scholarly journals Lesson Study dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Umum

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-88
Ahmad Munjin Nasih ◽  
Khoirul Adib

Innovation of education always becomes hot topic to be discussed from time to time because the fact shows that conventional learning methods are still used in educational institutions. Teachers are always viewed as experts who totally hold the power to transfer knowledge and give doctrines to students. The time has come to change this condition. Lesson study (LS) may be one of ways to shift such old paradigm. In that way, teachers should open their classes to be observed by anyone involved in learning process and activities. Therefore, teachers will know weaknesses and strengths of their methods. This article examines LS as an alternative model of improving professionalism of PAI teahers. The model can be aplied based on the principles of colleagues and mutual learning in order to establish a learning community through a gradual and cyclics steps.

Julia Gerhard ◽  
Peter Mayr ◽  
Sabine Seufert

The Internet not only affects various fields of business but also the educational sector increasingly. The impact of Internet technologies on the way of learning are immense. New learning scenarios arise; learning processes shift; learning methods are technologically better supported (Reeves, 1992). On a content side, it is possible to present knowledge in a network in the form of hypertexts. In addition, the participants of an educational program can benefit from a personal network developed in online supported learning communities (Paloff and Pratt, 1999). This development challenges educational institutions to find successful ways of integrating the emerging learning scenarios and learning processes. To overcome disadvantages like isolation of students, slower learning progress because of missing team spirit, or low involvement of students in the learning material, educational institutions should not just use the Internet as a new distribution channel of old learning methods, but employ the Internet’s chances to provide students with the knowledge required for a successful professional life as well as to prepare them for lifelong learning and a continuing education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-65
Rahmat Prayogi

Lesson Study adalah kegiatan kolaboratif dari sekelompok pendidik untuk secara bersama-sama: (1) merencanakan pembelajaran (plan), (2) salah seorang pendidik (disebut guru/dosen model) melaksanakan pembelajaran di depan kelas dan pendidik lain (disebut observer) mengamati jalannya proses pembelajaran (do), dan (3) melakukan refleksi atau melihat lagi (see) pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakannya, guna menemukan dan memecahkan masalah pembelajaran yang mungkin muncul. Fokus pengamatan para pendidik dalam kegiatan lesson study adalah mengamati peserta didik atau kelompok peserta didik yang saling belajar. Observer tidak hanya mengamati masalah pada diri seorang peserta didik atau kelompok peserta didik. Observer menganalisa faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab kegiatan belajar peserta didik tidak berjalan sesuai yang diharapkan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan observer serta melihat rekaman video dan evaluasi kegiatan peserta didik, guru/dosen model dapat menarik kesimpulan atas pembelajaran yang Ia laksanakan. Dengan demikian kegiatan lesson study bagi para pendidik ini akan benar-benar menjadi forum belajar untuk perbaikan pembelajaran berikutnya.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
I Gede Sudirtha

Development of a sustainable human resources is imperative to be able to overcome all the problems facing every nation in the midst of the current global competition. The passage of the Asian Economic Community (AEC), besides a new hope for the Asian countries, also have consequences on various aspects of national life. Currently produced human resource education in Indonesia has not been able to properly prepared for these conditions. College graduates still have not been able to compete well with foreign labor. Foreign workers far better prepared to compete in terms of capabilities (skills) and the mastery of the English language compared to Indonesian workers., 27 April 2015 mentions college graduates Indonesia is experiencing a dilemma, because higher education diploma degree they achieved no longer so easy to get a job guarantee. The difficulty of obtaining employment of university graduates seen from Indonesia educated unemployment rate is increasing every year. Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in August 2014, in Indonesia there are 9.5 percent (688 660 people) of the total unemployed who are alumni of the college. To prepare human resources through education, offered a solution to increase the competence of human resources (graduates of educational institutions) through the establishment of community learning (learning community) and the ongoing collaboration with various parties through the lesson Study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 133
Misnar Misnar ◽  
Asrul Karim

