Menilai Pertimbangan Hakim dalam Memutuskan Tindak Pidana Kekerasan

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Lela Tyas Eka Prihatining Cahya ◽  
Dwi Endah Nurhayati ◽  
Dodik Prihatin AN

This writing examines the consideration of judge to the decision concerning violence case according to Article 170 KUHP (Criminal Code) and evaluates conformity of decision with the provision of Article 197 Paragraph (1) KUHAP (Criminal Procedure Code) in the case of violence happened in Mojokerto. It takes into account of the judge to decide consideration which has the consequence of a decision made by the judge void by law. It uses statute and conceptual approaches analyzed through Article 170 KUHP and Article 197 Paragraph (1) KUHAP linked to the doctrine of experts to corroborate argument from the authors. In conclusion, this research considers the statement of the judge that the defendant guilty of a criminal offense according to Article 170 Paragraph 1 KUHP does not conform with the fact in the court wherein the court it is obtained the explanation from the witness that the letter of Visum et Repertum and a statement of the defendant done are exercised by the defendants caused casualties sustained. In addition, in making decision, the judge does not refer to Article 197 Paragraph (1) letter d and h so in which the decision should be declared void by law. Keywords: Consideration of Judge, Criminal Offense, Violence

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Anak Agung Putu Surya Wiguna ◽  
I Made Sepud ◽  
I Nyoman Sujana

The protection of the rights of a criminal suspect is very important because after all the suspect is a person whose personal independence has been taken away as a result of arrest, detention, confiscation and so on. Therefore, the law is needed to guarantee the taking of rights from these suspects. The purpose of this research is to find out the arrangements for the rights of suspects (Miranda Rule) at the investigation stage in the Criminal Code Law and to discuss legal protection of the rights of suspects (Miranda Rule) at the investigation stage. This research uses a normative legal research method using a statutory approach by examining all laws related to the writing of the rights of suspects (Miranda Rule) at the investigation stage of the Criminal Procedure Code and a conceptual approach by combining expert opinions so that it becomes a researcher's argument. The results of the research show that the regulation of the rights of suspects (Miranda Rule) at the stage of investigation in the Criminal Procedure Code is suspected in Article 1 paragraph (14) of the Criminal Procedure Code for a person who due to his actions or circumstances, based on preliminary evidence, is reasonably suspected of being the perpetrator of a criminal offense, the Miranda Rule regulation applies in law. Criminal Procedure in Indonesia. Suspects. In addition, the legal protection of the suspect at the investigation stage has explicitly tried to provide protection to avoid harsh treatment of the suspect or defendant. Investigators should have followed the rules to explain the rights of suspects. Apart from that, special attention should be paid to law enforcement in Indonesia, and it is hoped that suspects must better understand their rights as suspects so that they can defend themselves.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Andri , ◽  
Supanto ,

