scholarly journals Parasitosis Intestinal En Una Población De 5 A 14 Años Que Acuden A Unidades Educativas Escuelas Colegios Públicos De La Ciudad De Riobamba

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (30) ◽  
pp. 11
Sandra Noemí Escobar Arrieta ◽  
Verónica Mercedes Cando Brito ◽  
Carlos Eduardo Espinoza Chavez ◽  
Luis Elias Guevara Iñiguez

The purpose of the current research was to determine the prevalence and risk factors linked to intestinal parasites in a population aged from 5 to 14 years who attend to public schools and high schools from Riobamba city, Riobamba-Chambo district. The prospection was carried out between October and November 2015. The population studied was identified and classified according to their age, gender, and educational institution they belong to. In addition, the relation of risk factors linked to the identified parasites was estimated. For this, it was necessary to apply a coprology examination to 2020 boys, girls and teenagers. The fecal samples collected were analyzed using the fresco technique with lugol and saline solution at 0.85%. The total intestine parasite prevalence found was 35.1%. The highest parasite prevalence was detected in groups aged 5 (12.84%), in groups aged 8 (11.71%) and in groups aged 11 (11.56%), while Combatientes de Tapi Educational Unit registered a 34% in both genders. Any significant parasite difference was found among p<0.05 ages. Nine parasite types were identified with Entamoeba coli prevalence (26%) Entamoeba histolytic (9.3%), Iodamoeba bütschlii (0.8%), Giardia lambia (4.3%), Chilomastix mesnilii (0.9%), Hymenolepis nana (1.4%), Ascaris lumbricoides (0.3%) Trichuris trichiura (0.5%), Endolimax nana (1.6%), from which protozoan were the predominant, some poly parasite samples were also found, it was determined that the sample studied reflects a high prevalence of intestinal parasites.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (27) ◽  
pp. 113
Verónica Mercedes Cando Brito ◽  
Sandra Noemí Escobar Arrieta ◽  
Carlos Eduardo Espinoza Chávez ◽  
Edmundo Rodrigo Caluña Sánchez

The purpose of this current research is to determine the parasites which has the highest prevalence in the children population in regards to anemia problems in boys and girls aged from 3 to 5 years. The study sample was chosen at random. It was represented by 600 boys and girls from the initial education centers of Riobamba-Chambo district located in Ecuador. From these children, it was possible to obtain 600 stool samples and 600 blood samples that were processed through the fresco technique with lugol and saline solution at 0.85% as well as an automated hematic biometry. The result shows that the total population with parasites was 44,7%. Boys represent the highest parasite prevalence with 51,5% related to the girls with 48,5%. The most frequent parasites were: Entamoeba coli (53,18%), Giardia Lambia (18,15%), Histolytic Entamoeba (14,01%), Endolimax nana (5,42%), lodamoeba butschlii (3,50%), Chilomastix mesnili (3,18%), Hymenolepis nana (1,91), and Ascaris lumbricoides (0,65%). It was concluded that there are no significant relationship between the anemic states and the intestinal parasites on boys and girls since the percentage was 4,5%. It was suggested to the principal of the Riobamba - Chambo District of the Ministry of Education to carry out promotion, prevention, and health care campaigns directed towards the authorities and teachers of the Initial Education Centers as well as parents and their children in order to improve the hygiene and food safety habits of students.

Muhammad Faisal Afridi ◽  
Kulsoom Farhat ◽  
Zaheer Ahmed ◽  
Hajra Ahmed ◽  
Shabana Ali ◽  

