ENTRE VIENA E VERONA: uma estratégia para os dois mundos (1815-1822)

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  

O artigo propõe-se a estudar alguns pontos nodais da chamada ”Era dos Congressos” (1815-1822) para pensar o modo como se reconfiguraram, naquele perá­odo, as relações entre o Velho e o Novo Mundo. Especial atenção é dada á  peculiaridade vivida pela América Portuguesa, em razão da presença da Corte no Rio de Janeiro, o que possibilitava alternativas polá­ticas distintas da América Espanhola. No que se refere ao Congresso de Verona, atribuá­mos especial atenção á s negociações referentes ao tráfico negreiro e á  consolidação da monarquia constitucional.Palavras-chave: Congresso de Viena. Congresso de Verona. Chateaubriand. Escravidão. Independência. Monarquia Constitucional.  BETWEEN VIENNA AND VERONA: one strategy for two worlds (1815-1822) Abstract: The article proposes to study some nodal points of the so called "Age of Congress (1815-1822) to think how is reconfigured, in that period, the relationship between the Old and the New World. Special attention is given to the peculiarity experienced by Portuguese America, due to the Court's presence in Rio de Janeiro, which enabled different policy alternatives from those in Spanish America. With regard to the Congress of Verona, we assign special attention to negotiations regarding slave trade and the strengthening of constitutional monarchy. Keywords: Congress of Vienna. Congress of Verona. Chateaubriand. Slavery. Independence. Constitutional Monarchy.  ENTRE VIENA Y VERONA: una estrategia para los dos mundos (1815-1822)Resumen: El artá­culo propone estudiar algunos puntos de la " Era de los Congresos" (1815-1822) para analisar cómo se   reconfiguraron en ese perá­odo, las relaciones entre el Antiguo y el Nuevo Mundo. Se presta especial atención a la peculiaridad   experimentada por América portuguesa, a causa de la presencia de la Corte, en Rá­o de Janeiro, lo que permitió alternativas polá­ticas distintas   de las que experimentadas por América española. A lo que se refiere al Congreso de Verona,   atribuimos especial atención a las negociaciones referentes al comercio de esclavos y la consolidación de la monarquá­a constitucional. Palabras clave: Congreso de Viena. Congreso de Verona. Esclavitud. Independencia. Monarquá­a constitucional.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 51-81
Alexander William Salter ◽  
David J. Hebert

Tullock (2005, p. 160) notes that the perceived robust relationship between democracy and economic progress is due mostly to assumption, rather than analysis. Taking up Tullock’s challenge to consider the relationship bet - ween economic progress and other political forms, we re-assess the relation-ship between monarchy and economic progress. Our analysis specifically focuses on the possibility of a «monarchical» constitution creating the insti-tutions within which, compared to democracy, a larger social surplus can be enjoyed. After summarizing the existing conversation on monarchy vs. democracy, we outline a constitutional political economy of monarchy and apply it to the European country of Liechtenstein, which has enjoyed both rapid development and non-discriminatory governance under the kind of constitution we envision. We conclude by responding to anticipated objec-tions and proposing further avenues of inquiry on the political economy of monarchy. Key words: Constitutional Political Economy, Democracy, Efficiency, Monarchy, Liechtenstein. JEL Classification: H1, H77, P1. Resumen: De acuerdo a Tullock (2005, p. 160) la sólida relación entre demo-cracia y progreso económico descansa más en supuestos que en análisis. Tomando el desafío de Tullock de considerar la relación entre progreso eco-nómico y diversas estructuras políticas, re-evaluamos la relación entre mo-narquía y progreso económico. Nuestro análisis se enfoca específicamente en la posibilidad de una «monarquía» constitucional que crea la instituciones en las cuales, comparado con una democracia, un mayor beneficio social es posible. Luego de resumir la conversación monarquía vs. democracia, pre-sentamos una política económica constitucional de la monarquía y la apli-camos al país europeo de Lichtenstein, que ha presentado un rápido desa-rrollo y una gobernanza no discriminatoria bajo el tipo de constitución que presentamos. Concluimos respondiendo a anticipadas objeciones y pro po - niendo siguientes caminos de investigación en el tema de la economía po-lítica de la monarquía. Palabras clave: Economía Política Constitutional, Democracia, Eficiencia, Monarquía, Liechtenstein. Clasificación JEL: H1, H77, P1.

