scholarly journals Qualidade de vida de idosos participantes de um grupo de convivência no munícipio de São Mamede - PB

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 01
Chanthelly Lurian Medeiros de Paula ◽  
Everson Vagner de Lucena Santos ◽  
Paula Christianne Gomes Gouveia Souto Maia ◽  
Petrônio Souto Gouveia Filho ◽  
Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa

<p>A transição demográfica aponta para um quadro de envelhecimento populacional cada vez mais marcante, desta forma torna-se imprescindível garantir aos idosos não só uma maior sobrevida, mas também melhorias na qualidade de vida (QV) que lhes possibilitem uma velhice bem sucedida. O estudo objetivou mensurar os níveis de qualidade de vida de idosos participantes de um grupo de convivência de São Mamede-PB. A amostra foi composta por 30 idosos. Utilizou-se uma ficha de dados biodemográficos e a versão em português do WHOQOL-OLD. Verificou-se que os idosos que participaram da pesquisa tinham uma média de idade de 72,8 anos (±5,18), com predomínio do gênero feminino 93,33%, a maioria, 46,6% eram viúvas, 73,3% com baixo nível de escolaridade, 36,6% do total de idosos vivem sozinhos, outros 36,6% vivem com o cônjuge, e têm a aposentadoria como principal fonte de renda. A média da QV geral encontrada nesta pesquisa foi de 4,2 (±0,4), o que corresponde a 81,4%, indicando que os idosos estudados apresentaram uma boa QV. Todas as facetas foram bem avaliadas exceto a faceta intimidade com menor pontuação 2,2 (±1,7), a que mais contribuiu na QV foi autonomia com média de 4,8 (±0,3). Conclui-se que a inserção dos idosos em grupos de convivência é um ponto chave muito importante para a melhoria da QV dos mesmos, principalmente, nos aspectos referentes à saúde física e mental. </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Quality of life elderly participants of a group of coexistence in the municipality of São Mamede - PB</em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong>The demographic transition points to a population aging framework increasingly marked, so it is essential to ensure the elderly not only to live longer, but also improvements in quality of life (QOL) to enable them a successful old age. The study aimed to measure the levels of quality of life of elderly participants of a support group to São Mamede-PB. The sample consisted of 30 elderly. We used a biodemographical data sheet and the Portuguese version of the WHOQOL-OLD. It was found that seniors who participated in the survey had an average age of 72.8 years (± 5.18), with a predominance of females 93.33%, the majority, 46.6% were widowed, 73.3 % with low level of education, 36.6% of the elderly live alone, some 36.6% live with their spouse, retirement as the main source of income. The average overall QoL found in this study was 4.2 (± 0.4), which corresponds to 81.4%, indicating that the elderly studied showed a good QoL. All facets were well judged except facet intimacy with lower scores 2.2 (± 1.7), the largest contributor in QOL was autonomy with an average of 4.8 (± 0.3). It concluded that the inclusion of older people in community groups is a very important key to improving the QOL of the same, especially in aspects related to physical and mental health. Given that these groups seek to increase the period of active life, preventing functional loss and retrieving capabilities, and serve as emotional and motivational support for these seniors.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-180 ◽  
Nicolas Combalbert ◽  
Valérie Pennequin ◽  
Claude Ferrand ◽  
Moussa Keita ◽  
Brigitte Geffray

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the level of perceived health and quality of life of elderly prisoners in France, and to see whether there is a link between aging, time spent in prison and level of education and scores for perceived health and quality of life. Design/methodology/approach The authors’ recruited 138 male prisoners aged 50 and over in seven French prisons. The research protocol comprised a semi-structured interview and two scales. Findings The results revealed low levels of perceived health and quality of life among the elderly inmates. They also showed that age was not statistically associated with most of the dimensions of perceived health on the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), with the exception of poor mobility. By contrast, age was statistically associated with most of the dimensions of quality of life on the WHOQOL-Bref. Time spent in prison was only associated negatively with the “sleep” dimension of the NHP. Emotional reactions were perceived most positively by the inmates with the highest level of education. Practical implications It seems particularly important to assess the perceived health and quality of life of elderly prisoners in order to ensure their appropriate treatment and management. Originality/value Very few studies have examined the perceived health and quality of life of prisoners, even though this population is particularly vulnerable in terms of physical and mental health.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-49
E. A. Kechyna ◽  
L. V. Filinskaya