Objective:  This study has been aimed to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic infections and evaluate the correlation between intestinal helminth infection and the anemia status of pre-school children in the District Skardu of Pakistan. Methodology: A community-based, descriptive, cross-sectional analysis was carried out on 300 pre-school children of the district of Skardu. Demographical data was obtained through the structured questionnaire. The stool sample was collected and examined for intestinal parasites at pathology department of healthcare facility in Skardu. Blood Hemoglobin (Hb) was measured from blood sample and anemia was defined as blood Hb <11 g/dL. The data was analyzed using SPSS. Results: Out of a total of 300 children, 161 (i.e. 53.67%) were found infected and 139 (i.e. 46.33%) were found to be infection free. The overall parasite prevalence was: Ascaris Lumbricoides (22.33%), Cryptosporidium (14%) and Hymenolepis Nana and Giardia (9.3% and 8%) respectively. The 20% preschool children infested with Ascaris Lumbricoides, 13.7% infested with Cryptosporidium, 8.0% and 7.7% infested with Giardia and Hymenolepis Nana were mostly anemic. 15.3% preschool children with no parasite infestation were also found anemic. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of these parasitic infections in the pre-school children in Skardu, where they also present with anemia. If there is a realization that these infections effect the Hb levels, then intervention programs be conducted, bringing more awareness about their control and advocating iron supplementation. Continuous....

1968 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 169-214 ◽  
Ruy Gomes de Moraes

1 - Foram examinadas as fezes de 2.666 indivíduos, operários e funcionários de duas Emprésas industriais, situadas, uma na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e outra no Estado do Rio (Brasil); 2 - Dos 2.666 indivíduos, 1941 (72.80%) estavam parasitados por um ou mais helmintos e 725 (27,20%) tinham seus exames de fezes negativos; 3 - De cada um dos 2.666 indivíduos foi feito um hemograma completo, tendo sido aproveitada a taxa de eosinófilos que, em associação com os exames de fezes, constituiu o objeto principal dêste trabalho. 4 - Na Tabela A observa-se o número de vêzes em que cada um dos vermes foi observado e seus respectivos percentuais. Embora não seja um trabalho de epidemiologia, verifica-se que 46,81% são infestados pelo Trichuris trichiura; 23,85% pelo Strongyloides stercoralis; 22,46% pelo Necator americanus e/ou Ancylostoma duodenale; 20,51% pelo Ascaris lumbricóides; 1,65% pelo Schistosoma mansoni; 0.67% pelo Enterobius vermicularis; 0,26% por Taenia solium ou T. saginata e 0,11% por Hymenolepis nana; 5 - Os exames de fezes foram feitos pelos métodos de Faust (ou de Ritchie), de Willis, de Baermann e de sedimentação; 6 - A eosinofilia anotada foi a relativa ou em seu percentual, sendo considerada hipereosinofilia uma taxa de eosinófilos igual ou superior a 5% (Eo > 5%); 7 - Foram abordados de modo conciso os fatores que provocam oscilações na eosinofilia normal tais como a idade, a raça, as horas do nictêmero, os fatores físicos, o sexo, os fatores químicos e outros; 8 - Tratou-se de modo mais extenso das diferenças entre as hipereosinofilias parasitárias e não parasitárias, tendo sido focalizada a dinâmica da eosinofilia traduzida na curva de Lavier. 9 - A distribuição dos 2.666 casos foi feita pelos diferentes graus de eosinofilia, tendo sido levantados gráficos e traçadas curvas sôbre a distribuição de cada helminto e de suas associações. 10 - Por ser necessário à explanação do assunto, foi criado o "índice eosinofilico", o qual corresponde à relação entre o número de casos de um determinado grupo com Eo > 5% e Eo < 5%. Para o total de casos positivos, ao "índice eosinofílico" denominamos "índice eosinofílico médio" em para o total dos negativos "índice eosinofílico residual"; 11 - Estabelecendo-se o "índice eosinofílico", pode-se ajuizar a capacidade eosinofilogênica de cada helminto isoladamente, bem como a de suas associações; 12 - Atenção especial foi dada aos problemas da existência da hipereosinofilia nos casos com exames coprológicos negativos para helmintos, tendo-se passado em revista vários dos aspectos biológicos que o assunto comporta; 13 - Outra questão de grande importância clínica explanada neste trabalho é a do encontro de casos de parasitismo por vermes, sem hipereosinofilia. O autor, baseado em seus dados e em outros colhidos na literatura sôbre o assunto, discute a fisiopatologia da eosinopoiese nas helmintoses e ojerece uma interpretação para êste fato ainda não defintivamente esclarecido.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-132
I Gede Gita Sastrawan ◽  
Jordaniel Setiabudi ◽  
Ni Putu Sanjiwani ◽  
Ni Komang Indriyani ◽  
Dewa Ayu Laksemi