<p>Abstract <br />This paper aims to assess the implemention of proof reversed money laundering in the case of narcotics assets is a criminal offense so seized for the stste as stipulated in law No.8 year 2010 on Prevention and eradication of money laundering and the law No.35 year 2009 on narcotics review of the Indonesian criminal justice system. This article is a normative legal research with the nature of the research is descriptive and forms of research is perspective. Approach legislation with secondary data sources such as the primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. Techniques of data collection is done by the study documents or library materials and analyzed using the methods of reasoning deduktif.Pembuktian in court in essence is the obligation of public prosecutor to convince a judge to the defendant errors projected to provide with Article 66 of the Criminal Procedure Code which states that the defendant is not burdened with evidence in the trial of what is charged to him, in addition to the testimony of the defendant alone is not enough to prove him guilty of committing acts against her, but must be accompanied by other evidence (vide Article 189 paragraph (4) criminal Procedure Code), in other words, the criminal Code does not recognize the process of proof imposed on Terdakwa.Konsep reversed evidence of money laundering in the prevention of narcotics cases whose assets are the proceeds of crime from the perspective of by investigators by the Indonesian Supreme Court Regulation No. 01 Year 2013 on the Procedures for Settlement Request handling Assets In Money Laundering Crime Or Other. Both the concept of proof of money laundering in the prevention of narcotics cases whose assets are the proceeds of crime from the perspective of criminal procedure is based on Article 77 of Law No. 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of money laundering and Article 98 of Law No. 35 of 2009 on narcotics jo PP No.40 of 2013 on the implementation of Article 44 of the narcotics Act in the management of proceeds of crime, narcotics</p><p>Keywords: Inverted proof, Criminal Procedure Law, criminal acts of money laundering (Law No. 8 of</p><p>Abstrak<br />Tulisan ini bertujuan mengaji pelaksanaan pembuktian terbalik tindak pidana pencucian uang dalam kasus narkotika yang asetnya merupakan hasil tindak pidana sehingga diramvpas untuk negara sebagaimana yang diatur dalam undang-undang No.8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pengecahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian serta undang-undang No.35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika yang ditinjau dari hukum acara pidana Indonesia dari sistem peradilan pidana Indonesia. Tulisan ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan sifat penelitian bersifat deskriptif dan bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah perspektif. Pendekatan perundang-undangan dengan sumber data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primair, sekunder dan tersier. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara studi dokumen atau bahan pustaka dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode penalaran deduktif. Pembuktian di persidangan pada pokoknya merupakan kewajiban Penuntut Umum untuk meyakinkan hakim terhadap kesalahan Terdakwa yang diproyeksikan untuk memberikan dasar-dasar yang cukup bagi hakim tentang kebenaran peristiwa yang diajukan dalam surat dakwaan. Hal ini selaras dengan Pasal 66 KUHAP yang menyebutkan bahwa Terdakwa tidak dibebani  pembuktian di persidangan terhadap  apa yang didakwakan kepadanya,  di samping itu keterangan terdakwa saja juga tidak cukup untuk membuktikan dirinya bersalah melakukan perbuatan yang didakwakan  kepadanya,  melainkan  harus  disertai  dengan  alat  bukti  lainnya  (vide Pasal  189  ayat  (4) KUHAP), dengan kata  lain  KUHAP tidak mengenal  proses  pembuktian  terbalik yang dibebankan kepada Terdakwa. Konsep pembuktian terbalik tindak pidana pencucian uang dalam penanggulangan kasus Narkotika yang asetnya hasil tindak pidana dari perspektif hukum acara pidana yakni yang pertama adalah persidangan terhadap permohonan penanganan Harta Kekayaan Dalam Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang dilakukan penyidik berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 01 Tahun  2013 Tentang Tata  Cara Penyelesaian Permohonan Penanganan Harta Kekayaan Dalam Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang Atau Tindak Pidana Lain. Kedua konsep pembuktian terbalik tindak pidana pencucian uang dalam penanggulangan kasus Narkotika yang asetnya hasil tindak pidana dari perspektif hukum  acara pidana didasarkan Pasal 77 Undang-undang No.8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan pemberatasan tindak pidana pencucian uang dan Pasal 98 Undang-Undang No 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika jo PP No.40 Tahun 2013 tentang pelaksanaan UU Narkotika pada Pasal 44 pengurusan hasil tindak pidana narkotika.</p><p>Kata kunci : Pembuktian terbalik, Hukum Acara Pidana, Tindak pidana Pencucian uang(UU No.8 Tahun 2010), Tindak Pidana Narkotika(UU No.35 Tahun 2009), Perampasan Aset Hasil Tindak Pidana.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-134
Gemaya Wangsa ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
I Wayan Arthanaya

The development of information technology and correspondence resulted in a shift in the format of print media to digital media, so that this growth was followed by the continuation of the development of a new criminal class that rode digital media in criminal acts of terrorism. This study aims to determine the regulations for the use of website evidence and the position of using website evidence in handling terrorism crimes in case number 140 / Pid.Sus / 2018 / PN.Jkt.Sel. This research uses a normative legal exploration method whose data comes from the determination related to the use of website evidence in Article 184 of the Criminal Code. The results of the research show that the determination of the exploitation of website evidence, which when based on Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, means that electronic material is not classified as an abash instructional device classification, but if it is based on statutory regulations in a special crime, the electronic evidence media has resistance as a valid evidence, this can be seen in the provisions of Article 5 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law which are reaffirmed in the provisions of Article 44 of the ITE Law. Utilization of electronic evidence in the process of evidence in court is sourced from website evidence in law enforcement for criminal acts of terrorism in the Case Number 140 / Pid.Sus / 2018 / PN.Jkt.Sel scandal. Criminal Procedure, especially Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, but has a judicial guideline that the judge cannot refuse to explore and decide the matters brought against him, provided that the law is unclear or non-existent, then the judges' rules should expose the meaning of continued and continuous law in the consortium, up to the provisions as contained in the ITE Law which regulates electronic instruction instruments as valid instruction devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Ni Made Trisna Dewi,Reido Lardiza Fahrial

