scholarly journals Perlukah E-Wallet Berbasis Syariah?

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Ulin Nuha ◽  
Moh. Nurul Qomar ◽  
Rafika Anissa Maulana

<p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out about the transaction system in digital wallets (e-wallets) associated with the wadiah yad dhomanah contract in the study of muamalah fiqh. Whether the transaction is in accordance with the principles of Islamic finance so that it creates peace for Muslims in using the application.</em></p><p><em>Digital payments are currently a public need along with the development of information technology in particular. This is evidenced by the non-cash payment innovation. This innovation in Indonesia was formally carried out by Bank Indonesia through the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT) in 2014. This movement aims to increase public awareness of the use of non-cash instruments so that a community that uses cashless instruments is gradually formed (cashless). society).</em></p><p><em>The technology cashless society clearly plays an important role in encouraging the consumption of Indonesia's middle class to be more consumptive. The presence of electronic money is one way to encourage people to become consumptive. The touch of technology in consumption through electronic money has provided a new color in interpreting consumption. Consumption does not only use its utility function to spend but also an identity function that needs to be fulfilled. Non-cash payment innovation in Indonesia continues to grow, along with the rise of financial technology (fintech) products in the form of digital wallets (e-wallets) such as Go-Pay, OVO, Dana, LinkAja, Paytren, and so on.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Jihan Fadhilah ◽  
Cut Aja Anis Layyinna ◽  
Rijal Khatami ◽  
Fitroh Fitroh

Abstract: Financial technology innovation in the form of digital wallets is very interesting to the public. The efficiency offered from this payment system makes people start to switch from conventional payments to digital payments. In addition, many other factors influence multi-generational people using digital wallets as an alternative to their daily payments. The use of digital wallets is currently widely applied to online transportation transactions, purchases in e-commerce, to food and beverage delivery services. The method used in this study is a method of literature study with the goals to find out the development of digital wallet usage in the community from various journals sourced from Scopus and several websites that have been analyzed and processed by researchers into a literature review study. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that from year to year there is an increase in the number of digital wallet users, especially in Indonesia. Moreover after the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of digital wallet users is increasing because people have to avoid physical contact so that more transactions with digitally.Abstrak: Inovasi teknologi keuangan berupa digital wallet sangat manarik perhatian masyarakat. Efisiensi yang ditawarkan dari sistem pembayaran ini membuat masyarakat mulai beralih dari pembayaran konvensional ke pembayaran digital. Selain itu banyak faktor lain yang mempengaruhi para multi generasi menggunakan digital wallet sebagai alternatif pembayaran sehari-hari mereka. Penggunaan digital wallet saat ini banyak diterapkan untuk transaksi transportasi online, pembelian di e-commerce, hingga jasa pesan antar makanan dan minuman. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode studi literatur dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan penggunaan digital wallet di masyarakat dari berbagai jurnal yang bersumber dari Scopus dan beberapa website yang telah dianalisis dan diolah peneliti menjadi sebuah kajian literature review. Dari hasil yang didapatkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari tahun ke tahun terjadi peningkatan jumlah pengguna digital wallet, khususnya di Indonesia. Apalagi setelah pandemi Covid-19, jumlah pengguna digital wallet semakin meningkat karena masyarakat harus menghindari kontak fisik sehingga lebih banyak melakukan transaksi secara digital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Fathul Aminudin Aziz

The development of information technology penetrated into all financial sectors, including sharia financial technology (Fintech). OJK as a regulator of the financial industry has issued regulations, to anticipate the development and utilization of IT in the financial industry such as lending, personal finance, crowdfunding, electronic money, investment investments, payment gateways, wealth management, and various other startups. Shari'ah literacy needs to be improved by giving an understanding that shari'ah is label and nature, theory, and practice, so halal is measured by how many elements of sharia are fulfilled. As for the elements of Islamic fintech in Indonesia, among others, accountability, transparency of information, fairness, equality, social piety, avoidance of transactions that are reckless, maysir, gharar, risywah, tadlis, israf, and halal. different amounts depending on how much the shari'a element is fulfilled. The greater the halal dose is fulfilled, the greater the halal, and vice versa the smaller the halal element is fulfilled, the smaller the halal value of its fintech transactions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-170
Rochman Hadi Mustofa

