Valentina Chernyak ◽  
Ekaterina Parysheva

Введение. Слова рынок и базар стали своеобразными индикаторами социальных, экономических и политических изменений, оказавших значительное влияние на языковую личность носителя русского языка. Целью статьи является рассмотрение динамики фрагмента тезауруса, вербализованного словами рынок и базар, на основе анализа лексикографических и корпусных источников. Материал и методы. Материалом статьи являются данные толковых словарей с XVIII по XXI век, материалы ассоциативных словарей и фрагменты текстов, извлеченные из Национального корпуса русского языка, позволяющие на основе сопоставительного анализа выявить динамические процессы в семантике лексем. Результаты и обсуждение. Сопоставление материалов толковых словарей и «Русского ассоциативного словаря» убеждает, что «зеркало ассоциативного словаря» незаменимо для исследования отдельных фрагментов действительности, взаимосвязи ассоциативных и системных лексико-семантических полей. Исследование в направлении от системы и ассоциативно-вербальной сети к тексту показало, как постепенно меняется семантическая структура двух синонимов, как осуществляется их аксиологическая специализация. У слова рынок со временем развивается новое значение – «сфера товарообмена», что в дальнейшем отражается на расширении лексической сочетаемости. Актуализация семантического компонента «шум» приводит появлению у слова базар переносного значения – «громкий разговор». Базар в сознании носителя языка – пространство, где могут обмануть. Рынок на ценностной шкале обыденного сознания также связывается с воровством, дороговизной и хаосом, что во многом обусловлено влиянием на языковое сознание социально-экономических факторов. Семантические различия двух синонимов и контаминация разных значений служат основанием для создания языковой игры. Заключение. Семантика слов рынок и базар, вербализующих значимый для жизни человека фрагмент действительности, на протяжении длительной истории их бытования в русском языке претерпела значительные трансформации, обнаруживающиеся и на уровне структуры значений, закрепленных лексикографически, и на ассоциативно-вербальном уровне языковой личности. В семантической структуре слова рынок наблюдается все более заметное преобладание нового значения (система товарно-денежных отношений) над традиционным (место торговли). Лексема базар во всех значениях оказывается коннотативно отмеченной.Introduction. The words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) have become a kind of indicators of social, economic and political changes, which had a great impact on language personality of the Russian native speaker. The aim of the article is to research into the dynamics of thesaurus fragment, which is verbalized with words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar). The analysis is based on lexicographical and corpus data. Methods and material. The main material used for analysis is: data taken from explanatory dictionaries published from XVIII to XXI century, associative fields mined from associative dictionaries, and text fragments extracted with the help of The Russian National Corpus. These materials make juxtaposition analysis of lexical semantics dynamic processes possible. Results and discussion. Juxtaposition of explanatory dictionaries materials as well as “Russian Associative Dictionary” shows that ‘the mirror of associative dictionary’ is indispensable for studying particular fragments of reality. Interconnection between associative fields and systemic lexical semantics fields is obvious. The study directed from system to text shows the gradual changes in semantics structure of two synonyms. The research traces the establishment of their axiological specialization. The word rynok (market) develops a new meaning over time – “sphere of commodity exchange”, which is further reflected in the expansion of its lexical compatibility. Since the semantic component “noise” actualizes, the figurative meaning of word bazar (bazaar) emerges – “loud conversation”. Bazar (bazaar) in the native speaker’s mind is a space where one can be easily deceived. Rynok (market) on the value scale of everyday consciousness is also associated with theft, high cost and chaos, which is largely due to the influence of socio-economic factors on the language consciousness. Semantic differences between two synonyms and contamination of different meanings become the basis for creating language game. Conclusion. The meaning of words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) verbalize the crucial for person’s life fragment of reality. Throughout the long history of functioning, their semantics underwent significant transformation that can be revealed at various levels: structure of the meanings fixed by lexicography, associative and verbal level of language personality. The observations show that in the semantics structure of word rynok (market) the new meaning (‘system of exchange relations’) tends to prevail over the traditional one (‘place for trade’). Lexical unit bazar (bazaar) contains connotations in all meanings.

