2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-158
Elena M. Vlasova ◽  
O. Yu. Ustinova ◽  
A. E. Nosov ◽  
S. Yu. Zagorodnov

Introduction. Harmful working conditions, specific for titanium production enterprises, pose a potential risk to the workers health, and, primarily, concerning the development of respiratory pathology. Material and methods. The observation group consisted of 111 smelters of titanium alloys; the average age is 35.9 ± 2.7 years; the average term of service is 11.4 ± 6.3 years. The comparison group included 47 representatives of the enterprise administrative apparatus of the same age (37.4 ± 1.5, p> 0.05), having an average work experience of 12.8 ± 2.3 years (p> 0.05). The analysis of medical documentation, working conditions, a comprehensive survey of workers, static processing of the results was carried out. Results. Working conditions at workplaces for smelters are classified as “harmful”, the degree of harmfulness acconted of 3-4 (the class of working conditions 3.3 - 3.4). In the structure of the overall morbidity of the examined observation group, respiratory pathology ranked first and was characterized by a high degree of production causality (RR = 2.90; 95% CI = 1.81-4.64; EF = 65.49%). According to the ECHO-DKG data, 10.8% of titanium alloy smelters with 12.3 ± 3.5 years of experience had thickening of the interventricular septum, increased pressure in the pulmonary artery and the presence of right ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Discussion. Smelters have chronic catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract in the first year of operation; the activity of the pathological process increases significantly with the experience of 10 years and is accompanied by the predominance of the hyperplastic nature of inflammation with an increase in work experience of more than 10 years. Subsequently, the lower parts of respiratory tract are involved in the process. With an experience of 12.3 ± 3.5 years, reversible violations of the bronchial patency become persistent irreversible, which is accompanied by the development of basal emphysema of the lungs and morphological restructuring of the right heart. Conclusion. Because of combined long-term exposure to dust, a fine fraction and compounds of chlorine and chlorine vapor, causes the damage of the airways at all levels of the respiratory tract.

2018 ◽  
Vol 97 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Elena M. Vlasova ◽  
N. K. Voznesenskiy ◽  
V. B. Alekseev ◽  
A. A. Vorobeva

The working conditions, occupational and non-occupational risk factors, prevalence rate and peculiarities of the course of respiratory diseases in smelters of titanium alloys were studied. Working conditions of smelters are estimated as harmful (class of working conditions: 3.3-3.4.) due to factors: heating microclimate, chemicals (chlorine and hydrochloride, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide), industrial dust. A feature of the respirable dust fraction is the high content of titanium oxide particles of the PM10 dimension. There was made an analysis of the health status of workers exposed to industrial dust, depending on the length of service. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract in smelters of titanium alloys were shown to be prevalent, simple catarrhal nasopharyngitis prevails with the subsequent formation of atrophic rhinitis, its prevalence rate among smelters of titanium alloys increases with the experience. The peculiarity of the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in smelters of titanium alloys are: deterioration of nasal breathing in workers with experience of from 1 year to 5 years already, in patients with experience from 10 to 15 years the prevalence of catarrhal nasopharyngitis and atrophic rhinitis as its outcome in cases with experience from 15 to 20 years. The bronchial damage in the smelters of titanium alloys develops under the experience more than 5 years. The clinical forms are dominated by the phenomena of catarrhal bronchitis followed by obstruction of the bronchi progressing with the experience, with the formation of irreversible ventilation disorders. With the depletion of antioxidant protection, as a rule, with long duration of the exposure of up to 10 years, aseptic inflammation is formed, which is pronounced clinically as catarrhal endobronchitis. This is a partially reversible pathological process. The described features of the development and course of respiratory diseases in smelters of titanium alloys should be taken into account during periodic medical examinations in order to timely prevent them

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 347-353
Elena A. Denisova ◽  
Oksana P. Rushkevich ◽  
Olga I. Nenenko

