scholarly journals „Есть ли в моей жизни такой смысл, который не уничтожался бы неизбежно предстоящей мне смертью?” Исповедальные размышления Льва Толстого о смерти

2018 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 191-203
Ludmiła Łucewicz

“Does my life have a meaning that wouldn’t be destroyed by my inevitably approaching death?” Confessional reflections on death of Leo TolstoyThe search for the meaning of life, contributing to the dramatic changes that have occurred in the philosophy and work of Leo Tolstoy, has been reflected in his Confession 1879–1882. The theme of death first appears in the third chapter of the Confession, among the episodes that represent memoirs, and then expands, occupying the main space in the IV–VII chapters. In his memoirs, trying to get a trustworthy answer to the question that tortures him, the writer uses me­thods of experiential and theoretical sciences. As a result, he comes to the conclusion that life is meaningless and creates a four-part typology. Only taking the path of “irrational knowledge” that is faith, and having experienced a deep religious understanding, he creates a doctrine that makes the sense of life.„Czy jest w życiu mem cel, któregoby nie zniszczyła nieunikniona, czekająca śmierć?” — rozmyślania Lwa Tołstoja o śmierciPoszukiwanie sensu życia, będące przyczyną kardynalnych zmian, jakie nastąpiły wświa­topoglądzie i twórczości Lwa Tołstoja, znalazło swoje odzwierciedlenie w jego Spowiedzi 1879–1882. Temat śmierci po raz pierwszy pojawia się w III rozdziale dzieła, w części mającej charakter pamiętnikarski, a następnie rozwija się, stanowiąc zasadniczą treść rozdziałów IV–VII. Pisarz, starając się uzyskać wiarygodną odpowiedź na dręczące go pytanie, w swoich rozważa­niach ucieka się do metod nauk empirycznych i spekulatywnych. W efekcie dochodzi do wnio­sku obezsensowności życia i tworzy czteroczęściową typologię. Dopiero po wejściu na ścieżkę „wiedzy nierozsądnej” — wiary, doświadczając głębokiego doznania religijnego, Tołstoj tworzy doktrynę, zgodnie z którą odnajduje sens życia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
M Ali Sofyan

The relationship between masculine and feminine is collectively constructed. Both narrative and discourse of feminism has long emerged up to the third-wave. As Foucault has been pointed out that feminism itself has constructed discourse on inequality since it departs from patriarchy. Meanwhile, patriarchy has produced a threat even though it is under the pretext of feminism. The term postfeminism is thus arises after feminism, where there are no sources of oppression that originate from patriarchy.In fact, however, the interpretation of religious arguments (Islam in particular) does not subordinate women. But on the contrary, the religious argument actually wants to make women equal to men in the society. This article offers an analysis of the relation between Islam and postfeminism based on the perspective of religious commodification. It was noted that social media played a pivotal role in raising religion to engage on a global scale.Women from the perspective of postfeminism are seen as independent subjects. Freedom, gender equality, and pluralistic representation are the starting points for postfeminist women. Soft Power owned by social media contextualizes religion (Islam) and disseminates ideas including femininity in a new method, where the religious consumption can be enjoyed every second.Indonesian (Muslim) women campaign for gender equality and postfeminism awareness that is free in all things through social media (Instagram and YouTube). This is usually done in various ways such as lectures and fashion. Religious commodification, in this case is seen when religious understanding is capitalized. This perspective finally bringing Muslim women to say that "I am beautiful for myself". Although some argue that capitalizing religion appear to be less precise, when the commodification of religion can support women's freedom.

Maria Jolanta Olszewska

Two dramas by Lucjan Rydel 'Na marne' (1895) and 'Z dobrego serca' (1897) were created during the poet’s stay in Western Europe. These pieces are a testimony to changes in his worldview and attitude to life. He left in them his youthful fascination with symbolic and mood drama modeled on Maurice Maeterlinck’s plays. The attempts to transpose these patterns were heavily criticized by his youthful works 'Matka' and 'Dies irae'. Rydel turned to realism in art. In this case, the patterns were provided by Gerhart Hauptmann and Leo Tolstoy. Na marne is based on the confrontation of two life attitudes. The Major, a former insurgent, symbolizes patriotic tradition and deed, and his grandson Adam is a decadent who has lost faith in the meaning of life. It pushes him to suicide. This drama is a warning against passivity and fatalism. 'Z dobrego serca' treats about the sacrifice of a young girl who, after her sister’s death, decides to marry a much older brother-in-law to save her family. It becomes the personification of love of human being. For Rydel, the foundation on which we should build our life is Christian values. The choice made by the poet confirms his subsequent dramas mainly written for the folk theatre of which he was the initiator and creator.

Grigoriy V. Tokarev

The article considers Leo Tolstoy's views on marriage in the evolutionary aspect. For young Leo Tolstoy, marriage and family is one of the main values. He understands them as a sphere saving a person from disharmony, despondency, sin, helping to find the meaning of life. The family is interpreted by Leo Tolstoy as the main purpose of person's life. In his early works, he builds a family model. Marriage and family for young Leo Tolstoy are considered to be the main condition for happiness. Love for the spouse is understood as a sense of respect for parents of their children. Over the years, Leo Tolstoy’s views on marriage have changed significantly. This is due to the change in Leo Tolstoy's attitude to the Church and to Church religion (by his definition), the writer's complete denial of private property, the complication of relations with his wife and children. Leo Tolstoy explains his point of view on marriage by following the true Christian teaching. Leo Tolstoy motivates the denial of marriage in the Christian way by the fact that the main purpose of a Christian is to serve God; marriage makes people serve themselves. Leo Tolstoy identifies justification by the church of the marriage with the excuse of "physical love". Leo Tolstoy considers marriage as a veiled form of fornication. However, he denied divorce because he believed that a woman left without a husband or a man without a wife would be exposed to moral decline. The author finds contradictory Leo Tolstoy's assessments of the marriage in the later work.

