2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 85
Liudmyla Serdiuk ◽  
Ivan Danyliuk ◽  
Galina Chaika

<p>The article presents the research on psychological factors of personal autonomy as a self-determination need and as a component of psychological well-being. The analysis was carried out in two directions: within in the theory of self-determination and within the theory of psychological well-being.</p><p>The greatest influence on autonomy development as a self-determination need have such predictors as goals in life, challenge, self-efficacy, self-acceptance, self-assurance, locus of control-life, locus of control-Self. Predictors that positively affect autonomy as a component of psychological well-being are: self-acceptance, acceptance of aggression, self-confidence, creativity, control, self-esteem.</p>The article determines that autonomy as a self-determination need is based not only on self-acceptance with all advantages and disadvantages, but also on existence of a goal in life and personal internal powers to achieve this goal. Autonomy, as it is understood in the theory of psychological well-being, is a necessary, but insufficient condition for self-determination. For formation and development of self-determination it is necessary to have a life purpose that gives meaningfulness to human life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 246-255
Tionna M Hough ◽  
Heather A Labansat ◽  
Tyler Forest Moore ◽  
Rene Wallace ◽  
Kristina Higgins

Current literature on the relationship between locus of control (LOC) and psychological well-being (PWB) consistently demonstrates that individuals with an internal LOC generally report experiencing greater psychological well-being than externally-oriented individuals. However, there is minimal depth of understanding regarding the specific dynamics of this well-established relationship. The aims of the present quantitative study were (a) to replicate and provide support for the existing knowledge on the relationship between these two factors and (b) to use a structural equation model (SEM) to further explore the relationship between LOC and the six dimensions in Ryff’s model of eudaimonic PWB, which are combined to assess one’s psychological welfare. Using cross-sectional survey methodology, 267 adult participants were recruited through convenience and snowball sampling to anonymously complete a series of questionnaires online. A Pearson r bivariate correlation analysis examining the relationship between PWB and LOC revealed a significant negative correlation between the two constructs (r = -.280, p = .001). This finding replicates previous research, where individuals with an internal LOC reported experiencing significantly greater PWB, while individuals with an external LOC reported significantly less PWB. In order to further examine how the six factors of PWB (self-acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth) relate to LOC, a SEM was performed. Although all six dimensions of PWB show significant negative correlations with LOC, environmental mastery, self-acceptance, and purpose in life were the most impactful on the relationship between these two constructs, as they were shown to have higher significance in the SEM. Considering the SEM suggests that environmental mastery, self-acceptance, and purpose in life are the most weighted factors of PWB’s correlation to LOC, possible interventions on these factors in a clinical or applied setting may see improvement in the relationship between PWB and LOC.

2019 ◽  
pp. 147-159
L. Z. Serdiuk

The article analyzes the phenomena of an individual’s self-determination and psychological well-being, their interrelations, factors and components. These are the factors of psychological well-being that form a motivational focus on self-realization, personal autonomy, self-expression, self-acceptance, actualization of own nature, creative potential disclosure, positive relation- ships with others, belief in own effectiveness, etc., which form the individual’s self-determination capabilities. The self-determination structure includes the following components: goals, values, meanings, and awareness of own life journey, perspective of the future; motivation for self-development and self-realization; personal self-efficiency, self-attitude and autonomy; understanding of own powers and confidence in own capabilities; conscious control and realistic assessment of own achievements and prospects, involvement into the social life. Based on the performed correlation and regression analysis, we have established that self-determination of people’s behaviour is influenced by understanding of their life goals and meanings, the inner locus of control, personal autonomy and the ability to self-determination of their positions and regulation of their own lives. The main factors of self-determination, successful self-realization and personal psychological well-being are: understanding of own purposes, meanings, perspective of own future; existence of motivation for self-development and self-realisation, understanding of own powers and confidence in own capabilities, personal autonomy, and the ability to control consciously and to assess own achievements and prospects. The article substantiates that self-determination of personal development is the psychological foundation and prerequisite for personal self-realization. Successful self-realisation and personal psychological well-being is determined by existence of a personal desire for self-development and personal power revealing, evaluation of own personal powers as sufficient to successful achievement and holistic perception of life’s journey, including existence of realistic life goals. These factors stipulate goal-setting motivation and determine integration of the past, present and future in a personal psychological life space. It is substantiated that self-determination of personality development is a psychological basis for its self-realization and psychological well-being.