<p align="center">Abstrak</p><p> </p><p>Bireuen Regency needs various supports from various parties both material and moral. During the learning that took place at SD Negeri 6 Kuta Blang, the teacher was less willing to observed by other teachers. Teachers are also not ready to accept criticism from others so that the attitude to be together with others (a way of life that is related) was still not implemented in the education system. The relationship between teachers in schools and even in classrooms had not yet materialized. The learning atmosphere that was runned in the class was still less able to compete with other students, besides that there was still needed to improve the quality of educators in learning. The learning model applied by the teacher did not fully support collaborative learning. Meanwhile, there are some teachers who have implemented small groups but the purpose of learning using collaborative has not been successful. This was because lack of the teacher ability in collaborative learning. In addition, not all the teachers got the chance to attend the training related to increase the learning. Disruption of information creates a sense of injustice and trust towards fellow teachers. Circumstances like this were also increasingly creating disharmony and are not mutually related to both fellow teachers and even the principal. These things were an educational phenomenon that was happening right now in the learning process at Elementary School 6 Kuta Blang. By presenting school reforms that are based on lesson studies have produced significant results both from the learning process that involves collaborative learning that was student-centered and collegiality at school that can form a learning community based on listening to pedagogy.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: School reform, lesson study, learning community</p><p align="center"><sup> </sup></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p>Kabupaten Bireuen membutuhkan berbagai dukungan dari berbagai pihak baik itu secara moril maupun materiil. Selama ini pembelajaran yang terjadi di SD Negeri 6 Kuta Blang, kurangnya keterbukaan guru untuk bersedia membuka kelas kepada sesama guru yang lain sehingga tidak terciptanya kolegalitas sesama para pendidik. Para guru juga  belum siap untuk menerima kritikan dari orang lain sehingga sikap untuk bisa bersama-sama dengan orang lain (<em>a way of assosiated living)</em> masih belum dijalankan dalam sistem pendidikan. Hubungan untuk saling mendengarkan antar sesama guru di sekolah bahkan di ruang kelas belum terwujud. Suasana pembelajaran yang dijalankan pada saat ini para peserta didik masih kurang mampu bersaing dengan siswa lain, selain itu masih diperlukan peningkatan mutu pendidik dalam pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru belum sepenuhnya secara collaborative learning walaupun ada sebagian guru sudah menerapkan dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil tetapi tujuan dari pembelajaran yang bersifat kolaboratif belum tercapai. Hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan guru terhadap pembelajaran yang bersifat <em>collaborative learning</em>. Selain itu, tidak meratanya para guru untuk mengikuti berbagai pelatihan pembelajaran dan ada sebagian guru yang sudah mengikuti pelatihan tidak mensosialisasikan kembali kepada guru-guru yang lain. Terputusnya informasi terciptanya rasa ketidakadilan dan kepercayaan terhadap sesama guru. Keadaan seperti ini juga semakin terciptanya ketidakharmonisan dan tidak saling menghargai baik sesama guru bahkan kepada kepada kepala sekolah. Hal-hal ini merupakan fenoma pendidikan yang terjadi saat ini dalam proses pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 6 Kuta Blang. Dengan adanya reformasi sekolah yang berbasis <em>lesson study</em> telah menunjukkan hasil yang siknifikan baik dari proses pembelajaran yang bersifat <em>collaborative learning</em> yang berpusat pada peserta didik maupun kolegalitas disekolah yang dapat membentuk <em>learning community </em>berdasarkan <em>listening pedagogy</em>.</p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Reformasi Sekolah, Lesson Study, Learning Community

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Mudzanatun Mudzanatun ◽  
Agus Wiyanto ◽  
Khusnul Fajriyah