The demographic aging of population typical for many countries requires much more financial and material resources to meet the needs of the post-working-age population. For the Republic of Belarus, the problem of population aging is highly relevant for the share of the elderly grows annually. The article focuses on the social-demographic characteristics and quality of life of the older generation in Belarus. The article is based on the data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the results of the sociological research “Belarus: Family, Stability of Family Relations, and Birth Rate in the Changing Social-Economic Conditions” conducted within the international research program “Generation and Gender”. The authors present a sociological-statistical approach to the analysis of the key characteristics of the elderly’s life in contemporary Belarus, which combines the information resources of sociology and statistics. The authors consider the general statistical data on the population aging and the elderly’s features and the sociological indicators revealing the perception of life at the older age. The assessment of the older generation’s life is presented as a set of indicators of the quality of life, which includes both objective statistical data and estimates of the older people’s satisfaction with various aspects of their life. For the first time in Belarus the quality of life of the 60-69- and 70-79-year-old cohorts is studied not only through statistical data but also taking into account their own assessments of various aspects of their lives, which allows to identify the most relevant issues for the social programs aimed at meeting the needs of the older generation.

Ma. Guadalupe Ponce-Contreras / ◽  
Mireya del Carmen González Álvarez ◽  
Nancy Griselda Pérez-Briones ◽  
Ma. Ascención Tello-García

Grandparents are today a fundamental part of the functioning of the country. They were before, they probably always were as a family and social reference, but the years have reinforced their role and notably expanded their responsibilities (Liñán 2013). This research aims to describe the activities of caring for grandchildren and the quality of life of grandmothers. The research is descriptive, transversal, Sample; It was made up of 13 women aged 60 or over who care for at least one grandchild and who are part of the support group of the Sunflower Health Center, in Saltillo Coahuila. 4 instruments were used, 1st a sociodemographic data card where the following information was included: age, place of birth, marital status, schooling, illnesses suffered, number of children, number of grandchildren, ages of the grandchildren they care for and who you currently live with. The 2nd describes the care of grandchildren, the 3rd measures the quality of life and the 4th measures the perception of the health of the elderly. Results: 85.7% of older women do not currently have a job, only 7.1% of our sample currently have a job. All grannies take care of at least one grandchild.

Thaís Mello de Souza ◽  
Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia

Desde os anos sessenta do século passado, a expressão qualidade de vida tem sido referência de inúmeros discursos acadêmicos, políticos, ideológicos. A preocupação com a saúde do idoso vem promovendo a implantação de políticas públicas de saúde, visando cada vez mais melhoria da qualidade de vida. O envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno que diz respeito a todos, não ficando circunscrito apenas aos cidadãos maiores de 60 anos. Portanto esta pesquisa através de uma revisão literária objetivou levar ao conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde a cerca da saúde do idoso e as políticas públicas de saúde para este segmento etário. Os resultados mostrou que os profissionais de saúde têm uma grande importância para a melhoria, implementação e execução das políticas públicas de saúde.Descritores: Qualidade de Vida, Saúde do Idoso, Envelhecimento. Health of the aged one, the aging and the public politics of healthAbstractSince the sixties of last century, the term quality of life has been a benchmark for many academic discourses, political, ideological. The concern with the health of the aged one comes promoting the implantation of public politics of health, aiming at each time more improvement of the quality of life. The population aging is a phenomenon that says respect to all, not being circumscribed only to the citizens biggest of 60 years. Therefore this research through a literature review aimed to inform health professionals about the health of the elderly and public health policies for this age group. The results showed that health professionals are of great importance for the improvement, implementation and enforcement of public health policies.OuvirDescriptors:Quality of Life, Health of the Aged one, Aging. Salud Del anciano, el envejecimiento y las politicas publica de saludResumenDesde los años sesenta del siglo pasado, el término calidad de vida ha sido un referente para muchos discursos académicos, políticos, ideológicos. La preocupación por la salud de las personas de edad ha estado promoviendo el despliegue de políticas de salud pública, en busca de mayor calidad y mejores de vida mejor. El envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno que concierne a todos, no limitándose sólo a los ciudadanos mayores de 60 años. Por tanto, esta investigación a través de una revisión de la literatura destinada a informar a los profesionales de salud acerca de la salud de las personas mayores y las politicas publicas de salud para este grupo de edad. Los resultados mostraron que los profesionales de la salud son de gran importancia para el mejoramiento, aplicación y ejecución de políticas de salud pública.Descriptores: Calidad de Vida, Salud del Adulto Mayor, Envejecimiento.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-70
Lucinei Paz Torquato ◽  
Debora Berger Schmidt