AbstractBig Data has become a significant concern of the world, along with the era of digital transformation. However, there are still many young people, especially in developing countries, who are not yet aware of the security of their big data, especially personal data. Misuse of information from big data often results in violations of privacy, security, and cybercrime. This study aims to determine how aware of the younger generation of security and privacy of their big data. Data were collected qualitatively by interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) from. Respondents were undergraduate students who used social media and financial technology applications such as online shopping, digital payments, digital wallet and hotel/transportation booking applications. The results showed that students were not aware enough and understood the security or privacy of their digital data, and some respondents even gave personal data to potentially scam sites. Most students are not careful in providing big data information because they are not aware of the risks behind it, socialization is needed in the future as a step to prevent potential data theft.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 1521
Basrowi Basrowi ◽  
Julianas Julianas

This study aims to describe the application of sharia principles in the implementation of fintech-based lending services. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research and literature. The data used is secondary data from various relevant and up to date literature. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that accounts payable is an agreement between two parties giving money or goods to a second party to be utilized. In terms of engagement in accordance with Islamic law or according to sharia, contracts through information technology media still have to fulfill harmony and terms of contract. The contract scheme implemented by service providers includes the Wakalah bil Ujrah contract and the Musyarakah contract. In the field of muamalah known as the principle of Islamic law, namely the principle of skill or change. The terms of Ijab Qobul must describe the agreement of the parties to enter into the online debt agreement. To achieve this, it is necessary to apply the principles of Islamic engagement, sharia, into financial transactions and other businesses that are consistently related.Keywords: financial technology, sharia, principle

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 311
Sisca Aulia

This research is about consumer behavior in making digital payments in buying and selling transactions. Digital payment methods are a new way of making payments, especially in times of a pandemic like today, this is also a result of government policies, various countries globally to not do many activities outside the home and keep each other apart during the Covid-19 pandemic. Consumer behavior has begun to switch conventional payment instruments to digital payments. Payment via digital wallets has become popular and most accepted as an emerging payment method in both developed and developing countries. This research itself aims to determine the behavior patterns of millennial consumers with impulsive buying because of seeing promotions and digital payment facilities. Based on this, the use of digital wallets on millennial consumer behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic is the object of research. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a literature approach. The research data is obtained through literature study and theoretical studies from various scientific sources. The results of the study show that the Covid-19 pandemic has increased the use of digital wallets to the tendency of consumer consumerism to use electronic transactions that are more suitable and efficient for use during a pandemic. The digital era has developed rapidly in a society that has adapted to become an adaptive shopper in a cashless society that has developed a new normal culture, namely electronic payment transactions through digital wallets. Penelitian ini mengenai perilaku konsumen melakukan pembayaran digital dalam transaksi jual-beli. Metode pembayaran digital menjadi cara baru melakukan pembayaran terlebih lagi di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini, hal ini juga sebagai dampak dari kebijakan pemerintah, berbagai negara secara global untuk tidak banyak melakukan kegiatan di luar rumah serta menjaga jarak satu sama lain di masa pandemi Covid-19. Perilaku konsumen mulai beralih alat pembayaran konvensional menjadi pembayaran digital. Pembayaran melalui dompet digital telah populer dan paling diterima sebagai metode pembayaran yang muncul di negara maju dan berkembang. Penelitian ini sendiri bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola perilaku konsumen milenial dengan pembelian yang cepat serta tidak direncanakan (impulsive buying) karena melihat promosi dan sarana pembayaran digital. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penggunaan dompet digital pada perilaku konsumen milenial di saat pandemi Covid-19 menjadi obyek penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deksriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan literature. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui studi pustaka dan kajian teoritis dari berbagai sumber ilmiah. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pandemi Covid-19 memberikan peningkatan penggunaan dompet digital hingga kecenderungan konsumerisme konsumen dengan penggunaan transaksi elektronik yang lebih cocok dan efisien untuk digunakan dalam masa pandemi. Era digital sudah berkembang pesat dalam masyarakat yang sudah beradaptasi menjadi adaptive shopper di dalam cashless society yang mengembangkan budaya normal baru yaitu transaksi pembayaran elektronik melalui dompet digital.