Lesson Study (LS) merupakan pembinaan profesi pendidik melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip kolegalitas dan mutual learning untuk membangun learning community. Lesson study menyediakan suatu proses untuk berkolaborasi dan merancang lesson (pembelajaran) dan mengevaluasi kesuksesan strategis. Strategi mengajar yang telah diterapkan sebagai upaya meningkatkan proses dan perolehan belajar siswa. Guru bekerja sama untuk merencanakan, mengajar, dan mengamati suatu pembelajaran yang dikembangkannya secara kooperatif. Tujuan Utama Lesson Study: Meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang materi ajar, Meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pembelajaran, Meningkatkan kemampuan mengobservasi aktivitas belajar, Meningkatkan hubungan kolegalitas, Meningkatkan hubungan antara pelaksanaan pembelajaran sehari-hari dengan tujuan jangka panjang yang harus dicapai, Meningkatkan motivasi belajar, baik guru maupun siswa untuk selalu berkembang, Meningkatkan kualitas rencana pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Kegiatan Guru (KKG), Lesson Study, Sekolah Dasar

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-91
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Roro Eko Susetyarini ◽  
Wahyu Prihanta ◽  
Firdiani Yuliana

The main task of the teacher in the learning process is to lead participants to achieve their learning goals. Thus, teachers are required to always improve the quality of their learning, one of which is through the Lesson Study Learning Community (LS-LC). The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of the Lesson Study Learning Community in SD (Sekolah Dasar-Primary School) Junrejo I, in “the 24-hour clock” material. This qualitative research employed a single case study and explained it naturally. The respondents were one teacher and 28-second graders. There were three stages in the implementation of lesson study, namely: plan, do and see. The data collection technique were using documentation and unstructured interview. The data were analyzed in a quantitative and qualitative description. The findings in the planned activity were the collaboration of teachers and lecturers in innovating and creating chapter and lesson design of “the 24-hour clock” material, considering the characteristic of students. In the open class (do the activity), the students were conducting discussions and observations. During learning, the students were comparing digital and non-digital clocks while lecturers and teachers were observing the learning process. In the seen activity, the observation result from teachers and lecturers were revealed. The implementation of Lesson Study Learning Community in grade II SD Junrejo I, on the material "24 hour time" had been going well. But the results shown that students were able to understand the material as much as 60%, students were able to collaborate in groups 45%, student’s expression was happy, excited, motivating, and cheerful, as much as 90%. It needs replanning with changes in seating arrangements, group arrangements, and group members

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Rina Wahyuni

Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mendeskripsikan persepsi dosen model dalam efektivitas menerapkan lesson study learning community (LSLC), serta proses monitoring dan evaluasi dalam pelaksanaan LSLC pada proses pembelajaran. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan kualitatif. Informan ditentukan dengan teknik purposive dan snowball sampling. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Data penelitian yang terkumpul selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan pola interaktif Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana, meliputi: pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi LSLC sangat efektif dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya kolaborasi antar dosen model dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, perkembangan tingkat keprofesionalan dosen dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan sehingga berdampak pada kualitas pembelajaran yang lebih optimal. Selain itu, proses monitoring dan evaluasi oleh tim pengembang LSLC pada tingkat fakultas juga menambah keefektifan LSLC dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Abstract: This research was conducted to describe the perception of model lecturers in the effectiveness of implementing the lesson study learning community (LSLC), as well as the monitoring and evaluation processes in implementing the LSLC in the learning process. This research using a qualitative approach. Informants were determined by purposive technique and snowball sampling. The data collection process was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The collected research data were then analyzed using the interactive patterns of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, including: data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of LSLC was very effective in improving the quality of learning. This is evidenced by the collaboration between model lecturers in carrying out the learning process, the development of the professional level of the lecturers in implementing learning has increased significantly so that it has an impact on the quality of learning that is more optimal. In addition, the process of monitoring and evaluation by the LSLC development team at the faculty level also adds to the effectiveness of LSLC in improving the quality of learning. References: Chong, W. H., & Kong, C. A. (2012). Teacher Collaborative Learning and Teacher Self- Efficacy: The Case of Lesson Study. Journal of Experimental Education, 8(3), 263– 283. Hendayana, S. (2007). Lesson Study Suatu Strategi untuk Meningkatkan keprofesionalan Pendidik, Bandung: FPMIPA UPI dan JICA. Muntaqo & Masruroh. (2016). Lesson Study dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma’arif Kejiwan Wonosobo. Belajar: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 1(2), 125-144. Shahren, A., & Khalid, M. (2001). Mathematics Teachers’ Perception of Lesson Study as a Continuous Professional Development Programme. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia 2011, 34(1), Page 67 – 89. Tadanugi. (2015). Efektivitas Lesson Study dalam Pembelajaran Matematika. Jurnal KIP, 4(2), 887-894. Turmudi. (2009). Landasan Filsafat dan Teori Pembelajaran Matematika: Berparadigma Eksploratif dan Investigatif. Jakarta Leuser Cita Pustaka. Widiyanto. (2018). Revitalisasi Komunitas Pembelajaran dengan Lesson Study dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran. Inopendas Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan, 1(1), 16-28.  

