2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Doni Abdul Fatah ◽  
Rifky Maulana Yusron ◽  
Irma Dila Febrianti

Banyak sistem e-commerce dibangun yang ada berfokus pada bisnis, dengan fitur beragam namun tanpa melibatkan pengguna, sehingga belum tentu akan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna baik dari segi antar muka, usability, dan fitur yang ada, informasi yang disajikan, dan beberapa alur proses yang digunakan, karena faktor-faktor tersebut sehingga membuat user dapat juga merasakan kesulitan atau furtasi dalam menggunakan aplikasi tersebut, sehingga menjadi penyebab menurunnya produktifitas pengguna. Sehingga solusinya adalah dengan membuat aplikasi e-commerce yang mudah digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna dengan metode User-Center Design (UCD) diimplementasikan pada UKM Komoditas pangan lokal Madura diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif dalam mempermudah proses jual beli serta dapat meningkatkan persaingan bisnis untuk memasarkan berbagai macam produk atau jasa. Penerapan metode UCD menggunakan empat proses Specify the context of use, Specify User and Organizational Requirements, Produce Design Solutions dan Evaluate designs against user requirements. Untuk pengujiannya dilakukan menggunakan Functionality dengan metode black box, untuk usability menggunakan USE Queissionaire skala Likert 1 s.d 7 dengan 30 pertayaan, pengujian dilakukan dengan melibatkan pengguna sebanyak 10 orang terdiri 5 pelaku usaha dan 5 calon konsumen, hasil pengujian Functionality menunjukan hasil bagus karena sistem bekerja sesuai dengan fungsinya tanpa ada kendala, sedangkan pengujian usability USE Queissionaire pada  front end mendapat nilai Usefulness 6.075, Ease of Use 6.236, Ease of Learning 6.30, dan Satisfaction 6.485, sedangkan pengujian pada back end untuk Usefulness 6.475, Ease of Use 6.563, Ease of Learning 6.60, dan Satisfaction 6.542, sehingga sistem secara umum baik karena masih berada pada nilai rata-rata 6 ke atas.

2014 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 509-528 ◽  
Kuo-Liang Huang ◽  
Kuo-Hsiang Chen ◽  
Chun-Heng Ho

Purpose – Tablets are becoming mainstream devices for digital reading. Through user experience (UX), the purpose of this paper is to identify significant differences between tablet reading systems and other digital reading systems, explore potential requirements for the interactive interface, and propose design solutions so that user’ behavioral intention (BI) may be further enhanced. Design/methodology/approach – First, the authors extracted the context of use and behavior patterns by conducting contextual inquiries; then, potential requirements were identified and design solutions were developed; last, the technology acceptance model was employed to verify research findings. Findings – The outcome shows that the improved version of the interactive interface is significantly (p<0.05) superior to the original version in various aspects, including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, user attitude, and BI. Originality/value – So far, there has been no relevant research on UX concerning tablet reading systems. Therefore, this study first tried to investigate the primary difference between tablet reading systems and other digital reading systems in context of use and behavior patterns. Then, based on the foregoing discoveries, users’ motivations and perception of tablet readers were probed, and the problems with BI could be solved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Fata Nidaul Khasanah ◽  
Syahbaniar Rofiah ◽  
Didik Setiyadi

