2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Rute Saraiva

A regulação dos meios de comunicação social baseia-se em três pilares: liberdade de expressão, direito à informação e necessidade de limites para acautelar o respeito dos direitos fundamentais. Em caso de conteúdos violentos que coloquem em perigo a dignidade humana e o correto desenvolvimento da personalidade dos jovens, o enquadramento jurídico português apresenta soluções de hétero-, co- e autorregulação que aceitam uma abordagem precaucionaria para proibir programas agressivos.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Media; Violência; Heterorregulação; Co-regulação; Autorregulação. ABSTRACT Regulation of media is based in three pillars: freedom of speech, the right to information and the need of boundaries to assure the respect for fundamental rights. In the matter of refraining violent contents in the media which might endanger human dignity and the correct development of youngsters’ personality, the Portuguese legal framework presents solutions from hetero-, co- and self-regulation that accept a precautionary approach to ban aggressive programs.      KEYWORDS: Media; Violence; Hetero-regulation; Co-regulation: Self-regulation.     RESUMEN La regulación de los medios de comunicación se basa en tres pilares: la libertad de expresión, el derecho a la información y la necesidad de límites para asegurar el respeto de los derechos fundamentales. En el caso de los contenidos violentos que ponen en peligro la dignidad humana y el correcto desarrollo de la personalidad de los jóvenes, el marco jurídico portugués presenta soluciones de hétero-, co- y autorregulación que aceptan un enfoque precautorio para prohibir programas agresivos.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Media; Violencia; Hetero-rregulación; Corregulación; Autorregulación.

2015 ◽  
pp. 1737-1762
John Ubena

This chapter provides a critical analysis of the legal framework for access to information particularly information held by government in Tanzania. The analysis intends to establish whether the existing Right To Information (RTI) legal framework and ICT development in Tanzania facilitates universal and requisite access to government information. In order to do that, the chapter utilises a literature review to understand contemporary trends in both theory and practice. In addition, journal articles, books, reports, case law, and pieces of legislation focusing on RTI are visited to obtain deeper insights in the topic under scrutiny. The findings indicate that, despite Tanzania's efforts to embrace democracy virtues, good governance, and technology, the country lacks adequate legal framework to facilitate universal access to government information and ensure that the Right To Information (RTI) is observed in all the socio-economic contexts. To rectify this problem, there is need to enact the RTI law with clear focus of encouraging access to government information. Although two bills (the Media Service Bill [MSB] and the 2011 RTI) are currently being debated, it is not clear yet when they will become law and subsequently practiced.

Cristina Pauner Chulvi

La aplicación indiscriminada de la normativa sobre el derecho a la protección de datos de carácter personal a los medios de comunicación puede suponer una restricción excesiva de la libertad de información, uno de los elementos más característicos del patrimonio jurídico de las sociedades democráticas. En el intento de lograr un equilibrio entre ambos derechos fundamentales, el régimen europeo en materia de protección de datos —la actual Directiva 95/46/CE y la Propuesta de Reglamento General de Protección de Datos— contemplan la denominada excepción periodística que autoriza a los Estados miembros a establecer limitaciones a la aplicación de determinadas disposiciones. El presente artículo analiza el concepto y alcance de la mencionada excepción en las normas europeas y en las legislaciones de los Estados miembros que, en transposición de la Directiva, han incorporado el reconocimiento de la excepción periodística.Indiscriminate application to the media of the rules on the right to data protection may cause excessive restriction of freedom of information, one of the most characteristic items of the legal heritage of democratic societies. In an attempt to strike a balance between the two fundamental rights, the European legal framework for the protection of personal data — the current Directive 95/46/EC and the proposed General Data Protection Regulation — provide for the so-called journalism exemption which allows Member States to establish exemptions to the application of certain provisions. This article analyses the concept and scope of this exemption in the European regulations and in the legislation of the Member States which have transposed the Directive into their national law and have thus incorporated recognition of the journalism exemption.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-130
Alina Gentimir

The article examines, in a comparative perspective, both legal framework of the European Union and Council of Europe and case law of the Court of Justice of European Union and European Court of Human Rights in order to highlight superior level of the right to a healthy environment European protection. The multitude of concepts related to the environmental protection and their connections require compulsory conceptual delimitations. As other international and regional organizations, the European Union expresses interest in environmental protection, consecrating to it numerous legal instruments, the most relevant of these, in terms of human rights, being the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in which (Article 37) is provided expressly that environmental protection is a fundamental right, unlike the Council of Europe where this right is recognized only as an indirect right. Affiliation of this right to a certain category of rights – global rights, solidarity rights or individual or collective rights – has been a source of both doctrinal and jurisprudential disputes. Genuine interdependence with other fundamental rights such as the right to life, the right to private and family life, right to property and right to information ensues from the substance of the right to protection of the environment. The presentation of the principles which outline the content of the right in discussion emphasizes that the Charter text was drafted in accordance with the latest developments in the field of normative and jurisprudential environment established at international, regional and national levels, respectively, in interaction with the principle of sustainable development. Finally, an analysis of the most frequent modalities of environmental degradation contributes to find proper mechanisms for a better guarantee of the respect of environmental protection as a fundamental right.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-137
Lilian Molina ◽  
Guillermo Santa María ◽  
Arturo Clery

