scholarly journals Role of parents, teachers at home and school in prevention of female sexual abuse: an analysis

Anithathamaraiselvi A. Nainar ◽  
Sivapriya Ramasamy ◽  
Mekala Shanmugam

Background: Sexual assault is an act performed by one person on another without the person’s consent or on a victim who is incapable of giving consent. The purpose of this article is to analyze the female sexual assault cases reported in one year –and the role of parents, teachers, at home and school in prevention of child sexual abuse.Methods: Data of victims who were admitted in GDMCH in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology in the year 2020 were collected from the medico legal register retrospectively and analyzed.Results: Age wise distribution showed 70% of cases were in the age group 15-19 years. 57% of assaults were with consent and 43% without consent. 93% of the perpetrators were known to the victim. Around 48% of the assaults were multiple episodes by a single perpetrator. The place of assault in 39% of cases was perpetrator’s house, 35% was in friend’s or relative’s house.Conclusions: 86% of the victims were <19 years of age, hence, educational awareness services are to be given to high school students and teachers .School authorities and teachers should implement strict vigilance against improper use of the internet and mobile phones by the students. Most common location of assault was the perpetrator's house (39%), followed by their friend’s house (22%). Hence parents should take every care to watch over the child and never leave them unsupervised. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 468-477
Siti Hariyanti ◽  
Elis Irmayanti ◽  
Eunike Rose Mita Lukiani

This research was conducted based on the results of researchers' observations about the role of parents in increasing children's economic learning motivation during the pandemic for senior high school level students in Bajulan Village, Loceret District, Nganjuk Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents in increasing motivation to learn economics during the pandemic for senior high school education level students. The researcher used a qualitative approach with field research methods, especially descriptive types with the research subjects were parents and high school students who took economics subjects. The research was carried out using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results showed that the role of parents in increasing children's learning motivation were 1) parents as children's facilitators, the form of facilities provided by parents to students were providing Wi-Fi, cellphones, study tables and money allocated for internet quotas, 2) parents as motivators for students, the form of motivation given by parents to students in the form of advice and warnings, and 3) parents as guide, the form of guidance given by parents to students was role model. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the role of parents in increasing motivation to learn economics is quite good. It can be seen from observations and interviews that the role of parents has been well realized by parents. Keywords: The Role of Parents, Motivation, Learning Economics, Pandemic Period.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 329
Efren Nova

This research was conducted with legal research methods that can be revealed how the law was perceived and implemented by the community through research Juridical Sociological including reviewing legal issue s as an integral part of the community or research approach which emphasizes the legal aspects with regard to the subject to be discussed, is associated with the fact in the field. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the influence and the role of parents in caring and educating children through parenting models that cause juvenile delinquency, as well as the effortsthe parents' role in the juvenile delinquency reduction. Object of this study includes elementary school students and junior high school students as well as High School of state or private school at four Regency or City in West Sumatra. The Results of research shows that the influence of parents' parenting models to juvenile delinquency is very influential. The role of parents is very necessary in the prevention of juvenile delinquency by changing the model of parenting applied.

Yuni Dewi Safrida ◽  
Gerry Silaban ◽  
Ns. Selamat Ginting

Source of information obtained teenagers about reproduction health is pushed the behavior of the teenagers to know more about sexual problem. In line with the era of globalization, information and technology, there is a big change in the sexual behavior of teenagers. Unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortions and an increase in cases of sexually transmitted infections, which is a problem in teenagers reproduction health in Indonesia. The results of research in the program of Muda Berkarya conducted by Yayasan Kita (2005), teenagers of Sabang and some other town in the province of Aceh are likely to be further involved in unsafe sexual behavior. The purpose of this survey study with cross sectional study design is to examine the relationship of reproduction health resources (role of media, role of parents, role of peers) on the sexual behavior of high school students in Sabang. The population of this study are 607 high school students and 113 of them were selected through univariate  proporsional hypothesis test to be the samples for this study and bivariate (Chi square test) with significance level α <0,05 and level of confidence of 95%. The results using Chi square test shows  that significant variables related to sexual behavior are: the role of the media (p = 0.018) role of parents (p = 0.043) and the role of peers (p = 0.014). All of these variables have been associated with sexual behavior. It is suggested that the Department of Health to improve the implementation of outreach programs Teenagers Reproduction Health. With the counseling of students to better understand and care for reproduction health. The Department of Education to improve reproductive health education curriculum, so that students are better able to keep the negative sexual behavior and pornography so that negative interactions can be avoided.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 550
Pamela Hendra Heng ◽  
Naomi Soetikno ◽  
Amala Fahditia

