Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin
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Published By Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (118) ◽  
pp. 189-194
Anna S. Polyakova ◽  

Folk dance is an integral part of modern choreographic culture. At the same time, the definition of its place and role in modern artistic realities is complicated not only by understanding the boundaries of this phenomenon, but also by contradictory approaches to understanding its essence. Folk dance is also understood as folk dance, or vice versa, later layers of dance culture, not associated with ritual actions. Also, some researchers put forward the thesis that folk dance is only an area for – traditional culture, as well as the phenomena of everyday dance culture that are entrenched in the folk tradition. Quite often in modern choreographic culture, folk dance is likened to the concept of «folk stage dance» – a kind of specific model of folk dance culture, created and embodied in the conditions of the stage space. And this, as will be discussed in this article, is not legitimate. All these processes are not accidental. To a certain extent, they demonstrate the difficulties in the formation of the very phenomena related to folk dance: from traditional forms to stage versions of its representation. This article defines the boundaries of the definition of «folk dance», gives its periodization in accordance with the cultural and historical periods, and also highlights the main sources of its formation. Particular attention is paid to identifying the specific features of folk dance, among which the most vividly highlighted: ritual and ceremonial basis, syncretism, synthetism, special mentality, anonymity, heterofunctional character, imitativeness, improvisational character, tradition and rules of performance, the relationship with the musical and song basis, its collective representation. The article outlines a culturological approach to further understanding the phenomenon of «folk dance» in scientific discourse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (119) ◽  
pp. 167-181
Elena M. Boldyreva ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the specifics of the artistic representation of the image of the doctorcharlatan in the stories of A. Chekhov, M. Zoshchenko, Lu Sin and V. Shalamov. The article demonstrates that in the humorous stories of A. Chekhov and M. Zoshchenko the phenomenon of «charlatans from medicine» is presented in an ironic mode, when writers create many comic, farcical and vaudeville plots, in which illiterate doctors try to treat stupid common patients unsuccessfully; in the works of Lu Sin and V. Shalamov, this topic is presented in a fundamentally different way: they express the tragedy of a person who has become a hostage of political and social upheavals. Theauthors distinguish three main plot invariants in the medical discourse of writers: plots in which the motive of «drug» is realized – a pseudo-drug used by charlatans for treatment (from farcical and comically absurd in the works of Chekhov and Zoshchenko to senselessly inhuman, associated with motives of blood and death in the works of Shalamov and Lu Sin), plots in which the motive of «the executioner and the victim» is presented, accentuating the barbaric and sadistic methods of treatment used by «charlatans from medicine» and plots where the subject of the image becomes the emotional deprivation of a doctor or pseudo-doctor, a kind of «anesthesia of the heart «, presented in a comic version by Zoshchenko and Chekhov and in a tragic version by Shalamov and Lu Sin. The author comes to the conclusion that doctors M. Zoshchenko and A. Chekhov, in their executioner incarnation, are so naively simple-minded that they are not frightening, but comical and perform their «unconscious butchery» without malicious intent, or out of fear to admit their professional incompetence, or being absolutely sure of their own infallibility, and sick victims lose their martyr's halo, they are equated with doctors in terms of the narrowness of their horizons, and therefore their suffering causes not compassion and sympathy, but laughter. The charlatan healers of Lu Sin embody the tragic hypostasis of butchery, perceiving their healing «torture by fire and blood» as loyalty to barbaric ancient traditions and mythological customs, Shalamov's doctors are sophisticated sadists, their deliberate butchery is based on the awareness of the inviolability of their sacred status, the victims are not treated, but exposed, so they perceive their torment and suffering outside the ethical paradigm and feel their butchery as a creative act, receiving aesthetic pleasure from the process of «medical butchering» and from the awareness of their chosenness and the right to decide human destinies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (118) ◽  
pp. 195-201
Olga Y. Vorobiova ◽  

The article presents understanding of the cultural memory phenomenon in the context of museum activity. Special attention is given to the mainstreaming of memory in provincial museum activities. Cultural memory is interpreted by the author as «history recreated in memory», appealing not to a specific event of the past, but to his image, formed in the minds of people. The work highlights the key characteristics of the museum as an institute of memory, determining its special role in the process of forming, broadcasting and updating cultural memory: working with genuine sources of information – museum objects; attractiveness and expressiveness of museum objects – the ability to attract the attention of the audience and have emotional impact; special atmosphere that allows the visitor to «plunge into the era» (this is especially characteristic of memorial, environmental museums and exhibitions built on the ensemble principle). The specificity of the provincial museum in the process of updating cultural memory is due to its special functions, primarily the function of identifying the local population. Based on the analysis of empirical material (the practice of the Uglich State Historical Architectural and Art Museum), the levels of memory updating in the activities of the provincial museum were revealed: national, regional and local, as well as forms of updating. Key and at the same time traditional forms of memory updating in the provincial museum are expositions, exhibitions, lectures, local history meetings. New forms of memory updating include educational (interactive) programs and festivals (museum holidays). The author concludes that the issue of the formation and updating of cultural memory by the provincial museum itself remains insufficiently conscious.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (119) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Angelina V. Zolotareva ◽  

