scholarly journals Uczniowskie zabawy nazwami dźwięków w polskim języku

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 11-26
Halina Wiśniewska

Pupils playing with the names of sounds in the Polish languageThe article deals with sound values of the Polish language described with the idea of using them in the teaching of Polish. The author compiles a list of onomatopoeic words — nouns, verbs, interjections and idioms — suggesting ideas for exercises to be used in classroom. Teachers are en­couraged to use the linguistic material provided, rhymes, puns and linguistic jokes, which are some­times unintentional. This will enable them to move from “humour from pupils’ notebooks”, betray­ing the incompetence of not only pupils but also their teachers, to methodical playing with words.

2007 ◽  
pp. 115-124
Bogusław Nowowiejski

In the first part of the article the author justifies a large number of approximately 800 proverbs, in the strict sense of the word, which appear in the third edition of Dokładny niemiecko-polski słownik (Detailed Polish-German dictionary) by Christoph Coelestin Mrongovius from 1854, with didactic pragmatism and other requirements of the nineteenth century lexicographical workshop typical for the then translator dictionaries , including a tendency to serve an edifying purpose. The second part of the article, which is more extensive, includes conclusions coming from the analysis of the linguistic material. They imply that even though a great deal of the analyzed proverbs seem well known as they are a living element of the Polish language from the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, a contemporary user of Polish finds many of them not only completely strange and foreign but also archaic. Such a perception is influenced, among the others, by the fact that some proverbs have been completely forgotten for different reasons. Other seem hardly legible in result of their lexical composition, which includes ancient and already forgotten words or their meanings, i.e. dictionary and semantic archaisms; sometimes, past morphological and grammatical forms make a proverb seem strange for contemporary Polish people.

2009 ◽  
pp. 21-30
Magdalena Czachorowska ◽  

The article describes such comparative structures in the Polish language within which a colour is defined through direct reference to physical features of an object, which becomes a model for this colour. Similar to black and white, which were presented in the previous study, the linguistic material has been based on lexicographical sources that register both the earliest dictionary resources of the Polish language and those showing contemporary lexis. Apart from black and white, the Polish language defines other 10 colours through reference to physical features of an object. They include both primaries’ names, e.g. red, blue, or yellow, and their shades, e.g. pale blue, pink, or ginger.

2021 ◽  
pp. 683-694
Danuta Roszko ◽  
Roman Roszko ◽  

The application of theoretical contrastive analysis using an interlanguage in Polish studies Summary The article presents the methodology of theoretical contrastive analysis using an interlanguage. A parallel contrastive description is facilitated by a semantic interlanguage, which is created prior to work on the linguistic material. The article, based on the example of selected semantic meanings (units) in the category of definiteness / indefiniteness, proves the added value in Polish, which arises simultaneously from the application of theoretical contrastive analysis using an interlanguage and the exploration of the resources of the Polish-Lithuanian Parallel Corpus. The authors perform a projection of clear characteristics of Lithuanian onto Polish, thereby enriching and more precisely defining the description of exponents of the definiteness/indefiniteness semantic category in the Polish language.

LingVaria ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 135-144
Aleksandra Janowska

PROBLEMS IN THE DESCRIPTION OF OLD POLISH VERBAL DERIVATION The article discusses the problems associated with the description of verbal derivation in the earliest period of the Polish language. The type of linguistic material that was preserved, the slight amount of attestations, the lack of clarity of the context, are all responsible for the appearance of difficulties associated with the word-formative description of verbs already at the level of the separation of linguistic facts, the establishment of the formant that we are dealing with. Even greater problems are associated with the establishment of the semantic value of derivatives, and with the indication of motivation relations. The author considers the extent to which the methodology that was developed upon contemporary material may be used in research of this kind. She also points out the scholarly ‘neglected’ areas of verbal word-formation of this period.

2015 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 79-96
Ewa Siatkowska

The evolution of semantic field of marriageBased on historical and linguistic material, the article presents the evolution of marriage as institution in Poland from the pagan age until the present day, focusing above all on the function of gender roles ascribed to man and woman in this context. A recent rapid increase in changes can be observed in the Polish language. Some elements of vocabulary semantically associated with marriage have fallen into oblivion; some have been preserved as so-called “historical archaisms”, i.e. words commonly known yet not used; others have changed their meaning or emotional tone (sometimes both). Words of unaltered meaning (alterations in the form were left unexamined as they are not significant for the problems discussed in the article) are relatively few. A study of their environmental and generational frequency both in the past and at present should be conducted, impossible to be included in the article. The article is limited to the presentation of facts, leaving the assessment thereof to the readers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Barbara Mitrenga