Abuse in the electronic transaction because it is formed from an electronic process, so the object changes, the goods become electronic data and the evidence is electronic.  Referring to the provisions of positive law in Indonesia, there are several laws and regulations that have set about electronic evidence as legal evidence before the court but there is still debate between the usefulness and function of the electronic evidence itself, from that background in  The following problems can be formulated, How do law enforcement from investigations, prosecutions to criminal case decisions in cybercrimes and How is the use of electronic evidence in criminal case investigations in cybercrimes This research uses normative research methods that are moving from the existence of norm conflicts between the Criminal Procedure Code and  ITE Law Number 19 Year 2016 in the use of evidence.  The law enforcement process of the investigator, the prosecution until the court's decision cannot run in accordance with the provisions of ITE Law Number 19 of 2016, because in interpreting the use of electronic evidence still refers to Article 184 paragraph (1) KUHAP of the Criminal Procedure Code stated that the evidence used  Legitimate are: witness statements, expert statements, letters, instructions and statements of the accused so that the application of the ITE Law cannot be applied effectively The conclusion of this research is that law enforcement using electronic evidence in cyber crime cannot stand alone because the application of the Act  - ITE Law Number 19 Year 2016 still refers to the Criminal Code so that the evidence that is clear before the trial still refers to article 184 paragraph (1) KUHAP of the Criminal Procedure Code and the strength of proof of electronic evidence depends on the law enforcement agencies interpreting it because all electronic evidence is classified into  in evidence in the form of objects as  so there is a need for confidence from the legal apparatus in order to determine the position and truth of the electronic evidence.   Penyalahgunaan didalam transaksi elektronik tersebut karena terbentuk dari suatu proses elektronik, sehingga objeknya pun berubah, barang menjadi data elektronik dan alat buktinya pun bersifat elektronik. Mengacu pada ketentuan hukum positif di Indonesia, ada beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah mengatur mengenai alat bukti elektronik sebagai alat bukti yang sah di muka pengadilan tetapi tetap masih ada perdebatan antara kegunaan dan fungsi dari alat bukti elektronik itu sendiri, dari latar belakang tersebut di atas dapat dirumuskan masalah sebagai berikut, Bagaimana penegakkan hukum dari penyidikan, penuntutan sampai putusan perkara pidana dalam kejahatan cyber dan Bagaimanakah penggunaan bukti elektronik dalam pemeriksaan perkara pidana dalam kejahatan cyber Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yakni beranjak dari adanya konflik norma antara KUHAP dengan Undang-undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 dalam penggunaan alat bukti. Proses penegakkan hukum dari penyidik, penuntutan sampai pada putusan pengadilan tidak dapat berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016, karena dalam melakukan penafsiran terhadap penggunaan alat bukti Elektronik masih mengacu pada Pasal 184 ayat (1) KUHAP disebutkan bahwa alat bukti yang sah adalah: keterangan saksi, keterangan ahli, surat, petunjuk dan keterangan terdakwa. sehingga penerapan Undang-undang ITE tidak dapat diterapkan secara efektiv. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penegakan hukum dengan menggunakan alat bukti elektronik dalam kejahatan cyber tidak bisa berdiri sendiri karena penerapan Undang-Undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tetap merujuk kepada KUHP sehingga alat bukti yang sah di muka persidangan tetap mengacu pada pasal 184 ayat (1) KUHAP dan Kekuatan pembuktian alat bukti elektronik tersebut tergantung dari aparat hukum dalam menafsirkannya karena semua alat bukti elektronik tersebut digolongkan ke dalam alat bukti berupa benda sebagai petunjuk sehingga diperlukan juga keyakinan dari aparat hukum agar bisa menentukan posisi dan kebenaran dari alat bukti elektronik tersebut.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-110
Dadang Suprijatna

ABSTRACTPositions wrongly in Indonesia's criminal justice system was relatively less attention, and yet provide direct protection against the victim. Criminal law policy for the protection of victims of wrongful arrest of a criminal offense, used with an integral approach and balance between penal policies (penal policy) and non penal policy (non penal policy) in order to achieve the welfare of the community.  The method used in this research is a normative legal research methods descriptive analysis, which is intended to provide data as possible about a situation. In this case the intended data is data that can be used as research material, which is used to determine the various statutory provisions governing the authority of the police in restoring the good name of victims of wrongful arrests.  Rehabilitation described in Article 97 paragraph (1) as follows: "a right to obtain rehabilitation if the court acquitted or freed from all lawsuits whose decision has had permanent legal force."The consequences of the law in the case of wrongful arrests should not only for the victims be wrongly alone but ought to fulfill a sense of justice in society should also have the responsibility of police investigators alone. Legal responsibilities of law enforcement in this case that should be able to apply Article 1, point 23 of the Code of Criminal Procedure mentioned rights wrongly rehabilitation.  The conclusion of this study Accountability police investigators in arresting the suspect one of them is doing the rehabilitation of suspects, where rehabilitation is continued provision of compensation. If damages are set in the two chapters, rehabilitation arranged in one article only, namely Article 97 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Thus still expected to implementing regulations. Rehabilitation is the right person to get redress in capabilities, position and dignity and dignity given to the level of investigation, prosecution, or trial since been arrested, detained, charged, or prosecuted without reason that by law or by reason of a mistake as to the person or the law is applied.  Keywords: Clear Her, Name, False Arrest