Salah satu penghasil sampah diantaranya adalah di daerah pemukiman warga. Jenis sampah yang di sekitar pemukiman warga tujuh puluh lima persen berupa sampah organik yang berasal dari sisa makanan dan daun kering. Jenis sampah oragnik apabila diolah akan menghasilkan suatu produk yang nantinya memiliki nilai jual, misalnya pupuk. Metland Tambun Cluster Fontania Bekasi merupakan pihak mitra dimana pada pemukiman tersebut telah melakukan pengolahan sampah daun kering menjadi pupuk cair. Adapun permasalahan yang terdapat pada pihak mitra, yaitu belum adanya suatu media yang dapat membantu untuk memasarkan hasil produksi pupuk cair yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk membantu pihak mitra memasarkan hasil produksi pupuk cair dengan melakukan perancangan tampilan antarmuka pengguna ecommerce penjualan pupuk berbasis website menggunakan metode user centered design. Perancangan tampilan antarmuka pengguna ecommerce dibuat menggunakan aplikasi balsamiq mockups 3. Tahapan dari metode user centered design terdiri dari plan the human centered process, specify the context of use, specify user and organizational requirements dan produce design solutions. Dengan menggunakan metode user centered design maka rancangan tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang dihasilkan berfokus kepada kebutuhan pengguna. Hasil rancangan tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang telah dibuat meliputi halaman utama, halaman profil, halaman kontak, halaman produk dan halaman galeri.Kata kunci : balsamiq mocups 3; ecommerce; metode user centered design; penjualan pupuk; user interfaceABSTRACTOne of the waste producers are in the residential area of residents. The type of garbage around seventy five percent settlements is organic waste derived from leftover food and dried leaves. Type of garbage when processed will produce a product that later has a selling value, for example fertilizer. Metland Tambun Cluster Fontania Bekasi is a partner in which the settlement has been processing waste dried leaves into liquid fertilizer. The problem is on the partner, namely the absence of a media that can help to market the production result of liquid fertilizer produced. Therefore, the purpose of this activity to help partners market the production of liquid fertilizers by designing the view of the ecommerce user interface of the fertilizer-based sales website using the method of user centered design. The design of an ecommerce user interface is created using the Balsamiq mockups 3 app. The stages of the user centered design method consist of plan the human centered process, specify the context of use, specify user and organizational requirements and produce design solutions. Using the user centered design method, the resulting design of the user interface is produced focusing on the needs of the user. The design results of the user interface views that have been created include the main page, profile page, contact page, product page and Gallery page. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
I Ketut Resika Arthana ◽  
Gede Rasben Dantes ◽  
Luh Joni Erawati Dewi ◽  
Komang Setemen ◽  
Ni Wayan Marti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Prototype Frequently  Asked Question(FAQ) di Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) dengan pendekatan User Centered Design(UCD). FAQ merupakan sistem yang memfasilitasi pengguna layanan mendapatkan jawaban terkait pertanyaan yang sering  diajukan pada penyelenggaraan layanan tertentu. Pengembangan sistem ini dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan penyedia layanan dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang sering muncul. Studi kasus pengembangan FAQ ini adalah di Undiksha, mengingat Undiksha menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan yang melibatkan banyak pengguna seperti mahasiswa, dosen, pegawai dan masyarakat luas. Jika setiap pertanyaan dijawab langsung oleh operator kegiatan, maka akan membutuhkan waktu, biaya dan tenaga. Secara garis besar, dalam sistem FAQ Undiksha terlibat aktor pengguna layanan dan operator kegiatan. Karakteristik pengguna sistem FAQ ini beragam dengan kemampuan pengoperasian IT yang berbeda-beda, untuk itu pada penelitian ini  menggunakan pendekatan UCD. Tahapan UCD meliputi Understand and specify the context of use, Specify the user and organizational requirements, Produce design solutions (prototypes) dan Evaluate designs with users against requirements. Hasil pengembangan prototype UCD adalah working prototype yang menggambarkan alur kerja sistem FAQ dari sisi pengguna layanan. Hasil pengujian usability dengan standar ISO 9241-11 pada iterasi pertama menunjukkan bahwa prototype FAQ Undiksha memiliki Efektifitas 87%, Efesiensi 98% dan Kepuasan pengguna dengan nilai 80.5. Meskipun nilai efektifitas tergolong tinggi, namun pada iterasi pertama, terdapat permasalahan usability pada task keempat, sehingga setelah dilakukan perbaikan tingkat efektifitas meningkat menjadi 93%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Fenando Fenando

