Samsudin Samsudin

Judges' considerations often do not provide satisfaction and do not provide a sense of justice to the parties. The decision of the judge of the Religious High Court is considered the final place, although it can submit an appeal to the Supreme Court which is the highest institution in the area of ​​the religious court, so the researcher raises this title and formulates the problem that is the direction of the research. This study aims to find out how the judge's judgment and whether the judges of the Mataram High Court in determining the level of mut’ah and livelihood in the divorce case have fulfilled the principles of justice, usefulness, and legal certainty. The type of research used is qualitative research. Data collection techniques use study decisions, documentation, and interviews. In addition, the data obtained are informants' information, documentation, and are not numbers. Based on the results of the study, the results obtained are as follows: 1) The consideration of the judges of the Mataram High Court in determining mut’ah levels and iddah livelihoods on divorce cases is observing from work, income, wife who is not incoherent and also to the old wife accompany her husband in fostering a family. 2) whereas regarding the decision of the judges of the Mataram High Court in determining the level of mut’ah and livelihood of the iddah in divorce cases the principles of justice and legal usefulness has not yet been fulfilled, the judge is more focused on the principle of legal certainty and the fulfillment of rights and obligations. However, the amount determined is not in accordance with the sense of justice and certainly will not be fulfilled. In its decision, the judge saw the Law, Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), Islamic Sharia (Al-Qur'an and Hadith), Perma Number 03 of 2017, and Circular of the Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2017.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Praditia Danindra

PERAMPASAN DAN PENGEMBALIAN BARANG BUKTI ALAT ANGKUT Studies of Decision Number 14/Pid.B/2006/PN.Kgn jo Number 37/PID/2006/PT.BJM shows that the judge was correct in sentencing, but on the evidence they have different opinions. Courts of first return of the evidence to its owner, while the appeals court that the evidence seized goods for the country. This appeals court decision in accordance with the provisions of Article 78 paragraph (15) of Law Number 41 Year 1999 on Forestry, the Supreme Guide of the Technical Judicial and Court Management in 2005 and the Circular of the Supreme Court (SEMA) No. 01 Year 2008. Here the Panel of Judges to act only as an oral (funnel) laws which in French is called "He boushe de la loi." In Decision Number 44/Pid.B/2009/PN.Pbg jo Number 371/Pid/2009/PT.Smg is already really good against the imposition of the penalty or against the evidence that is returned to the beneficiary even though this decision does not match the above rules . Thus, the High Court Judges Semarang sense of justice is more priority than legal certainty.Keyword: sentencing, evidence, justice, legal certainty, illegal logging.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 267
Liana Noviyanti ◽  
Mulati Mulati

Islamic law has stated that every person of different religion cannot inherit each other, both Muslims inherit for non-Muslims and from non-Muslims inherit for Muslims, but in practice, Judges at the Supreme Court level implement mandatory wills, this is required which has been decided in the Supreme Court Decision Number. 331 / K / AG / 2018 / MA. This study aims to examine how to implement the mandatory non-Muslim wills in the Supreme Court ruling Number. 331 / K / AG / 2018 / MA based on the provisions of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), and what the Supreme Court Judges consider in implementing mandatory testaments against non-Muslims in the Supreme Court Decision Number. 331 / K / AG / 2018 / MA. This research is a normative legal research with the nature of qualitative research with the type of library research. Based on the studies that have been carried out, the Decision of the Supreme Court Number. 331 / K / AG / 2018 / MA does not include legal considerations in force in Indonesia concerning inheritance provisions and concerning the granting of an approved mandatory will set out in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). The application of mandatory wills in the Supreme Court Decision is contrary to the provisions of Islamic Law and the provisions of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). Article 209 paragraphs (1) and (2) concerning mandatory wills.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Tri Cahya Indra Permana

