scholarly journals Semantic shift in conflict terminology in contemporary Russian socio-cultural media discourse

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-89
Alina S. Antipova ◽  
Maria D. Rabeson ◽  
Olga V. Smirnova
2013 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-220 ◽  
Lian Liu ◽  
Marie D. Stevenson

This study examines stance in cross-cultural media discourse by comparing disaster news reports on the Sichuan earthquake of May 2008 in a Chinese, an Australian Chinese, and an Australian newspaper. The stance taken in the news reports is examined using the Attitude sub-system of Martin and White’s (2005) Appraisal framework. The analysis revealed that stance patterns in the reports from the three newspapers varied systematically, and that the reports from the three newspapers could be placed on a continuum, with the Chinese-Australian news reports taking an intermediate stance, though leaning more towards the Chinese stance. For instance, whereas the Australian reports focused primarily on evaluating the actual earthquake situation, both the Chinese and the Australian Chinese reports focused more on assessing the participants and their behavior during the aftermath of the earthquake. Findings are linked to features of the Chinese and Australian sociocultural contexts, and the implications of the study are discussed for understanding the discourse of migrant ‘sub-cultures’ in relation to the discourse of the cultures to which they are connected.

Mandych T.M.

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of lexical and stylistic features of modern Ukrainian language sports media discourse. The study was performed taking into account certain principles of cognitive linguistics, according to which the concept BASKETBALL as a part of the conceptosphere SPORT can be interpreted as a target concept in the process of semantic shift and the formation of secondary nomination in sports comments.Methods. The research uses a general scientific descriptive method and sampling method, as well as some techniques of conceptual analysis, methods of metaphorical modeling and lexical and stylistic analysis.Results. According to the results of the study, live broadcasts with a total duration of about 14 hours were analyzed, accompanied by a Ukrainian-language or bilingual (with the participation of a Ukrainian-speaking commentator and a Russian-speaking specialist) commentary. A number of metaphorical verbalizers of the concept BASKETBALL have been recorded and characterized, which are divided into four types according to semantic differentiation – anthropomorphic, artefact, sociomorphic and natural-morphic. Within each of the types, the collected illustrative material is classified on the basis of a specific donor concept, which caused a semantic shift in associations or similarity, and divided into metaphorical models that reflect the specifics of the metaphorization mechanism, pointing to the correlated source-concept-goal pair. The semantic expediency of metaphorical verbalization of the concept BASKETBALL and stylistic functions performed in sports commentary are explained.Conclusions. Metaphorical verbalization of the concept of BASKETBALL in Ukrainian-language sports media discourse is typical for textual support of broadcasts of other sports. Based on the separation of the common seven, which caused the metaphorical transfer, the models “basketball– man”, “basketball – artifact”, “basketball – rest”, “basketball – war”, “basketball – history”, “basketball – culture”, “basketball – crime”, “basketball – nature”, which form the basis of the figurative component of sports comments.Key words: vocabulary, media discourse, metaphor, sports commentary, stylistic device. Вступ. Статтю присвячено аналізу лексико-стилістичних особливостей сучасного українськомовного спортивного медіадискурсу. Дослідження виконано з урахуванням окремих засад когнітивної лінгвістики, відповідно до яких концепт БАСКЕТБОЛ як частину концептосфери СПОРТ можна трактувати концептом-ціллю у процесі семантичного зрушення та формування вторинної номінації у спортивних коментарях цього виду спорту. Методи. У дослідженні застосовано загальнонаукові описовий метод та метод вибірки, а також окремі прийоми концептуального аналізу, методи метафоричного моделювання та лексико-стилістичного аналізу. Результати. За підсумками проведеного дослідження проаналізовано прямі трансляції загальною тривалістю близько 14 годин, що супроводжувались українськомовним або білінгвальним (за участі українськомовного коментатора та російськомовного фахівця) коментарем. Зафіксовано та схарактеризовано низку метафоричних вербалізаторів концепту БАСКЕТБОЛ, що розподілені за чотирма типами відповідно до змістової диференціації: антропоморфного, артефактного, соціоморфного та приро-доморфного. У межах кожного з типів зібраний ілюстративний матеріал класифіковано на основі визначеного концепту-джерела, що за асоціаціями чи подібністю спричинив семантичне зрушення, та поділено на метафоричні моделі, які відбивають специфіку механізму метафоризації, вказуючи на корелятивну пару концет-джерело – концепт-ціль. Пояснено семантичну доцільність метафоричної вербалізації концепту БАСКЕТБОЛ та стилістичні функції, виконувані у спортивному коментарі. Висновки. Метафорична вербалізація концепту БАСКЕТБОЛ в українськомовному спортивному медіадискурсі є типовою для текстового супроводу трансляцій різних видів спорту. На підставі виокремлення спільної семи, що спричинила метафоричне перенесення, визначено моделі «баскетбол – людина», «баскетбол – артефакт», «баскетбол – відпочинок», «баскетбол – війна», «баскетбол – історія», «баскетбол – культура», «баскетбол – кримінал», «баскетбол – природа», які становлять основу образної складової спортивних коментарів. Ключові слова: лексика, медіадискурс, метафора, спортивний коментар, стилістичний засіб.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-226
Soner Tauscher

