scholarly journals Modeling the plane radiation structures consisting of discrete elements

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
M. Andriychuk

Modeling the radiation pattern (RP) of plane arrays has been carried out using the strict electrodynamical solution of the respective direct problem that allows obtaining the representation of RP in the explicit operator form. The system of integral equations of the Hallen type is used for the determination of the current distribution in the apertures of radiators. The optimal excitation coefficients in apertures are determined while minimization of functional presenting the mean-square deviation of the given and synthesized amplitude RPs. The additional terms in the functions are applied for the minimization of radiation in a near zone of array and limitation on the values of excitation coefficients. The computational results demonstrate the quick convergence of the proposed iterative procedure and the ability to synthesize the prescribed amplitude RPs of the various types.

1967 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-174 ◽  
Fredrik Esscher

When experience is insufficient to permit a direct empirical determination of the premium rates of a Stop Loss Cover, we have to fall back upon mathematical models from the theory of probability—especially the collective theory of risk—and upon such assumptions as may be considered reasonable.The paper deals with some problems connected with such calculations of Stop Loss premiums for a portfolio consisting of non-life insurances. The portfolio was so large that the values of the premium rates and other quantities required could be approximated by their limit values, obtained according to theory when the expected number of claims tends to infinity.The calculations were based on the following assumptions.Let F(x, t) denote the probability that the total amount of claims paid during a given period of time is ≤ x when the expected number of claims during the same period increases from o to t. The net premium II (x, t) for a Stop Loss reinsurance covering the amount by which the total amount of claims paid during this period may exceed x, is defined by the formula and the variance of the amount (z—x) to be paid on account of the Stop Loss Cover, by the formula As to the distribution function F(x, t) it is assumed that wherePn(t) is the probability that n claims have occurred during the given period, when the expected number of claims increases from o to t,V(x) is the distribution function of the claims, giving the conditioned probability that the amount of a claim is ≤ x when it is known that a claim has occurred, andVn*(x) is the nth convolution of the function V(x) with itself.V(x) is supposed to be normalized so that the mean = I.

1967 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-207 ◽  
Hans Bühlmann

Classical statistics deals with the following standard problem of estimation:Given: random variables X1, X2 … Xn independent, identically distributed, andobservations x1, X2 … xn,Estimate: parameter (or function thereof) of the distribution function common to all Xi.It is not surprising that the “classical actuary” has mostly been involved in solving the actuarial equivalent of this problem in insurance, namelyGiven: risks R1R2 … Rn no contagion, homogeneous group,Find: the proper (common) rate for all risks in the given class.There have, of course, always been actuaries who have questioned the assumptions of independence (no contagion) and/or identical distribution (homogeneity). As long as ratemaking is considered equivalent to the determination of the mean, there seem to be no additional difficulties if the hypothesis of independence is dropped. But is there a way to drop the condition of homogeneity (identical distribution)?

2020 ◽  
Vol 838 ◽  
pp. 111-117
Jana Bouchalova ◽  
Helena Raclavská ◽  
Vendula Klimantová

The research is primarily focused on the determination of humidity on radon volume activity in different soil gas permeabilities in a given land. The research also included the detrermination of the radon index in the given land. The mean concentrations of radon in soil gas during the drought ranged from 15.9 - 24.1 kBq/m3 and in the precipitation period 16.3 - 26.7 kBq/m3. The first area was characterized by low gas permeability of soils, where a low radon index was determined during the dry season and a medium radon index was determined in the precipitation period. The second area, the medium gas permeability of the soils was determined from the analysis of the collected soil samples. The values of the third quartile in both cases measurements of radon volume activity in soil gas fall into the middle class of radon index. The third location would be determined by high gas permeability of soils. The radon index of the given land during the drought was determined as the medium, as in the case of measurement of radon volume activity in soil gas in the period with added moisture in the soil profile. The analysis confirmed the effect of moisture on the volume activity of radon.

1968 ◽  
Vol 46 (10) ◽  
pp. S718-S721
V. A. Astafiev

The possibility of the determination of the mean multiplicity of secondaries, n(E), with the aid of the cascade characteristics has been studied using the nuclear cascade with one-type particles as an example. For the simple model of interaction with the inelasticity coefficient k = 1 the energy spectra of particles in the showers produced by the particles of various energies have been calculated. The function n(E) has been restored in the higher-energy range on the assumption that the calculated spectra are known from the "experiment," and the function n(E) at low energies has been measured within good accuracy. Estimates of the accuracy of the cascade data necessary for determining n(E) within the given accuracy are presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
Tran Thanh Binh ◽  
Dumitru Baleanu ◽  
Nguyen Hoang Luc ◽  
Nguyen-H Can

AbstractIn this article, we consider the problem of finding a source term of a Rayleigh–Stokes equation. Our problem is not well-posed in the sense of Hadamard. The sought solution does not depend continuously on the given data. Using the truncation method and some new techniques on trigonometric estimators, we give the regularized solution. Moreover, the mean square error and convergence rates are established.

