Ukrainian Psychological Journal
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Published By Taras Shevchenko National University Of Kyiv

2520-6273, 2520-6265

2020 ◽  
pp. 28-63
A. G. Vinogradov

The article belongs to a special modern genre of scholar publications, so-called tutorials – articles devoted to the application of the latest methods of design, modeling or analysis in an accessible format in order to disseminate best practices. The article acquaints Ukrainian psychologists with the basics of using the R programming language to the analysis of empirical research data. The article discusses the current state of world psychology in connection with the Crisis of Confidence, which arose due to the low reproducibility of empirical research. This problem is caused by poor quality of psychological measurement tools, insufficient attention to adequate sample planning, typical statistical hypothesis testing practices, and so-called “questionable research practices.” The tutorial demonstrates methods for determining the sample size depending on the expected magnitude of the effect size and desired statistical power, performing basic variable transformations and statistical analysis of psychological research data using language and environment R. The tutorial presents minimal system of R functions required to carry out: modern analysis of reliability of measurement scales, sample size calculation, point and interval estimation of effect size for four the most widespread in psychology designs for the analysis of two variables’ interdependence. These typical problems include finding the differences between the means and variances in two or more samples, correlations between continuous and categorical variables. Practical information on data preparation, import, basic transformations, and application of basic statistical methods in the cloud version of RStudio is provided.

2020 ◽  
pp. 171-188
І. M. Leonova

Factors of loneliness experienced by women from different social groups, identified with factor analysis, are considered. Six structural factors were identified: neuroticism, an individual’s position in relation to herself and others, sociability, interpersonal relationships, personal potential, behavioural types. Each of these factors has a direction, so determines a woman’s sociality or, vice versa, deepness of her loneliness. We have determined that personal qualities developed due to experienced negative emotions, including low self-esteem, too high demands toward themselves and others, depression, fear and anxiety, insecurity, or emotional instability, contribute to antisocial behaviour (social indifference) and loneliness. A woman’s aggressive-negative position is one of the factors influencing her maladaptation to society and making her feels lonely. We can also argue that destructive communications also contribute to the feeling of loneliness. We have found that harmony and comfort at interpersonal relationships and loneliness depends on a woman’s position in interpersonal relationships, their distance and valence. Women with a high personal potential are less likely to experience feelings of loneliness than women with low personal potential. Moreover, fear and aggression directly affect the development of women’s depressed-aggressive behaviour, which leads to social maladaptation; this fact allowed us to understand the causes for the fear of being alone and the mechanism forming women’s feeling of loneliness.

2020 ◽  
pp. 119-134
O. M. Kolesnikov

An article presents the empirical study on the peculiarities of selfactualization of civil servants with different types of work motivation. The two groups of respondents (civil servants and non-governmental workers) were compared. “Professional”, “instrumental” and “patriotic” types of work motivation were more pronounced among non-governmental employees. Civil servants-respondents were less interested in work content, they were more likely to take an uninteresting job; their motives for self-improvement were less pronounced, and therefore, they were not so interested in difficult tasks, regarded by the respondents of the other group as a professional challenge and a way for self-expression. Professional recognition was not so important for civil servants as social recognition; they were less likely to think about fair remuneration for their labor. They did not so much need “the idea” as a driving force for work, as well as recognition by others of their indispensability in organizations where they worked. At the same time, a higher percentage of civil servants (in comparison with the other group) did not seek to improve their skills and were characterized by reduced professional activity, responsibility, desire to share their skills and achievements with others. It was more difficult for civil servants (compared to non-governmental workers) to live in the present, not to postpone life “for later”; they felt more insecure, were “up in the clouds”; such self-actualizing values as goodness, beauty, integrity, truth, uniqueness, psychological hardiness, justice, achievement, order, self-sufficiency, etc., although demonstrated quite closely by both groups, were still less pronounced among civil servants. The need for knowledge was also much less expressed by civil servants, as well as autonomy, independence, a sense of freedom. Civil servants were inclined to focus on other worker’s opinions and external social standards; it was more difficult for them to establish strong and friendly relationswith others; they were more anxious and insecure comparing to nongovernmental workers. Civil servants with instrumental work motivation had neither a general benevolent attitude towards people, nor the values of self-actualization in general. In contrast, civil servants with professional work motivation not only shared such values, but also valued life “here and now”, strived for knowledge and creativity in professional work. Patriotic and lumpenized types of work motivation were expressed by civil servants indirectly. At the same time, employees with the patriotic type had very similar tendencies to self-actualization as employees with the professional type: they tended to live today, appreciated a current moment, strived for harmonious relationships with others, felt natural sympathy, trust in people, sought for new knowledge. The main features of this type, according to the respondents, were increased anxiety, self-doubt, neuroticism. All identified correlations between self-actualization indicators and lumpenized work motivation were negative for civil servants. Economic work motivation was the rarest for civil servants, respectively, the corresponding selfactualization tendencies included only a friendly and impartial attitude towards other people.