Introduction: For the year 2050, the estimate is to have more than two billion people over the age of 60 worldwide. This projection of population aging highlights the importance of assessing the oral health of the elderly and, consequently, highlighting the role of public policies and the dental surgeon in health promotion in this context. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to approach the main oral changes that occur in the elderly and the importance given to this by public policies. Discussion: The literature emphasizes the national health policy of the elderly and the duty of the professional to promote the quality of life while preserving the autonomy and functional independence of the patient. Conclusion: Several public policies ensure the rights guaranteed to people aged 60 years or older regarding whole health care for the elderly. However, much needs to be done for them to benefit and have full access to this service. Therefore, it’s the dental surgeon’s responsibility to bring awareness to this reality and need.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Kirill Kosilov ◽  
Hiroki Amedzawa ◽  
Irina Kuzina ◽  
Vladimir Kuznetsov ◽  
Liliya Kosilova

Aim: The study of the impact of socio-economic, demographic factors and polymorbidity on the quality of life associated with health (HRQoL) in elderly people from Japan and Russia. Background: Factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly in both countries are poorly understood. Objective: Make a comparative analysis of factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly of both sexes in Japan and Russia. Methods: The age range in this study is 65-95 years old. For the study of HRQoL, a questionnaire Health Status Survey-Short Form 36v2 was used, including two main domains: physical and mental health. The level of polymorbidity was studied using CIRS-G. The linear regression model of the influence of variables upon HRQoL was calculated for SES, demographic characteristics, and morbidity. Results: Strong associations with HRQoL in the combined sample had a living together with relatives (r=6.94 (5.17-8.72) p<0,05), the incidence rate (r=8.50 (5.51-11.49), p<0.01) and the older age (r=5.39 (2.63-8.16), p<0,01.). The elderly inhabitants of Japan had a higher self-assessment for physical health in the age ranges 65-74 and over 85 years old (p<0.05), and a higher selfassessment of mental health at the age of 75-84 years old. Sixty-eight elderly Japanese and 48% Russians estimated their physical health as normal. Conclusion: The effect of living together, morbidity and age upon HRQoL is manifested equally strongly both among the inhabitants of Japan and among the Russians. The elderly Japanese estimate the state of physical and mental health as a whole higher than their Russian peers.

1999 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-149 ◽  
Gertrudis I.J.M. Kempen ◽  
Els I. Brilman ◽  
Adelita V. Ranchor ◽  
Johan Ormel

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 234-242
Andrzej Wieczorek

Abstract The article addresses the problem of population aging and the related problem of using and maintenance of technical means by the older persons. Such persons, as participants of the exploitation process, experience various problems. Therefore, the challenge is to adapt technical means to the needs of older people. The response of engineers to this challenge may be the technology assessment, which assumes the adoption of various achievements in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology or other social sciences as tools for their work. The proposal for such a solution is presented in the article and it is an indicator that allows you to draw conclusions about the real needs of older people. The effect of calculations with its use is the Wi characterization in the function of the human age. This characteristic complements the characteristics obtained on the basis of empirical data about the behavior of a technical mean. The article also presents the possibilities of using the discussed indicator. These include: improving the quality of life of users of technical means at various ages through rational management of company resources, improving the quality of life of users through user-centered design, exclusion from exploitation by the elderly technical means/their components based on social technology assessment, analysis and optimization of needs people of different ages, modeling the movement of older people, elimination of social exclusion of older people, improving the quality of life of people of all ages through appropriate knowledge management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Mutiara Anissa ◽  
Rinita Amelia ◽  
Nadia Purnama Dewi

Depression is a mental disorder that is often found in the elderly. Symptoms of depression in the elderly are often covered by physical symptoms. Depression in the elderly is influenced by various factors such as biology, psychology and social. Depression can further reduce the quality of life in the elderly. The study is a descriptive observational study and observed on 30 subjects were carried out on April 7, 2018. Aim of the study to determine the description of the Depression Rate in the Elderly in the Guguak Health Center Working Area District 50 Payakumbuh City. In the study, the subjects were 8 men (11.3%) and 22 women (73.3%). Theaverage subject age is 69.3. year. The highest level of education in the study subjects was high school (40%). Most patients did not have a history of other medical diseases (60%). In the study, 33.3% of the elderly were depressed. The levels of depression experienced were mild depression (23.3%) and major depression (10%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 4914-4924
Xiaohua Li ◽  
Jianbo Li ◽  
Xianchu Liu ◽  
Wenxue Tan

Objectives: At present, China’s population over 60 years old has been increasing year by year. As the problem of population aging is becoming more and more prominent, followed by a variety of health problems, which is studied. Methods: In this paper, Bayesian technology and decision tree technology are applied to the health assessment system of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular chronic diseases. Results: A health management system for chronic diseases is developed to enable health management experts to assess health according to physical examination data. Conclusion: The management of chronic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in physical examinees can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and improve the quality of life of physical examinees.

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