2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Dwika Apriliana ◽  
Ageng Sadnowo ◽  
Helmy Fitriawan

Abstrak- Perangkap tikus pada penelitian ini memiliki fasilitas short message service (sms) yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi secepatnya bahwa ada seekor tikus yang terperangkap. Hal ini berguna untuk mengurangi resiko penyebaran penyakit akibat kematian tikus. Fitur lain yang ada pada perangkap ini yaitu perangkap ini akan mengirim sms setiap satu jam secara berulang sampai pengguna perangkap ini mematikannya dengan cara melakukan panggilan telepon pada nomor telepon yang ada pada perankap tikus ini. Setelah melakukan semua rangkaian kegiatan penelitian didapatkan bahwa perangkap tikus ini dapat mengirimkan sms dalam waktu rata-rata 27,68 detik dan dapat mengulangi pengiriman sms selama 1 jam dengan waktu toleransi 7 detik. Abstact- In this research mousetrap have short massage service facility that aims to give information quickly when rat is caught. This is useful for reducing the risk of death due to disease mouse. To know the rats are caught by using sensors photodiode that detects the presence of rats when infrared light direct to the photodiode blocked by mouse. Sending sms relay itself was controlled by microcontroller ATmega 8535 to move the keypad on the phone. Another features available on these traps are this trap will send sms repeated every one hour until this trap users deadly with a way to make phone calls on phone number that appears on this mousetrap.After a series of research found that this mousetrap can send sms in average time 27.68 seconds and can be repeated sms 1 hour delivery time 7 seconds tolerance. Keyword : Short message service (sms), sensor, relay

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 63-67
Tri Purnama Sari ◽  
Uci Gumarsih

SMS Reminder is a Short Message Service that broadcast in one direction, which means that incoming SMS will not be replied by system, and serves to remind the user. The system will automatically send SMS to multiple phone numbers which have been entered in database previously. The delivery time of SMS must be in accordance with a predetermined scheduling. The purpose of this study is to get an overview of implementation on SMS Reminder activities at Syafira Hospital Pekanbaru. The method use in this research is descriptive qualitative approach. The numbers of informants were two people that officer and person in charge SMS Reminder section. These results indicate that the Human Resources of SMS Reminder amounted to two person have educational backgrounds S1 and have been not trained specifically on SMS Reminder and the service of SMS Reminder have not Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as well as the lack of a telephone to perform SMS Reminder. Suggestions on this research is SMS Reminder officers should be trained in communication and procedures for the implementation of SMS Reminder and make Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) so that the officer has a reference in carrying out their duties.

Bambang Nurcahyo Prastowo ◽  
Nur Achmad Sulistyo Putro ◽  
Oktaf Agni Dhewa

Instant messaging services usually integrate a notification system on their users’ devices, as phone calls and short message service (SMS) systems do. Telegram is – as far as we are aware – the only popular instant messaging service that uses open source code. Telegram also provides APIs for their users, enabling the development of a bot system that allows instant messaging application to access information. Here, we study the potential use of Telegram bot as a user interface to a paperless office (PLO) system developed in our institution. We found that Telegram bot improves communication among the users; however, as the amount of messages increased, the server becomes overloaded. This limitation suggests that future works need to be directed to improving the efficiency of the bot

Albert Panjaitan ◽  
Hairul Amren ◽  
Darmeli Nasution ◽  
Rizaldy Khair ◽  
Iswandi Idris

Perkembangan yang sangat pesat terjadi pada bidang teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi saat ini mendorong masyarakta dunia memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0 yang serba cepat, sekaligus menjadikan informasi sentral dalam dunia industri maupun dunia usaha hingga dunia pendidikan. Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan (ATKP) Medan merupakan institusi pendidikan di bawah naungan pemerintah yang sudah mulai menggunakan berbagai hal teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi. Dengan adanya perkembangan tersebut berdampak memeberikan fasilitas yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna layanan komunikasi, dan informasi, seperti Short Message Service (SMS) hingga sistem berbasis aplikasi menggunakan smartphone android maupun iOS. Layanan aplikasi sms hingga sistem aplikasi tersebut adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan manusia untuk mendapatkan atau mengirimkankan informasi kapanpun dan dimanapun dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem aplikasi monitoring evaluasi pelaporan kegiatan taruna di ATKP medan berbasis web app. Dalam pembuatannya, aplikasi ini disesuaikan dengan kenutuhan user/orang tua taruna dan institusi ATKP secara umum. Sistem aplikasi ini akan memberikan kemudahan kepada orang tua taruna dalam memonitoring, kegiatan hingga prilaku taruna selama pendidikan di ATKP Medan serta  kemudahan mengakses nilai dengan cepat. Sistem aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php (web).

