2018 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Francisco de Aquino Júnior

RESUMO: A celebração dos 50 anos da Conferência de Medellín (1968) coincide com os 5 anos de ministério pastoral do papa Francisco (2013). Essa coincidência cronológica é uma ocasião privilegiada para explicitar e destacar a coincidência teológico-pastoral entre ambos. Ela ajuda a compreender melhor tanto o processo de renovação eclesial desencadeado por Francisco, quanto a atualidade do dinamismo eclesial desencadeado por Medellín. O texto começa destacando a importância de Medellín e de Francisco na Igreja e na sociedade. Explicita a perspectiva teológico­-pastoral fundamental de ambos. E indica, a partir dessa perspectiva, alguns dos principais desafios com os quais a Igreja é confrontada hoje em sua missão evan­gelizadora: desafios que dizem a respeito à compreensão e configuração da Igreja e sua missão (eclesiologia) e aos apelos e exigências que brotam de nossa situação histórica atual (sinais dos tempos).ABSTRACT: The 50 years celebration of the Conference of Medellin (1968) coin­cides with the 5 years of Pope Francis’ pastoral ministry (2013). This chronological coincidence is a prime occasion to clarify and emphasize the theological-pastoral coincidence between both. It helps to understand better the process of ecclesial renewal triggered by Francis and the current relevance of the ecclesial dynamism, unleashed by Medellin. First, the text highlights the importance of Medellin and of Francis in the Church and in society. It then explains the fundamental theological/pastoral perspective of both. And, from that perspective, it addresses some of the major challenges the Church is faced with today in her mission of evangelization: challenges regarding the understanding and setup of the Church and her mission (Ecclesiology), and the appeals and demands that spring from our present historical situation (signs of the times).

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Francisco de Aquino Júnior

RESUMO: A celebração dos 50 anos da Conferência de Medellín (1968) coincide com os 5 anos de ministério pastoral do papa Francisco (2013). Essa coincidência cronológica é uma ocasião privilegiada para explicitar e destacar a coincidência teológico-pastoral entre ambos. Ela ajuda a compreender melhor tanto o processo de renovação eclesial desencadeado por Francisco, quanto a atualidade do dinamismo eclesial desencadeado por Medellín. O texto começa destacando a importância de Medellín e de Francisco na Igreja e na sociedade. Explicita a perspectiva teológico­-pastoral fundamental de ambos. E indica, a partir dessa perspectiva, alguns dos principais desafios com os quais a Igreja é confrontada hoje em sua missão evan­gelizadora: desafios que dizem a respeito à compreensão e configuração da Igreja e sua missão (eclesiologia) e aos apelos e exigências que brotam de nossa situação histórica atual (sinais dos tempos).ABSTRACT: The 50 years celebration of the Conference of Medellin (1968) coin­cides with the 5 years of Pope Francis’ pastoral ministry (2013). This chronological coincidence is a prime occasion to clarify and emphasize the theological-pastoral coincidence between both. It helps to understand better the process of ecclesial renewal triggered by Francis and the current relevance of the ecclesial dynamism, unleashed by Medellin. First, the text highlights the importance of Medellin and of Francis in the Church and in society. It then explains the fundamental theological/pastoral perspective of both. And, from that perspective, it addresses some of the major challenges the Church is faced with today in her mission of evangelization: challenges regarding the understanding and setup of the Church and her mission (Ecclesiology), and the appeals and demands that spring from our present historical situation (signs of the times).

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 (292) ◽  
pp. 865-885
Antonio José de Almeida

O artigo tem como ponto de partida a questão da mudança de época em que a Igreja é chamada a realizar, hoje, sua vida e missão; aponta as dificuldades teológicas e canônicas geradas pela eclesiologia “inacabada” do Vaticano II; e, finalmente, sugere reformas que, coerentes com os horizontes eclesiológicos abertos pelo Concílio e com as interpelações que vêm dos “sinais dos tempos”, certamente ajudariam a Igreja, no século XXI, a ganhar credibilidade no testemunho de Cristo e de seu Reino, a serviço da vida e da esperança dos homens e das mulheres de todos os povos e culturas, sobretudo dos pobres e esquecidos. Escrito no final do ano de 2012, após o Congresso de São Leopoldo, passou por algumas atualizações, à altura da revisão final, em setembro de 2013, dado o novo contexto criado pelo pontificado do Papa Francisco. Abstract: The present article has as a starting point the fact that the Church is now asked to carry out its life and mission in a different era; it points to the theological and canonical difficulties generated by the “unfinished” ecclesiology of the Vatican II; and finally, it suggests some reforms that - consistent with the ecclesiological horizons opened by the Council and with the challenges that come from “the signs of the times” - would certainly help the Church in this 21st century to gain credibility in the testimony of Christ and of His Kingdom, at the service of the life and hope of the men and women from all peoples and cultures and in particular of those who are poor and forgotten. Written in the last months of 2012, after the Congress in São Leopoldo, Brazil, it went through some updating at the time of the final revision in September 2013, given the new context created by Pope Francis’ pontificate.Keywords: Catholic Church. Ecclesiology. Signs of the Times. Reform.