Vojtech Novitzky

Abstract Schon als Schüler erlernte Ignaz von Döllinger so hervorragend die englische Sprache, dass ihn später viele seiner britischen Korrespondenzpartner und Freunde für einen native speaker hielten. Seine ausgezeichneten Englisch-Kenntnisse ermöglichten dem Münchner Kirchenhistoriker und Präsidenten der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften nicht nur eine intensive Wahrnehmung und Lektüre englischsprachiger Publikationen, darunter auch politischer Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, sondern auch eine sehr genaue Beobachtungen der kirchenpolitischen Auseinandersetzungen in der Church of England, die er als die faszinierendste aller nachreformatorischen Kirchenbildungen hoch schätzte. Der Beitrag macht zunächst an Döllingers The Church and the Churches aus dem Jahre 1861, sodann an den kurz nach der deutschen Reichsgründung, 1872 gehaltenen Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches, weiterhin an den von Döllinger initiierten Bonner Unionskonferenzen (an denen 86 Kirchenfunktionäre und akademische Theologen aus unterschiedlichen Kirchen teilnahmen) 1874/75 und kurz auch an The History of Religious Freedom (1888) die wachsende Sympathie Döllingers für den anglikanischen Kirchentypus deutlich. Zwar litter stark unter Edward B. Puseys Ablehnung der Bonner Konsensgespräche. Aber langfristig bereitete Döllinger mit seinen zahlreichen ökumenischen Initiativen den Weg für die 1931 vereinbarte Abendmahlsgemeinschaft zwischen Anglikanern und Altkatholiken.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 92-98
I. I. Krivonosov

The article is devoted to the history of the appearance and functioning of the word supertask (sverhzadacha) in the Russian language. Two lines of the lexeme functioning were distinguished: the first is associated with the etymology of the word, the second – with its use by K. S. Stanislavsky in the terminology system and the further entry of the unit into general use on the basis of determinologization. It is interesting that the second meaning has acquired the most widespread use. Only in the past two decades, the word has begun to lose its connection with the process of artistic creation. The purpose of the study was to briefly review the history of the word: from its first fixation in the Russian language and application by K. S. Stanislavsky (to designate one of the key concepts of Method Acting) up to modern contexts of use. The entry of the lexeme into the language was investigated using structural methods. The methods of contextual and distributive analysis were used to analyse both the contexts in which Stanislavsky used this word and the process of its fixation in the National Corpus of the Russian language. Statistical analysis was used to trace the dynamics of integration of the lexeme into the Russian language and its fixation in various spheres. The methods of component and comparative analysis were used to describe the formation mechanism of the initial term in the historical context. Borrowings of the term supertask (sverhzadacha) were found in other languages, indicating the spread of Stanislavsky’s system. The conclusion is drawn that the word supertask (sverhzadacha) functions in the Russian language mainly as a term from Stanislavsky’s system, gradually becoming determinologized and returning to the meaning conveying the logical sum of its constituent components.

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-104
Galina V. Fedyuneva ◽  

The article presents an analysis of the lexical composition of the newly discovered Zyryan-Russian dictionary of the 17th century and clarifies its place in the history of Komi lexicography. The article solves the problems of classification of lexicographic monuments and systematization of approaches to their description, and reveals gaps in research that has not been conducted since the mid-20th century. The currently known lexicographic monuments of the Komi language are limited to the dictionary materials of D.G. Messerschmidt, F.I. Stralenberg, G.F. Miller, P.S. Pallas and I.I. Lepekhin; the materials were collected during their expeditions in the 1720s–1770s. Unlike the church monuments of the Old Komi language of the 14th–17th and 18th centuries, the materials have not yet received a thorough archaeographic description, textual analysis and cultural and historical interpretation. The new Zyryan-Russian dictionary, discovered as part of the manuscript collection of the monk Prokhor Kolomnyatin and accurately dated (1668), is the earliest monument in the history of Komi lexicography today. The dictionary is interesting because it belongs to the period almost undocumented by written evidence and differs from all existing monuments in its dialect basis. The article describes the structure of the dictionary, thoroughly analyzes the lexical composition and presents most of its content, and reveals parallels with the dictionary materials of other monuments. The Russian-Komi dictionary-phrasebook that I.I. Lepekhin found and published in his Diary Notes is considered in more detail. Later V.I. Lytkin reprinted and deciphered the phrasebook, as well as made commentaries on it in his Old Permic Language (1952); thus, it became an auxiliary material for the reconstruction of the Old Komi language of the 14th–17th centuries. The dictionary dates back to the 18th century, although it has not been subjected to serious cultural-historical and chronological attribution. The newly discovered monument, unlike Lepekhin’s dictionary created by the type of translated old Russian dictionaries-phrasebooks based on the Russian questionnaire, reflects the live Komi-Zyryan language of the second half of the 17th century. It does not contain typical phrases, phrases from dialogues and connected texts that are typical of translated phrasebooks. There is only a certain tendency towards a thematic presentation of the material, although not always consistent. Like the dictionary materials contained in the draft papers of Russian and foreign travellers of the 18th century, the vocabulary of the new dictionary was written by the author of the collection directly from the words of a native speaker (or native speakers) of the Komi language in order to fix it and, apparently, was not intended for communicative use. Unlike the existing dictionary materials, which often contain short lists of Komi numerals, the new dictionary contains a consistent detailed money vocabulary list, from “denga” to “thousand rubles”. Numerical values are given in the Cyrillic numeral system using letters, which is undoubtedly of interest for ethnohistorical research and Russian paleography.