С.А. Демидова

Проблема смерти является ключевой как для Толстого-писателя, так и для Толстого-мыслителя. Все религиозно-философские и художественные искания Л.Н. Толстого сосредоточены на исследовании феномена существования через экзистенциальное осмысление факта умирания. Повесть «Смерть Ивана Ильича» наиболее полно и последовательно раскрывает парадоксальную танатологию Толстого: смерть одновременно и абсолютное зло, и величайшее благо; она противоположна жизни, но является неотъемлемой ее частью. «Смерть есть жизнь», – перефразирует Толстой слова древнегреческого философа, и в этом утверждении русский мыслитель дает квинтэссенцию собственной философии смерти. Ключевые слова: Л.Н. Толстой, экзистенциализм, танатология, феномен смерти, смысл жизни, свобода, любовь, добро Death is a key issue for both Tolstoy as a writer and Tolstoy as a thinker. All of Leo Tolstoy’s religious, philosophical and artistic investigations focus on the study of the phenomenon of existence through existential reflection on the fact of dying. It is Tolstoy’s story «The Death of Ivan Ilyich» that most consistently reveals the paradoxes of his thanatology. In his view, death is both an absolute evil and the greatest good; it is the opposite of life, being an integral part of it. «Death is life» – that is how Tolstoy paraphrases the words of the ancient Greek philosopher, and this statement represents the quintessence of the Russian thinker’s philosophy of death. Keywords: Leo Tolstoy, existentialism, thanatology, phenomenon of death, meaning of life, freedom, love, good

Natal’ya I. Gorodilova

The article is devoted to the analysis of the epic nature of the novel «Anna Karenina» by Leo Tolstoy. Artistic concept dedicated to the crisis era of the 1870s as the most important milestone in Russian history, the wide coverage of the events contemporary for the author, the depiction of representatives of different estates - testify to the scale of the creative task. The article examines the originality of Leo Tolstoy’s epic narrative, which is largely determined by the choice of the protagonist. Endowed with a sensitive heart and a troubled conscience, seeking his true destiny, such a man always goes the same path – from egocentrism to understanding of folkish life, realising himself as part of a common «swarm» life. Nikolenka Irteniev, Dmitri Nekhlyudov, Pierre Bezukhov are a complex reflection of Leo Tolstoy himself, each at a certain stage in his spiritual biography. In the gallery of Leo Tolstoy’s heroes, Konstantin Lyovin occupies a special place, since he reflects a writer who is on the verge of a serious worldview revolution. Understanding the biographical and artistic principles in the image of Konstantin Lyovin is given in the context of epistolary and memoir sources in the article. The story of Konstantin Lyovin with his uneasy search for the meaning of life, with religious doubts, embodied the author’s innermost thoughts repeatedly expressed by him in letters to Nikolay Strakhov. Not only the most important page of Leo Tolstoy’s biography is revealed in the fate of Konstantin Lyovin, but the fate of a person of transition time closely related to the life of the country, is planned.

Zaini Dahlan

This article aims to uncover the treasures of the yellow book in a historical perspective. The methodology used in this article is the research methodology putaka or libraryresearch.The authors conclude that there are at least three characters in the writer of the 20th century who wrote the Yellow Book. Firstly, namely Ahmad Khatib (d. 1915) Minangkabau Indonesia- -bapak Islamic reformers who also was a disciple of Sheikh Bantani Nawawi (d. 1896). Second, Kyai Mahfouz Termas (d. 1919-20). The third was Muhammad Hasyim Asy'ari (1287-1366 / 1870-1947). There are two important points to explain the position and significance of the Yellow Book in schools. The first point, the authenticity of the Yellow Book for pesantren is a reference to abortion has been unquestionable. The fact that the Yellow Book was written long ago and continues to be used from time to time indicate that the book has been verified in history. The second point, Yellow Book is very important for schools to facilitate the process of deep religious understanding so as to formulate a fresh explanation but not ahistorical about the teachings of Islam, the Qur'an and Hadith. A brief description of the tradition over the Yellow Book shows how schools as an institution needs to work hard to maintain his identity while continuing to hold the development of tradition and orientation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-115
Ida Afidah ◽  
Titin Nurhayati Ma’mun ◽  
I. Syarief Hidayat ◽  
Elis Suryani

This study is aimed to find values of the meaning of life that written by Ajengan Mama Sempur in the Book of Campaka Dilaga. This study used a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The result of this study was found that the meaning of life of a Muslim can be found through the five values that exist in the five clauses and faidah’s chapters, namely: First clause, discussing the urge to work / work for Muslims. The second clause, discussing the prohibition of doing business or doing work that is prohibited by Islam. The third clause, discussing the obligation to establish good relations with neighbors. The fourth clause, discussing the obligation of Muslims to serve and obey the legitimate government. The fifth clause, discussing the rules of ushul fiqh preventing harm is better than bringing benefit. The conclusion of this research is that the meaning of life can be found in the Sufistic values of Mama Sempur and her thoughts about the value of community life in accordance with the current conditions so as to give birth to good character.

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