Danylchenko T.V. ◽  

The purpose of the article is to analyze modern concepts that are used to describe the optimal functioning of an individual. The most common concepts in positive psychology are: happiness, psychological well-being, flourishing. The plurality of terminology is associated with the existence of different approaches to determining the existential goal of human life: pleasure or benefit. Attempts to operationalize the components of well-being cause some difficulty. They are difficult to separate from predictors and psychological consequences of well-being. Attempts to overcome the methodological limitations of each of the approaches are concentrated in two directions. The structural-tiered approach focuses on identifying structural components, types of well-being, and finding ways to relate them to each other. The integral approach tries to find a new generalizing definition for all concepts of optimal human functioning. Personal well-being is a concept that unites all the signs of optimal conditions and human functioning. First, subjectivity is the individual experience of their own functioning in everyday life as a result of self-determination in the present and expectations for the future, which depend on the implicit concept of well-being. Second, the affective component is emotional and evaluative attitude to individual events and life in general. Third, a prerequisite is the positivity of such an assessment – the presence of certain positive experiences as a result of perception of an objective life situation, the balance of positive and negative emotions. Fourth, the presence of external and internal criteria: on the one hand, compliance with the system of values inherent in this culture, on the other, the assessment of daily efforts and living conditions. Fifth, self-determination is the ability of a person to determine the nature of the optimal interaction between him and the environment, to some extent to control it and be responsible for the consequences. Personal well-being is interpreted as an existential multi-concept that reflects the balance between the subject’s search for satisfaction in various spheres of life according to the implicit concept of well-being and the disclosure of personal potential and harmony between inner and outer world, based on significant emotional characteristics and positive personality traits. Key words: happiness, psychological well-being, flourishing, subjective well-being, personal well-being.

Psichologija ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 7-21
Ž. Šarakauskienė ◽  
A. Bagdonas

Vis daugėjant paauglių psichinių sutrikimų, kartu esant ribotoms investicijoms ir paslaugų prieinamumui, kyla susidomėjimas mokinių psichologine gerove. Atliktas tyrimas siekia užpildyti šios imties psichologinės gerovės tyrimų trūkumą ir praplečia supratimą, kokie yra Lietuvos vyresnių klasių mokinių psichologinės gerovės prognostiniai veiksniai. Buvo ištirti Lietuvos vyresniųjų klasių mokinių psichologinės gerovės matmenys (savęs priėmimas, gyvenimo tikslas, aplinkos kontrolė, asmeninis augimas, teigiami santykiai su kitais, autonomija) ir, apklausus 655 aštuntų, dešimtų ir dvyliktų klasių Lietuvos mokinius iš 21 bendrojo lavinimo ir profesinio rengimo mokyklos, naudojant daugialypę tiesinę regresiją nustatyta, kad vyresnių klasių mokinių psichologinė gerovė nepriklauso nuo šeimos sudėties, jų gyvenamosios vietos, dalyvavimo popamokinėje veikloje. Griežtos išvados dėl lyties, amžiaus, ekonominių išteklių ir psichologinės gerovės nepriklausomybės daryti negalima. Vaikinų aplinkos kontrolės, gyvenimo tikslo ir savęs priėmimo matmenų įverčiai didesni už merginų, 18 m. mokinių asmeninio augimo ir gyvenimo tikslo įverčiai didesni už jaunesnių, o mokinių iš tėvų gaunamos pajamos smulkioms išlaidoms nebuvo susijusios su šiais dviem psichologinės gerovės matmenimis. Sėkmingesnis mokymasis reikšmingai prognozavo didesnius autonomijos, asmeninio augimo ir gyvenimo tikslo skalių įverčius. Asmenybės kintamieji stipriau nei sociodemografiniai prognozavo mokinių psichologinę gerovę. Ekstraversija susijusi su didesne psichologine gerove, sąmoningumas – su didesniais aplinkos kontrolės ir gyvenimo tikslo matmenų įverčiais. Emocinis stabilumas susijęs su aplinkos kontrolės, teigiamų santykių su kitais ir savęs priėmimo matmenimis. Neurotiškumas nesusijęs su autonomijos ir gyvenimo tikslo matmenimis. Internalumas prognozuoja didesnę psichologinę gerovę. Vis dėlto šiame tyrime analizuoti sociodemografiniai ir asmenybės prognostiniai kintamieji paaiškina tik nedidelę dalį psichologinės gerovės matmenų dispersijos. Tai reiškia, kad ateities tyrimuose reikia ieškoti kitų prognostinių kintamųjų, kurie paaiškintų likusią didesnę dispersijos dalį.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: psichologinė gerovė, mokiniai, asmenybės bruožai, kontrolės lokusas, sociodemografiniai kintamieji.Predictors of older schoolchildren’s psychological well-beingŠarakauskienė Ž., Bagdonas A. SummaryThe rising numbers of the adolescents’ psychological disorders, on the background of limited investments and available psychological services, awake interest in schoolchildren’s psychological well-being. The goal of the study was to determine which sociodemographic and personality variables are significant predictors of the older schoolchildren’s different psychological well-being dimensions. The dimensions of Lithuanian older schoolchildren’s (N = 655, from 21 general and professional education schools) psychological well-being (autonomy (Cronbach’s α = 0.72), environmental mastery (α = 0.62), personal growth (α = 0.60), positive relations with others (α = 0.72), purpose in life (α = 0.67), and self-acceptance (α = 0.74)) were measured, and with the help of multiple linear regression the psychological well-being was found not to depend an family composition, living place (41.8% were from five biggest cities, 36.8% from region towns, 21.4% from villages), attendance of extracurricular activities. It wasn’t possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion concerning psychological well-being independence on gender (58% were girls), age and economic resources. Boys had higher scores than girls in environmental mastery, purpose in life and self-acceptance, 18-year-old schoolchildren had scored higher than younger ones in personal growth and purpose in life dimensions; the amount of money received for minor expenses had no relationship with the latter two dimensions of psychological well-being. The internal locus of control predicted a higher psychological well-being. A higher learning success significantly positively predicted the autonomy, personal growth and purpose in life. Personality variables predicted schoolchildren’s psychological well-being stronger than did sociodemographic ones. Extraversion predicted a higher psychological well-being in all six dimensions, and the consciousness factor positively impacted the environmental mastery and purpose in life scores. Emotional stability predicted a higher environmental mastery, positive relations with others and self-acceptance. Neuroticism was unrelated with autonomy and purpose in life. attention must be paid to the fact that the significant prognostic sociodemographic and personality variables analysed in the study accounted for only rather small amounts of psychological well-being dimension variance (from 16.5% in autonomy and personal growth to 28.6% in environmental mastery and positive relations with others).Keywords: schoolchildren, psychological well-being, personality traits, locus of control, sociodemographic variables.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
pp. 93
Liudmyla Serdiuk ◽  
Ivan Danyliuk ◽  
Olena Chykhantsova

