2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Bhian Ananda Javanica Rubiyanto ◽  
Marjono Marjono ◽  
Baskoro Adi Prayitno

<p>The research is aimed to improve higher order thinking skills students at class X IPA of SMA through the implementation of discovery learning model on the ecosystem subject. This research was a classroom action research which consists of two cycles. Each cycle contains four phases which were planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subjects were students at class X IPA of SMA totaling 32 students. The data collecting techniques of this research were using test method obtained through essay test, and nontest method obtained through observation, interview, and documentation. The primary data is advanced higher order thinking skill of students with Bloom revised taxonomy to analyzing, evaluating, and creating measured using essays in accordance researchers any material indicators of ecosystem. The Data validate of this research were triangulation method. Analysis of data using qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The Target of research is to increase the higher order thinking skill’s students ≥25. The increase in higher order thinking skills results by the increasing student achievement of the average score of aspects of higher order thinking skills students were: 1)aspect analyzing of 52.66 with the moderate criteria of being at base line be 66.98 with the moderate criteria of being in the cycle I, then the the cycle II into 80,52 with a high criteria, 2)evaluating aspects of 45.83 with low criteria on base line be 64.17 with the moderate criteria of being in the cycle I, then on the cycle II into 73.96 with moderate criteria, and 3)creating aspects of 50,31 with the moderate criteria of being at base line be 68,49 with the moderate criteria of being in the cycle I, then on the cycle II into 76,35 with high criteria. Implication of discovery learning can increase the high order thinking skills students in base line, Cycle I and Cycle II. The score of test each aspect of higher order thinking skill aspect were: 1)analyzing increased by 27,86, 2)evaluating an increase of 28,13 from, and 3)creating increased by 26,04. This conclusion was implementation of discovery learning could improveas much as ≥25 of high order thinking skills students at class X IPA of SMA.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords : higher order thingking skill, discovery learning</p>

Fahrurrozi Fahrurrozi ◽  
Nila Hayati ◽  
Sri Supiyati ◽  

Kegiatan ini dilatar belakangi oleh hasil laporan mahasiswa tentang kondisi pembelajaran matematika dilapangan khususnya didaerah pesisir pantai labuhan haji, selain itu juga hasil kajian dan analisis beberapa dosen tentang fenomena ramainya siswa mengeluh dengan dimunculnya soal-soal kategori high order thinking skill (HOTS) pada ujian nasional tahun 2018 sehingga dirasa perlu untuk dilakukan pendampinga mengenali dan menyelesaikan Soal UN Matematik Kategori HOTS di MTs NW dan MA NW Selayar Kec. Sakra Timur. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini 1) membantu siswa dan siswi MTs NW dan MA NW Selayar dalam mengenal dan menyelesaikan soal UN matematika kategori HOTS, 2) memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada beberapa mahasiswa tentang kondiri riil pendidikan di pesisir pantai Labuhan haji, dan 3) memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk melatih diri dalam berogranisasi dan mengajarkan konsep matematika dengan benar. Proses kegiatan ini meliputi 1) perencanaan, 2) pelaksanaan, dan 3) evaluasi dengan tim dosen dan mahasiswa dan pembuatan laporan. Hasil pendampingan program ini adalah 1) yayasan dan dewan guru merasa terbantu dalam memberikan pemahaman matematika yang benar kepada siswa, 2) 80% mahasiswa dapat mengenali soal UN Matematika kategori HOTS dan 65% dapat menyelesaikannya, dan 3) mahasiswa merasa percaya diri dan lebih semangat lagi untuk belajar karena diberikan kesempatan langsung merasakan bagaimana permasalahan dan pembelajaran di kelas. Dengan dilakukan pendampingan, kemampuan siswa MTs dan MA NW Selayar menyelesaikan soal UN Matematika berbasis HOTS mengalami peningkatan dari sebelumnya

Lilik Huriyah ◽  
Muhammad Fahmi ◽  
Rohaizan Baru ◽  
Wahyu Ilaihi

Input sumber daya manusia di perguruan tinggi dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (High Order Thinking Skills, HOTS) yang meliputi kemampuan menganalisis, mengevaluasi dan mengkreasi materi. Dengan demikian, keberadaan tes masuk perguruan tinggi menjadi salah satu intrumen penting dalam melakukan seleksi sumber daya manusia. Artikel ini bertujuan  mengeksplorasi peta HOTS pada soal Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (UM-PTKIN) materi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) tahun 2018 dan perbandingan tingkat HOTS pada soal kelompok materi ujian PAI. Artikel ini juga didukung oleh hasil kajian kepustakaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa item soal UM-PTKIN materi PAI berada pada kategori HOTS dan kemampuan berpikir tingkat rendah (Low Order Thinking Skill, LOTS). Materi Akidah Akhlak menjadi penyumbang terbanyak dan Al-Quran Hadith sebagai penyumbang paling sedikit pada soal kategori HOTS. Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) adalah prodi yang sangat diminati sekaligus lulusannya sangat dinanti untuk dapat menyemai pemahaman keislaman untuk menjawab berbagai tantangan sosial, politik, dan keagamaan di Indonesia. Artikel ini memberikan rekomendasi bagi pemangku kebijakan UM-PTKIN untuk dapat meningkatkan jumlah komposisi soal HOTS dalam seleksi-seleksi selanjutnya agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas input mahasiswa PAI di periode-periode berikutnya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Yennita Yennita ◽  
Isra Khasyyatillah ◽  
Gibran Gibran ◽  
Mitri Irianti

