scholarly journals As Ruínas do Sumaré

Revista Prumo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
Alice Quental Sion ◽  
Marcos Favero

A proposta deste artigo é discutir a relação entre infraestrutura e arruinamento a partir de uma investigação centrada no Morro do Sumaré. Localizado no Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, tem sua realidade inserida em uma relação conflituosa entre a administração do Parque e as empresas de telecomunicação que ali operam cerca de 18 torres de transmissão. Historicamente, o Sumaré é marcado por dois movimentos: primeiro de ocupação, iniciado nos anos 1950, e segundo de remoção, um “ordenamento” implementado desde 1981 com o objetivo de preservar a floresta. Tendo como pano de fundo aspectos correlacionados à obsolescência de infraestruturas decorrentes do avanço tecnológico, ao mesmo tempo que mobilizando especificamente a ideia de paisagem como agente cultural, o trabalho procura discutir estratégias de ocupação no âmbito do projeto. A apropriação de infraestruturas obsoletas é estabelecida como contraposição ao padrão de apagamento da memória urbana, decorrente de uma atitude preservacionista em relação à paisagem, que, em diversas situações, denota certo anacronismo frente à realidade das cidades contemporâneas. Palavras-chave: Paisagem; Infraestrutura; Ruína; Memória Urbana; Sumaré. Abstract The purpose of this article is to discuss the relationship between infrastructure and ruin based on an investigation centered at Morro do Sumaré. Located in the Tijuca National Park, Rio de Janeiro, the site is characterized by a conflicting relationship between the park administration and the telecommunications companies that operate around 18 transmission towers there. Historically, Sumaré is marked by two movements: first, of occupation, beginning in the 1950s, and second, of removal, an “ordering” that has been implemented since 1981 to preserve the forest. The research sought to understand aspects related to the obsolescence of infrastructure resulting from technological advances, applying the concept of landscape as a cultural agent. Moreover, the work seeks to discuss occupation strategies in terms of design based on the concept of appropriation of obsolete infrastructures. It is an opposition to a pattern of erasure of urban memory resulting from a preservationist attitude that in several situations involves a certain anachronism in the face of the reality of contemporary cities. Keywords: Landscape; Infrastructure; Ruin; Urban Memory; Sumaré.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002087282110416
Evaristo Barrera-Algarín ◽  
José Luís Sarasola-Sánchez-Serrano ◽  
Alberto Sarasola-Fernández

Significant technological advances have taken place in recent years, especially in ICT, which are rapidly transforming the different professions, including social work. We want to verify the degree of technological acceptance of social workers at the international level and how the relationship between professional practice and the use of new technological possibilities is established. For this purpose we applied a specialized questionnaire and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) scale, to 1144 social workers from 13 countries. A high degree of technological acceptance is detected; a clear identification between professional practice, the use of technological advances, and their connection with NASW standards.

Hugo Cataud Pacheco Pereira ◽  
Fernanda Antoniollo Hammes de Carvalho ◽  
Daniela Marti Barros

Resumo: Os recursos tecnológicos são ferramentas que auxiliam docentes e o uso racional desses enriquece a aula, auxiliando os alunos no processo de aprendizagem. Essa perspectiva reflete no ensino médico, o qual necessita se adaptar as novas demandas da educação. Nessa linha de pensamento, no presente artigo, apresentamos a educação médica em cenários pedagógicos distintos em que o uso de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) auxilia professores no processo de ensino/aprendizagem, interferindo positivamente na  relação entre  aluno, professor e conteúdos. Destacamos ainda, o fato de que o uso das TICs é uma alternativa interessante diante da necessidade de humanizar o ensino médico. Palavras-chave: Ensino Médico. Recursos Tecnológicos. Desumanização. DO TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES DEHUMANIZE MEDICAL TEACHING? Abstract: The technological resources are tools that help teachers and the rational use of these enriches the classroom, helping students in the learning process. This perspective reflects on medical education, which needs to adapt to the new demands of education. In this line of thought, in this article we present the medical education in different pedagogical scenarios in which the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) assists teachers in the process of teaching, interfering positively in the relationship between  student, professor and subjects. We highlight the fact that the use of ICTs is an interesting alternative in the face of the need to humanize the medical teaching. Key words: Medical Teaching. Technological Resources. Dehumanization.