In an effort to improve the progress of the Indonesian nation, it is necessary to pay attention to all levels of society, especially the young people who will be the pillars of the Indonesian nation in the future. One fourth of Indonesia's population is children and adolescents. Other studies have shown that parenting can influence a child's level of self-confidence, academic performance, and children's behavior. This research was to examine the "Role of Parents’ Parenting towards Urban Adolescents’ Quality of Life". A quantitative method with non-experimental was used and attended by 381 State High School students (SMAN), ages of 14-19 years in schools of X and Y in X city, namely 234 girls and 147 boys. Measuring instruments used are Youth Quality of Life (YQOL) and parenting measuring instruments that have been adapted. Based on the results of different tests on parenting parents with One-way Anova obtained values of F = 10,203, p = .000 <.05 for mothers’ parenting, and F = 6,146, p = .000 <.05 for fathers’ parenting, so there are significant differences between quality of life with parenting styles. The results showed that "authoritative" parenting has a high quality of life, where parents encourage, also provide limits, adolescents become independent individuals. Meanwhile, “neglectful” parenting has a low quality of life, lacks involvement in the lives of children, adolescents do not become independent individuals, less competent in socializing and lack of self-control. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kemajuan bangsa Indonesia perlu diperhatikan semua lapisan masyarakat, khususnya para remaja yang akan menjadi tiang tonggak bangsa Indonesia di masa mendatang. Seperempat dari penduduk Indonesia merupakan anak-anak dan remaja. Penelitian lainnya menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh orangtua dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan diri anak, performa dalam akademik, dan perilaku anaknya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji “Peranan Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Kualitas Hidup Remaja Perkotaan.” Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan non eksperimental dan ini diikuti oleh 381 siswa SMAN berusia 14-21tahun di sekolah X dan Y di kota X, yakni 234 wanita dan 147 pria. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Youth Quality of Life (YQOL) dan alat ukur pola asuh yang telah diadaptasi. Berdasarkan hasil uji beda pada pola asuh orangtua dengan Oneway Anova diperoleh nilai F = 10.203, p = .000 < .05 untuk pola asuh ibu, dan F = 6.146, p = .000 < .05 untuk pola asuh ayah, sehingga terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kualitas hidup dengan pola asuh orangtua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, remaja dengan pola asuh orangtua yang “authoritative” memiliki kualitas hidup yang tinggi, dimana orang tua mendorong, juga memberikan batasan, remaja menjadi pribadi yang mandiri. Sementara, remaja dengan pola asuh orangtua yang “neglectful” memiliki kualitas hidup yang rendah, dimana kurang keterlibatan orangtua dalam kehidupan anak, remaja menjadi pribadi tidak mandiri, kurang kompeten bersosialisasi dan kurang pengendalian diri. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Erina Windiany Nurzaman

 AbstrakPerilaku beresiko pada remaja dikaitkan dengan fenomena masalah kesehatan reproduksi remaja yang terjadi saat ini, seperti meningkatnya jumlah perilaku seks remaja yang diikuti oleh meningkatnya jumlah aborsi setiap tahun, serta meningkatnya pengguna narkoba dan infeksi HIV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan perilaku beresiko di kalangan remaja terhadap kesehatan reproduksi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional yang dilakukan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan X di Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat, Indonesia. Sampel penelitian menggunakan total sampel sebanyak 350 siswa, analisa data menggunakan uji Kai Kuadrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang rendah tentang kesehatan reproduksi. Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna pada variabel peran orangtua (p=0,034), peran teman sebaya (p=0,001), peran Guru (p=0,009), akses informasi (p=0,001) dengan pengetahuan siswa terhadap kesehatan reproduksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa mempunyai perilaku yang beresiko terhadap kesehatan reproduksi. Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna pada variabel jenis kelamin (p=0,001) dan peran Guru (p=0,041) dengan perilaku beresiko remaja terhadap kesehatan reproduksi. Kurikulum mengenai kesehatan reproduksi remaja dan peran aktif orang tua dan guru dapat mencegah perilaku berisiko pada masa remaja. Kata Kunci : kesehatan reproduksi, remaja, pengetahuan, perilaku ABSTRACTRisky behaviors in adolescence are associated with the adolescent reproductive health problems phenomenon that happened nowadays, such as the increasing numbers of sex behavior followed by the increasing number of abortions each year also the increasing of drug use and HIV infections. This study aimed to determine knowledge and risk behaviors among adolescents for reproductive health and the factors that affected. Cross-sectional design was carried out on vocational high school students in Kebon Jeruk sub-district West Jakarta, Indonesia. A total  sample of  350 students was included in the study. The data were analyzed using chi square test. This study showed that the students have a low level of knowledge about reproductive health. There was a significant correlation in the role of parents (p = 0.034), the role of  friends (0.001), the role of teachers (p = 0.009),the  information access (p=0.001) with adolescent’s knowledge about reproductive health. This study showed that the students have risk behaviors to reproductive health. There was a significant correlation in gender (p = 0.001), the role of teachers (p=0.041) with risky behaviors in adolescence toward  reproductive health. Adolescent reproductive health curriculum and the active role of parents and teachers might prevent risky behaviors in adolescence. Keywords: reproductive health, adolescent, knowledge, behavior

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
N.W.S Darmayanti ◽  
I Nengah Sueca

