scholarly journals Direct and Indirect Compliment Responses: A Descriptive Qualitative Study among Indonesians and Americans

Wulansari Wulansari

Abstract: Indonesians and Americans have the strategies to respond the compliment which came from different culture. The aims of this research were addressing types of strategies and disclosing the direct and indirect response used by the Indonesians and Americans to respond the compliments. The research data consist of English and Indonesian. The data was analyzed by using qualitative method. The Discourse Completion Test (DCT) questionnaire was used to know the differences between compliment response given to Indonesians and Americans. The result of the research showed that the (1) responded category of Holmes (1986) classification of compliment responses strategies (CRs) are using three strategies (accept, reject and evade) among Indonesians and Americans. Indonesians tended to accept, reject and evade compliment by giving some reasons. While Americans tended using three categories by saying, "thank you" due to express of openness and receiving appreciation from the interlocutor. (2) The existence of culture plays an important role in responding compliment towards Indonesians and Americans. The Americans respond to compliments direct response and simple answers to compliments. Meanwhile, Indonesians prefer to respond compliment with indirect responses because they were leaning on the principle known as saving face politeness.

Tegar Aprilio Armanda

Tegar Aprilio Armanda, NPM: 1532010014. “Student Communication Anxiety During Thesis Guidance (Analysis of Communication Anxiety To Alumni of Students of the Communication Studies Program Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015). Communication Studies Program, Merdeka Madiun University, Supervisor : Maria Madgalena W., S.Sos, M.Si, Supervisor 2: Zulin Nurchayati, S.Psi, M.Si. Year 2020. The purpose of this study was to determine the cause and effect of communication anxiety between students of the Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015 with the supervisor when conducting thesis guidance, forms of communication anxiety itself that have been experienced by students of Communication Studies Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015, anticipatory steps taken by the Communication Sciences Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015 students, how important is the handling of communication anxiety, data related to communication anxiety among final year students. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Research data obtained through observation techniques, literature studies, interviews, and documentation. The informants came from the 2015 Communication Merdeka Madiun University alumni students. The results of this study are modeling and skill acquisition factors causing the emergence of communication anxiety, the type of communication anxiety perceived by informants is generalized context communication apprehension and situational communication apprehension, the form of communication anxiety perceived by informants is state anxiety, the most anticipatory step recommended by informants is to better understand the thesis material before the guidance and remain calm during the guidance.Keyword: Anxiety, Communication anxiety, Students of the Communication Studies Program Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015,Thesis Guidance. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 394
Mayona Sri Devi ◽  
Hasanuddin WS Hasanuddin WS

This research is aimed to describe: (1) the structure of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam; and (2) the social function of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam. This sort of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. This research data is structure and social function of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam. Data is collected from informants through two stages, that is (1) recording folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah, and (2) data collection about storytelling environment. The data were analyzed by the steps of: (1) a data inventory phase; (2) classification of data; (3) the stage of discussion or conclusion from data classification results; and (4) the stage of reporting. Based on the research, was found the following statements. (1) The structure of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam including: (a) language style; (b) characterization; (c) background; (d) storyline; (e) theme; and (f) mandate. (2) Social functions contained in folklore is inheritance of oral traditions, owner’s society identity, and social control.Keywords: legends, Inyiak Susu Sabalah, Minangkabau

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Lilik Istiqomah ◽  
Aulia Ilma Muyasaroh ◽  
Ika Lutfiana Muliawati

This study sets out to describe the translation strategy and the impacts of the strategy to the accuracy and acceptability of slang words translation in “The Kissing Booth” movie subtitle. The research data were collected from “The Kissing Booth” movie file along with the subtitles, both in English and Indonesian. The data were all slang words found in “The Kissing Booth” movie dialogue and subtitle. This study employed descriptive qualitative method to analyze the slang words from the dialogue in the movie. The result of the research shows that the slang words found in the movie are divided into 8 (eight) categories which are: Euphemism with 4 (four) data, Dysphemism with 11 (eleven) data, Typical in Spoken Language with 8 (eight) data, Typical in Informal Situation with 11 (eleven) data, Metaphorical Utterance with 5 (five) data, Proverb with 2 (two) data, Untranslatability with 4 (four) data, and Neutral Syntactic Level with 5 (five) data.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
NFN Indrawati