2020 ◽  
pp. 9-27
I. Baranauskiene ◽  
A. B. Kovalenko

The article presents the research on the characteristics of older preschool-age orphans’ interpersonal relationships. It reveals differences between the functioning of the sphere of orphans’ interpersonal relations and that of children brought up in families. Orphans show higher interest in adults, indicating that orphans’ need in adults’ attention is not satisfied. The main motives for communication with adults in families are mutual interactions and cognitive needs, while the dominant motive of orphan children is searching for attention and kindness. Orphans show increased inclination to conflicts, cause for which are every-day issues and the struggle for adults’ attention and friendliness. The main cause of conflicts characteristic for family-raised children is their selfaffirmation in games. Orphans are less and less likely to express their own emotions when communicating. They rarely turn to their partners for some advice, support, and sharing of experiences, unlike children in families. Orphaned children feel indifference in relationships with peers. Differences were found between orphaned children and family-raised children as for well-being of relationships: orphans’ well-being is quite low, while family-raised children’s well-being is high. Orphaned children, due to problems in interpersonal relationships with adults and peers, have some deviations in the most important psychological formations: distortion of self image, delayed formation of subjective attitude to oneself, as well as slow and abnormal development of activity, which may further negative affect their psychological well-being.

2020 ◽  
pp. 189-213
I. V. Ostapenko

The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of an empirical study of the potential of social media for civic competence development. Modern approaches to understanding civic competence and the use of social media are analyzed. The main vectors of social media influence on the development of civic competence are determined: informational, valuemotivational, emotional-consolidating, mobilizing. Using the method of evaluative repertoire grids, the structural components of civic competence of student youth, which are developed by means of social media, are determined. A method for identifying the leading motives for the use of social media for civic competence development is proposed. Two groups of motives are defined: target and instrumental. It is established that among the target motives for the use of social media the leading role for student youth is played by: 1) self-expression and self-exposure - declaring one’s own civiс position (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube); 2) self-identification with representatives of social groups who have common views on certain issues (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram); 3) joint entertainment (Instagram, Youtube, TikTok); 4) establishing contacts (Instagram, Viber, Telegram); 5) expanding ideas about the rights and responsibilities of citizens (Facebook, Youtube); 6) the opportunity to discuss socially significant and political and legal issues (Facebook, Twitter). The leading instrumental motive is the use of social media as a means of: 1) finding educational programs, information resources for self-education (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram); 2) satisfaction of aesthetic needs (Instagram, Youtube, TikTok); 3) keeping in touch with those who it is not possible to see in real life (Viber, Telegram, Instagram); 4) development of an individual’s social capital (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube); 5) generation of ideas and relevant content (posts / texts, audio and video content, comics, memes) on socially significant and political and legal issues (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube); 6) job search tool (Facebook, Instagram).

2020 ◽  
pp. 223-237
G. V. Chaika

The article examines the psychological qualities and characteristics that support positive relations with others as they are understood in C. Ryff 's model of psychological well-being and compares them with those personal qualities that usually understood as supporting an individual 's personal autonomy. To solve this task, we used the corresponding scale from the Ryff 's Scales of Psychological Well-being; the Test of Meaningful Life Orientation of D. A. Leontiev; Test-Questionnaire of Self-Attitude of V. V. Stolyn, S.R. Panteleyev; Self-Efficacy Scale proposed by R. Schwarzer and M. Jerusalem (adapted by V. G. Romek), S. Maddi 's Hardiness Scale (adaptated of D. A. Leontiev et al.), the Self-Actualization Test (CAT), the self-expression scale from the self-determination test of Osin E. et al. In total, 150 respondents - students of Kyiv universities participated in the research. The study data show that there are strong correlations between positive relations with others and such personal traits as life process and life results and other indicators of meaningfulness of life; self-expression, which reveals whether life is experienced as consistent with one 's own desires, needs and values; self-respect and expected attitudes of others and several other indicators of self-attitude and general scale of self-attitudes; self-actualizing value and psychological hardiness. The predictors of successful positive relations are commitment, expected attitudes of others, self-expression and self-respect, existing life goals and positive life results. High locus of control on self and control as a factor of psychological hardiness can prevent from development of warm, good and deep relations. The obtained results show that there is a line of personal characteristic that support personal autonomy and positive relations with others, namely, self-expression, self-respect, life-goals. That is why we cannot argue the idea that personal autonomy and positive relations with others are totally opposite personal traits and that need in autonomy can is fulfilled by neglecting relationships with others.

2020 ◽  
pp. 105-121
D. K. Korolov

The purpose of presented research is the finalization of the gifted students’ personal values questionnaire development. This work carried out in four stages: 1) approbation of the preliminary version of the questionnaire, 2) the response scale elaboration with acceptable discrimination, 3) development of internal consistent, factor and content valid scales, designing test norms, 4) assessing the instrument retest reliability and the criterion validity. Three hundred eighty-six university students answered the questionnaire at all stages of the study. Based on factor and content analysis six measuring scales were constructed: productive creative activity values, orientation on intensive emotional experience, orientation on social recognition, value uncertainty, orientation on profession, value of comfortable living. The data confirm the questionnaire final version compliance with other standard psychometric requirements: no answer to the items was chosen more often than 55%, the distribution of raw scale scores is normal, Cronbach's Alpha closes to 0.70, corrected item-total correlation is above 0.20, retest reliability coefficient is not below 0.70. The instrument is recommended for individual assessment and research purpose in students' population. Further research prospects are related to questionnaire validity determination in relation to other external criteria of giftedness and to the accumulation and reflection of experience in using the tool.