Avrupa ülkelerinin alışık olduğu düzenli işçi göçü ve kontrollü sığınmacı alımı Suriye iç savaşının üst düzeye ulaştığı 2013/2014 yılından itibaren önemli bir değişim göstermektedir. Avrupa Birliği, kuruluşundan bu yana en yoğun mülteci göçüyle karşılaşmaktadır. Yaşanan bu kontrolsüz ve zorunlu göçe Avrupa toplumları ve devletleri hazırlıksız yakalanmıştır. Mülteci krizini ekonomik olarak fırsata çevirmek isteyen Almanya ise göçmenler için 2015 yazından itibaren açık kapı politikası uygulamaya başlamıştır. Ancak uygulanan açık kapı politikası Alman toplumunun azımsanmayacak bir kesiminde mültecilere ve Müslümanlara yönelik ağır ve şiddetli bir karşı kampanya ortaya çıkardı. Mülteciler ve Müslümanlar aşırı sağ toplumsal hareketlerin gösterilerinde “tecavüzcü”, “işgalci”, “kriminal dolandırıcılar” vb. sıfatlar ile birlikte anılmakta, medya da bu söylemlerin taşıyıcılığını yaparak kamusallaşmasını sağlamaktadır. Böylece aşırı sağı desteklemeyen, apolitik, ya da sığınmacılara karşı hoşgörülü davranan toplum kesimlerinde kamuoyu oluşturularak sığınmacı ve göçmenlere karşı olumsuz algı gündemde tutulmakta, politik olanın merkezine yerleştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle göçmenlere karşı aşırı sağ toplumsal hareketlerin oluşturduğu olumsuz söylemin McCombs ve Shaw’un Gündem Belirleme Kuramı (Agenda Setting Function) bağlamında medya tarafından siyasetin merkezine nasıl oturtulduğu tartışılacaktır. Ayrıca gündemde tutulan mültecilere yönelik olumsuz söylemin gerçeği yansıtıp yansıtmadığı, göçmenlerin ve sığınmacıların biyolojik Almanlardan daha çok suça meyilli olup olmadığı oluşturulan soyut söylemlerden ziyade Almanya İçişleri Bakanlığı’nın yıllık olarak yayınladığı Emniyet Suç İstatistikleri temel alınarak incelenecektir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHFar right movements in Germany and evaluation of media discourse of criminal immigrant in the light of official documentsFlows of regular worker migration and regular asylum seekers, of whom European countries are familiar, have significantly changed since 2013/2014 when the civil war of Syria reached its peak. The European Union face probably the most intensive refugee migration since its establishment. European societies and states have not been prepared for this uncontrolled and compulsory immigration. Germany seem to want to turn the refugee crisis into an economic opportunity as evident in their open door policy since the summer of 2015. However, implementation of open-door policy has led a substantial part of German society to a strong campaign against the refugees and Muslims. Refugees and Muslims are referred to as “rapists”, “invaders”, “criminal fraudsters”, and so on in demonstrations of far right movements and media has helped disseminating these discourses. Hence, this manipulated and hateful discourse tries to gain support from the segment of society wh normally does not support far right and often apolitical, or tolerant towards asylum seekers. In this study, the ways in which the negative discourse of far right social movements against immigrants is brought to the centre of the political agenda by media is analysed using the agenda setting framework by McCombs and Shaw. Then, the claims that immigrants are involved in crime, or they are prone to be criminals are analysed and contrasted with the data obtained from the annual Crime and Safety Reports of the German Ministry of the Interior.

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-93
Laurel Smith Stvan

Examination of the term stress in naturally occurring vernacular prose provides evidence of three separate senses being conflated. A corpus analysis of 818 instances of stress from non-academic texts in the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and the Corpus of American Discourses on Health (CADOH) shows a negative prosody for stress, which is portrayed variously as a source outside the body, a physical symptom within the body and an emotional state. The data show that contemporary speakers intermingle the three senses, making more difficult a discussion between doctors and patients of ways to ‘reduce stress’, when stress might be interpreted as a stressor, a symptom, or state of anxiety. This conflation of senses reinforces the impression that stress is pervasive and increasing. In addition, a semantic shift is also refining a new sense for stress, as post-traumatic stress develops as a specific subtype of emotional stress whose use has increased in circulation in the past 20 years.

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