Introduction. The development of ferruginous quartzites of the Kursk magnetic anomaly basin is accompanied by the release of dust, which affects miners. Identification of markers of preclinical pathology of the cardiorespiratory system (CRS) is relevant. Objective is to identify markers of endothelial dysfunction (ED) (endothelin-1 (ET-1), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), changes in the elastic properties of blood vessels) at the preclinical stage of the development of pathology of the cardiovascular system and pathology of the respiratory organs in workers of dust occupations with different experience. Material and methods: Medical documentation (812 persons, the period from 2008 to 2015), systematized and statistically processed. ET-1 and BNP were determined by enzyme immunoassay. The central hemodynamics was studied by the method of volumetric compression oscillometry. Results. A significant correlation was established between the prevalence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (CCC), work experience in harmful conditions, and the peculiarities of the production process, r = 0.36-0.44; r = 0.48-0.64; the development of respiratory pathology with the production process and experience, r = 0.52-0.61, r = 0.41-0.47. The structure of morbidity is mainly formed by respiratory diseases - from 5.7 % to 40%; the third rank place (7.8-10.0%) is occupied by CCC diseases. A number of the examined patients have combined cardiorespiratory pathology (CRP) - 42.4%. The changes are more typical for highly trained workers. The study revealed: an increase in the pulse wave velocity (p = 0.037); linear blood flow velocity (p = 0.029), a decrease in arterial compliance (p = 0.031) with an increase in peripheral vascular resistance (p = 0.031), signs of ED (increase in ET-1, BNP). Discussion. Changes in ET-1, BNP, elastic-elastic properties of the main vessels more often developed in highly trained workers. They manifested by the development of ED, occurring as an unfavourable factor in the early appearance and progression of bronchial obstruction followed by the formation of a chronic pulmonary heart, remodelling of the main vessels. Conclusion. The study of ED is an urgent problem for studying with the subsequent optimization of therapeutic and preventive measures at mining enterprises.

2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (9) ◽  
pp. 1015-1020
G. G. Gimranova ◽  
Lyaylya M. Masyagutova ◽  
L. G. Gizatullina

Introduction. The working conditions of workers in oil-producing industries do not exclude the negative impact of a harmful biological factor of the working environment. The combined effect of harmful and dangerous factors (noise, vibration, a complex of chemicals of varying intensity), adverse climatic and geographical conditions in the process of oil production lead to violations of the structural and functional state of the body and increase the risk of disease caused by opportunistic microorganisms. Material and methods. To study the effect of working conditions of workers engaged in oil extraction on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microorganism, an investigation of skin microbiota and microbiocenosis of the upper respiratory tract mucosa was carried out. Using the method of skin prints from the inner surface of the forearm on a plate with blood agar allowed, along with the total number of microorganisms, to determine the presence of hemolytic forms on the surface and in deep layers of the skin of oil workers. Estimate the influence of working conditions on the microbiocenosis of the upper respiratory tract and mucosal anti-infective resistance of the mucous membrane analyzed the species composition of the microbiota of the nasal mucosa and pharynx in workers, directly and indirectly engaged in oil production. Results. Studies show in workers directly involved in oil extraction, the number of microorganisms of the skin is significantly higher than that of healthy people in average by 2.0-3.6 times on the surface and 1.7-3.7 times in the deep layers. For machinists, these differences achieve 2.5-4.0 and 1.2-4.0 times, respectively, and for engineering and technical workers, 1.4-2.3 on the skin surface and 1.2-2.5 in the deep layers. For drillers, drillers’ assistants, operators, the presence of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms of 3-5 or more components on the nasal and pharyngeal polymicrobial associations is typical, and for engineers, engineers and technicians from 2-4, less often 5 components. Conclusion. The impact of occupational factors affecting workers in the process of oil extraction, contributes to the development of microbiocenosis lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. On the surface of the skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract there are a wide variety and specific structure of the microflora, specific to each of the studied groups in the workers examined.