Itinerario ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-54 ◽  
Alex Borucki

The last two decades have witnessed an unprecedented expansion of knowledge about the transatlantic slave trade, both through research on specific sections of this traffic and through the consolidation of datasets into a single online resource: Voyages: The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database (hereafter Voyages Database). This collective project has elucidated in great detail the slave trading routes across the Atlantic and the broad African origins of captives, at least from their ports of embarkation. However, this multi-source database tells us little about the slave trading routes within the Americas, as slaves were shipped through various ports of disembarkation, sometimes by crossing imperial borders in the New World. This gap complicates our understanding of the slave trade to Spanish America, which depended on foreign slavers to acquire captives through a rigid system of contracts (asientos and licencias) overseen by the Crown up to 1789. These foreign merchants often shipped captives from their own American territories such as Jamaica, Curaçao, and Brazil. Thus, the slave trade connected the Spanish colonies with interlopers from England, France, the Netherlands, Portugal (within the Spanish domain from 1580 to 1640), and eventually the United States. The importance of the intra-American slave trade is particularly evident in Venezuela: while the Voyages Database shows only 11,500 enslaved Africans arriving in Venezuela directly from Africa, I estimate that 101,000 captives were disembarked there, mostly from other colonies. This article illuminates the volume of this traffic, the slave trading routes, and the origins of slaves arriving in Venezuela by exploring the connections of this Spanish colony with the Portuguese, Dutch, British, and French Atlantics. Imperial conflicts and commercial networks shaped the number and sources of slaves arriving in Venezuela. As supplies of captives passed from Portuguese to Dutch, and then to English hands, the colony absorbed captives from different African regions of embarkation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-155
Marta Maria Aragão Maciel