El derecho de la información ha sido descrito por los estudiosos del tema y la doctrina como un modo especial de manifestación del hombre, que es la comunicación, forma natural de relación, individual o social, que el derecho acota para elevarla a la categoría de relaciones jurídicas; por lo que el derecho de la información deriva del derecho que el hombre tiene de manifestarse con los demás y parte de la necesidad natural de interactuar con el grupo al que pertenece. El derecho de la información ha sido considerado como el conjunto de normas jurídicas que tienen por objeto la tutela, reglamentación y delimitación del derecho a obtener y difundir ideas, opiniones y hechos con carácter de noticiables, es decir, con trascendencia pública; es el conjunto de normas jurídicas aplicables al proceso informativo, lo que incluye entre otros elementos al régimen jurídico de los medios de comunicación, al estatuto profesional de los comunicadores, a los derechos de autor de quienes generan información, etc. El derecho de la información representa la rama del Derecho que comprende el conjunto de normas jurídicas reguladoras de la actividad informativa y de la tutela efectiva del derecho a las libertades de información, en la forma en que se reconocen y quedan constitucionalmente establecidas.Abstract The right of information has been described by scholars and doctrine as a special mode of manifestation of man, which is communication, natural form of relationship, individual or social, that the right narrows to raise it to the category of relationship legal; so the right to information derived from the right that man has to manifest itself with others and part of the natural need to interact with the group to which it belongs. The right of information has been considered as the set of legal rules aimed at the protection, regulation and delimitation of the right to obtain and disseminate ideas, opinions and facts with character noticiables, ie, with public significance; is the set of legal rules applicable to the reporting process, including inter alia the legal status of the media, the professional status of journalists, to the copyright of those who generate information, etc.. The right of information represents the branch of law that covers all the legal rules governing the transmission of information and the effective protection of the right to freedom of information, how they are recognized and are constitutionally established.

Yolanda Fernández Vivas

El trabajo que aquí presentamos tiene por objeto el análisis del régimen jurídico de los medios de comunicación en el Reino Unido —prensa, radio y televisión, pública y privada, así como las autoridades de supervisión y control—, que se caracteriza por ser un sistema basado en los principios de independencia, imparcialidad y autorregulación, y cuyo modelo de radiotelevisión pública (la BBC) constituye una referencia en la prestación del servicio público de radiodifusión.This essay analyzes the legal framework for the media in the UK — press, radio and television both public and private, as well as the supervisory authorities — which is based on the principles of independence, impartiality and self-regulation, and whose model of public broadcasting (BBC) is the most relevant reference in public service broadcasting.

John Ubena

This chapter provides a critical analysis of the legal framework for access to information particularly information held by government in Tanzania. The analysis intends to establish whether the existing Right To Information (RTI) legal framework and ICT development in Tanzania facilitates universal and requisite access to government information. In order to do that, the chapter utilises a literature review to understand contemporary trends in both theory and practice. In addition, journal articles, books, reports, case law, and pieces of legislation focusing on RTI are visited to obtain deeper insights in the topic under scrutiny. The findings indicate that, despite Tanzania's efforts to embrace democracy virtues, good governance, and technology, the country lacks adequate legal framework to facilitate universal access to government information and ensure that the Right To Information (RTI) is observed in all the socio-economic contexts. To rectify this problem, there is need to enact the RTI law with clear focus of encouraging access to government information. Although two bills (the Media Service Bill [MSB] and the 2011 RTI) are currently being debated, it is not clear yet when they will become law and subsequently practiced.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 540
Michele Monfardini Negrini ◽  
Júlia Monfardini Menuci ◽  
Raquel Sawitzki Callegaro

O presente artigo propõe uma discussão sobre a cidadania e a sociedade atual, colocando em tela questões sobre a manipulação da democracia pelas classes mais altas e como o direito à informação pode modificar isso. Na busca incessante para concretizar a democracia de massas elenca-se a dignidade humana como matéria principal de análise. O tema da realização da cidadania e a germinação da democracia de massas no Estado Democrático de Direito pode ser efetivado com a informação do sujeito social a partir da mídia. Somente com a informação será possível tirar o indivíduo da zona de desconhecimento do corpo social.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cidadania. Democracia de massas. Dignidade Humana. Informação.   ABSTRACT: This article proposes a discussion on citizenship and modern society, putting on screen questions about the handling of democracy by the upper classes and how the right to information can change it. In the endless quest to achieve mass democracy lists to human dignity as the main raw analysis. The theme of the achievement of citizenship and germination of mass democracy in Law Democratic State can be effected with the social subject information from the media. Only with the information you can get the individual's ignorance area of ​​the social body.   KEY WORDS: Citizenship. Mass democracy. Human dignity. Information. RESUMEN: En este artículo se propone una discusión sobre la ciudadanía y la sociedad moderna, que pone en pantalla las preguntas sobre el manejo de la democracia por las clases altas y la forma en que el derecho a la información puede cambiarlo. En la búsqueda sin fin de lograr listas democracia de masas a la dignidad humana como el principal análisis crudo. El tema de la consecución de la ciudadanía y la germinación de la democracia de masas en la Ley Estatal Democrática se puede efectuar con la información sujeto social de los medios. Sólo con la información que puede obtener el área de la ignorancia del individuo del cuerpo social. PALABRAS CLAVE: Ciudadanía. Democracia de Masas. La Dignidad Humana. Información.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 888-908
Jens Peter Singer