2021 ◽  
pp. 56-61
V. M. Svistushkin ◽  
G. N. Nikiforova ◽  
A. V. Zolotova ◽  
E. S. Novtseva

Patients with complaints of coughing make up a significant percentage of doctors in various specialties. Cough is not an independent disease, in most clinical cases it is a symptom of a respiratory disease. In acute respiratory pathology, the cough is usually short-lived and stops after the eradication of the infectious agent and the relief of inflammatory changes. It is important therapeutically to provide a reduction in the duration and relief of cough, as well as the prevention of complications. An effective symptomatic agent in the treatment of coughs of various origins, including inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, are herbal preparations. The fairly widespread use of phytopreparations in clinical practice is due to their high safety, physiological action, availability and effectiveness. The pharmacological action of these drugs in respiratory infections is manifested by antiinflammatory, cytoprotective, antiviral and antioxidant effects, multifactorial improvement of mucociliary cleansing processes. One of these phytopreparations is a monocomponent syrup with expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic. The therapeutic effect of drug is explained by the presence in the composition of triterpene glycosides (saponins) from the leaves of Hedera helix . The effectiveness and safety of drug is proved by a sufficient volume of clinical studies and observations. Literature data show that Hedera helix leaf preparations significantly reduce the severity of acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract.Virtually none of the patients had severe side effects. Allergic reactions were recorded in less than 0.5% of cases, with no mention of a severe allergic reaction of the anaphylaxis type. Thus, the drug of plant origin in the form of drops can be successfully used in patients with symptoms of acute respiratory diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (5) ◽  
pp. 464-470
Olga Y. Ustinova ◽  
Nina V. Zaitseva ◽  
Vitalii G. Kostarev ◽  
Elena M. Vlasova ◽  
Alyona A. Vorobyova ◽  

Aim of the study. To analyze the patterns of the comorbidity pathology formation in employees occupied in oil production. Materials and methods. Observation group - 292 employees of the oil production enterprise (100% men). The average age was 39.4 ± 10.6 (20-65) years. Average work experience is 13.1 ± 9.6 (3-22) years. The comparison group included 65 employees working in the management of the enterprise. The average age is 40.2 ± 9.8 (20-65) years. Average work experience is 18.5 ± 9.5 (5-23) years. Observation group - 292 oil and gas production operators (OGP) - 100% men. The study involved a comprehensive research program, results analysis, and mathematical modeling. Results. It is typical for oil and gas production operators to be exposed to a complex impact of harmful production factors: industrial noise, the intensity of work, and physical overload combined with chemical factors. A prior occupational risk to the employees under mentioned working conditions was classified from low (moderate) risk to medium (significant) risk. The age of employees with developed comorbid pathology in the observation group was 31.7 ± 5.4 years, work experience in the specified working conditions was 4.6 ± 1.1 years; the age of workers in the comparison group was 35.4 ± 3.9 years, work experience was 7.4 ± 2.7 years. The results of functional studies have demonstrated a complex of abnormalities in workers with little expressed clinical symptomatology. Analysis of comorbid pathology showed an increase in n according to CIRS score, increasing the working experience among oil and gas operators. Conclusion. Comorbid pathology occurs in oil production workers within ten years of working experience under conditions of combined occupational and non-occupational factors. In the comorbid pathology development, both induced intrasystemic and intersystemic disorders significantly worsens the working life prognosis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-82
L. A. Bankovskaya ◽  
A. P. Shchekotova ◽  
N. N. Malyutina