The article actualizes the problem of the education system readiness to switch to a remote mode of work based on research and reflection on the lessons of the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020; it substantiated the need for digitalization of the educational process through analysis of trends in the development of education and training using information systems; disclosed approaches to the methodology of digitalization of education in such areas as digital didactics, digital transformation, digital education, digital ecosystem; the concept of «readiness for activity or action» is defined, a theoretical analysis of the organizational, motivational, psychological, material and technical, normative readiness of educational organizations and participants in educational relations for activities in the new conditions of distance learning is provided; it describes the results of a study of the readiness of regional education systems, educational organizations, participants in educational relations (teachers, students and their parents) to work in adistance, remote mode; disclosed research methods (online survey, analysis of websites of educational organizations, study and generalization of experience) and the data of the results of the study of normative, material and technical, informational, organizational readiness, the education system for a remote mode of work, the readiness of teaching staff for new working conditions, as well as the readiness of families of students to study in self-isolation; examples of the best practices for organizing the activities of schools and families of students during the period of the forced transition to distance learning, including forms of rapid response, targeted methodological support of educational organizations in the region, psychological assistance to children and parents in the process of transition to new digital relationship; identified and generalized problems, suggested ways of solving in the near future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (118) ◽  
pp. 162-169
Ekaterina N. Shapinskaya ◽  

The article discusses the dynamics of modern сonsumer culture, in which the emphasis shifts from goods and services to the impression. In this regard, the concepts of event marketing and impression marketing, widely used both in modern literature and in training courses, are understood. The analysis of modern cultural practices shows that they are designed according to the market laws and use marketing strategies applied to the material sphere, as a result of which «pseudo-events» come to the fore. Particular attention is given to the strategies of modern cultural institutions that create events to attract new visitors, as well as the role of social networks in drawing the attention of the general public to cultural events. In this regard, theories developed by cultural researchers are considered, critically analyzing the general trend of modern culture towards commercialization, spectacularity and entertainment. The importance of the concept of the cultural industry developed by the theorists of the Frankfurt School, as well as the works of J. Baudrillard and G Debord, revealing the essence of the simulative nature of сonsumer culture is emphasized. A number of conclusions is drawn regarding modern trends in сonsumer culture, which includes cultural production, as well as the inability of modern humanitarian discourse to conceptualize these phenomena using existing methods and approaches. This is confirmed by the fact that the critical theories of mass culture and сonsumer culture developed in the last century have not been continued in modern cultural thought, while the work of marketers is gaining increasing popularity and recognition. In these conditions, sociohumanitary knowledge needs to develop a new tool for analyzing dynamic processes in modern culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (118) ◽  
pp. 37-47
Mikhail I. Rozhkov ◽  
Irina V. Ivanova ◽  

Following the methodology of existential pedagogy, we believe that a person's upbringing should proceed, first of all, from his understanding of freedom, a desire to become what he represents himself, therefore, the most important component of the process of upbringing a free person is the pedagogical support of his self-development. The article reveals the pedagogical possibilities of additional education for children in the formation of a self-developing personality of a child, shows the conditions for creating a subject-oriented educational environment, which consists in ensuring the possibility of developing and implementing an interesting self-development project for students, eventfulness of the educational process, ensuring the formation of a need for self-development through the creation of problem situations associated with the need to overcome, purposeful and systematic use in the educational process of methods and techniques aimed at the formation of moral value orientations. The conditions are disclosed on the example of describing some aspects of the educational activities of the Galaktika Children's and Youth Center for Space Education in the city of Kaluga, the Constellation Center for the Development of Children and Youth Creativity in the city of Kaluga and the Regional Ecological and Biological Center of Students. The article proposes the author's methodology «My ideal», aimed at studying the image of «I-ideal» adolescents aged 11 to 14 years, developed in the context of a reflexive-value approach to pedagogical support of self-development of adolescents in additional education. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the experience of pedagogical support for self-development of adolescents in the system of additional education (on the example of the city of Kaluga), which showed that educational practices of the development of value-semantic and reflexive-regulatory spheres of a teenager's personality have been accumulated in institutions today. Along with this, it is necessary to systematically and technologically approach the implementation of pedagogical support for self-development of adolescents in additional education, aimed at forming the readiness of pupils for existential choice, independent creation and responsible implementation of the project of their own life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (120) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Nina V. Chemyakina ◽  