Chusnal Ainy ◽  
Shoffan Shoffa ◽  
Sandha Soemantri

Abstrak Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK) sudah sepatutnya memperhatikan mutu pendidikan lembaganya berupa kualitas dosen dalam memahami dan menyampaikan materi serta kualitas perkuliahan dalam cara penyampaian materi yang baik, pemilihan metode yang tepat, serta mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi aktif. Peningkatan kualitas perkuliahan telah banyak dilakukan namun masih belum banyak hasilnya. Untuk itulah Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UMSurabaya) perlu melakukan penelitian berkaitan dengan peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran tersebut. Salah satu upaya untuk memenuhi peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran  tersebut adalah dengan melakukan penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Lesson Study (LS) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dosen dan kualitas pembelajaran dalam mata kuliah Kalkulus I.  Lesson Study (LS) merupakan suatu model pembinaan profesi pendidik yang melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif, berkelanjutan, dan berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip kolegialitas yang saling membantu dalam belajar untuk membangun komunitas belajar. Lesson study adalah suatu model pembinaan profesi pendidik dalam rangka mewujudkan prestasi dan atmosfer akademik secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip kolegialitas dan mutual learning untuk membangun learning community.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tentang bagaimana pelaksanaan Lesson Study (LS), bagaimana peningkatan kemampuan dosen, serta bagaimana peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran pada perkuliahan mata kuliah Kalkulus I. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah gabungan antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kuantitatif menggambarkan kondisi nyata data yang diteliti, sedangkan data kualitatif menjadi pelengkap data kuantitatif yang bertujuan mempelajari dan mendeskripsikan fenomena-fenomena yang diperoleh dari lapangan. Subjek penelitian adalah dua puluh sembilan orang mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan mata kuliah Kalkulus I tahun akademik 2015-2016. Dosen yang terlibat dalam tim kelompok bidang keahlian sebanyak empat orang. Observer dirangkap oleh tim KBK yang tidak menjadi dosen model. Dosen model yang ditunjuk adalah salah satu anggota tim KBK secara bergantian yang ditentukan dalam musyawarah.Setelah melalui 3 siklus proses pembelajaran, Lesson Study (LS) memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan. Peningkatan pembelajaran dan peningkatan penguasaan dosen pada setiap siklus terlihat dari hasil kuesioner kepuasan mahasiswa. Dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 218, sedangkan dari siklus 2 ke siklus 3 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 291. Peningkatan juga terlihat dari hasil tes dan ketuntasan yang dicapai oleh lebih dari 65% mahasiswa.   Abstract The Institute of Teacher Education should pay attention to the education quality of its institutions in the form of lecturer quality in understanding and delivering the material and the quality of lectures such as good material delivery, selection of appropriate methods, and how to involve students actively participate in the learning process. Much improvement in the quality of lectures has been done but there are still not many results. For this reason, Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) Mathematics Education Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UMSurabaya) needs to conduct research related to improving the quality of learning. This study used Lesson Study (LS) to improve the ability of lecturers and the quality of learning in Calculus I. Lesson Study (LS) is a model of educator professional development through the study of collaborative and sustainable learning, based on the principles of collegiality that help each other to build a learning community. Besides, it is also conducted to realize academic atmosphere and achievements collaboratively and sustainably based on collegiality principles and mutual learning to build learning community.This study aims to describe how the implementation of Lesson Study (LS), how to improve the ability of lecturers, and how to improve the quality of learning in the course of Calculus I. The approach used in this study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative data illustrates the real conditions of the data under study, while qualitative data complements quantitative data which aims to study and describe phenomena obtained from the field. The research subjects were 29 students who enroll Calculus I in the academic year 2015-2016. Four lecturers in the Expertise Group Team were involved. The Observer was held by the team which did not become a lecturer model. The appointed lecturer is one of the members of the team alternately specified in the deliberation.After going through 3 learning process cycles, Lesson Study (LS) has a significant impact. Improved learning and increased mastery of lecturers in each cycle can be seen from the results of the student satisfaction questionnaire. From cycle 1 to cycle 2 there was a score increase of 218, while from cycle 2 to cycle 3 it increased by 291. The increase was also seen from the results of tests and completeness achieved by more than 65% of students. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1
Achmad Hilal Madjdi ◽  
Atik Rokhayani