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Ermiati E ◽  
Imas Rafiyah ◽  
Devi Kusnanti

Anemia merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya perdarahan dan bisa mengakibatkan kematian pada ibu hamil. Suplementasi besi merupakan program pemerintah dalam mengatasi anemia pada wanita hamil dan beberapa wanita hamil masih ada yang belum patuh dalam mengkonsumsi tablet besi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah metode yang bisa meningkatkan kepatuhan wanita hamil dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi yaitu dengan short message service (SMS) reminder. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas SMS reminderterhadap kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada ibu hamil di (unit pelayanan terpadu) UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu Kota Bandung. Rancangan penelitian quasi experimentaldengan desain posttest-only with control group designdengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan April–Mei tahun 2014 di Puskesmas X Kota Bandung. Sampel berjumlah 40 orang wanita hamil yang tidak patuh dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi yang dibagi menjadi 20 kelompok intervensi dan 20 kelompok kontrol. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner dalam bentuk self report.Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar kelompok intervensi 17 orang (85%) patuh dan sebagian besar kelompok kontrol 16 orang (80%) tidak patuh. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan chi squaredidapatkan p(0.000) dengan taraf signifikan <0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa SMS reminder efektif terhadap kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada wanita hamil dan bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi pihak Puskesmas untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak provideratau mengajukan dana ke Dinas Kesehatan untuk mengaktifkan SMS reminderdi Puskesmas.Kata kunci: Kepatuhan, SMS reminder,tablet besi, wanita hamil AbstractAnemia is one of the leading causes of hemorrhage during pregnancy, and it can cause death to expectant mothers. Iron supplementation is a government program to overcome anemia among expectant mothers, and some of the expectant mothers still do not obediently consume iron tablets. Therefore, to increase the obedience of the expectant mothers on consuming the iron tablets, SMS reminder is the appropriate method needed. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of SMS reminder to the obedience of iron tablets consumption among expectant mothers at UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu , Bandung. The research employed quasi-experimental design with posttest-only control group design using purposive sampling technique. The research was held on April–May 2014 at UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu, Bandung. Forty expectant mothers consuming iron tablets disobediently divided into 20 intervention groups and 20 control groups were taken as the samples. Questionnaire in form of self report was used to obtain data. In addition, descriptive analysis and chi square test were applied to analyze the data. The result of the research showed that 17 persons (85%) of intervention groups were mostly obedient, and 16 persons (80%) of control groups were mostly disobedient. From the analysis using chi square, it was found the difference of the obedience of iron tablets consumption after SMS reminder (p=0.00) had been delivered with significant level <0.05. Based on the result of this research, SMS reminder had an effective impact toward the obedience of iron tablets consumption among the expectant mothers. The result will be a good consideration for Puskesmas to cooperate with provider or proposed some funds to Dinas Kesehatan to activate SMS reminder.Key words:Expectant mothers, obedience, SMS reminder, iron tablets

2018 ◽  
Rivalri Kristianto Hondro

Kemajuan perkembangan teknologi komputer dan telekomunikasi dapat membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan cepat, akurat dan efisien. Alat komunikasi yang banyak digunakan pada saat ini adalah mobile phone atau disebut juga telepon seluler. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi pada mobile phone adalah dengan mengirimkan data berupa pesan singkat atau SMS (Short Message Service). Permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan mobile phone adalah pencurian, penyadapan, atau penghapusan data khususnya data SMS (Short Message Service) sehingga aspek keamanan data dianggap penting. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem kriptografi enkripsi dan dekripsi SMS, disini digunakan enkripsi simetris. Sistem ini merupakan aplikasi yang menerapkan metode zig zag cipher yang menggunakan kunci simtetris. Hasil pengujian dari sistem ini adalah pesan SMS dienkripsi dengan pola zig zag menggunakan kunci dan didekripsi menggunakan kunci yang sama dengan enkripsi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Mohamed Ibrahim Eymoi ◽  
Patrick Mbataru

The unprecedented global adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is rapidly changing the way people are communicating in solving problems. For several years now, the role of ICTs has become important in the way people construct their relationships in conflict resolution. Yet little is known on the dynamism of this interaction. It is not clear how mobile technology has contributed toward conflict resolution, and this study will contribute to the knowledge on the role of mobile telephones in conflict resolution. The purpose of this study was to explore how the mobile phone technology contributed in resolving communal conflicts in Mandera County, Kenya. This study was guided by three theories: conflict transformation theory, diffusion of innovations theory and social representation theory. The conflict Tansformation Theory is adopted as the main theory of analysis.  The main idea of this theory is transforming negative conflict into constructive conflict, deals with structural, behavioural and attitudinal aspects of conflict. This study adopted a descriptive survey. The population for this study consisted of 301 employees in ICT and security department where stakeholders in technology and security sectors and the public. Primary and secondary  data was analysed according to the objectives. Primary data was derived from questionnaires formulated to target employees in ICT and security department. The data analysis included qualitative and quantitative techniques.  Qualitative data was summarized and categorized according to common themes and was presented using frequency distribution tables, graphs and charts. Content analysis was used mostly to arrive at inferences through a systematic and objective identification of the specific messages. The quantitative data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results confirmed that short message service, social media plateform, instant messaging applications, and video conferencing play a role in resolving communal conflicts in Mandera County. The study concludes that Short Message Service, Social Media Platforms and Instant Messaging Applications can be used conflict such as communal conflicts. Video Conferencing can be used to solve conflict such as relationship conflict, arises from differences in personality, style, matters of taste, and even conflict style as well as conflict in the workplace like task conflict. County government of Mandera must come up with ways of incorporating mobile phone technologies such as Short Message Service, Social Media Platforms, Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing on matters conflict resolution. The study recommends that the County Government of Mandera in collaboration with the National Government need to come up with agencies to regulate the use of social media as a medium to communicate in times of conflict since they are sometimes prone to misuse.

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