Ecclesiology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-237
Sigrid Müller

Abstract Pope Francis’ way of doing ecclesial ethics is not easy to understand at first glance. It is often unconventional and does not meet the expectations of the faithful who do not wish to see changes in the church, nor does it satisfy those who want rapid change. But if we look more closely at how the Pope understands the church, his approach to ecclesial ethics seems to derive naturally from that. The following contribution aims to show how Pope Francis’ ecclesiology determines his approach to ecclesial ethics. To this end, it will (1) summarize important characteristics of his ecclesiology: the sensus fidelium and synodality; its orientation towards pastoral ministry, the focus on unity in plurality and its process-orientation. From there, it will show which cornerstones for ecclesial ethics can be derived from this ecclesial perspective, namely (2) with respect to formal characteristics and (3) with regard to its content.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 149-163
Jeffrey S. Kirch

Both Pope Francis and Robert Schreiter recognize that the world has been profoundly affected by conflict, globalization, and the breakdown of relationships on multiple levels. They also assert that the Church must address these situations. The ecclesiologies of both Schreiter and Francis offer effective tools for this work. This article will examine several key, shared concepts within their ecclesiologies. Specifically, their understandings of the missionary nature of the Church and their robust understanding of catholicity prove to be key concepts in the Church's response to a world marred by sin.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Madalena Meyer Resende ◽  
Anja Hennig

The alliance of the Polish Catholic Church with the Law and Justice (PiS) government has been widely reported and resulted in significant benefits for the Church. However, beginning in mid-2016, the top church leadership, including the Episcopal Conference, has distanced itself from the government and condemned its use of National Catholicism as legitimation rhetoric for the government’s malpractices in the fields of human rights and democracy. How to account for this behavior? The article proposes two explanations. The first is that the alliance of the PiS with the nationalist wing of the Church, while legitimating its illiberal refugee policy and attacks on democratic institutions of the government, further radicalized the National Catholic faction of the Polish Church and motivated a reaction of the liberal and mainstream conservative prelates. The leaders of the Episcopate, facing an empowered and radical National Catholic faction, pushed back with a doctrinal clarification of Catholic orthodoxy. The second explanatory path considers the transnational influence of Catholicism, in particular of Pope Francis’ intervention in favor of refugee rights as prompting the mainstream bishops to reestablish the Catholic orthodoxy. The article starts by tracing the opposition of the Bishops Conference and liberal prelates to the government’s refugee and autocratizing policies. Second, it describes the dynamics of the Church’s internal polarization during the PiS government. Third, it traces and contextualizes the intervention of Pope Francis during the asylum political crisis (2015–2016). Fourth, it portrays their respective impact: while the Pope’s intervention triggered the bishops’ response, the deepening rifts between liberal and nationalist factions of Polish Catholicism are the ground cause for the reaction.

Horizons ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-305
Lieven Boeve

ABSTRACTThe Church has the duty in every age of examining the signs of the times and interpreting them in the light of the gospel, so that it can offer in a manner appropriate to each generation replies to the continual human questionings on the meaning of this life and the life to come and on how they are related. There is a need, then, to be aware of, and to understand, the world in which we live, together with its expectations, its desires and its frequently dramatic character (Gaudium et spes 4).