Undang-Undang Parpol mengatur bahwa perselisihan Parpol diselesaikan secara internal oleh Mahkamah Partai atau sebutan lain daripada itu dan secara eksternal oleh Pengadilan Negeri dan Mahkamah Agung. Substansi perselisihan yang final dan mengikat di Mahkamah Partai adalah perselisihan kepengurusan, selebihnya dapat diajukan upaya hukum ke Pengadilan Negeri dan Mahkamah Agung. Di dalam praktek, pengaturan tersebut telah menjauhkan dari rasa keadilan, kepastian hukum dan kemanfaatan, oleh karenanya sebaiknya direvisi yang mana perselisihan PAW, pelanggaran terhadap hak anggota partai politik, penyalahgunaan wewenang,  pertanggungjawaban keuangan, dan atau keberatan terhadap keputusan partai politik (termasuk keputusan untuk tidak memutuskan terhadap sesuatu hal) final dan mengikat dengan Putusan MPP. Sedangkan perselisihan kepengurusan dapat diajukan upaya hukum ke Mahkamah Konstitusi. Political parties act stipulates that a political party dispute resolved internally by the Mahkamah Partai or other designation of that and externally resolved by the District Court and the Supreme Court. The dispute substance in Mahkamah Partai which is final and binding is about organization dispute, the other can be settled in District Court and the Supreme Court. In practice, that arrangement makes the decision apart from the sense of justice, legal certainty and utility. Therefore, these rules should be revised so that the regulation of PAW, violations of the rights of members of political parties, abuse of authority, financial liability, or an objection to the decision of political parties (including the decision not to decide on something) is final and binding through Mahkamah Partai decision. While the organization disputes can be submitted to the Constitutional Court for legal action.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-135
Dewa Gede Giri Santosa

COVID-19 pandemic forced the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia to make several adjustments to the courts system of all in Indonesia, one of which was the adjustment of criminal procedural law in criminal trial proceedings. Some regulations were made related to the criminal trial proceedings in Indonesia to adjust to government policies that limit physical interaction between people. However, those regulations made by the Supreme Court also comes with challenges and problems in its implementation. This research was made using the normative legal research method, in purpose to find the changes made in the criminal trial proceedings in Indonesia due to the COVID-19 pandemic and also the challenges and problems encountered in its implementation. Through this research, several things that should be addressed for the change in the criminal trial proceedings amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia will not only accommodate the principle of expediency, but also the principles of justice and legal certainty .

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-312
Fifin Inbatun Hasanah

Abstract: This article highlights the meanings of evidence used to describe the right in front of court in the form of either testimony, witness, or variety of indications that can be used as a guideline by judge to restore the right to its owner. In line with the decision No. 84 PK/Pid/2005 that legal consideration of judex facty of the Court of Gresik, the High Court and the Supreme Court of Surabaya did not consider the result of evidence revealed at the first hearing in the Court of Gresik. A public prosecutor also could not prove who is the real shipowner based on the vessel proofs. This ruling is not appropriate because in term of proof at trial, a public prosecutor should be able to bring witnesses of the shipowner used by the defendant. This is, of course, to determine whether or not anyone who asked or ordered the defendant to do something illegal fishing by transferring, loading, and purchasing the illegal fishing. This is not in accordance with al-Qur’an chapter al-Baqarah verse 282, and al-Talâq verse 2.Keywords: Islamic law, verdict, evidence, illegal fishing. Abstrak: Pembuktian merupakan segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan yang hak (benar) di depan majelis hakim, baik berupa keterangan, saksi, dan berbagai indikasi yang dapat dijadikan pedoman oleh majelis hakim untuk mengembalikan hak kepada pemiliknya. Dalam kasus putusan Nomor: 84 PK/Pid/2005, bahwa pertimbangan hukum judex facty Pengadilan Negeri Gresik, Pengadilan Tinggi Surabaya dan Mahkamah Agung sama sekali tidak mempertimbangkan hasil pembuktian yang terungkap di persidangan tingkat pertama (Pengadilan Negeri Gresik), termasuk Jaksa Penuntut Umum sama sekali tidak dapat/tidak sanggup membuktikan siapa pemilik kapal yang sesungguhnya sesuai surat-surat bukti. Putusan ini kurang tepat, karena dalam hal pembuktian di Persidangan, seorang Jaksa Penuntut Umum seharusnya dapat menghadirkan saksi pemilik kapal yang dipakai oleh terdakwa, untuk mengetahui benar tidaknya siapa yang menyuruh dan atau memerintahkan terdakwa untuk melakukan perbuatan illegal fishing dengan mentransfer, pemuatan, dan pembelian ikan yang tidak sah. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan al-Qur’an Surat al-Baqarah ayat 282, dan surat al-Thalaq ayat 2.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, putusan, pembuktian, illegal fishing 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-90
Asih Puspo Sari