Resumo: O presente texto objetiva uma abordagem, no interior do pensamento de Ernst Bloch (1885/1977), acerca da relação entre marxismo e utopia: um vínculo incomum no interior do marxismo, comumente tido numa oposição inconciliável. Daí a apropriação do termo “herético” em referência ao marxismo do autor alemão: a expressão é usada não em sentido pejorativo, mas apenas para situar seu distanciamento do marxismo vulgar, bem como sua intenção de crítica radical dessa tradição. Aqui entendemos que é, em particular, por meio da relação entre marxismo e utopia que o pensamento de Ernst Bloch aparece como um projeto inelutavelmente político com vistas a uma filosofia da práxis concreta na principal obra do autor: O Princípio esperança (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. Neste livro encontramos, com efeito, a tentativa de pensar a atualidade do marxismo para o contexto do século XX, a era das catástrofes, conforme definição do historiador Eric Hobsbawm. Palavras-chave: Marxismo. Utopia. Dialética. Crítica social. Cultura.  Abstract: This paper presents an approach within the thinking of Ernst Bloch (1885/1977) about the relation between Marxism and Utopia: an unusual link within Marxism, commonly held in an irreconcilable opposition. Hence the appropriation of the term "heretical" in reference to the German author's Marxism: the expression is used not in a pejorative sense, but only to situate its distancing from vulgar Marxism, as well as its intention of a radical critique of this tradition. Here we understand that it is particularly through the relationship between Marxism and Utopia that Ernst Bloch's thought appears as an ineluctably political project with a view to a philosophy of concrete praxis in the principal work of the author: The Principle Hope (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. In this book we find, in effect, the attempt to think the actuality of Marxism in the context of the age of catastrophe - as defined by Eric Hobsbawm - that is, the long twentieth century that experienced the extreme barbarism of the concentration camp, of which the thinker in question, Jewish and Communist, managed to escape.  Keywords: Marxism. Utopia. Dialectics. Social criticismo. Culture. REFERÊNCIAS   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. O enigma da Esperança: Ernst Bloch e as margens da história do espírito. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1995.   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. Ética e utopia: ensaio sobre Ernst Bloch. 2ª edição. Porto Alegre: Movimento; Santa Cruz do Sul: EdUSC, 2006.  BICCA, Luiz. Marxismo e liberdade. São Paulo: Loyola, 1987.  BLOCH, Ernst. Filosofia del Rinascimento. Trad. it. de Gabriella Bonacchi e Katia Tannenbaum. Bologna: il Mulino, 1981.     BLOCH, Ernst. Héritage de ce temps. Trad. Jean Lacoste. Paris: Payot, 1978.  BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. I.  Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2005.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. II. Trad. br. Werner Fuchs. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. III. Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.  BLOCH, Ernst. Du rêve à l’utopie: Entretiens philosophiques. Textos escolhidos e prefaciados por Arno Münster. Paris: Hermann, 2016.  BLOCH, Ernst. Thomas Münzer, Teólogo da Revolução [1963]. Trad. br. Vamireh Chacon e Celeste Aída Galeão. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1973.  BLOCH, Ernst. L’esprit de l’utopie, [1918-1023]. Trad. fr. de Anne Marie Lang e Catherine Tiron-Audard. Paris: Gallimard, 1977.  BLOCH, Ernst. El pensamiento de Hegel. Trad. esp. de Wenceslao Roces. Mexico; Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1963.   BOURETZ, Pierre. Testemunhas do futuro: filosofia e messianismo. Trad. J. Guinsburg. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2011, p. 690.  FREUD, Sigmund. Los sueños [1900-1901]. Trad. Luis Lopez-Ballesteros et al., Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1981.  FREUD, Sigmund. A Interpretação dos sonhos. Vol. I. Trad. Jayme Salomão. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 2006.  HORKHEIMER, Max. Filosofia e teoria crítica. In: Textos escolhidos. Trad. de José Lino Grünnewald. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1980, p. 155 (Coleção Os Pensadores.). MÜNSTER, Arno. Ernst Bloch: filosofia da práxis e utopia concreta. São Paulo: UNESP, 1993.     MÜNSTER, Arno. Utopia, Messianismo e Apocalipse nas primeiras de Ernst Bloch. Trad. br. de Flávio Beno Siebeneichler. São Paulo: UNESP, 1997.  PIRON-AUDARD, Catherine. Anthropologie marxiste et psychanalyse selon Ernst Bloch. In: RAULET, Gérard (org.). Utopie-marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un système de l'inconstructible. Payot: Paris, 1976. VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Princípio esperança e a “herança intacta do marxismo” em Ernst Bloch. In: Anais do 5° Coloquio Internacional Marx-Engels. Campinas: CEMARX/Unicamp. Disponível em: <www.unicamp.br / cemarx_v_coloquio_arquivos_arquivos /comunicacoes/gt1/sessao6/Antonio_Rufi no.pdf>.  VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Marxismo e libertação: estudos sobre Ernst Bloch e Enrique Dussel. São Leopoldo: Nova Harmonia, 2010.  RAULET, Gérard (Organizador). Utopie - marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un sistème de l’inconstructible. Paris: Payot, 1976.  ZECCHI, Stefano. Ernest Bloch: Utopia y Esperanza en el Comunismo [1974]. Trad. esp. de Enric Pérez Nadal, Barcellona: Península, 1978.  