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (9) ◽  
Tatiana H. Fomina ◽  
Volodymyr I. Galagan ◽  
Zhаnnа V. Udovenko ◽  
Serhii Ye. Ablamskyi ◽  
Yana Yu. Koniushenko

This article aims at establishing and emulating the relevant issues surrounding the detention of person presumed of committing a criminal offense outside the territory of Ukraine in respect with the provisions adumbrated by the European Court of Human Rights. The study was conducted through the prism of national legislation and the relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights. The issues of realization of the detainee's rights, including the right to protection, were considered separately. According to the results of the study, certain ways to improve the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine have been formulated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 461
Hidayat Abdulah

In the implementation of the criminal case handling a lot of things that can be done to perfect evidence is the failure by one of them is doing a separate filing (splitsing). In Article 142 Criminal Procedure Code stipulates that the public prosecutor has the authority to separate docket (splitsing) against each defendant if found lacking evidence and testimony, as well as other matters that are not included in the provisions of Article 141 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Separation of the case must be based on solely the purpose of examination. That's what makes the public prosecutor has the authority to determine the case file should be separated (splitsing) or not. The purpose for doing the separation of the case file (splitsing) is to facilitate the enforcement of the prosecutor when the court process, to strengthen the evidence for lack of evidence when the process of verification, then a criminal offense committed by the offender more than one and the same time one of these actors into the search list (DPO) which allow splitsing.Keywords: Separate Filing; The Criminal Case.

Nikolay Letelkin ◽  
Dmitry Neganov

The article examines the situationality of modern lawmaking in the field of criminal law in the context of the adoption of the federal law of 1.04.2020 No. 100-FZ «On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 31 and 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation», adopted by the State The Duma of the Russian Federation in connection with the pandemics of the Corona Virus Disеаsе 2019 (COVID-19).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-208
A. V. Boyarskaya

The subject of study is the criminal-legal basis for an expedited procedure for adopting a court ruling when the accused person agrees with the charge. These issues are relevant, since in July 2020 the substantive legal basis of the expedited procedure in Russia was changed and now this procedure can only be applied in criminal cases of small and medium gravity.The aim of this work is to study the substantive legal basis of an expedited procedure of litigation from the point of view of the changes were made to it. The author expresses the thesis that the legislators did not quite reasonably link criminal-legal grounds of the expedited procedure with the system of categories of crimes.The methodology. The author used general scientific methods (dialectical, historical, methods of formal logic, system analysis) as well as method of formal legal interpretation of Russian Criminal Code and judicial decisions of Russian courts.The main results, scope of application. The criminal and legal basis of certain criminal procedure is a package of criminal law standards, for the implementation of which a certain criminal and procedural form is intended. The parameters of the substantive basis of criminal proceedings are set with the signs that shall be indicated in the Code of Criminal Procedure and may change. It directly refers to the expedited procedure for adopting a court ruling, by Chapter 40 of the Russian Criminal Procedure Code. Initially, it was assumed that the application of this procedure is permissible in criminal cases concerning crimes the punishment for which does not exceed 5 years imprisonment in accordance with the Russian Criminal Code. The expedited court proceedings began to be applied in criminal cases concerning crimes, the punishment for which does not exceed 10 years imprisonment in accordance with the Russian Criminal Code, since 2003. The Russian Supreme Court made an attempt to reduce the application of court proceedings provided by Chapter 40 of the Russian Criminal Procedure Code in 2019. It turned out to be successful. Legislators have changed the basic criterion that determines the substantive basis for an expedited procedure for adopting a court ruling. Now the system of categories of crimes is this basis. The system of categories of crimes presented in Article 15 of the Russian Criminal Code is not stable enough and is based on a set of provisions of this Code, but the sanctions for many crimes are not scientifically and practically grounded in this Code. In addition, the classification of crimes enshrined in Article 15 of the Russian Criminal Code is based on such a criterion as the nature and degree of public danger of the crime. These categories are among the most complex in the science of criminal law.Conclusions. The use of categories of crimes as a criterion for determining the criminal legal basis of the expedited procedure for making a court decision significantly complicates the application of the expedited procedure.

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