scholarly journals Can Assets Determine Family Happiness?

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. Layouting
Vitriyani Tri Purwaningsih

Ownership of assets can be assessed as the success of individual achievement in his life goals. It certainly can make individuals feel satisfied with the efforts they have made. Life satisfaction is one of the dimensions used by BPS to measure happiness. Thus, this study will analyze the effect of asset ownership on happiness. The data used in this study are data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) wave 5 of 2014. Analysis of the model in this study uses logistic regression for analysis in Java and outside Java Island. This study found that ownership of assets (jewelry, savings, vehicles, receivables), health, gender of the head of the household, type of residential, mobile phone, television, and access to the internet have a significant effect on household happiness. At the same time, other assets (houses/other buildings, land), number of household members, type of floor, and residential area (urban, rural) have no effect in determining of happiness of the household. The finding in this study also states that the probability of household happiness will be higher outside Java Island.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-282
Rahmanda Muhammad Thaariq ◽  
Arif Anindita ◽  
Hafizha Dea Iftina

This study analyzes the impact of access to the internet and household saving behavior, in the context of the amount of savings and the saving preferences, in Indonesia. Using the fifth wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey data, this study finds that there is a positive effect between internet access and household savings. This access includes private internet access and public internet access. Nonetheless, the effect of private internet access differs from public internet access. Private internet access positively impacts both the amount of savings and the saving preferences, whilst public internet access only increases the amount saved, not the saving preferences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Vitriyani Tri Purwaningsih

Rumah tangga yang dipimpin oleh perempuan cenderung lebih banyak berkerja pada sektor informal yang memiliki pendapatan rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesejahteraan antara pekerja informal dan formal di antara rumah tangga yang dipimpin oleh seorang perempuan. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yang berasal dari Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2014, dengan metode analisis Two Stage LeastSquare (2SLS) menggunakan pendekatan instrumental variable. Temuan dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa rumah tangga yang dikepalai oleh perempuan yang bekerja di sektor informal memiliki kesejahteraan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan rumah tangga sektor formal. Usia kepala rumah tangga perempuan yang lebih dewasa, memiliki lahan pertanian dan tabungan mampu meningkatkan pengeluaran per kapita bulanan.Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa adanya kesenjangan antar sektor namun kepemilikan aset dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan di antara rumah tangga perempuan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-223
Endiarjati Dewandaru Sadono

Beras untuk Keluarga Miskin (RASKIN) program has been applied since 1998 and has been renamed as Beras Sejahtera (RASTRA) in early 2017, but their effectiveness is still debatable. This study tries to evaluate the impact of RASKIN program on household income. Using data from 3,745 households in Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 5 that has been estimated using propensity score matching, this study has identified precisely that RASKIN program has a negative and significant effect on household income. This happens because the benefits that reveived by Rumah Tangga Sasaran (RTS) are very small. The small benefit is affected by the amount of rice received, frequency and price that have been paid to get RASKIN is not in accordance with the guidelines. The result of this study is along with previous studies, where the amount and price of rice that distributed through RASKIN program is not exactly correct. Therefore, there must be a change in program format, not just renaming from RASKIN to RASTRA only.

2021 ◽  
Vol 236 ◽  
pp. 05014
Dong Yue ◽  
Li Gang ◽  
Wu Zhenzhi

With the advent of the Internet Age, the rapid development of modern rural construction and urban-rural integration, the revival of traditional culture and environmental improvement and many other factors, the multi-semantic social relationship of the beautiful countryside has been formed gradually based on the space, culture and locality. The reconstruction and reshaping of beautiful countryside in the Mobile Internet Age takes Yuan Ye as a theory and path to improve the quality of Internet rural culture, and combines the current technological innovation to expound such design ideas as poetic charm, adaptation to local conditions and so on in garden culture, injecting new design vitality to the inheritance of cultural resources and construction of modern rural society.