1996 ◽  
Vol 75 (05) ◽  
pp. 772-777 ◽  
Sybille Albrecht ◽  
Matthias Kotzsch ◽  
Gabriele Siegert ◽  
Thomas Luther ◽  
Heinz Großmann ◽  

SummaryThe plasma tissue factor (TF) concentration was correlated to factor VII concentration (FVIIag) and factor VII activity (FVIIc) in 498 healthy volunteers ranging in age from 17 to 64 years. Immunoassays using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were developed for the determination of TF and FVIIag in plasma. The mAbs and the test systems were characterized. The mean value of the TF concentration was 172 ± 135 pg/ml. TF showed no age- and gender-related differences. For the total population, FVIIc, determined by a clotting test, was 110 ± 15% and the factor VIlag was 0.77 ± 0.19 μg/ml. FVII activity was significantly increased with age, whereas the concentration demonstrated no correlation to age in this population. FVII concentration is highly correlated with the activity as measured by clotting assay using rabbit thromboplastin. The ratio between FVIIc and FVIIag was not age-dependent, but demonstrated a significant difference between men and women. Between TF and FVII we could not detect a correlation.

1966 ◽  
Vol 16 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 038-050 ◽  
Ulla Hedner ◽  
Inga Marie Nilsson ◽  
B Robertson

SummaryThe plasminogen content was determined by a casein method in plasma and serum from 20 normal volunteers. The mean plasminogen content was found to be 10.1 ACU (the arbitrary caseinolytic unit defined in such a way that using a 3% casein solution and a digestion time of 20 min. at 37°C, 10 ACU gave an extinction of 0.300). No difference between serum and plasma regarding the plasminogen content was found.Plasminogen was determined in drained and drained plus washed clots prepared from 2 ml plasma. The highest values found in the drained clots were 0.9 ACU/clot and 0.2 ACU/clot in the drained plus washed clots.Plasminogen was also determined in drained and drained plus washed clots prepared from plasma with added purified plasminogen. The plasminogen was recovered in the washing fluid. According to these tests, then, purified added plasminogen is washed out of the clots.The plasminogen content of 20 thrombi obtained post mortem was also determined. The mean value was found to be 0.7 ACU/cm thrombus. Judging from our results, the “intrinsic clot lysis theory” is not the main mechanism of clot dissolution.

2003 ◽  
pp. 42-49 ◽  
E. Bushmin

The article is devoted to the analysis of improving budget process trends. The author offers the concept of "financial technologism". Its usage should promote an essential improvement of the budget process. The given concept is based on the fact that the regulation of budget procedure is the process of determination of "rules of the game", and the order of interaction of different institutions within the framework of the budget process, and the trends and volumes of expenses are the strategy of institutions. The procedure within the budget process plays a principal role as compared with the trends and volumes of public expenditures.

1973 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 714-726 ◽  
A. Burger ◽  
B. Miller ◽  
C. Sakoloff ◽  
M. B. Vallotton

ABSTRACT An improved method for the determination of serum triiodothyronine (T3) has been developed. After addition of a tracer amount of the hormone, T3 was extracted from 1 ml serum under conditions of pH and ionic strength which favoured T3 extraction (89%) over thyroxine (T4) extraction (58%). Chromatography of the extracted material on Sephadex LH-20 separated T3 completely from residual T4. The T3 eluate was dried, then re-dissolved in 0.5 ml NaOH 0.04 n. To 0.2 ml duplicate aliquots, a standard amount of TBG was added for the competitive protein analysis. After one hour incubation at 4°C, separation of bound from free T3 was achieved on small Sephadex G-25 columns. Overall recovery was 67 ± 10.8% and correction for the loss was made. The solvent blank was 37 ± 27 (sd) ng/100 ml. Accuracy of measurement of known quantities of T3 added to serum was 98.4%. The coefficient of variation within the assay was 6.2% and between the assays it was 11.4%. The limit of detection (0.1 ng) corresponded to a concentration of 25 ng/100 ml. T4 added to serum did not interfere with T3 determination until high non-physiological values were reached. The mean ± sd serum T3 in 54 euthyroid subjects was 153 ± 58 ng/100 ml and in 24 hyperthyroid patients it was 428 ±186 ng/100 ml; 4 out of the 24 hyperthyroid values were within 2 sd of the mean euthyroid group. All the values found in the euthyroid group were well above the limit of detection of the method.

2010 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-550 ◽  
Wojciech Batko ◽  
Bartosz Przysucha

AbstractAssessment of several noise indicators are determined by the logarithmic mean <img src="/fulltext-image.asp?format=htmlnonpaginated&src=P42524002G141TV8_html\05_paper.gif" alt=""/>, from the sum of independent random resultsL1;L2; : : : ;Lnof the sound level, being under testing. The estimation of uncertainty of such averaging requires knowledge of probability distribution of the function form of their calculations. The developed solution, leading to the recurrent determination of the probability distribution function for the estimation of the mean value of noise levels and its variance, is shown in this paper.

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