he method of activating the capabilities of the individual and the team, the method of suggestopedia using technical means, the emotional-semantic method, the immersion method, the course of speech behavior, the method of rhythmopedia and hypnopedia. The possibilities of their application in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university are considered, the main methodological principles of intensive training are revealed. The article analyzes the possibilities of using drama-hermeneutics in the context of the intensification of foreign language teaching in a nonlinguistic university, where the dramatic and hermeneutical concepts have already collected the necessary principles of intensification, united by the pedagogical process into a single whole. The concept of «drama-hermeneutics» is presented as a combination of three principles: pedagogy, hermeneutics and theater skills, where each component provides new opportunities for the implementation of the intensification of the educational process. The intersubject and meta-subject orientation of drama-hermeneutics is noted, which makes it possible to adapt theater tasks and the hermeneutical chain to the conditions of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. The article highlights the main aspects of the pedagogical component, which are a resource for solving the problem of intensifying the learning process. The importance of using the drama-hermeneutical approach is emphasized, thanks to which students ' cognitive interests are activated, communication skills, emotional sphere, thinking and speech as well as the ability to perform creative and research work in a foreign language in a group are developed. The article describes the positive nature of the use of the drama-hermeneutical approach in foreign language classes at a non-linguistic university, whichis expressed in the integrity of the students ' formed idea of the work to which the lesson is dedicated, thanks to which its image is created and permanently imprinted in the minds of students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (120) ◽  
pp. 127-136
Artem S. Kashapov ◽  

The article presents the author's understanding of the concept of adaptation as a process of interaction of the person with the environment, which unfolds in the form of activity that contributes to the transformation of the environment in accordance with the new conditions and goals of activity. From these positions, adaptation is studies in the context of the socialization of the person – a process that allows a person to acquire a new social status. Socio-psychological adaptability is consideres as an integrative quality of a person, characterized by the presence of cognitive, motivational, communicative and self-regulating components in its structure. These components nonadditively form a complete structure of socio-psychological adaptation, which has cognitive, motivating and transformative functions. The implementation of these functions increases conflict tolerance and ensures the use of adaptive actions in interpersonal interaction. The resource component of socio-psychological adaptation’s dynamic and conflict resistance of junior students is established. The reasons of biology students for the negative dynamic in the indicator «motivation of pursuit for success» are revealed. The need of psychology students for constant appeal to reflection and self-discovery in the learning process contributes to the formation of a positive attitude to their personality and self-acceptance. This personal orientation increases the resource capacity, which should be considered in the context of the activity of the subject. The resource component is determined by the non-homeostatic principle of its existence and the manifestation of its activity. Resource capacity is enriched in the process of carrying out activity and behavior. In this regard, resource capacity acts both as a process and as a result. Therefore, it is impossible to consider resource capacity outside of the subject of cognition, communication and activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (120) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Elena V. Balakshina ◽  

Interest in the specifics of modern engineering activities, its psychological characteristics is due to the significance of engineering products. Their active introduction into all spheres of society today determines its special status and position among other types of professional activities. This trend is confirmed by the demand of engineering personnel in the labor market, the growing interest of young people in a number of engineering areas (information technology,nanotechnology, biotechnology). It should be noted that traditional types (construction, aviation engineering, transport, etc.) are not neglected. The differences in the existing types of engineering activity, as well as the representation of its complex options, are based on the variety of tasks solved by the engineer. Over the course of historical development, they became complicated under the demands of society, and their successful implementation required the presence of a high level of specialized knowledge (mathematics, physics, geometry, drawing, etc.), the technical orientation of thinking with a creative component. In this situation, the ability to innervate original, unexpected ideas, as well as the possibility of technical implementation of what the engineer conceived at a high-quality and safe level is an important criterion for the reliability of his work. Among the general pattern of professionally significant qualities, engineering thinking has a special position in the process of ensuring the effective performance of functional duties by a technical specialist (engineer), and the study of its leading indicators on the example of this professional community remains one of the priority areas of labor psychology and engineering psychology. The ability to track the general patterns of development of engineering thinking at the stage of professional training will allow us to reflect its peculiarities taking into account the profile (specialization), to improve training programs for future engineers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (120) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Svetlana N. Dvoryatkina ◽  
Larisa V. Zhuk ◽  

At the present stage of society's development, there is an increasing need for highly qualified specialists who are ready for continuous updating of knowledge and skills, solving research problems in their professional activities. In this regard, one of the important tasks of the implementation of educational programs is the achievement of a high level of research competence by graduates. Teaching mathematics opens up unlimited opportunities for the development of the intellectual sphere and research skills of schoolchildren. However, the insufficient development of pedagogical technologies focused on the implementation of psychodidactic patterns of research activity development is a negative factor that prevents the realization of the developing potential of mathematical disciplines. The article presents the author's approach to the organization of research activities of high school students, based on the idea of integrating the process of educational cognition and modern digital technologies. As a key aspect of personal development in teaching mathematics, we consider the activity of mastering complex knowledge in the course of performing ordered, forming a single motivational and applied integrity of the complex tasks of a research nature, in the process of which there is an active mastery of knowledge, deeper penetration into the essence of mathematical concepts,methods, ideas. At the same time, intelligent management of research activities of high school students is carried out within the framework of using the functionality of a hybrid learning environment that integrates the functions of artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, expert systems, providing individualization of learning, synthesis of mathematical and computer modeling of the content of knowledge and procedures. The paper describes the content and functionality of the basic modules of the intellectual learning system, describes the theoretical, methodological, and technological aspects of the organization of research activities of high school students to master complex mathematical knowledge.

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