Laura Gouvea ◽  
Claudia Mont’Alvao

This paper presents the current scenario in which the relationship between Cariocas and free public leisure spaces of the city of Rio de Janeiro is found: a supposed reduction in the population’s interest in public spaces, encouraged by the technological advances of the last decades, suffers a fulminating blow with the emergence of the new coronavirus and the adoption of social isolation as a protective measure. Social (and political) activities become exclusively virtual, while the streets turn out empty. The individualizing process that was already sneakily manifesting itself is now imposing itself. Does the impossibility of being physically in the city’s spaces cause an increase in the desire to experience these places? Trying to understand the momentary situation better, we applied a questionnaire as a method of collecting information. This questionnaire was designed, tested and applied, and its results are presented in detail to point out possible intercessions between society, the city and the practice of social distancing. The objective of the present work, to understand the relationship between Cariocas and the city’s PLSLs, led us not only to confirm that this relationship exists, but also to the understanding that it is so necessary for the quality of life of society that it ‘survives’ in the face of the numerous problems pointed out.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-332
Kate Zebiri

This article aims to explore the Shaykh-mur?d (disciple) or teacher-pupil relationship as portrayed in Western Sufi life writing in recent decades, observing elements of continuity and discontinuity with classical Sufism. Additionally, it traces the influence on the texts of certain developments in religiosity in contemporary Western societies, especially New Age understandings of religious authority. Studying these works will provide an insight into the diversity of expressions of contemporary Sufism, while shedding light on a phenomenon which seems to fly in the face of contemporary social and religious trends which deemphasize external authority and promote the authority of the self or individual autonomy.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Timothy Beal

This article reads between two recent explorations of the relationship between religion, chaos, and the monstrous: Catherine Keller’s Face of the Deep and Author's Religion and Its Monsters. Both are oriented toward the edge of chaos and order; both see the primordial and chaotic as generative; both pursue monstrous mythological figures as divine personifications of primordial chaos; both find a deep theological ambivalences in Christian and Jewish tradition with regard to the monstrous, chaotic divine; both are critical of theological and cultural tendencies to demonize chaos and the monstrous; and finally, both read the divine speech from the whirlwind in the book of Job as a revelation of divine chaos. But whereas one sees it as a call for laughter, a chaotic life-affirming laughter with Leviathan in the face of the deep, the other sees it as an incarnation of theological horror, leaving Job and the reader overwhelmed and out-monstered by God. Must it be one way or the other? Can laughter and horror coincide in the face of the deep?

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (45) ◽  
pp. 118-122
Victor Paes Dias Gonçalves ◽  
Hugo Leonardo Matias Nahmias ◽  
Marcus Menezes Alves Azevedo

Among contact sports, the practice of martial arts offers a greater risk of causing dental trauma and fractures as contact with the face is more frequent. The primary objective of the research is to evaluate the incidence of mouthguard use, and the secondary objective is to verify which type has a greater predominance and the difficulties in its use correlating to the type of mouthguard used. A documentary study was carried out with 273 athletes of different contact sports, among them: MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwondo of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was concluded that the most commonly used mouthguard is PB Boils and Bites - Type II and its level of approval is poor, interfering with the athletes’ performance, mainly in relation to the breathing factor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-155
Marta Maria Aragão Maciel