The legal framework of the parliamentary right of interpellation and the executive’s obligation to respond to these questions has traditionally been a field of contention between the government and the opposition . The Federal Constitutional Court has recently issued several decisions that have again concretized and expanded this framework . The number of parliamentary questions, which has been high for decades, has once more reached a new dimension in the current Bundestag’s legislative period and has led to demands for a legal limitation . Its feasibility is constitutionally controversial . The right to information under press law competes with the parliamentary right to ask questions and the executive’s obligation to respond . There is no legal claim of the questioner to be the first to use the answer in the media . However, it is good practice within a parliamentary system for the government not to thwart this practice .

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 624
Vanessa Matos Santos ◽  
Victor Pereira Albergaria

Esta pesquisa consiste no estudo de caso entre as coberturas da morte do ator mexicano Roberto Gómez Bolaños, o “Chespirito”, feitas pelo canal FOROtv, pertencente ao conglomerado de mídias mexicano Televisa, e pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão. O aspecto cultural merece especial destaque e, por meio da problematização das distinções existentes entre a morte (substantivo) e o morrer (verbo), o presente estudo demonstra que as coberturas da mídia nestes casos se fazem a partir da relevância da personagem para a identidade do público. Conclui-se, por meio do estudo de caso, que ocorreu o ofuscamento do sujeito (Roberto Bolaños) em detrimento da personagem (Chespirito). A cobertura sobre o morrer de Chespirito serviu, na verdade, para reafirmar sua vida e presença na mídia.     PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Morte; Morrer; Roberto Bolaños; Chespirito; Cobertura de mídia; Televisão.     ABSTRACT This research is the case study of the coverage of the death of Mexican actor Roberto Gómez Bolaños "Chespirito" made by FOROtv, news channel belonging to the Mexican media conglomerate Televisa, and the Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão. The cultural aspect deserves special attention, and through the questioning of existing distinctions between death (noun) and the die (verb), this study shows that media coverage in these cases are made from the importance of the character to the identity of the public. So, through the case study, the conclusion is that ocurred the obscuring of the subject (Roberto Bolaños) at the expense of the character (Chespirito). The coverage of the death of Chespirito served actually to reaffirm his life and presence in the media.   KEYWORDS: Death; Dying; Roberto Bolaños; Chespirito; Media coverage; Television.     RESUMEN Esta investigación es el estudio de caso de la cobertura de la muerte del actor mexicano Chespirito, el "Power Board", realizado por el canal FOROtv perteneciente al conglomerado de medios Televisa de México, y el Sistema Brasileño de Televisión. El aspecto cultural merece una atención especial y, a través de preguntas de las diferencias existentes entre la muerte (sustantivo) y la matriz (verbo), este estudio muestra que la cobertura de los medios de comunicación en estos casos se hace de la importancia del carácter de la identidad el público. En conclusión, a través del estudio de caso, que se oscurece el sujeto (Roberto Bolaños) a expensas de carácter (Chespirito). La cobertura de la muerte de Chespirito sirve en realidad para reafirmar su vida y su presencia en los medios de comunicación.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Muerte; morir; Roberto Bolaños; Chespirito; la cobertura de los medios de comunicación; Televisión.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Felipe Lazzari da Silveira

Partindo do pressuposto que a mídia possui grande influência sobre os indivíduos, e que ao veicular notícias sobre crimes de forma excessiva, muitas vezes sob um viés sensacionalista, dissemina o medo e a insegurança no tecido social, o presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar de que modo a mídia se relaciona com o sistema penal, bem como o papel que desempenha na dinâmica que enseja o seu recrudescimento.Resumen: Partiendo de la suposición de que los medios de comunicación ejercen gran influencia en los individuos, y que al transmitir excesivamente noticias sobre crímenes - a menudo a partir de un sesgo sensacionalista - siembran el miedo y la inseguridad en el tejido social, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar el modo por lo cual los medios de comunicación se relacionan con el sistema penal, así como el rol que desempeñan en la dinámica que posibilita su endurecimiento. Palabras clave: Medios - Crimen - Miedo - Sistema Penal  Abstract: Assuming that the media has the ability to influence people , and to convey news about crimes excessively, often in a sensationalist bias , spreading fear and insecurity in society , this paper aims to identify how the media relates to the criminal justice system , and the role it plays in the dynamics that gives rise to its expansion. Keywords: Media – Crime – Fear – Criminal System

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