High spirit in enhancing teaching learning process in the framework of Lesson Study does not always show high performance in the overall management of the learning community. Big- unpredictable obstacles appeared in each stages and need certain reflection and specific treatment to cope with. In other words, it is really interesting to implement Lesson Study but, on the other hands, several phenomena appeared beyond the theory of Lesson Study it self. This paper tries to uncover the obstacles of the practice of implementing Lesson Study to improve teaching learning process of TEAL (Teaching English as an Additional Language) class in the English Department of University of Muria Kudus. Stages of teaching learning process was done in the concept of Lesson Study: Planning, Doing, and Reflecting. These stages were implemented with the main purpose to switch what the so called teacher centered learning to students centered learning. There are many obstacles appeared during teaching learning activity of “Lesson Study” of TEAL. Most of them dealed with how the colleques of the teacher take the role as members of learning community who hopefully played important role in developing the concept of teachng learning and material development. The second obstacles had something to do with the learning habit of the students which has been established in mood of being good listener in the classroom. The third obstacles worked in the session of reflection where it seemed difficult for some of the involved person to portrait the real problem in lesson study class.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Rulik Setiani

Untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan terutama ditingkat perguruan tinggi STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi dibutuhkan upaya dan usaha tenaga pendidik atau dosen yang dapat memperbarui dan meningkatkan pembelajaran agar hasil belajar meningkat. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh para dosen, yaitu dengan menerapkan lesson study karena lesson study merupakan suatu proses kolaboratif atau model pembinaan profesi pendidik melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip kolegalitas dan mutual learning. Untuk membangun learning community dilakukan tiga tahapan, yaitu plan, do, dan see. Dalam tahap plan dosen model menyampaikan lesson design yang sudah dirancang sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran pada mata kuliah vocabulary development program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris semester satu kelas A. Dosen model menyiapkan lembar kerja mahasiswa untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman terhadap materi yang sudah dipelajari.  Pada tahap do melalui model pembelajaran TAI, dosen menyuruh mahasiswa untuk membentuk kelompok beranggotakan 3 sampai 4. Dosen menjelaskan materi pembelajaran, setelah itu setiap mahasiswa pada masing-masing kelompok diberi lembar kerja yang pada awalnya mereka harus mengerjakanya masing-masing dan kemudian mereka dapat berdiskusi dengan sesama anggota kelompoknya. Jika mereka sudah selesai, dosen mengecek hasil kerjanya dengan cara mahasiswa mempresentasikanya ataupun juga dengan dibahas bersama-sama. Dosen jaga memberi apresiasi pada setiap kelompok yang dapat menjawab dengan benar, pada tahap ini dosen lainnya sebagai pengamat mengamati kegiatan mahasiswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Tahap yang terahir, yaitu see, pada tahap ini dosen model beserta para dosen lain atau para pengamat  dipandu dengan moderator menyampaikan temuan-temuan selama proses pembelajaran dan memberikan saran.Hal ini bertujuan untuk perbaikan agar proses pembelajaran pada tahap berikutnya lebih baik dan meningkat.

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