<p>The article examines the personal qualities of secondary school graduates that determine their hardiness at their professional self-determination. The modern approaches defining hardiness essence and factors, and peculiarities of its development are analyzed. The factors contributing to the enhancement of an individual’s hardiness in the situation of professional self-determination are considered.</p><p>Hardiness is understood as a holistic phenomenon of a personality that mediates stress impact on psychological well-being and health. Self-understanding and self-acceptance of secondary school graduates, their life goals, and life meanings, confidence in themselves and their capabilities are important. It is the psychological basis of personal resilience and life senses.<strong><em></em></strong></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (05) ◽  
pp. 19-45
María Camila Cabargas Fernández

En este estudio se pretende describir el bienestar psicológico y la motivación de hockystas amateurs que estudian/trabajan y deben cumplir con una rutina de alto rendimiento para representar a Chile en el hockey césped. Para ello se indagó en el bienestar psicológico desde la perspectiva de Ryff, y en la motivación desde la Teoría de la Autodeterminación (TAD) de Deci y Ryan. Tras la compleja realidad a la que se enfrentan diariamente los deportistas de la muestra, es que surge el interés por conocer las variables psicológicas mencionadas anteriormente. Teniendo en cuenta que pudieran estar relacionadas a través de las diferentes dimensiones que las componen. Por lo tanto, al potenciar algunas de estas dimensiones se estaría influyendo tanto en el bienestar psicológico como en la motivación de los deportistas, lo que nos ayudaría a describir como es el bienestar psicológico y la motivación de estos. This study aims to describe psychological wellbeing and motivation in amateur hockey players who study/work and must obey to a high performance routine to represent Chile in field hockey. Wellbeing approaches made by Ryff were considered for this research, as well as self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan) to investigate motivation. After the complex reality this amateur hockey players face every day, it becomes interesting to study the psychological variables mentioned above. Believing that they could be related through different dimensions that compose them. Therefore, when you maximize the dimensions of both theories, it would be directly influencing the psychological well-being and motivation of athletes, this could help us to describe psychological well-being and motivation of them.

Ēriks Kalvāns

Psychological well-being affects all areas of a person's life, physical health and social well-being. High psychological well - being make a longer human life and provides continuous personal development and self-improvement. As shown by the results of studies, psychological well-being content varies among different ethnic groups and cultures. Thus, despite the accumulated theoretical and empirical material about the research challenges of wealth, not properly applied research results in other countries to a particular country or region, in this case - Latvia and the Latgale region. Socio-economic development in this region have the lowest rates. These facts raise the question of Latgale adverse socio-economic impact on the psychological well-being of its people. In view of these facts, this study aims are to investigate the population of Latgale psychological well-being lewel and content of this phenomenon.

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