Latar belakang: Infeksi kronis dari soil transmitted helminth (STH) dapat menyebabkan gangguan gizi, pertumbuhan dan kognitif pada anak. Untuk mengurangi dampak infeksi STH, diperlukan identifikasi faktor risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan infeksi STH pada siswa sekolah dasar di Desa Seraya Timur, Karangasem, Bali. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan mengambil total sampel. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2020. Data primer mengenai faktor-faktor risiko infeksi STH dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Diagnosis infeksi STH dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan tinja dengan metode Kato-Katz. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square untuk menentukan faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan infeksi STH. Hasil: Sebanyak 83 siswa yang berusia 6-12 tahun berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Terdapat 9 siswa (10.84%) yang terinfeksi STH dengan intensitas infeksi ringan. Sebanyak 55.56% terinfeksi Trichuris trichiura, 33.33% terinfeksi Ascaris lumbricoides dan 11.11% terinfeksi cacing tambang. Terdapat beberapa faktor risiko yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan infeksi STH diantaranya adalah sering bermain tanah (OR=6.86; 95%CI 1.326-35.494), bermain tanpa alas kaki (OR=10.5; 95%CI 1.249-88.278) tidak mencuci tangan setelah bermain tanah (OR=9.450; 95%CI 1.809-49.358) dan tidak memotong kuku secara rutin (OR=6.462; 95%CI 1.250-33.388).  Pemberian obat cacing setiap enam bulan mampu memberikan efek proteksi terhadap infeksi STH (OR=0.085; 95%CI 0.016-0.449). Kesimpulan: Kebersihan diri menjadi faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan infeksi STH. Direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan promosi kesehatan terkait kebersihan diri disamping pemberian obat cacing setiap enam bulan. Kata kunci: Faktor risiko, infeksi STH, anak sekolah dasar   Abstract   Background: Chronic soil transmitted helminth (STH) infection might cause nutritional, growth and cognitive impairment in children. Identifying the risk factors of STH infection is crucially needed to minimize the infection effects. This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with STH infections among primary school students in Seraya Timur Village, Karangasem, Bali. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with a total sampling method. The study was conducted in January 2020. Risk factors data were collected using a questionnaire. The diagnosis of STH infection was done by stool examination with the Kato-Katz method. The chi-square test was used to determine the risk factors associated with STH infection. Results: 83 students with ages ranging from 6-12 years participated in this study. There were 9 students (10.84%) whose infected with mild infection of STH. 55.56% of students were infected by Trichuris trichiura, 33.33% were Ascaris lumbricoides infections and 11.11% were hookworm infections. There were several risk factors that significantly associated with STH infection including ground’s playing (OR=6.86; 95%CI 1.326-35.494), barefoot (OR=10.5; 95%CI 1.249-88.278), did not wash hands after playing soil (OR=9.450; 95%CI 1.809-49.358) and did not routinely cut their nails (OR=6.462; 95%CI 1.250-33.388). Deworming every six months could provide a protective effect against STH infection (OR=0.085; 95%CI 0.016-0.449). Conclusion: Personal hygiene is a risk factor associated with STH infection. It is recommended to increase personal hygiene promotion besides dewormed every six months. Keywords: Risk factors, STH infection, primary school students