Paranoia ◽  
2008 ◽  
Daniel Freeman ◽  
Jason Freeman

Over the past few years, a new and deadly epidemic has stalked the land. Britain and the US, just like much of the rest of the world, are getting fat. Around 60 per cent of adults in the UK are heavier than they should be. It’s a similar story in the US, where two-thirds of adults are overweight or extremely overweight (obese). That’s a pretty shocking statistic, but we all know that keeping in shape when you’re trying to balance the demands of work and family life is tough. Who’s got time to get to the gym? Who has the energy to do more than heat up a ready meal after ten hours in the office? Besides, we all get bigger as we get older, don’t we? It’s a metabolism thing—isn’t it? But if you think the statistics for adults are alarming, wait till you find out how our kids are faring. In 2003, 27 per cent of children under 11 in England were either overweight or obese. In the US, where different methods to measure obesity are used, nearly 20 per cent of children aged 6 to 11 were classified as overweight or obese in 2004. The numbers have almost doubled in a decade. How did so many children get to be overweight before they’ve even reached the ripe old age of 11? How do you become overweight when so much of your day is taken up with charging round a playground or park, when you can’t drive, and when you’re not free—like the rest of us—to stuff your face at will with chocolate, crisps, and alcohol? The answer, of course, is a complex one. If adults are eating much less healthily than they used to, so are their kids. Instead of spending their evenings playing outside, children now have the delights of multi-channel television, computer games, and the Internet to choose from. And then there’s the fact that increasing numbers of us just won’t let our children outside on their own. Back in the mid 1970s, we were 6 years old.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-57
Nenny Hendajany ◽  
Tri Widodo ◽  
Eny Sulistyaningrum

Evolution Returns to Education Across Provinces: Indonesia Family Life Survey 1993–2014This study traces the evolution of return to education using large samples from Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). This study apply Mincer Model to find rate of return to education. The rate of return to education decrease from 1993 to 2014 in Indonesia. Interestingly, the declining rate for return to education for men is much larger than for women. Return to education is considerably heterogenic across province and gender. Furthermore, the rate of women is larger than men. Finally, this study find potential experience have not different from 1993 to 1997, but have increased in 2000 and 2014.Keywords: Education; Returns to Education; Mincer ModelAbstrakPenelitian ini melihat perkembangan dari tingkat pengembalian investasi pendidikan (return to education) dengan data Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). Penelitian ini menggunakan Model Mincer untuk menentukan tingkat pengembalian investasi pendidikan. Tingkat pengembalian investasi pendidikan menurun dari tahun 1993 sampai 2014. Penurunan tingkat pengembalian investasi pendidikan untuk pria lebih besar dari pada wanita. Hasil tingkat pengembalian investasi pendidikan bervariasi antar-provinsi dan jenis kelamin, namun pada umumnya nilai return pada wanita lebih besar daripada pria. Pengaruh dari pengalaman kerja potensial tidak berbeda dari tahun 1993 sampai 1997, tetapi mulai meningkat di tahun 2000 dan 2014.

Adeptus ◽  
2017 ◽  
Maria Woźniak

The media and other agents of socialization as youths’ sources of knowledge about sexualityThe discourse on sexual education expresses great diversity of norms, beliefs, and attitudes towards sex and is dominated by the voices of adults who belong to the political and symbolic elites (i.e., politicians, teachers, clergy). Thus, the opinions of young people, which often reflect authentic personal and generational needs, are too often ignored. What is more, research shows that parents often seem to avoid discussions regarding sexuality with their children, ceding the responsibility to educate young people on the school. However, evaluations of how "introduction to family life" curriculum is implemented suggest that it is often conducted on an unsatisfactory level. Consequently, young people are forced to acquire and verify information about sexuality on their own. Based on individual in‑depth interviews this analysis refers to chosen sources from which young people obtain knowledge about sexuality. The article focuses on one of such sources: the media (including the Internet). It aims also to discuss young people's ambivalence towards self-acquired knowledge about sexuality. Rola mediów i innych agend socjalizacji jako źródła wiedzy młodzieży o seksualnościDyskusja dotycząca edukacji seksualnej wyraża olbrzymią różnorodność norm, wierzeń oraz postaw wobec seksu i zdominowana jest przez głosy osób dorosłych należących do elit politycznych i symbolicznych (np. polityków, nauczycieli, duchownych). Opinie młodych ludzi, które nierzadko są odzwierciedleniem ich osobistych i pokoleniowych potrzeb, są natomiast nader często ignorowane. Co więcej, badania pokazują, że rodzice raczej unikają rozmów ze swoimi dziećmi na temat szeroko pojętej seksualności, cedując pośrednio obowiązek edukowania młodych ludzi w tym zakresie na szkołę. Ewaluacje realizacji „wychowania do życia w rodzinie” sugerują jednak, że jej poziom jest niesatysfakcjonujący. Wobec powyższego młodzi ludzie nie tylko zmuszeni są sami zdobywać informacje na ten temat, ale także je selekcjonować i weryfikować. Oparta na indywidualnych wywiadach pogłębionych analiza wskazuje wybrane źródła, z jakich młodzi ludzie czerpią wiedzę dotyczącą seksualności. Artykuł skupia się na jednym z tych źródeł: na mediach (w tym na internecie) i omawia ambiwalencję odczuwaną przez młodych ludzi w stosunku do samodzielnie uzyskiwanej wiedzy dotyczącej seksualności.

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