2020 ◽  
pp. 214-229
L. Z. Serdyuk ◽  
A. B. Kovalenko

The article analyzes the psychosemantic content and structure of students’ learning motivation as a holistic phenomenon. The structuralsubstantive and procedural characteristics of learning motivation are revealed based on the performed theoretical analysis. The “Unfinished sentences” technique was used to study the psycholinguistic and psychosemantic structure of students’ motivational sphere. This technique allowed us to evaluate expressiveness of the most important factors of students’ mental activities, which have a significant impact on their learning: their motivational orientations, leading motives and ways of their implementation, sources of tension, and styles of relationships with other people. In order to objectify the obtained data and interpret the research results, we used the developed procedure of content analysis, that help us to identify the psychosemantic indicators of students’ learning motivation, we also developed the technology for analysis and interpretation of textual diagnostic information obtained from the students. The performed psychosemantic analysis of the diagnosed textual information revealed in depth the essence of structural-meaningful and procedural characteristics of students’ learning motivation. The results obtained indicate that learning motivation is characterized by a complex structure, one form of which is the structure of internal (as for processes and results) and external (rewards or avoidance) motives. Students’ learning activities have a lot of motives. The main of them, which determine their work, are the following: an activity result (a product created, knowledge learned, etc.); satisfaction with a process; awards for efforts (salary, promotion, recognition); success in an activity; avoidance of failure. The main function of the differences arisen between an attained level and a level of actual goals is to form learning motivation, motivation to achieve the goals.

2020 ◽  
pp. 44-57
Yu. V. Vakulenko

The article describes and analyzes the questionnaire “Short Sensory Profile (SSP)”. The original variant of the Profile, its features and advantages in using as a diagnostic tool and as an informational material describing for parents the specifics of their children’s disorders are described. The impaired processing and integration of sensory information characteristic for healthy children and children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is examined. Attention is drawn that sensory features and its violations characteristic for healthy and ASD children should be researched with a Ukrainian sample. The results of SSP adaptation and validation with the sample of Ukrainian children are presented. The questionnaire was translated into Ukrainian language from the original one (English) by a professional interpreter. The adapted version passed an asymmetrical translation, which helped to preserve the meanings of used statements and comply with the requirements of language clarity and certainty. The parents of 506 children (293 healthy children and 213 children with autism spectrum disorder) took part in the questionnaire adaptation; they filled the questionnaire about their children’s sensory patterns. Children were further divided into 6 groups by age and the presence / absence of a diagnosed autism spectrum disorder. Excel 2016 was used to calculate the scores, and IBM SPSS v.23 statistical application was used to check the psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire. The SSP psychometric characteristics, such as internal consistency of the statements, retest reliability, obvious validity, validity by the criteria and constructive validity, were at high and sufficient levels. The procedure and interpretation of the study results were standardized. For this, the frequency distribution was calculated by the general indicator and additionally by age groups to determine the severity of sensory disturbances in children and adolescents. According to the results of frequency distribution, the overall distribution of scores was determined, which gave the possibility to determine the presence and severity of the violations in processing and integration of sensory information by children and adolescents.

2020 ◽  
pp. 209-222
T. M. Tytarenko

The personal landscape transformations are defined as the territory of a person 's life, which has special dynamics, structural and functional characteristics, meaningful filling. In addition to specifying the landscape concept, the task was to determine the types of landscapes of combatants after returning from the war. The sample consisted of 91 combatants (higher education cadets and volunteers). We used the written narrative method of the proposed scheme, a conversation, and a focused one-on-one interview. As a result, post-traumatic combatants 'narratives consisted of war-related injuries (41.9%); family treason (24.7%); losses suffered in peace time (23.5%); other difficult life situations (9.9%). The following criteria for determining the type of landscape have been developed: meaningfulness of the past; assessment of the present; a vision of the future; value dominant. There is considered the value-semantic configuration of the individual 's life as an integral indicator of the landscape. The following types of landscapes have been identified: a) existential (differs in the unwillingness to rethink the traumatic past; the inability to assess the present adequately; the inability to construct the future; the dominant for survival); b) family (distinguished by a good understanding of the past; adequate assessment of the present; detailed construction of the future; dominant of meaningful relationships); c) service (differs from family one primarily by the criterion of dominant value – to be useful to the state, to the fight against the aggressor, and to the army); d) self-realization (differs in the main value of self-development); e) pragmatic (distinguished by the major value of career advancement). The most common landscapes are existential and family landscapes (25.0% each); in second place is landscapes of service and self-realization (17.3% each); on the third – pragmatic (13.6%). The hypothesis according to which the direct participation of military personnel in hostilities can act as a trigger for changing the personal landscape is confirmed.

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