ABSTRAKPada proses belajar di sekolah khususnya Sekolah Dasar (SD), guru mempunyai tugas yang berat karena di SD siswa mengalami banyak perkembangan selain perkembangan fisik. Oleh karena itu guru harus menjadi fasilitator yang baik bagi siswa dalam belajarnya. Banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar di sekolah khususnya siswa jenjang SD. Tentunya peran orang tua sangat penting untuk membimbing dan mengajari anaknya dengan baik di rumah. Banyak kendala yang dihadapi oleh para orang tua dalam membimbing, mengarahkan terutama mengajari anaknya jika ada kesulitan dalam belajar di rumah. Banyak orang tua yang mengeluh karena belum optimal dalam membimbing dan mengarahkan apalagi mengajari anak-anaknya dalam belajar di rumah. Hal tersebut dikarenakan sebagian besar orang tuanya bermata pencaharian sebagai petani dan mereka harus bekerja ke sawah. Meraka sadar bahwa kurang optimal mengajari anak-anaknya jika mengalami kesulitan dalam belajarnya di rumah. Apa daya mereka juga mengalami keterbatasan biaya untuk mengikutkan anaknya dalam lembaga bimbingan belajar di luar jam sekolah untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar. Hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan motivasi belajar anak menurun karena anak tidak bisa mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan dalam belajarnya. Anak-anak akan malas belajar, mereka menganggap pelajaran tersebut sulit dan tidak perlu dipelajari. Motivasi belajar anak dapat menurun karena kurang bimbingan dan arahan orang tua saat proses belajar di rumah. Perlu adanya bantuan pendampingan bimbingan belajar di rumah bagi anak-anak SD untuk menumbuhkan motivasi belajar siswa. Hal itu dilaksanakan sebagai upaya membantu orang tua dalam membimbing dan mengajar anaknya jika ada yang mengalami kesulitan belajar di rumah. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Dusun Buruan Tampaksiring. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah metode ceramah dan diskusi. Keberhasilan kegiatan ini dapat dilihat dari antausias dan semangat siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan pendampingan bimbingan belajar. Selain itu siswa juga aktif menjawab soal –soal terkait materi yang diberikan serta mereka juga semangat belajar dan berdiskusi. Mereka tidak segan bertanya jika mereka kurang mengerti terkait materi pelajaran. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini berjalan dengan lancar tanpa hambatan yang cukup berarti. Kata kunci: pendampingan bimbingan belajar; motivasi belajar. ABSTRACTIn the process of learning in schools, especially elementary schools (SD), teachers have a difficult task because in elementary school students experience many developments besides physical development. Therefore the teacher must be a good facilitator for students in their learning. Many students have difficulty learning at school, especially elementary school students. Of course the role of parents is very important to guide and teach their children well at home. Many obstacles faced by parents in guiding, directing especially teaching their children if there are difficulties in learning at home. Many parents who complain because it is not optimal in guiding and directing especially teaching their children in learning at home. That is because most of his parents earn a living as farmers and they have to work in the fields. They realize that it is not optimal to teach their children if they have difficulty learning at home. What power do they also experience limited costs to include their children in tutoring institutions outside school hours to overcome learning difficulties. This will result in a child's learning motivation decreases because the child can not overcome the difficulties in learning. Children will be lazy to learn, they think the lesson is difficult and does not need to be learned. Children's learning motivation can decrease due to lack of guidance and direction from parents when learning at home. There needs to be assistance in assisting tutoring at home for elementary school children to foster student motivation. This was carried out as an effort to help parents in guiding and teaching their children if anyone had difficulty learning at home. This activity was carried out in Dusun Buruan Tampaksiring. The method used in this activity is the lecture and discussion method. The success of this activity can be seen from the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of students in participating in tutoring activities. In addition, students are also active in answering questions related to the material provided and they are also passionate about learning and discussing. They did not hesitate to ask if they did not understand the subject matter. The implementation of these community service activities went smoothly without significant obstacles. Keywords: tutoring assistance; motivation to learn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Kevin Bagaskara ◽  
Yos Sudarman

This study aims to describe the role of parental attention to students' interest in learning cultural arts (music) during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 2 Sijunjung. The theoretical studies used in this study relate to the understanding of learning and learning; learning interests; parents' attention, and Cultural Arts Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used is quantitative research type with descriptive analysis approach. Based on the results of research that began from the exposure of environmental conditions where researching, the picture of parental attention to the learning activities of students at home, as well as the learning conditions of music arts in schools, it can be explained that based on the collection of data and processing of the rubric questions filled by parents and students in different intervals, where in the rubric asked 10 parents and 10 resource persons filled in the available fields according to the choice of answers , it was found that the result of the process of giving parental attention to the learning of students at home by 63%. While the interest of students to learn music at home is about 71%. If the two percentages are combined, a figure of 54%. This figure shows that there is a moderate level of connection between parents' attention to children's learning interests in sijunjung junior high school students who learn music online from home.

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