Exchange ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 209-237
Stan Chu Ilo

Abstract This essay argues for a participatory synodal Church and the possible contributions of the African palaver as a model for participatory dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church. The African palaver is the art of conversation, dialogue, and consensus-building in traditional society that can be appropriated in the current search for a more inclusive and expansive participatory dialogue at all levels of the life of the Church. I will develop this essay first by briefly exploring some theological developments on synodality between the Second Vatican Council and Pope Francis and some of the contributions of the reforms of Pope Francis to synodality in the Church. Secondly, I will identify how the African palaver functions through examples taken from two African ethnic groups. I will proceed to show how the African palaver could enter into dialogue with other new approaches to participatory dialogue for a synodal Church.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Gerardus Rahmat Subekti

The article deals with pastoral care for family according to Amoris Laetitia. The author’s concern is to discuss the pastoral steps for the families in the face of crisis situations: What kind of pastoral steps can be organized to assist families in crisis situations? This article is based on the study of ecclesial document Amoris Laetitia, a post-synodal apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis addressing the pastoral care of families. First of all, the article describes the basic thoughts of this document, especially those related to the reality and ideals of family life. Then, it shows some practical pastoral thoughts for assisting families in special situations. The results can be a significant contribution for the Church in terms of its important duties and responsibilities in assisting the families today, but also for family pastoral activists. This description concludes that the crisis situation faced by families is not a fact to be constantly regretted, but an opportunity for the Church to show God's mercy to those who are struggling in difficult situations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-111
Roedy Silitonga

The church is present on earth as an extension of the presence of the kingdom of God among humanity. The church is always present to respond to the conditions and situations of the times in a variety of challenges and temptations. But the church always sided with God's sovereignty and will govern and control everything, including the pandemics experienced by humans on this earth. The Church, currently dealing directly with the Covid-19 pandemic, which has worldwide, and its spread is so massive, and its impact is so wide in various sectors of life. The church was sent to bring the peace of Christ in truth and love. That is why the church responds to the appeal of the Government and health protocols from WHO by carrying out church services at home. Worship at home is not an attempt to establish a house church as a new institution. Worship at home is a form of faith that is responsible for the lives of fellow humans, and at the same time as an expression of love for others. Home worship is a service that is held based on the worship and liturgy of a church institution, where the congregation is part of its members. Principles and mechanisms of worship at home are regulated in such a way that using all available and available digital equipment and technology. The important and most important thing in conducting worship at home is that the congregation continues to truly worship the Triune God, sing praises to God, pray, and the peak and center is to listen to the word of God through preaching live (live streaming) or in recorded form or in printed form.

Vox Patrum ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 291-315
Jan Iluk

In 1CorHom, edited in the autumn and winter of 392 and 393 AD, John Chrysostom found a natural opportunity to return to his numerous utterances on the role of love in the lives of people. Obviously, the opportunity was the 13“ chapter of this Letter - The Song of Love. Among his works, we will find a few more smali works which were created with the intention of outlining the Christian ideał of love. Many of the contemporary monographs which were devoted to the ancient understanding of Christian „love” have the phrase „Eros and Agape” in their titles. In contemporary languages, this arrangement extends between sex and love. Both in the times of the Church Fathers (the 4th century AD) and currently, the distance between sex and love is measured by feelings, States and actions which are morę or less refined and noble. The awareness of the existence of many stops over this distance leads to the conviction that our lives are a search for the road to Agape. As many people are looking not so much for a shortcut but for a shorter route, John Chrysostom, like other Church Fathers, declared: the shortest route, because it is the most appropriate for this aim, is to live according to the Christian virtues that have been accumulated by the Christian politeia. There are to be found the fewest torments and disenchantments, although there are sacrifices. Evangelical politeia, the chosen and those who have been brought there will find love) - as a State of existence. In the earthly dimension, however, love appears as a causative force only in the circle of the Christian politeia. Obviously, just as in the heavenly politeia, the Christian politeia on earth is an open circle for everyone. As Chrysostom’s listeners and readers were not only Christians (in the multi-cultural East of the Roman Empire), and as the background of the principles presented in the homilies was the everyday life and customs of the Romans of the time, the ideał - dyam] - was placed by him in the context of diverse imperfections in the rangę and form of the feelings exhibited, which up to this day we still also cali love. It is true that love has morę than one name. By introducing the motif of love - into deliberations on the subject of the Christian politeia, John Chrysostom finds and indicates to the faithful the central force that shaped the ancient Church. This motif fills in the vision of the Heavenly Kingdom, explains to Christians the sense of life that is appropriate to them in the Roman community and explains the principles of organised life within the boundaries of the Church. It can come as no surprise that the result of such a narrative was Chrysostonfs conviction that love is „rationed”: Jews, pagans, Hellenes and heretics were deprived of it. In Chrysostonfs imagination, the Christian politeia has an earthly and a heavenly dimension. In the heavenly politeia, also called by him Chrisfs, the Lord’s or the

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