Abstract In the Criminal Code there are several differences that are the reasons for the review of theories and the application of reasons for clemency or forgiveness. The theories that form the basis of forgiveness will lead to different views. In connection with sources of clemency (Positive Criminal Law) and forgiveness (Islamic Criminal Law) have differences. Where clemency is the prerogative of the president as the temporary head of state, forgiveness can only be given by the heirs of the victim as the party who lost the victim. This study aims to find out where the justice is if the granting of pardon/ apology is given by the president with only consideration from the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, in Islamic Law also regulates the apology for the perpetrators of the crime of murder which is the right of the heirs of the victim. This research is a qualitative research with the type of research used is library research. It is said as library research or document study because this research is mostly conducted on written regulations or other legal materials which are secondary in the library. Keyword: Pardon, Forgiveness, and Crime of Murder

Arsyam Arsyam ◽  
Siti Musyahidah ◽  
Malkan Malkan

This study discusses the process of inheritance dispute resolution in the Religious Court of Palu City.  This study is a literature review study. While the approach used in this study is a normative approach, which is based on the texts of the Qur'an, Al-Hadith and a juridical approach, which is based on the compilation of Islamic law and the Law of Religion Court authority. This research data analysis method uses an inductive pattern, which is an analysis that departs from concrete facts or events in the decisions of the Religious Courts even to the Supreme court then general conclusion was drawn. This research is descriptive-analytical in nature, namely research that seeks to describe the process of resolving inheritance disputes in the Palu city religious court . Then in the analysis, the researcher tried to find the Islamic law perspective on the settlement of inheritance disputes.  The results showed that the process of inheritance dispute resolution is the same as other litigation processes through the stage of registration entered into the head of the court then the head of the court determines 3 judges in handling the case of inheritance dispute. The distribution of inheritance at the Palu Religious Court  carried out through a consensus by going through several stages in the trial channel. In that stage, it included the Palu Religious Court, then appealed to the high court until the end of the case of inheritance reached the Supreme Court. This is done in order to maintain the mutual benefit of the family suing each other.

2020 ◽  
Vol V (III) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Sadia Tabassum ◽  
Bakht Munir ◽  
Ataullah Khan Mahmood

This research article aimed to examine a leading case regarding imprisonment for non-payment of Diyat, Arsh or Daman and its associated issues contested at the Lahore High Court and the Supreme Court of Pakistan respectively in the light of qualitative research methodology. This work highlighted provisions declared by the court ineffective and directions to the government for legislation in this regard. The article also identified issues and challenges liked with the newly formulated Rules. The research at hand, examined whether or not the larger bench of the Supreme Court or the drafters of the Rules addressed the question of interest on the soft loan, which the government undertook the responsibility to be offered to the convicts who are unable to pay due to financial crisis and the same has to be received as arrears of land revenue

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Darmi Wati

Shared assets are abattoir items obtained during marriage. If the divorce of the joint property is divided in two, except for the marriage agreement. This is regulated in Article 97 Compilation of Islamic Law as a basis for legal certainty. But the fact is that the sharing of the collective shares is not in accordance with Article 97 Compilation of Islamic Law, namely the division is not divided in two as occurred in the Supreme Court decision Number 266K / AG / 2010, namely the Plaintiff / Cassation Respondent ex-husband gets ¼ (one quarter). This is the object of the author's research by reviewing the principles of legal certainty. Keywords : Sharing of Joint Assets, Principle of Legal Certainty

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 03006
Ayu Putriyanti

The Administrative Court has competence to settlement the administrative disputes. In the regulations of general election stated that election offence administrative disputes, election dispute process, adminsistrative disputes of election should be proceeded in Administrative Court, High Court of Administrative Court and Supreme Court. The existing regulations of Administrative Court do not regulates the procedural process to proceed general election administrative disputes, and the competence of Adminisitrative Court are limited. This becomes a legal gap in law enforcement and legal certainty. The issue is how the competence of administrative court to setllement the administrative dispute of general election based on the regulations.The method is juridical normative by statute approach, conceptual approach. Statute approach and conceptual approach by compared the relevant regulations.The result shows that the Administrative Court has competence to settlement the administrative dispute of general election. To give law certainty and law enforcement, the Supreme Court had legitimized some regulations to proceed the disputes settlement. The novelty is there should be a new regulation of Administrative Court consider the development and modernization.

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