The development of the internet and the implementation of technology that makes it easier for users to increasingly influence the business sector. Business people are starting to take advantage of the internet and technology to run their business or so-called E-Commerce. Denia Donuts Shop is an online shop that sells donuts in South Sumatera. The problems that occur, even though this store has marketed its products online, shop owners still use social media only in the process of transactions with consumers. This becomes very difficult when consumers want to make a purchase, consumers must send messages according to the format determined by the shop's owner, this method is made very difficult for consumers every time they make a purchase. On the other hand, the shop owner also finds it difficult to find product information, stock information, find out which consumers have bought during a certain period, and sales reports that are still recorded in a book. This article aims to build E-Commerce at Denia Donuts Shop that can help in marketing products widely and facilitate the process of transactions carried out by consumers. The system development method used is the prototype method. This research has resulted in an E-Commerce system that has been tested using the black box testing method and has been implemented in accordance with user requirements specifications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-95
Cerah Ayunda Prawastiyo ◽  
Indra Hermawan

Penggunaan internet di Indonesia khususnya di instansi pendidikan terutama perguruan tinggi yaitu mengandalkan internet untuk mencari kumpulan informasi dan referensi terkait dengan mata kuliah. Salah satu unit di sebuah perguruan tinggi yang menggunakan internet dengan memanfaatkan sistem informasi berbasis website adalah perpustakaan Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (PNJ). Website berperan penting untuk instansi sebagai acuan website yang baik salah satunya dapat dinilai dari sisi User Interface (UI) yang memiliki tampilan menarik dan User Experience (UX) untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna website. Dalam pengembangan front end website perpustakaan menggunakan metode User Centered Design (UCD), framework bootstrap, bahasa pemrograman HTML5, CSS dan Javascript. Pada tahap evaluasi design dalam bentuk wireframe menggunakan metode System Usability Scale (SUS) mendapatkan skor 83, pengujian black box untuk mengukur fungsionalitas website mendapatkan hasil sesuai dengan skenario, pengujian User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) untuk mengukur tingkat kenyamanan pengguna website mendapatkan hasil positif.

James D Stevens ◽  
Andreas Klöckner

The ability to model, analyze, and predict execution time of computations is an important building block that supports numerous efforts, such as load balancing, benchmarking, job scheduling, developer-guided performance optimization, and the automation of performance tuning for high performance, parallel applications. In today’s increasingly heterogeneous computing environment, this task must be accomplished efficiently across multiple architectures, including massively parallel coprocessors like GPUs, which are increasingly prevalent in the world’s fastest supercomputers. To address this challenge, we present an approach for constructing customizable, cross-machine performance models for GPU kernels, including a mechanism to automatically and symbolically gather performance-relevant kernel operation counts, a tool for formulating mathematical models using these counts, and a customizable parameterized collection of benchmark kernels used to calibrate models to GPUs in a black-box fashion. With this approach, we empower the user to manage trade-offs between model accuracy, evaluation speed, and generalizability. A user can define their own model and customize the calibration process, making it as simple or complex as desired, and as application-targeted or general as desired. As application examples of our approach, we demonstrate both linear and nonlinear models; these examples are designed to predict execution times for multiple variants of a particular computation: two matrix-matrix multiplication variants, four discontinuous Galerkin differentiation operation variants, and two 2D five-point finite difference stencil variants. For each variant, we present accuracy results on GPUs from multiple vendors and hardware generations. We view this highly user-customizable approach as a response to a central question arising in GPU performance modeling: how can we model GPU performance in a cost-explanatory fashion while maintaining accuracy, evaluation speed, portability, and ease of use, an attribute we believe precludes approaches requiring manual collection of kernel or hardware statistics.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (S300) ◽  
pp. 414-415 ◽  
Blake Forland ◽  
Sarah Gibson ◽  
James Dove ◽  
Therese Kucera

