Yield stress parameter derivation was conducted by stress-strain curve analysis on four types of grout injection leakage repair materials (GILRM); acrylic, epoxy, urethane and SPRG grouts. Comparative stress-strain curve analysis results showed that while the yield stress point was clearly distinguishable, the strain ratio of SPRG reached up to 664% (13 mm) before material cohesive failure. A secondary experimental result comprised of three different common component ratios of SPRG was conducted to derive and propose an averaged yield stress curve graph, and the results of the yield stress point (180% strain ratio) were set as the basis for repeated stress-strain curve analysis of SPRGs of up to 15 mm displacement conditions. Results showed that SPRG yield stress point remained constant despite repeated cohesive failure, and the modulus of toughness was calculated to be on average 53.1, 180.7, and 271.4 N/mm2, respectively, for the SPRG types. The experimental results of this study demonstrated that it is possible to determine the property limits of conventional GILRM (acrylic, epoxy and urethane grout injection materials) based on yield stress. The study concludes with a proposal on potential application of GILRM toughness by finite element analysis method whereby strain of the material can be derived by hydrostatic pressure. Comparative analysis showed that the toughness of SPRG materials tested in this study are all able to withstand hydrostatic pressure range common to underground structures (0.2 N/mm2). It is expected that the evaluation method and model proposed in this study will be beneficial in assessing other GILRM materials based on their toughness values.