2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-166
Viktorija Kostadinova ◽  
Nuria Yáñez-Bouza ◽  
Gea Dreschler ◽  
Sune Gregersen ◽  
Beáta Gyuris ◽  

Abstract This chapter has fourteen sections: 1. General; 2. History of English Linguistics; 3. Phonetics and Phonology (not covered this year); 4. Morphology; 5. Syntax; 6. Semantics; 7. Lexicography, Lexicology, and Lexical Semantics; 8. Onomastics; 9. Dialectology and Sociolinguistics; 10. New Englishes and Creolistics; 11. Second Language Acquisition. 12. English as a Lingua Franca; 13. Pragmatics and Discourse. 14. Stylistics. Section 1 is by Viktorija Kostadinova; section 2 is by Nuria Yáñez-Bouza; sections 4 and 5 are by Gea Dreschler and Sune Gregersen; section 6 is by Beáta Gyuris; section 7 is by Kathryn Allan; section 8 is by Maggie Scott; section 9 is by Lieselotte Anderwald; section 10 is by Sven Leuckert; section 11 is by Tihana Kraš; section 12 is by Tian Gan, Ida Parise, Sum Pok Ting, Juliana Souza da Silva and Alessia Cogo; section 13 is by Beke Hansen; section 14 is by Jessica Norledge.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 449-465
Weijing Zhou ◽  
David Deterding ◽  
Francis Nolan

Abstract It is widely accepted nowadays that intelligibility is the essential goal for most learners of English, and it is not necessary for them to mimic all aspects of native-speaker English in order to achieve a high level of intelligibility. However, the features that are needed in order to make oneself easily understood by listeners from elsewhere remain controversial. The current research focuses on thirteen five-minute recordings of conversations between young speakers of English in central China and an interviewer from Britain, in order to determine which features of their speech gave rise to misunderstandings. It was found that, in the 18 tokens of misunderstanding identified, 4 resulted from lexical semantics (22%), 3 from Chinese place names (17%), 3 from grammar (17%) , and 11 from pronunciation (61%) (with some tokens cross-classified). The most common phonological factors giving rise to loss of intelligibility were omission of syllables and simplification of word-initial consonant clusters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 116 (5) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Elena V. Kharitonova ◽  

The article deals with the peculiarities of translating mentality through language in a transforming society. The article reveals the idea of a transitive society and the psychology of transitivity. It is shown that a transitive society influences social representations and values, determines attitudes and goals. Particular attention is paid to the interaction of language and mentality in the context of globalization, when there is an increase in changes in language, including in the Internet language. The language of the people is one of the main mechanisms for transmitting the mentality, through which a special national way of thinking is formed. Numerous studies have shown that the transitivity of society, accompanied by the influence of high technologies, informatization, and virtualization, has a transformative effect on the mentality as a whole. In the history of Russia, the fundamental transformations of society associated with the revolution of 1917 also determined changes in the language in the post-revolutionary period, which were manifested in the increase in the number of jargon, abbreviations of words, and the introduction of foreign borrowings into the language. In the works of scientists of those years, the peculiarities of the influence of foreign borrowings on people's consciousness and mentality in general were analyzed. V. M. Bekhterev, N. S. Trubetskoy, A. M. Selishchev, A. A. Potebnya and others paid attention to the study of these processes. Excessive changes in language can pose a threat to the national mentality due to their impact on traditional values, their destruction and the introduction of new values in a globalized world. The role of the media as a native speaker of a new language and as a tool for influencing mass consciousness is outlined. The most intensive manipulation of the masses through language influences increases in unstable, transitional periods of society development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4 (202)) ◽  
pp. 293-310
Valeria S. Kuchko ◽  

This article studies Russian verbs which name the action of gratuitous material assistance to those in need, i.e. благотворить, благотворительствовать, благодетельствовать, меценатствовать, жертвовать, спонсировать, and their few derivatives. The author focuses on the history of their origin and use in the Russian language, the development of their meanings, semantic features, and functioning in the text. The analysis of these characteristics of the life of the word in the language allows the author to identify and formulate some norms of the use of these verbs in modern charity discourse for those who speak and write about charity. The study is based on historical and modern lexicographic sources, such as explanatory dictionaries of the Old Slavic Language, Old Russian Language, Russian language of different time periods, as well as examples of word usage, retrieved from The National Corpus of the Russian Language. In spite of the fact that the verbs studied realise the predicate of a situation of charity and designate the subject’s action of providing a poor or deprived object with material support, they considerably differ in terms of time of their appearance in the language, periods of usage, and semantic capacity. The analysis demonstrates that there is no verb that could claim the status of a nuclear verbal lexeme of the semantic field of charity: the word with the widest neutral semantics благотворить has almost fallen out of use, the verbs благодетельствовать and меценатствовать have a narrower application, while жертвовать imposes semantic restrictions on the choice of words for the positions of the object and the instrument of charity, and in the case of the verb спонсировать a specific context of “market” charity is important, in which the subject receives a certain benefit from their contribution.

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