This research aimed to develop high order thinking skills  workheet in momentum, impulse, and collision topic for senior high school This type of research is Research and Development  follow 4D models, includes : define, design, develop and disseminate. Data collection instruments used validation sheets for given to 5 validator, Aspects assessed include graphic, presentation, language, and the contents of workheet. Based on the result of data analysis showed that all aspects got average score in the range of 3.4 to 4 with categories of  very high. Thus, high order thinking skills was valid. For the purposes of testing the worksheet is given on 68 students. to measure the effectiveness of worksheet used  Higher Level Thinking Ability Test that amounts to 12 items. Based on the result of data analysis indicate, There is difference of higher order thinking skill of students who use HOTS worksheet than who are not use HOTS worksheet, where the average Higher Order Thinking Skill on students who use HOTS worksheet higher

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 652-664
Mrs. Cik‘ani

Menurut peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan kebudayaan No. 103 tahun 2014 mengenai pembelajaran di tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengah pasal 2 ayat 1, menjelaskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada Pendidikan dasar dan menengah harus berbasis aktivitas, kreatifitas dengan karakteristik. Amanat pemerintah mengharapkan peserta didik dapat mencapai berbagai kompetensi dengan penerapan pembelajaran HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) dan Keterampilan abad 21, dan hasil observasi dan wawancara di SMPN 2 Sukorejo aktivitas pembelajaran IPA, aspek pembelajaran berbasis masalah, tingkat berpikir HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21 masih rendah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas) dengan 2 siklus masing-masing siklus ada empat tahap dengan jenis diskriptif kualitatif, instrumen yang digunakan berupa : 1)lembar observasi, 2)lembar catatan lapangan dan 3)soal tes dan soal lembar kerja. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara di SMPN 2 Sukorejo ditemukan data bahwa pembelajaran berbasis aktifitas dengan karakteristik yang sesuai dengan amanat Permendikbud No 103 tahun 2014 pasal 2 ayat 1 pada proses pembelajaran masih belum maksimal sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitihan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan model pembelajaran PBL(Problem Based Learning) dapat meningkatkan aktifitas dengan karakteristik dengan berorientasi pada pembelajajaran HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan rata-rata persentase aktivitas belajar siswa yakni 68,28% pada siklus 1 menjadi 83,8,% pada siklus II artinya ada peningkatan sebesar 15,52%, sedangkan untuk tingkat pemecahan masalah dari 63,8 % pada siklus 1 menjadi 78,975 % pada siklus II artinya ada peningkatan sebesar 15,175 %i Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Problem Base Learning dengan berorientasi HOTS dan keterampilan abad 21 dapat meningkatkan aktifitas belajar dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah dengan karakteristik siswa.

Dzu Mirratin Firda Hidayat ◽  
Abdurahman Adisaputera ◽  
Isda Pramuniati

The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) based news text assessment instruments for for 7th Grade Students in SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Medan. The study was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Medan. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year. This type of research is research and development or Research and Development (R&D). This research is called R&D, by adopting eight steps of R&D research according to Sugiyono (2014: 137). The results of this study indicate that students' high-level thinking skills obtained an average score of 51.42. This value is in the medium category because the standard value is met 40 <x total score ≤ 60. The measurement results of the assessment instrument based on Higher Order Thinking Skill in the dimensions of students' persuasive text knowledge obtained superior conceptual ability results with a percentage of 76% in the sufficient category, followed by factual abilities with the percentage of 60% is in the sufficient category, students 'procedural knowledge is 58% with low category, and students' knowledge that is metacognitive there are 59% with enough category. Thus, it can be stated that the eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Medan have advantages in the conceptual dimension of knowledge and the ability to think at a high level with a medium category, ie students must be accustomed to working on questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills so that students' abilities increase.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-33
Yosi Laila Rahmi ◽  
Heffi Alberida

Curriculum occupies a central position in education. Curriculum changes guided by the times and technology. The main problems of implementation of curriculum change is to change the mindset of teachers. Prospective teachers should have high order thinking skills to face the times and technology. One of efforts could be made a lecturer for conditioning of learning to be able to develop higher order thinking skills of students by using the right assessment. One assessment that play a role in increasing the skills of thinking is portfolio assessment. This study aims to describe the increase in high order thinking skills of students applying portfolio assessment. This research is a classroom action research conducted on students who take courses in curriculum and biology textbook in biology Faculty UNP in the July to December semester of 2017. The results showed an increase in high order thinking skills of students using portfolio assessment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-199
Muhammad Saeed ◽  
Iqbal Ahmed