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Carlos Zamora Gutiérrez

Se determinó la prevalencia del enteroparasitismo en la población escolar de las instituciones educativas primarias de Nuevo Tumbes (Tumbes, Perú) y su relación con factores sociodemográficos (sexo, lugar de residencia, grado de instrucción de los padres), factores ambientales (tipo de agua de consumo, lugar de defecación, tipo de vivienda) y el rendimiento escolar, durante el año 2009. Para ello, se examinaron las muestras fecales, una por individuo, de 812 escolares (52,4 % del total), mediante las técnicas directa, con SSF y lugol, y de concentración de Ritchie.Se encontró una prevalencia global de 90,6 %. Los protozoarios detectados con sus respectivas prevalencias fueron: Entamoeba coli (43,6 %), Giardia lamblia (32,3 %) y Entamoeba hartmanni (0,5 %), y los helmintos: Hymenolepis nana (4,6 %), Strongyloides stercoralis (0,2 %); Ascaris lumbricoides (0,4 %) y Trichuris trichiura (0,2 %). La infestación mixta se presentó en 5,8 %, siendo la más común la de H. nana + E. coli (1,2 %).En relación al sexo, se encontró que el 59,7 % de alumnos y el 40,3 % de alumnas presentaron una o más especies de parásitos; que el 13,9 % de escolares parasitados residían en zonas urbanas y el resto (86,1 %) en zonas rurales; que las madres de los niños parasitados en su mayoría tenían grado de instrucción secundaria (57,3 %), al igual que los padres (59,7%); y que cuando se relacionó la prevalencia con la institución educativa, se encontró el 74,6 % en “República de Canadá”, el 72,3 % en “Perú-Japón”, el 53,8 % en “Eduardo Ávalos”, y el 48,0 % en “Fermina Campaña”Respecto a los factores ambientales, se encontró mayor prevalencia de enteroparasitismo en aquellos escolares cuya vivienda estaba construida con materiales de la región (50,4 %), que consumían agua entubada (84,0 %) y defecaban dentro del domicilio (74,0 %). Asimismo, que los escolares parasitados obtuvieron menores calificaciones que los no parasitados (p<0,05).Palabras clave: enteroparasitismo, escolares, factores sociodemográficos, factores ambientales, rendimiento académico.DOI:

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Musafer Al-Ardi

 Background: Toxoplasmosis is a disease associated with the nature of the population, domestic quality and general health culture. Toxoplasma gondii causes many healthy and psychological problems with the possibility of transmission from the mother to her fetus. The primary objective of this study is to establish a database of infection rates among the governorate's children, with the absence of a database of the parasite prevalence rate among children. Materials and method: Four hundred sixty-three serum samples from children 13 old and under  were collected during the period from 6 Jan. 2019 to 12 Dec. 2019, all of which were examined by ELISA test to detect immunoglobulin IgM and IgG. All results were analyzed by SPSS 20.  Results: The current study referred to high prevalence rates of T. gondii (23.3%), where the ratios of IgM and IgG were (4.1% and 17.9%) respectively. Compared with the present rates of immunoglobulin with gender, age, environment and animal contact. Conclusion:  Our current study registered high prevalence rates among children in Al-Qadisiyah governorate, this result represents a database of researchers and workers of health. It's the first study concerning the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in children in Al-Qadisiyah Province. 

Scire Salutis ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Marilene Aparecida Moreira ◽  
Yasmin Fernanda Nunes Viana ◽  
Gilliard Lima Lima ◽  
Tatiane Amorim de Matos ◽  
Bianca Teshima de Alencar ◽  