Historical Polish Intensifiers Derived from the Old Czech přieliš This article is devoted to a historical-linguistic analysis of the equivalents of the Old Czech přieliš in historical Polish: the words bezlisz, brzezlisz, przelisz, przezlisz and przylisz. The study refers to key findings of researchers about these words, their origins and meaning. On the basis of analysis of linguistic material the author formulates conclusions about word-formation of the equivalents of přieliš in Polish, their frequency in monuments of Polish literature from the Old Polish period to the end of the sixteenth century, their meaning and status in Polish, as well as presumable causes of their disappearance from the language. The paper presents examples that confirm their functioning in monuments of the Polish language, such as Biblia królowej Zofii [Queen Sophia’s Bible] from the mid-fifteenth century and Biblia Jana Leopolity [John Leopolita’s Bible] from 1561, as well as in dictionaries of Polish. The study also considers information about Old Czech and compares parallel verses of Polish and Czech Bible translations. Dawne polskie intensyfikatory wywodzące się od staroczeskiego přieliš Artykuł poświęcony jest historycznojęzykowej analizie odpowiedników staroczeskiego přieliš, czyli wyrazów bezlisz, brzezlisz, przelisz, przezlisz i przy­lisz w dawnej polszczyźnie. Autorka przytacza najważniejsze opinie badaczy o wymienionych wyrazach, ich pochodzeniu i znaczeniu. Na podstawie ana­lizy materiału językowego formułuje wnioski dotyczące budowy słowotwór­czej staroczeskich odpowiedników přieliš w języku polskim, ich frekwencji w zabytkach literatury polskiej od staropolszczyzny do końca XVI w., znaczenia i statusu tych wyrazów w polszczyźnie, a także przypuszczalnych przyczyn ich zaniku. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady potwierdzające funkcjonowanie wspomnianych wyrazów zarówno w zabytkach języka polskiego w Biblii królowej Zofii z połowy XV w. i Biblii Jana Leopolity z 1561 r., jak i w słowni­kach języka polskiego. Ponadto autorka przywołuje informacje o staroczeskim i porównuje równoległe wersety przekładów Biblii na język polski i czeski.

1975 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-124 ◽  
Robert T. Wertz ◽  
Michael D. Mead

Typical examples of four different speech disorders—voice, cleft palate, articulation, and stuttering—were ranked for severity by kindergarten, first-grade, second-grade, and third-grade teachers and by public school speech clinicians. Results indicated that classroom teachers, as a group, moderately agreed with speech clinicians regarding the severity of different speech disorders, and classroom teachers displayed significantly more agreement among themselves than did the speech clinicians.

1980 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 169-174 ◽  
Ellen Marie Silverman ◽  
Katherine Van Opens

Kindergarten through sixth grade classroom teachers in four school districts completed questionnaires designed to determine whether they would be more likely to refer a boy than a girl with an identical communication disorder. The teachers were found to be equally likely to refer a girl as a boy who presented a disorder of articulation, language, or voice, but they were more likely to refer a boy for speech-language remediation who presented the disorder of stuttering. The tendency for the teachers to allow the sex of a child to influence their likelihood of referral for stuttering remediation, to overlook a sizeable percentage of children with chronic voice disorders, and to be somewhat inaccurate generally in their referrals suggests that teacher referrals are best used as an adjunct to screening rather than as a primary procedure to locate children with communication disorders.

1981 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-144 ◽  
Cletus G. Fisher ◽  
Kenneth Brooks

Classroom teachers were asked to list the traits they felt were characteristic of the elementary school child who wears a hearing aid. These listings were evaluated according to the desirability of the traits and were studied regarding frequency of occurrence, desirability, and educational, emotional, and social implications. The results of the groupings are discussed in terms of pre-service and in-service training.

2010 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 108-114 ◽  
Lisa M. Mellman ◽  
Laura S. DeThorne ◽  
Julie A. Hengst

Abstract The present qualitative study was designed to examine augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) practices, particularly surrounding speech-generating devices (SGDs), in the classroom setting. We focused on three key child participants, their classroom teachers, and associated speech-language pathologists across three different schools. In addition to semi-structured interviews of all participants, six classroom observations per child were completed. Data were coded according to both pre-established and emergent themes. Four broad themes emerged: message-focused AAC use, social interactions within the classroom community, barriers to successful AAC-SGD use, and missed opportunities. Findings revealed a lack of SGD use in the classroom for two children as well as limited social interaction across all cases. We conclude by highlighting the pervasive sense of missed opportunities across these classroom observations and yet, at the same time, the striking resiliency of communicative effort in these cases.

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