Modern educational pedagogies emphasize that teaching and learning frameworks should be designed to promote essential skills among students and develop their higher order thinking skills and the real-world application of those skills. In this milieu, service-learning is an emerging approach in education that best meets this need. Although much work exists on service-learning in developing students' social, moral, and citizenship potential, there is a lack of research that highlights the role of service-learning and its potential to promote high order thinking skills among pre-service teachers. This study attempts to extensively examine the role of service-learning in promoting high-order thinking skills among pre-service teachers. For this purpose, an integrated approach of Queensland University's higher order thinking guidelines was compared and contrasted as a framework with service-learning approach. The analysis and literature review showed that said the guidelines can be adopted using service-learning approach to promote higher order thinking skills of pre-service teachers. Therefore, the framework is proposed to be integrated into a service-learning course in higher education. The guidelines provide a five steps process for developing higher order thinking skills among teacher education students. The study results provide teacher educators with more practical ways to implement a more active and purposeful teaching and learning environment that encourages higher order thinking among pre-service teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 130-135

This study aims to develop a problem-based biology module to improve higher-order thinking skills in Animalia material. The design used is an equivalent type of pre test post test design. The research sample consisted of 32 students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Sentani who used modules. The results showed that the use of modules can improve high-order thinking skills and the overall average n-Gain is 0.73 with high categories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 352
Dewi Sri Lestari ◽  
Intan Rahmawati ◽  
Diana Endah Handayani

The Importance of HOTS-Based Student Worksheets in Elementary Schools. High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) in elementary schools can increase students' higher-order thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to analyze the high-grade HOTS-based Student Worksheets in Elementary Schools. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The method used to collect data are interviews, observation, and documentation. The instrument used to collect data is a questionnaire. The research subject is the fourth-grade teacher. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. This study indicates that the analysis of the high-grade HOTS-based Student Worksheets in elementary schools has been implemented by the teacher quite well. The Student Worksheets made by the teacher have led to higher-order thinking skills, namely C4 (analyzing), C5 (evaluating), and C6 (creating), according to the results of interviews and documentation data. It can be concluded that the analysis of the HOTS-based student worksheets has been realized well. Suggestions that can be given are to re-emphasize High order thinking skills (HOTS) into Student Worksheets so that learning can be maximized in applying HOTS.

Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar ◽  
Saprudin Saprudin ◽  
Zulhalim Zulhalim

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul statistika berbasis qr code dan melatih high order thinking skills mahasiswa. Rancangan penelitian berupa penelitian pengembangan dengan model A-D-D-D-I-E, yaitu observasi dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan pengembangan produk, tahap penciptaan produk awal pengujian lapangan awal dengan cara melakukan tinjauan para ahli mengenai produk yang didesain baik dalam hal modul bahan ajarnya, revisi produk awal. Pengembangan modul ini berdasarkan kelayakan isi, penyajian, dan Bahasa oleh validator ahli. Uji validitas yang dilakukan adalah validasi isi, penyajian, dan Bahasa modul kemudian direvisi dan diimplementasikan pada mahasiswa program studi Teknik Informatika. High order thinking skills (HOTS) mahasiswa dianalisi dengan uji parametrik dengan uji t test menggunakan software SPSS. Hasil dari Penelitian ini yaitu: (1) kelayakan pengembangan modul statistika berbasis QR Code dikategorikan baik; (2) higher order thinking skill (HOTS) mahasiswa meningkat; (3) dari empat Aspek higher order thinking skill (HOTS) kemampuan logika dan penalaran mengalami peningkatan tinggi diikuti kemampuan analisis, kemampuan evaluasi, dan kemampuan kreasi. This study aims to develop a qr code-based statistics module and train students' high order thinking skills. The research design is in the form of development research with the A-D-D-D-I-E model, namely observation and data collection, product development planning, the initial product creation stage, initial field testing by conducting expert reviews of well-designed products in terms of teaching material modules, initial product revisions. The development of this module is based on the feasibility of content, presentation, and language by expert validators. The validity test carried out was the validation of the content, presentation, and language of the module which was then revised and implemented in students of the Informatics Engineering study program. Students' high order thinking skills (HOTS) were analyzed with a parametric test with a t test using SPSS software. The results of this study are: (1) the feasibility of developing a statistics module based on QR Code is categorized as good; (2) the students' higher order thinking skills (HOTS) increased; (3) out of the four aspects of higher order thinking skill (HOTS), logic and reasoning skills experienced a high increase followed by analytical skills, evaluation abilities, and creative abilities.

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