AbstractWe have developed a suite of forward-modeling IDL codes (FORWARD) to convert analytic models or simulation data cubes into coronal observables, allowing a direct comparison with observations. Observables such as extreme ultraviolet, soft X-ray, white light, and polarization images from the Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter (CoMP) can be reproduced. The observer's viewpoint is also incorporated in the FORWARD analysis and the codes can output the results in a variety of forms in order to easily create movies, Carrington maps, or simply observable information at a particular point in the plane of the sky. We present a newly developed front end to the FORWARD codes which utilizes IDL widgets to facilitate ease of use by the solar physics community. Our ultimate goal is to provide as useful a tool as possible for a broad range of scientific applications.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-325 ◽  
William F. Spotz

PyTrilinos is a set of Python interfaces to compiled Trilinos packages. This collection supports serial and parallel dense linear algebra, serial and parallel sparse linear algebra, direct and iterative linear solution techniques, algebraic and multilevel preconditioners, nonlinear solvers and continuation algorithms, eigensolvers and partitioning algorithms. Also included are a variety of related utility functions and classes, including distributed I/O, coloring algorithms and matrix generation. PyTrilinos vector objects are compatible with the popular NumPy Python package. As a Python front end to compiled libraries, PyTrilinos takes advantage of the flexibility and ease of use of Python, and the efficiency of the underlying C++, C and Fortran numerical kernels. This paper covers recent, previously unpublished advances in the PyTrilinos package.

2018 ◽  
Stefanie Schild ◽  
Brita Sedlmayr ◽  
Ann-Kathrin Schumacher ◽  
Martin Sedlmayr ◽  
Hans-Ulrich Prokosch ◽  

BACKGROUND Stressful situations during intraoperative emergencies have negative impact on human cognitive functions. Consequently, task performance may decrease and patient safety may be compromised. Cognitive aids can counteract these effects and support anesthesiologists in their crisis management. The Professional Association of German Anesthesiologists set up a project to develop a comprehensive set of digital cognitive aids for intraoperative emergencies. A parallel development for several software platforms and stationary and mobile devices will accommodate the inhomogeneity of the information technology infrastructure within German anesthesia departments. OBJECTIVE This paper aimed to provide a detailed overview of how the task of developing a digital cognitive aid for intraoperative crisis management in anesthesia was addressed that meets user requirements and is highly user-friendly. METHODS A user-centered design (UCD) process was conducted to identify, specify, and supplement the requirements for a digital cognitive aid. The study covered 4 aspects: analysis of the context of use, specification of user requirements, development of design solutions, and evaluation of design solutions. Three prototypes were developed and evaluated by end users of the application. Following each evaluation, the new requirements were prioritized and used for redesign. For the first and third prototype, the System Usability Scale (SUS) score was determined. The second prototype was evaluated with an extensive Web-based questionnaire. The evaluation of the third prototype included a think-aloud protocol. RESULTS The chosen methods enabled a comprehensive collection of requirements and helped to improve the design of the application. The first prototype achieved an average SUS score of 74 (SD 12), indicating good usability. The second prototype included the following main revisions: 2-column layout, initial selection of patient type (infant, adult, or parturient), 4 offered search options, and the option to check off completed action steps. Its evaluation identified the following major revision points: add quick selection for resuscitation checklists, design the top bar and tabs slightly larger, and add more pictograms to the text. The third prototype achieved an average SUS score of 77 (SD 15). The evaluation of the think-aloud protocol revealed a good intuitiveness of the application and identified a missing home button as the main issue. CONCLUSIONS Anesthesiology—as an acute medical field—is particularly characterized by its high demands on decision making and action in dynamic, or time-critical situations. The integration of usability aspects is essential for everyday and emergency suitability. The UCD process allowed us to develop a prototypical digital cognitive aid, exhibiting high usability and user satisfaction in the demanding environment of anesthesiological emergencies. Both aspects are essential to increase the acceptance of the application in later stages. The study approach, combining different methods for determining user requirements, may be useful for other implementation projects in a highly demanding environment.

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