Dual-cured adhesive system improves adhesive properties of dentin cavities restored with a bulk-fill resin composite
Aim: To evaluate the impact of a dual-cured adhesive system on the in situ degree of conversion (DC), bond strength (BS) and failure mode (FM) of adhesive interfaces in dentin cavities restored with a bulk-fill resin composite. Methods: 4-mm-deep dentin cavities with a 3.1 C-factor were created in 68 bovine incisors (n = 17 per group). The lightcured (Scotchbond™ Universal) or the dual-cured (Adper™ Scotchbond™ Multi-purpose Plus) adhesive system was applied to the cavities, which were then restored with a bulkfill resin composite (Filtek™ Bulk Fill). In situ DC analysis was performed by means of micro Raman spectroscopy at the top and bottom interfaces. Push-out BS was measured in a universal testing machine after 24-h or 6-month water storage. FM was determined with a stereomicroscope. Data of in situ DC and BS were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (p<0.05), while the FM was analyzed descriptively. Results: The groups that received the dual-cured adhesive system showed statistically higher in situ DC and BS than those that received the light-cured adhesive system. Cohesive failure mode was the most frequent in all conditions. Conclusion: In situ DC and BS were influenced by the curing strategies of the adhesive systems with better performance of the dual-cured material.