As parasitoses intestinais causadas por helmintos e protozoários acometem várias pessoas, as mais infectadas são as crianças em idade escolar contribuindo para o agravamento dos problemas de saúde pública, principalmente nos países subdesenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi diagnosticar parasitas intestinais provenientes de crianças de 05 a 15 anos de idade provenientes das cidades de Salvador e Paulo Afonso, Bahia - Brasil. O estudo foi realizado no período de fevereiro de 2013 a dezembro de 2014. Foram coletadas 139 amostras fecais de escolares oriundos de Salvador e 106 amostras fecais de Paulo Afonso totalizando 245 amostras. O método de sedimentação espontânea foi utilizado para os exames das amostras fecais. Os resultados dos exames revelaram que dentre os parasitas intestinais os mais frequentes nas amostras das crianças foram os protozoários Endolimax nana com 19,38%, seguido de Entamoeba coli com 10,2% e Blastocystis spp. que apresentou 8,6% do total das amostras coletadas e analisadas. No município de Paulo Afonso os protozoários Endolimax nana (12,69%), Blastocystis spp. e Giardia lamblia ambas com (10,31%) e Entamoeba coli (7,14%) foram os mais prevalentes. Os helmintos diagnosticados no município de Salvador foram Ascaris lumbricoides (9,13%), Trichuris trichiura (3,76%) e Ancilostomídeo (2,15%), já no município de Paulo Afonso os achados foram Ascaris lumbricoides (6,3%), Ancilostomídeo e Hymenolepis nana com (1,58%) e Trichuris trichiura (0,79%). Quanto a múltiplas infecções por parasitos observou-se os seguintes percentuais: monoparasitadas 31,65% oriundos de Salvador e 31,14% de Paulo Afonso; poliparasitadas com 23,05% de Salvador e Paulo Afonso com 16,98%. Em relação a frequência de enteroparasitoses por faixa etária, no município de Salvador constatou-se mais ocorrente na faixa etária de 9–11 anos com 39,04% e no município de Paulo Afonso com a faixa etária 5–7 anos com 42,85%. Em relação a frequência de parasitoses por sexo, o feminino foi o mais infectado com 28,06% na cidade de Salvador e com 25,47% em Paulo Afonso e também com o maior percentual de poliparasitismo por sexo com 53,12% em Salvador em Paulo Afonso feminino e masculino ambos com 50%. Conclui-se que nas amostras estudadas foram encontradas uma parcela considerável de crianças infectadas. Os dados sugerem a realização de pesquisas mais aprofundadas e exames de fezes de rotina com faixa etária que corresponde as crianças de 5 a 13 anos nas cidades pesquisadas, pelo alto índice de infecções neste seguimento bem como indica possíveis problemas socioeconômicos na região estudada.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Md Aminul Islam Bhuiyan ◽  
Zannatun Nahar Jhinu ◽  
Jaliluzzaman ◽  
Mandira Mukutmoni

A total of 200 stool samples were examined and five species of intestinal parasites were identified. Two of them were protozoans (Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia intestinalis) and the rest of which three species were nematode parasites (Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Strongyloids stercoralis). The overall prevalence of parasitic infection was 50%. Individually the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis, Trichuris trichiura and Strongyloids stercoralis was 25%, 13%, 6%, 3.5% and 2.5%, respectively. Patients of different age and sex had a variable degree of infection. Children aged under ten years showed the highest prevalence (73.97%) compared to other groups. Accordingly, male patients were found slightly more susceptible to the infection (50.38%) compared to the female (49.29%). People belonging to different occupation and educational qualification had various degree of infection. As expected patients who had no education and poor monthly income, showed the highest prevalence of infection, 77.77% and 90%, respectively. Personal hygiene practices of the patients had much influence on the parasitic prevalence and rate of infection. Respectively 58.82%, 91.42%, 80% and 63.55% prevalence were found among the patients who used to drink unsafe water, wash hands without soap, stay barefooted most of the time and do not trim their nails regularly. The present study supposed to reveal that socioeconomic conditions and behavioral factors may influence the prevalence of parasitic infections. Bangladesh J. Zool. 47(1): 129-136, 2019

1988 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 384-389 ◽  
Elisete Silva Pedrazzani ◽  
Dalva A. Mello ◽  
Sergio Pripas ◽  
Marta Fucci ◽  
Calógeras A. de A. Barbosa ◽  

Foi analisada a prevalência das helmintoses intestinais e suas associações com anemia, estado nutricional, renda e composição familiar em escolares de Santa Eudóxia, subdistrito de São Carlos, SP, Brasil. Foram examinadas 254 crianças: dos resultados coprológicos, 37,8% foram positivos. O parasita mais freqüente foi o Ascaris lumbricoides (12,1%), seguido de Trichuris trichiura (4,8%), ancilostomídeo (3,7%) e Hymenolepis nana (3,7%). Ocorreu maior concentração de resultados positivos na faixa de 8 a 12 anos (51,9%). Foram diagnosticadas como anêmicas 14,7% das crianças e 15% como desnutridas. Das correlações estudadas, apenas aquela entre helmintose e tamanho familiar mostrou resultado estatisticamente significante.

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