Abstrak: Penelitian Analisis Penggunaan Kohesi Referensi pada Naskah Drama Siswa SMAN 2 Kandangan merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penggunaan kohesi referensi pada naskah drama siswa SMAN 2 Kandangan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi data dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 2 Kandangan. Objek siswa SMAN 2 Kandangan yang dipilih adalah siswa jurusan IPA dan IPS kelas XI. Teknik penentuan subjek didasarkan pada pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan secara random sampling. Adapun objek penelitian ini adalah penggunaan peranti kohesi referensi dalam naskah drama siswa SMAN 2 Kandangan. Data diperoleh dengan metode membaca dan teknik mencatat. Metode analisisnya menggunakan metode analisi deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dideskripsikan penggunaan peranti kohesi referensi pada naskah drama siswa SMAN 2 Kandangan, yaitu (1) kohesi referensi pronomina persona adalah pronomina yang dipakai untuk mengacu pada orang. Pronomina persona terdiri atas persona orang pertama tunggal dan jamak, pronomina orang kedu tunggal dan jamak, dan pronomina orang ketiga tunggal dan jamak; (2) kohesi pronomina demonstratif adalah pronomina penunjuk umum, pronomina penunjuk tempat, dan pronomina penunjuk hal ikhwal; (3) kohesi referensi komparatif adalah kohesi referensi yang menyatakan perbandingan unsur yang satu dibandingkan dengan unsur yang lain. Kohesi referensi komparatif terdiri atas kohesi referensi komparatif yang menyatakan kurang, kohesi referensi komparatif yang menyatakan sama, dan kohesi referensi komparatif yang menyatakan lebih.Kata kunci: Kohesi, referensi, naskah drama Abstract: This study Analisis Penggunaan Kohesi Referensi pada Naskah Drama Siswa SMAN 2 Kandangan is descriptive study. The aim of this study is to describe the using of reference cohesion in drama script by SMAN 2 Kandangan student. This is descriptive qualitative study. The data population is the student of SMAN 2 Kandangan. The object of this study is SMAN 2 Kandangan from Science and Social class of second grade. Subject determination technique is based on random sampling.The data are gained through reading and writing. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The object of this study is the using of reference cohesion instrument in drama script of SMAN 2 Kandangan’ students. The result shows that the using of reference cohesion instrument in drama script by the student of SMAN 2 Kandangan are (1) pronomen reference cohesion is pronomen refers to a person. Person pronomen consist of singular and plural of first person. Pronomen singular and plural of second person, and pronomen singular and plural of third person; (2) demonstrative pronomen cohesion is general instruction pronomen, place instruction pronomen, cause instruction pronomen, occurances instruction pronomen; (3) comparative reference cohesion is reference cohesion that stating comparation of one component to the other one. Comparative reference cohesion consists of comparative reference cohesion that stating inefficient, comparative reference cohesion that stating equality, and comparative reference cohesion that stating more.Key words: cohesion, reference, drama script

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Elisten Parulian Sigiro

This research examines the rules and construction of the Katingan language phrase with the purpose of the description of the rules and construction of the Katingan language phrase. Therefore, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method because the method and technique of this research reflects reality in the field as they are. In terms of provision of research data used simak and cakap method with basic and advanced techniques. The results of this study indicate that the use of verbal, adjective, pronominal, adverbial, prepositional, and numerical phrases in Katingan is highly productive. This is demonstrated by the diversity of verbal, adjunctive, pronominal, adverbial, prepositional, and numerical Katingan language constructs 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-70
Sastika Seli ◽  
Bahya Alfitri

The research aims to describe the functions of humor used in an American comedy movie The Boss. The subject of the research was American comedy movie The Boss. Descriptive qualitative method was used to conduct the research. Data collection was done through library research and documentation. Data analysis was done through identification, coding, classification and description. The researcher found several findings. Supported by Meyers theory of joke, there are 6 functions of jokes found in the movie such as to insult someone, to express anger, to tease someone, to relieve tension, to get attention, and to amuse others. The dominant function was differentiation particularly to insult and to express anger 21 times, the second was clarification particularly to relieve tension humorous lines and amuse others 15 times, the third was enforcement particularly to tease 18 times, and the last was identification particularly to relieve tension and to get attention 27 times. These functions were also analyzed and discriminated by different setting and participant based on formality and participants distance. According to the analysis, most jokes occurred in informal situation with intimate relationship among the participants and functioned to tease someone and to relieve tension. This finding also proves that American humor is expressed with more slapstick and vulgarity as the characteristic of American humor used in daily communication. Keywords: sociolinguistics, humor, American humor, American comedy movie, The Boss movie

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Elisa Nurul Laili

Dysphemism is an expression with connotations that are offensive either about the denotatum or the audience. It is used to talk about one’s opponents, things one wishes to show disapproval of, and things one wishes to be seen to downgrade. The topic of dysphemism is crucial to investigate because dysphemism is the infraction of the rules of politeness that deals with the matters of face and face effects.This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The approach used in this research is library research. Data taken from taking notes and observation.This article is written to explain dysphemism in the perspective of Semantics, Sociolinguistics, and Discourse Analysis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Tri Hendro Prabowo ◽  
Reydonnyzar Moenek

