent, 1983; Maruyama, 1984). In recent years, empirical work in the crosscultural arena has focused on the role of culture on employee behavior in communicating within business organizations (Tayeb, 1988). But current 346 Asymmetric Communication work on cross-cultural business communication has paid little attention to either (a) how to adapt these seminal works on general communication to the needs of intercultural business or (b) how to create new models more relevant to cross-cultural business exchanges (Limaye & Victor, 1991, p. 283). There are many focused empirical studies on cross-cultural communication between two specific cultures (e.g., Wong & Hildebrandt, 1983; Halpern, 1983; Victor, 1987; Eiler & Victor, 1988; Varner, 1988; Victor & Danak, 1990), but such results must be arguable when extrapolated across multiple cultures. The prevailing western classical linear and process models of communication (Shannon & Weaver, 1949; Berlo, 1960) neglect the complexity of cross-cultural communication. Targowski and Bowman (1988) developed a layer-based pragmatic communication process model which covered more variables than any previous model and indirectly addressed the role of cultural factors among their layer-based variables. In a similar manner, the channel ratio model for intercultural communication developed by Haworth and Savage (1989) has also failed to account completely for the multiple communication variables in cross-cultural environments. So far, there is no adequate model that can explain the cross-cultural communication process and efficiency, let alone estimate the cost of doing business with other cultures worldwide.

10.12737/3878 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-73 ◽  
Михаил Юдин ◽  
Mikhail Yudin ◽  
Андрей Абрамов ◽  
Andrey Abramov

The article presents the results of the authors’ research into the role of state communications policy in the process of learner sociocultural competence development (case study: higher education institutions offering the tourism industry personnel training programmes). The driving force behind the research was the authors’ belief in the unmonitored and frequently destructive influence of the media in general and the Internet in particular on the personality development of the youth, especially on the development of the system of values and social competences of those majoring in tourism-related disciplines. The research was empirically based of the starting data obtained from media publications content and interviews with educational process participants. The analysis of the data shows the disbalanced representation such dominants as ethics and communication standards, the ethics of cross-cultural communication, specifics of cross-cultural communication, tolerance, human ecology, human capital development, all of which are significant in terms of their positive contribution to the students’ moral development. The results of the research bring the authors to the conclusion that it is imperative that the state should initiate a professional inspection of the Internet content, especially the media publications concerning Russian history and the strategic objectives of modern Russian social development. The authors also propose a revised model of the state communications policy implementation as applied to the development of sociocultural competences of students majoring in tourism-related disciplines. The three levels of the model structure are the content level, the index level, and the reference level. The content level presupposes a targeted development of content; the index level involves quality inspections of media publications; the reference level concerns the creation of expert consultation mechanisms available for web communities and blogger to ensure high quality consistency and data soundness of the content produced.

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