2014 ◽  
pp. 83
Sabino de Juan López

RESUMEN En el artículo se ofrece una reflexión en torno a la educación y valores. Tras una referencia a los diferentes sentidos en que se puede plantear el problema en función de la forma como se puede entender la relación entre los dos sustantivos “educación” y “valores”, la reflexión se centra en algunos problemas relacionados con los valores en cuanto contenidos de la educación. Primeramente se refiere al problema del criterio en función del cual determinar los valores de la educación, concluyendo en que el criterio no podía ser ni de carácter a priori, ni empírico, sino “sintético”. A continuación, se afronta el problema del principio, de la fuente de los valores, o la concreción del criterio de los valores de la educación, entendiendo que éstos deberían ser determinados a partir del sujeto de la educación. Se concluye con la referencia a una exigencia de los valores de la educación, la configuración de una totalidad unitaria e interactiva. Palabras clave: educación, valores, fuente de valores, integración, cultura EDUCATION AND VALUES ABSTRACT The article offers a reflection on education and values. After a reference to the different senses in which one can pose the problem in terms of how you can understand the relationship between the two nouns “education” and “values”, reflection focuses on some problems related to the values in the contents of education. First, it concerns the problem of the criterion against which to determine the values of education, concluding that the criterion could be neither a priori in nature, not empirical, but “synthetic”. Herein, the problem of principle is faced, the source of values, or the realization of the criterion of the values of education, understanding that these should be determined from the subject of education. It concludes with the reference of a requirement of the values in education, setting up a unitary and interactive whole. Key Words: education, values , power values , integration, culture

1975 ◽  
Vol 15 (59) ◽  
pp. 381-398 ◽  
Herbert S. Klein ◽  
Stanley L. Engerman

David Rex Galindo

For 300 years, Franciscans were at the forefront of the spread of Catholicism in the New World. In the late seventeenth century, Franciscans developed a far-reaching, systematic missionary program in Spain and the Americas. After founding the first college of propaganda fide in the Mexican city of Querétaro, the Franciscan Order established six additional colleges in New Spain, ten in South America, and twelve in Spain. From these colleges Franciscans proselytized Native Americans in frontier territories as well as Catholics in rural and urban areas in eighteenth-century Spain and Spanish America. This is the first book to study these colleges, their missionaries, and their multifaceted, sweeping missionary programs. By focusing on the recruitment of non-Catholics to Catholicism as well as the deepening of religious fervor among Catholics, the book shows how the Franciscan colleges expanded and shaped popular Catholicism in the eighteenth-century Spanish Atlantic world. This book explores the motivations driving Franciscan friars, their lives inside the colleges, their training, and their ministry among Catholics, an often-overlooked duty that paralleled missionary deployments. It argues that Franciscan missionaries aimed to reform or “reawaken” Catholic parishioners just as much as they sought to convert non-Christian Native Americans.

Itinerario ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-154 ◽  
P. C. Emmer

The drive towards the abolition of the slave trade at the beginning of the 19th century was not effective until the 1850s. It was perhaps the only migratory intercontinental movement in history which came to a complete stop because of political pressures in spite of the fact that neither the supply nor the demand for African slaves had disappeared.Because of the continuing demand for bonded labour in some of the plantation areas in the New World (notably the Guiana's, Trinidad, Cuba and Brazil) and because of a new demand for bonded labour in the developing sugar and mining industries in Mauritius, Réunion, Queensland (Australia), Natal (South Africa), the Fiji-islands and Hawaii an international search for ‘newslaves’ started.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-36 ◽  
Eric MacPhail

This article studies the essays of Michel de Montaigne in the context of the tradition of epideictic rhetoric from antiquity to the Renaissance, with particular attention to the humanist reception of Aristotle's Rhetoric. The focus of this attention is the relationship between epideictic and consensus, which proves to be more problematic than Aristotle seems to have anticipated. If we read Montaigne's essay “Des Cannibales” as a paradoxical encomium and compare it to Plutarch's declamation on the fortune of Alexander, we can see how epideictic works to undermine consensus and even to challenge the very impulse to conform to social and ethical norms.

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