Abstract: This research is intended to find out how effective this PSC program is in improving emergency services in Tulungagung Regency and the inhibiting factors in providing services to the community. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a deductive approach. The research data was collected using interview techniques, documentation and observation. Based on the research that has been done, the author concludes that the Effectiveness of the Public Safety Center (PSC) Program in improving emergency services in Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province has been effective enough, seen from 5 dimensions namely Production, Efficiency , Satisfaction, Adaptation and Development has been going well, although there are still some problems in terms of cross-sectoral cooperation that has not been maximized and facilities that are still not fulfilled.  Keywords: Efectiveness, Emergency, Public Safety Center, Services.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Muthmainnah Mursidin ◽  
Sitti Nurjannah ◽  
Rizka Indahyanti ◽  
Nurul Hasanah

This research was to find out: (1) the types of discourse markers used by the EFL students in argumentative text and (2) the functions of discourse markers used by the EFL students in argumentative text. This research employed a descriptive qualitative method. The respondents of this research were the second grade of EFL students; the total students were 30 students. The research data were collected by using an instrument namely writing activity. The writing consisted by argumentative text.  The data were analyzed qualitatively. The first important finding from this research was about the types of DMs used by the students’ in three kinds of different text, there are 30 types of DMs used by the students in the comparison and compare text and the second important finding was there are four category of functions used by the students in writing activity, they were contrastive markers, inferential markers, elaborative markers, and additional subclasses markers. Despite the fact that DMs can create a smooth talk or make the conversation more natural, the students should be able to use DMs wisely in term of fluency and coherence measured in the students’ writing.Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menemukan: (1) jenis pemarkah wacana yang digunakan oleh siswa dalam penulisan teks argumentatif dan (2) fungsi dari pemarkah wacana yang ada dalam penulisan teks argumentatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi kualitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua dengan jumlah siswa ada 30 siswa. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan sebuah instrumen yang bernama kegiatan menulis. Dalam kegiatan menulis ini menggunakan teks argumentatif, Data yang terkumpul dari kegiatan menulis ini kemudian akan di analisa secara kualitatif. Hal penting pertama yang telah ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis pemarkah wacana yang digunakan oleh siswa dalam tiga jenis teks yang berbeda, bahwa ada 30 jenis pemarkah wacana dalam teks argumentatif, Hal penting kedua yang telah ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada empat fungsi pemarkah wacana yang digunakan oleh siswa dalam kegiatan menulis, yaitu pemarkah perbedaan, pemarkah kesimpulan, pemarkah uraian, dan yang terakhir adalah pemarkah tambahan. Meskipun kenyataannya bahwa pemarkah wacana dapat membuat percakapan itu menjadi halus atau membuat percakapannya menjadi lebih lazim seperti kebiasaan, siswa seharusnya juga dapat menggunakan pemarkah wacana dengan bijak dalam kelancaran dan memperhatikan hubungan satu kata dengan kata lain dalam tulisan mereka.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Syaifuddin Gani

“Wa Ndiundiu” adalah dongeng yang dibangun melalui pergumulan karakter tokohnya. Setiap tokoh menampilkan watak sesuai kondisi kejiwaannya. Psikologi sastra adalah kajian yang memandang sastra sebagai aktivitas kejiwaan pelakunya. Permasalahan penelitian adalah bagaimanakah struktur kepribadian, kecemasan, dan klasifikasi emosi empat tokoh “Wa Ndiundiu”? Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan empat karakter tokoh “Wa Ndiundiu” menggunakan teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penulis menganalisis data dengan pendekatan tekstual, mengkaji aspek psikologisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tokoh Ayah adalah akumulasi karakter yang diliputi kecemasan, tanatos, dominasi id, kemarahan, dan kebencian. Wa Turungkoleo memiliki cinta, kesedihan, dan eros. Kecemasan terkendali oleh ego dan superego-nya. La Mbatambata dikuasai alam bawah sadar dan fase id, muasal dorongan primitif yang belum dipengaruhi kebudayaan. Tokoh Wa Ndiundiu menghimpun beragam kerumitan kejiwaan. Antara id, ego, dan superego saling bersitegang dalam jiwanya. Tiga kecemasan, eros, dan tanatos hadir sekaligus dalam dirinya. Beragam klasifikasi emosi tersebut memengaruhi tindakannya.Abstract:Wa Ndiundiu is a kind of folktale built through the struggle of its characters. Every character shows  some characterizations based on their psychological condition. Literary psy- chology is used to describe psychological fact of their characters. The problems of the study are to find how the structure of personality, the anxiety, the emotional classification of Wa Ndiundiu’s four characters are.  The study is intended to describe the personality of four characters in “Wa Ndiundiu” by using Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The writer analyzes the data by applying textual approach. The results of the analysis show that the first character “Ayah” is a character with anxiety, tanatos, id, madness, and hatred. The sec- ond character “Wa Turungkoleo” is a character that has love, sadness, and eros. Her anxiety can be controlled by her ego and super ego. The third character, La Mbatambata is still driven by his subconscious mind and id phase as a place of primitive stimulus which is influenced by the culture. The fourth character, Wa Ndiundiu collects the entire psychological situation in her characteriza- tion. Three types of anxiety, eros, and tanatos exist in her characterization. Many types of emo- tional feeling influence her action.

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