This study is devoted to assessing the state of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract of the workers of chemical production of methanol and formaldehyde. A total of 450 workers were examined by rhinocytogram (RCH) evaluation. As a result of the study, studies have found that people with work experience of up to 10 years in the production of methanol and formaldehyde in the RCH the siggns of chronic inflammation is more likely to be detected. More experienced patients (more than 10 years of work experience) studies have found the establishment of morphological signs of protective and degenerative changes in ciliated epithelium, and there is a high degree of connection between the development of protective changes and the exposure to chemicals (RR = 2.71, etiological share, EF = 56.4%) and the development of degenerative changes (RR = 3.28, EF = 65.4%). These results are considered by the authors as the biomarkers of the development of a professionally conditioned lesion of the upper respiratory tract.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (16) ◽  
pp. 5555
B T Balamurali ◽  
Hwan Ing Hee ◽  
Saumitra Kapoor ◽  
Oon Hoe Teoh ◽  
Sung Shin Teng ◽  

Intelligent systems are transforming the world, as well as our healthcare system. We propose a deep learning-based cough sound classification model that can distinguish between children with healthy versus pathological coughs such as asthma, upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), and lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). To train a deep neural network model, we collected a new dataset of cough sounds, labelled with a clinician’s diagnosis. The chosen model is a bidirectional long–short-term memory network (BiLSTM) based on Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) features. The resulting trained model when trained for classifying two classes of coughs—healthy or pathology (in general or belonging to a specific respiratory pathology)—reaches accuracy exceeding 84% when classifying the cough to the label provided by the physicians’ diagnosis. To classify the subject’s respiratory pathology condition, results of multiple cough epochs per subject were combined. The resulting prediction accuracy exceeds 91% for all three respiratory pathologies. However, when the model is trained to classify and discriminate among four classes of coughs, overall accuracy dropped: one class of pathological coughs is often misclassified as the other. However, if one considers the healthy cough classified as healthy and pathological cough classified to have some kind of pathology, then the overall accuracy of the four-class model is above 84%. A longitudinal study of MFCC feature space when comparing pathological and recovered coughs collected from the same subjects revealed the fact that pathological coughs, irrespective of the underlying conditions, occupy the same feature space making it harder to differentiate only using MFCC features.

Balamurali B T ◽  
Hwan Ing Hee ◽  
Saumitra Kapoor ◽  
Oon Hoe Teoh ◽  
Sung Shin Teng ◽  

Intelligent systems are transforming the world, as well as our healthcare system. We propose a deep learning-based cough sound classification model that can distinguish between children with healthy versus pathological coughs such as asthma, upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), and lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). In order to train a deep neural network model, we collected a new dataset of cough sounds, labelled with clinician's diagnosis. The chosen model is a bidirectional long-short term memory network (BiLSTM) based on Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) features. The resulting trained model when trained for classifying two classes of coughs -- healthy or pathology (in general or belonging to a specific respiratory pathology), reaches accuracy exceeding 84\% when classifying cough to the label provided by the physicians' diagnosis. In order to classify subject's respiratory pathology condition, results of multiple cough epochs per subject were combined. The resulting prediction accuracy exceeds 91\% for all three respiratory pathologies. However, when the model is trained to classify and discriminate among the four classes of coughs, overall accuracy dropped: one class of pathological coughs are often misclassified as other. However, if one consider the healthy cough classified as healthy and pathological cough classified to have some kind of pathologies, then the overall accuracy of four class model is above 84\%. A longitudinal study of MFCC feature space when comparing pathologicial and recovered coughs collected from the same subjects revealed the fact that pathological cough irrespective of the underlying conditions occupy the same feature space making it harder to differentiate only using MFCC features.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 441-444
Eduard V. Sinkov ◽  

Among ENT organ diseases in patients with cystic fibrosis, chronic rhinosinusitis is leading. The respiratory epithelium lining the surface of the upper and lower respiratory tract has the same structure. And as a result, in patients with cystic fibrosis, along with the bronchial tree, the upper respiratory tract is involved in the inflammatory process, while chronic rhinosinusitis develops. Impaired drainage leads to stagnation of infected thick mucus. Timely examination and treatment of upper respiratory pathology in patients with cystic fibrosis is needed. In surgical treatment, the method of choice is extended FESS. Observation by an ENT physician and conservative treatment of polypose rhinosinusitis should be carried out throughout the life of a patient with cystic fibrosis.

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