Resumo: O presente texto objetiva uma abordagem, no interior do pensamento de Ernst Bloch (1885/1977), acerca da relação entre marxismo e utopia: um vínculo incomum no interior do marxismo, comumente tido numa oposição inconciliável. Daí a apropriação do termo “herético” em referência ao marxismo do autor alemão: a expressão é usada não em sentido pejorativo, mas apenas para situar seu distanciamento do marxismo vulgar, bem como sua intenção de crítica radical dessa tradição. Aqui entendemos que é, em particular, por meio da relação entre marxismo e utopia que o pensamento de Ernst Bloch aparece como um projeto inelutavelmente político com vistas a uma filosofia da práxis concreta na principal obra do autor: O Princípio esperança (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. Neste livro encontramos, com efeito, a tentativa de pensar a atualidade do marxismo para o contexto do século XX, a era das catástrofes, conforme definição do historiador Eric Hobsbawm. Palavras-chave: Marxismo. Utopia. Dialética. Crítica social. Cultura.  Abstract: This paper presents an approach within the thinking of Ernst Bloch (1885/1977) about the relation between Marxism and Utopia: an unusual link within Marxism, commonly held in an irreconcilable opposition. Hence the appropriation of the term "heretical" in reference to the German author's Marxism: the expression is used not in a pejorative sense, but only to situate its distancing from vulgar Marxism, as well as its intention of a radical critique of this tradition. Here we understand that it is particularly through the relationship between Marxism and Utopia that Ernst Bloch's thought appears as an ineluctably political project with a view to a philosophy of concrete praxis in the principal work of the author: The Principle Hope (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. In this book we find, in effect, the attempt to think the actuality of Marxism in the context of the age of catastrophe - as defined by Eric Hobsbawm - that is, the long twentieth century that experienced the extreme barbarism of the concentration camp, of which the thinker in question, Jewish and Communist, managed to escape.  Keywords: Marxism. Utopia. Dialectics. Social criticismo. Culture. REFERÊNCIAS   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. O enigma da Esperança: Ernst Bloch e as margens da história do espírito. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1995.   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. Ética e utopia: ensaio sobre Ernst Bloch. 2ª edição. Porto Alegre: Movimento; Santa Cruz do Sul: EdUSC, 2006.  BICCA, Luiz. Marxismo e liberdade. São Paulo: Loyola, 1987.  BLOCH, Ernst. Filosofia del Rinascimento. Trad. it. de Gabriella Bonacchi e Katia Tannenbaum. Bologna: il Mulino, 1981.     BLOCH, Ernst. Héritage de ce temps. Trad. Jean Lacoste. Paris: Payot, 1978.  BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. I.  Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2005.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. II. Trad. br. Werner Fuchs. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. III. Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.  BLOCH, Ernst. Du rêve à l’utopie: Entretiens philosophiques. Textos escolhidos e prefaciados por Arno Münster. Paris: Hermann, 2016.  BLOCH, Ernst. Thomas Münzer, Teólogo da Revolução [1963]. Trad. br. Vamireh Chacon e Celeste Aída Galeão. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1973.  BLOCH, Ernst. L’esprit de l’utopie, [1918-1023]. Trad. fr. de Anne Marie Lang e Catherine Tiron-Audard. Paris: Gallimard, 1977.  BLOCH, Ernst. El pensamiento de Hegel. Trad. esp. de Wenceslao Roces. Mexico; Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1963.   BOURETZ, Pierre. Testemunhas do futuro: filosofia e messianismo. Trad. J. Guinsburg. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2011, p. 690.  FREUD, Sigmund. Los sueños [1900-1901]. Trad. Luis Lopez-Ballesteros et al., Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1981.  FREUD, Sigmund. A Interpretação dos sonhos. Vol. I. Trad. Jayme Salomão. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 2006.  HORKHEIMER, Max. Filosofia e teoria crítica. In: Textos escolhidos. Trad. de José Lino Grünnewald. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1980, p. 155 (Coleção Os Pensadores.). MÜNSTER, Arno. Ernst Bloch: filosofia da práxis e utopia concreta. São Paulo: UNESP, 1993.     MÜNSTER, Arno. Utopia, Messianismo e Apocalipse nas primeiras de Ernst Bloch. Trad. br. de Flávio Beno Siebeneichler. São Paulo: UNESP, 1997.  PIRON-AUDARD, Catherine. Anthropologie marxiste et psychanalyse selon Ernst Bloch. In: RAULET, Gérard (org.). Utopie-marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un système de l'inconstructible. Payot: Paris, 1976. VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Princípio esperança e a “herança intacta do marxismo” em Ernst Bloch. In: Anais do 5° Coloquio Internacional Marx-Engels. Campinas: CEMARX/Unicamp. Disponível em: < / cemarx_v_coloquio_arquivos_arquivos /comunicacoes/gt1/sessao6/Antonio_Rufi no.pdf>.  VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Marxismo e libertação: estudos sobre Ernst Bloch e Enrique Dussel. São Leopoldo: Nova Harmonia, 2010.  RAULET, Gérard (Organizador). Utopie - marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un sistème de l’inconstructible. Paris: Payot, 1976.  ZECCHI, Stefano. Ernest Bloch: Utopia y Esperanza en el Comunismo [1974]. Trad. esp. de Enric Pérez Nadal, Barcellona: Península, 1978.  

2010 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-73
Helena Ruotsala

Nature and environment are important for the people earning their living from natural sources of livelihood. This article concentrates on the local perspective of the landscape in the Pallastunturi Fells, which are situated in Pallas-Ylläs National Park in Finnish Lapland. The Fells are both important pastures for reindeer and an old tourism area. The Pallastunturi Tourist Hotel is situated inside the national park because the hotel was built before the park was established 1938. Until the 1960s, the relationship between tourism and reindeer herding had been harmonious because the tourism activities did not disturb the reindeer herding, but offered instead ways to earn money by transporting the tourists from the main road to the hotel, which had been previously without any road connections. During recent years, tourism has been developed as the main source of livelihood in Lapland and huge investments have been made in several parts of Lapland. One example of this type of investment is the plan to replace the old Pallas Tourist hotel, which was built in 1948, with a newer and bigger one. It means that the state will allow a private enterprise to build more infrastructures for tourism inside a national park where nature should be protected and this has sparked a heated debate. Those who oppose the project criticise this proposal as the amendment of a law designed to promote the economic interests of one private tourism enterprise. The project's supporters claim that the needs of the tourism industry and nature protection can both be promoted and that it is important to develop a tourist centre which is already situated within the national park. This article is an attempt to try to shed light on why the local people are so loudly resisting the plans by a private tourism enterprise to touch the national park. It is based on my fieldwork among reindeer herding families in the area.

Terence Young ◽  
Alan MacEachern ◽  
Lary Dilsaver

This essay explores the evolving international relationship of the two national park agencies that in 1968 began to offer joint training classes for protected-area managers from around the world. Within the British settler societies that dominated nineteenth century park-making, the United States’ National Park Service (NPS) and Canada’s National Parks Branch were the most closely linked and most frequently cooperative. Contrary to campfire myths and nationalist narratives, however, the relationship was not a one-way flow of information and motivation from the US to Canada. Indeed, the latter boasted a park bureaucracy before the NPS was established. The relationship of the two nations’ park leaders in the half century leading up to 1968 demonstrates the complexity of defining the influences on park management and its diffusion from one country to another.

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