Dwiyana Dwiyana ◽  
Muqorobin Muqorobin

The writing of the Semester Final Project with the title Analysis of the Parking Payment System for Adi Soemarmo Airport Solo was compiled based on the results of observations at the exit gate of Adi Soemarmo Airport Solo. Transactions on parking payments often cause problems due to several factors, especially the time or process is quite long because sometimes the money given is too large then the cashier takes too long to give change, besides that sometimes passengers do not prepare the money they want to pay in advance and often passengers pay in a situation of insufficient money and this causes queues or jams at the gate exit. The research objective given by the author later is to provide the best solution for airport parking payment systems. In addition to making it easier for passengers, this will greatly facilitate cashiers when carrying out work operations. This payment application system is called u-nik or electronic money. Where u-nik functions to transfer the money balance data contained in u-nik to a computer using a system called AINO. So that payments occur without spending additional cash. With the existence of non-cash payment transactions using the AINO system, it is hoped that it can facilitate and provide speed in making parking payment transactions without the need to carry cash.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-43
Dendy Kurniawan ◽  
Dwi Setiawan

Perum Perumnas is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) in the form of a Public Company (Perum). Perum Perumnas has 7 regional business areas and 1 rusunawa regional area. Perum Perumnas Regional V which is located at Jl. Wilis No. 23 Semarang is engaged in providing housing and settlements for the middle class community. In its business activities, Perumnas sells houses to the public with cash payment methods or through Home Ownership Credit (KPR). The Perumnas Branch can serve every consumer who comes to Perumnas Branch to seek information about the amount of monthly installment payments if the consumer applies the mortgage system with the down payment that the consumer has and the shortfall that must be paid. In carrying out this activity, the Perumnas Branch still uses the Microsoft Excel application.The problem that often arises at this time is the calculation of KPR between Perumnas Semarang Branch I and Perumnas Semarang Branch II which is quite different, making it less effective for companies. Based on this description, the author tries to provide a solution that is able to overcome these problems by designing a website-based mortgage calculation simulation system at Perum Perumnas Regional V with the aim of making it easier for consumers and marketing or sales parties to find information about mortgage calculations.Making this simulation system, the author uses the HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and MySQL programming languages ​​as the database. In its manufacture, this application is adapted to the needs of Perumnas in general.The conclusion that can be drawn is the dissimilarity or difference in filling out the mortgage calculation where the Semarang Branch I and Semarang Branch II when the marketing staff does the mortgage calculation even though they use the same bank Suggestions that can be put forward is to create a mortgage calculation simulation system that can make it easier for consumers to get information about mortgage calculations quickly, efficiently and accurately and can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

Yutakai Kurihara

Approximately 10 years have passed since the words such as digital cash, digital money, electronic money, and e-cash have been introduced. Progress has increased rapidly in the fields of communication and information technology (IT) and in the field of digital cash; its use and transaction volume have been increasing. However, little analysis has been done about this phenomenon especially from the academic field. The continued increase in its use is inevitable, and it is important to investigate its influence and problems from both practical and theoretical perspectives. The spread of the use of digital cash impacts economic activity and social structure. This article considers both the merits and the problems of digital cash in the modern economy. This article analyzes characteristics of relationships between digital money, financial institutions, and financial authorities; considers the relation between digital cash and financial institutions; and analyzes the relation between digital cash and monetary policy authorities.

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